Marion Stinson 76, Hon. Jean Wright, 72, Eva Graham 68 ' Leslie Beacock 64. Anson Taylor 61 Lulu Wright 48. Sr. III--Ray Graham 70 Orval Stinson 66 Jr. 111--Mabel VanCamp 74 Lorna Trewin 61 Elmer Archer 46 Frank Wright 43 Vincent Archer 30 11---Ronald Trewin 64 i te a et eo ipod + -- NE ---- a - BLACKSTOCK ~The following is the public school report of Easter Examinations: IV-~Hazel Wright 80, Hon. meeting closed with the A.Y.P.A. gtto and "Auld Lang Syne." Mrs. Robt. Mahood spent Sunday with her daughter Mrs. C. Smith. We are glad to see Mr, Osmond Wright out again after being indis- posed for several days. Among the Easter visitors were: Misses Florence McLaughlin, Ruth Marlow, Phema Hooey, Vera Forder, of Toronto, Miss Hazel Mountjoy of New Park, Miss Laura Bailey, Grand Valley, Miss Susie VanCamp, of Long Saulte, Miss Marjorie Nesbitt, and Marjorie Marlow, of Toronto, Mr. P, Hamilton, of Chemimis, all at their "| respective homes. Rev. and Mrs. Milton Sanderson and son, and Mr. Oakely Corley, "of To- ronto, at Mr. and Mrs, S. Swain's. Frank Woodard 59 Mildred Archer 41 I1--Roger Dorrell 77, Hon. Harold Crawford 75, Hon. Roy Werry 71 Kathleen Taylor 68 Ross Bailey 67 Sr, Pr--Johnnie Werry 73 Pearl Wright 67 Roy Stinson 66 Ralph Larmer 63. Jr. Pr--~Gwenith Marlow 71 Helen VanCamp 64 Robert Jackson 62 Earl Jackson 59 No. on Roll, 30. Kathleen E. Phoenix, Teacher. Miss Mabel Argue spent a few days last week the guest of Miss Laura Bailey. Misses Mabel and Helen VanCamp visited last week with their grand- mother Mrs. M. Smith, Miss Ann Griffith, of Toronto, visit- ed recently with Miss Mabel Van- Camp. Miss Marion Argue has returned home after visiting her grandmother Mrs. M. Spinks. : A number from here attended the euchre party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parr, Cadmus, on Wednesday evening last week. A de- lightful time was spent and a dainty luncheon served. Those winning the prizes were Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Mr. C. Devitt, while the roaming prize starting with Mrs. T. Smith and go- ing the rounds of nearly all the tables was finally captured by Mrs. R. Brown. Mr. Jack Smith motored to Owen Sound for the week end. Miss Gladys Dodsley spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Dodsley, of Scugog. Mr. John Rahm and Mr. R. Mitchell have purchased a new International Truck from the local dealer Smith Bros. Misses E. Kemp, L. Dempsey and Kathleen Phoenix of the teaching staff have resumed their duties after spending the Easter vacation at their respective homes. The April meeting of the Anglican Young People's Association of St. John's Church, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parr, on Tues- day evening April 22nd with an at- tendance of 32. The meeting opened with hymn, Bible reading by Mrs. T Miss Dorothy Walby, of Oakville, with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wall. Miss Margaret Prout spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Venning. Mr. Lawrence Mountjoy, of Toronto, visited recently at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. E, Mountjoy. Our Township Hall was filled to overflowing on Friday night last to hear "Uncle Tom's Cabin" which was staged by a 'company troup. It is a number of years since Uncle Tom and Eva were in our village before and children and adults turned out in large numbers to welcome them back. We are glad to know that Mrs. Jos. Archer who met with an accident some time ago is improving. Mrs. Herman Samells, of Nestleton, has been visiting her sister Mrs. John Hooey. visited at the home of Smith Bros. on Wednesday of last week. Mr. W. Pearce and Miss Clara Crawford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce, Scugog. Mr. John Rahm, Mr. W. Venning, and Miss Lillian Venning, visited with friends in Toronto on Sunday. Keep in mind the play entitled "Rebecea's Triumph""to be put on in the township hall, on Friday evening, May 9th, under the auspices of the Young Girls' Class, of the United Church Sunday School. Those taking part are: Mrs. W. Archer, Mrs. H. Ginn, Mrs. C. Venning, Mrs, W. Mar- low, Misses Frances Mountjoy, Olive VanCamp, Dorothy Stevens, Esther Strong, Gretié Henry, Frances Elford, Leona Weatherilt, Susie VanCamp. Admission 25c. Misses Margaret Swain and Olive VanCamp have returned home after spending a week in Toronto, the guests of Rev. and Mrs. Milton Sand- erson. Master Tommy and Harold DeMill spent their Easter Holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm. The annual meeting of the Victorian Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Stanford Swain on the afternon of Wednesday, May Tth. The meeting will be in charge of group 12 consisting of Mrs. S. Swain, (convenor) Mrs. Wallace Marlow, Mrs. Robt. Crawford, Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, Miss Lila Hooey and Miss Margaret Swain. Smith, and prayer led by the presi- and in charge of Mrs. A. Bailey and Mrs. H. McLaughlin. It consisted of a splendid paper on "Japan" by Miss Florence McLaughlin, a reading "The World Garden" by Mrs. A. Bailey, and ;. a contest won by Mrs. F. Hamilton and Bobbie Smith. Lunch was served and after a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Parr for their hospitality, the TOURIST FARES -- Jo JASPER NATIONAL PARK and ALASKA ~ dent. The program was missionary | Low cont ip to the Pacific Coast What a chance to see our Canadal » The" great National ------000-- ; SCUGOG Services in the churches at the regular hours next Sunday, except at the Centre, which service will be in the morning at 10.30. Sunday School at usual. Quite a few people were out looking at the Eclipse on the Sun, on Monday. rairies.. Mount is Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Proutt, Caesarea, Ay It was quite visible with the assist- ance of a smoked glass, oa and Mrs. W. Wanamaker has returned to her home after spending the winter with relatives. again. We welcome her back There was an aluminum wear de- monstration held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham, on Monday even- ing--ceoking Without water. Mrs. Bruce, of Port Perry, is visit- ing her daughter Mrs. Alymer Plough- man for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. G. Samells and Mr. W. Samells were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader, on Sunday. Mr. P. Williams is visiting with relatives and friends in Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. J. Young, of Cresswell, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Savage. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gerrow and family of Port Perry, visited with her parents 'Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Collins, on Sunday. Mrs: O. Jeffrey and son Clem, of Enniskillen, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark, and his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, Jeffrey, a few days last week. Miss Myrtle Sweetman is spending a few weeks with her cousin Mrs, A, Martyn. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ploughman and daughters of Port Perry, Miss Myrtle Ploughman and friend, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alymer FPloughman, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope and son Leonard, were guests of her sister Mrs. C. Hardy, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dowson and family of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sweetman, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson, on Sunday. Master Donald Clark and sister Jean, of Toronto, are visiting their uncles Messrs. Elmer and Fred Clark. Mrs. Beacock motored to Toronto recently. Miss Gladys Dodsley, of Burketon, Mark, over the week end. = months. Crozier, on Sunday. Mr, Donald Falconer visited Mr. Roy Hope, on Sunday. to get one of his fingers in the grinder and mutilated it quite badly. We hope it is soon better. Mr. Chas. Primer, of Barrie, has been calling on a number of his Scu- gog friends. Mr. and Mrs, C. Samells and child- ren Edna and George, and Dorothy Graham, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson, at Port Pery, on Sunday. Mr. Robert Brown is busy shearing sheep around here now. Mr. and Mrs. O. Gerrow, of Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Prentice, on Sunday. Mr. Leonard Clark and sister Alice visited their parents in Mariposa a few days last week. Mr. C. Fralick and son Maurice motored to Toronto last week. Mr. Shortridge and Miss Hilda Wallace, were guests of her sister Mrs. Beacock, on Sunday. Mr. W. Pearce and Miss Crawford, of Cartwright, visited his parents on Sunday. Mrs. J. Jackson and Mrs. G. Jack- son, of Cartwright, visited Mrs. Robt. Jackson, on Monday. Mrs. R. Burnham visited in Oshawa last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham and his father Mr, T..Graham, motored to Sonya, on Sunday and visited Mrs. Ww. Heron. ' Miss Edna Samells, spent Easter week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson, at Port Perry. Miss Ellen Ploughman, Port Perry, spent the Easter week with her uncle Mr. Aylmer Ploughman. Miss Luella visited her parents and Miss Grace Mr. Howard Lee has hired with Mr. Elmer Sweetman for a number of Mr, Milton Demera visited Mr. Don, The farmers are wearing a smile now thaf the weather is more spring- like, and they can get on the land. Mr. David Hope had the misfortune Mr. and Mrs. S. Ploughman, of Port i Perry, visited her brother Mr. Chas. | Samells, on Tuesday. Pn Ploughman the | Easter week with her SIE G splendi layed visited Ashburn friends on Saturday. Mrs. Gustus Hahn, of Toronto, has been visiting her daughter 'Mrs. H. Hooke. ~ Ait A Share for You: Do you know anyone suffering be- cause of sin or misery, or discourage- ment, poverty-or despair? There are many such. What could you do for them? There are men who are down --deeply down--and women who have berred. What kind of help could you. offer? With the best heart in the world you see immediately how dif- ficult it would be if you were called upon to take a hand in ameliorating the lot of the social sufferer. Close at hand, in the hour and local- ity of need, you will find The Salva- tion Army at work. The Salvation Army is a great force, animated by the Spirit of Mercy, trained to the purpose suggested by the foregoing, solicits your interest in the work which has taken in hand. In any case it should be known to you that you can help this work during the Self-Denial Week! Give yourself to the joy of contrib- uting to the communal uplift by tak- ing advantage of this opportunity to speed the exercise of body-and-soul- saving ministry which goes on un- ceasingly, under the Flag of The Sal- vation Army, Give your subscription to the Salvationist who will call on you shortly. Capt. Clark. Prince "Albert Mrs. Wauchope and children, of To- ronto, who 'spent the Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs. T. Turner, has re- turned to the city. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Warren, wi spent the winter months with friends in Midland, have returned home. Miss Gertrude Martyn is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. Angus Kirby, is we are sorry to report ill, in Port Perry hospital. Mr. F. H. Webb, of Uxbrige, was "| the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Ben Smith, last week. Mrs. Porteous has returned to her own home after spending some two months with her daughter Mrs. Ed. Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. Esch and children and Miss Young of Toronto, were at their summer home here during the Easter holidays. Mrs. W. Wanamaker is entertaining a number of her Prince Albert friends at her home in Oshawa on Friday evening. The Women's Association meets | this week at Mrsi Shunk's and choir practice is to be held Thursday even- ing at the home of Miss Jessie Hunter. of Mrs. Ee has returned to her school as teacher. of days with Me. and Mrs. Comper at & | Whithy. Easter holidays with relatives' in To- ronto, has returned. - have been reported in our community. 'Miss Helen Crosier visi Miss Dorothy Roper who her | A number of cases of chickenpdr ] Servus Tomatoes: : large Sans, for We hope the patients are soon well. of his daughter Mrs. Sceman, in Wind: fand employed as farm helper to Mr. Mr. John Boys returned last Thurs- day after a lengthy visit at the home | BOT. Mr. Booth recently from England, "MAKE VARMAL DR OVC. [CLARK'S CATSUP--""You will Like It" GREEN GAGE PLUM JAM vu unsunndusues ans lrge sine Sle." we per bottle 19¢. Grant Christie, is suffering from an attack of pneumonia and is under the care of a doctor and nurse. Born to Mr. and Mrs; Roswell Dob- "Some Groff"s Cora Garnation Milk omething New 19% Tall Tins, 2 for Te son, of Oshawa, on "April 21st, 1930, a daughter. Miss Dorothy Prentice, of Uxbridge, and Miss Ruby Prentice, of Sonya, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pren- STAR AMMONIA... % padkeges Tor ah GOLD REEF SHOE PINBARTLR | es Ere oT tin 280 HALLS CANNED CHICKEN ............;......% 1b tin 46e tice, during the Easter holidays." Mrs. E. Beare spent one day last weck with friends in Greenbank. Mr. and Mrs. F. Porter and Miss M. Johnson, were in Cobourg on Wed- Red & White Tea per package Calay Soap 3 for 37c 25¢ nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Prentice spent Sunday with friends in Epsom. BLUEBERRIES, choice Quality .................per CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S HERRINGS, Tomato Sauce . .. .23¢. KELLOGGS PEP ...................4.......2 pkgs. for 25c. tin 2a¢." The Creamery 1S PAYING 3bc., 34c., dnd 3le. for Butter Fat. You can save labor and make more money by send- Delmonte Peach- es, No. 2 can Pure Rasberr 23c Gam, 40 sl 33c ing your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors PORT PERRY HOSPITAL Surgical Maternity Medical MISS M. FISHER, Reg. Nurse in charge i Fa CW. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 pam. KRAFT SALAD DRESSING or trea GOLD MEDAL ASSORTED RED & WHITE COFFEE ,............. F. W. Brock & Son ...28¢. veveiao.8 pkgs for 25¢c. Viieida Yh Db tin 27 Port Perry PUDDINGS Phone 43 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" " Continuing a Short Time TO FINISH.OUR MANY ORDERS Still Some Wonderful Bargains in Suits a Office over McKee's Shoe Store. REAL ESTATE No sale no charge. Buyers waiting. Sent full particulars in first letter To Disney Real Estate, Oshawa. Mrs. Craig, of Pal ton, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Foley, and returned home on Monday taking her mother Mrs. Foley with her. Mrs. H. Murphy attended the Ww. M. S. meeting held 'at the home of Mrs. Spencer, in Manchester, last Fri- day. Week end visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and daughter of De- troit, with Mrs, Bickle, Mrs. Stevens, of Whitby, with 'the Misses Tewkes- bury; Mrs. Roach," of Manchester, with Mrs. J. Warren; and Mrs. W. Wanamaker, with Messrs. H. and S. Hope. While Mr. and Mrs. Anson Robert- son, of the fourth concession Port Perry attending market some two weeks ago; their house took fire and when neighbors broke in the door, The origin of the fire is unknown. Our sympathy goes out to these young people who. returned 'home to find their house hafned he. srogd, : the interior was a mass of flames.| a omelris _ EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of . The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service _ Your Eyes and Health Trees Eye Cure and Eye Strain. ~~ ' PHONE Disney Block. . OSHAWA, ONT. 1518 - 1516 Very Special Values. Reduction on Suits. Order at once. $8 to $15 momsymnem 1° W, R, WILLAN your farm, = MERCHANT TAILOR PORT PERRY Good-Equipment Earns Good Returns Obsolete or Ho out farm equip- ment levies a heavy charge on the farmer's income. © The Canadian Bank of Commerce is always ready to assist reputable farmers in the purchase of new equip- ment which will make for greater ' revenue to them. ' Ask the local manager to tell you about the service the Canadian Bank of Commerce places at: the farmer's