t re PERSONAL Mr. W. Paul, of Oshawa, was visit- ing friends in town on Tuesday. Mr. Henry Doubt, of Oshawa, and Mr. Chas. Doubt, of Bristol, England, were in town this week. Miss Annie Farmer, Toronto, spent the 'week end at her home in Port Perry. She was accompanied by her friend Miss Betty Gunn, of Toronto. the g 1 pr t was that Mr, Forbes Nasmith received the play was well staged and well standing in his first year examinations acted. at the University of Toronto. On completing his term he secured a posi- tion in laboratory at the Toronto Uni- versity. Mrs. Wesley Boynton received word no Tuesday, that her father had died at MacGregor, Manitoba. Mr. Earl Beare has moved his pool room to the Blong Block, where he has secured di and pleasi quarters. Mr. Gordon Bruce is erecting a new house on Queen Street, just east of Mr. Geo. Stone's property. Lawrence's drugstore and Widdenjs grocery have been brightened by a new coat of paint. LICENSE PLATE LOST--56890-C. Finder please return to Gerrow's Bakery, Port Perry. COMING at the "Strand Theatre, Uxbridge--The Cohens and Kellys in Atlantic City", "Noah's Ark," "Red Hot Speed". Watch for further dates in next week's paper. Rev. DeFoe Wagner, of Warrenton, N. C., is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. Wagner. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, May 18th-- 11 a.m.--Pentecost, Its Realization. 2.30 p.m. Sabbath School. 7 pm. Rev. F. W, Newell, B.A,, of Blackstock, will conduct the ser- vice * Prince Albert. 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 8 p.m. Worship Service. EX-SERVICE MEN ENJOY MEET- ING AT PORT PERRY What was probably the outstanding event since the war as far as the ex- service men are concerned, took place at Port Perry, Thursday night. Two bus and several car loads of comrades of the Toronto Bell Telephone branch paid a visit to the local branch. It was a night long to be remembered by all who were present and did much to revive that old comradeship spirit. After the opening ceremonies four new memebrs were initiated by Port Perry branch following which a de- monstration of that "something" which made the Canadian army so justly famous, was experienced. All reserve was thrown to the winds and every comrade entered into the riot of good fellowship. Round after round of applause and song singing greeted each speaker and entertainer and it was often several minutes be- fore they could commence. The chief speaker of the evening, Capt. Nash, secretary of Toronto District Com., was introduced by comrade Tucker, of Toronto, and his address on the work of that branch of the Legion was something to be proud of, touching mostly upon the pension act and also the solution to unemployment, Comrade B. D. Henry, chairman of Port Perry executive, thanked the speaker for his address and called up- on all to assist in making Canada a country to be justly proud of. A pleasing ceremony then took place when President Scott, of Port Perry, called upon the secretary, Mr. Frank Mitchell, and presented him with a fountain pen as a token of ap- preciation from the comrades for his untiring efforts on behalf of the local branch. Old war songs were rendered by comrades of the Toronto branch _and it was like old times to hear the choruses sung by all the comradest Comrade O'Leary, vice-president of Toronto branch then proposed a vote of thanks to the Port Perry branch for inviting the Bell Telephone branch down and expressed in well A Crowded House sented by the Sunday School and Enjoys the Play-- "The Dust of the Earth" This very interesting play was pre- Young People's Society of the United Church in the Town Hall, last Friday evening. The hall was crowded, and THE STRAND THE - THEATRE UXBRIDGE "The Home of Clean Entertainment" Mon., Tues., Wed., May 12-13-14. "SAILORS DON'T CARE" a hilarious comedy sensation. Re- The outstanding features were the sustained and eager interest of the audience in the plot of the play; and the naturalnes of the actors. Each person in the cast of characters fitted in admirably with the part assigned 'and the whole production went through smoothly. 'The heroine--"The Dust of the Earth"--Miss Helen Vickery--had a aifficult part to play, combining hum- or, pathos, and drama; and she re- presented these emotional scenes well, securing and maintaining the appre- ciative interest of the audience. Mrs. Moore (Mrs. Geo. Jackson), and Elizabeth (Miss Grace Cawker), had very undesirable roles to play-- the unteeling aunt and cousin of "The Dust of the Earth." These parts they took most efficiently, adding to the troubles of the heroine, and only be- ing converted from their bitterness 'when they found that circumstances were too much for them. Mr. Moore (Rev. R. T. Richards) put life into what might be looked upon as a routine part, always main- 'taining his faith in his neice, "The Dust of the Earth." His first speech told the story back of the play, and opened the way so that the audience could easily follow the play. . "Wandering Tom" (Mr. R. B. Smallman) and "Old Mose": (Tom Harris) carried through a partnership that ended most happily for the heroine. They had difficult parts-- particularly "Wandering Tom" and they acted them well. "Mr. Ryder" Beverley Smallman), and "Dr. Templeton" (Ivan Wallace) finally came to a happy ending in their individual courtships, but cer- tainly the course of true love did not ber prizes given on Wednesday night, also good comedy included. Thurs., Friday, and Sat., May 15-16-17 George Sidney and Kate Price in "THE COHENS AND KELLYS IN ATLANTIC CITY" played in Toronto at top prices. See it at our regular prices, also Chap. 9 of the Collerans., 5 prizes given on Saturday night. Bring your whole family along. Confectionery and soft drinks sold in the theatre. H. SHULMAN, Prep. bb MOTHER'S DAY FITTINGLY OBSERVED Last Sunday's services in the United Church made special reference to Mother's Day. In the morning a Mothers' Choir led the singing. In the afternoon a special service was held in the Sunday School, Mrs. W.A. Christy giving the address. The even- ing service was under the direction of the Young Men's Bible Class assisted by the orchestra. Rev. R. T. Rich- ards gave a stirring address to young men. THEIR CLOSING MEETING The Y. P. 8. of the United Church held their closing meeting on Tuesday evening, when a pleasing programme was given including piano solo by Mr. Fairweather, reading by Miss Marion Goode, and violin solo by Mr. V. P. Stouffer. Rev. Roy Rickard, of Pick- ering, took charge of the meeting, and conducted a number of camp fire stunts and games, concluding with a quiet talk setting forth the challenge and opportunity to young people. Refreshments were served, and Mrs. Wm. Real was presented with a silver comport in reeognition, of her practi- aal service to the Y. P. S. --in (nimi . 5 . i Notice to the Public of Port Perry and y . . ff District - We pay top prices for all kinds of Junk, rags and all kinds of metal, also live poultry. When you are ready to sell your stuff call D. Collis at Phone 218 Port Perry, and we will call and see you. \ mn (J Pees. BUILDERS' ATTENTION Presbyterian Church at Blackstock for sale. Contains 75,000 brick, more or less, as well as a large quantity ofy the finest pine lumber; also sheds at back. Same situated on lot contain- ing about % of an acre of land. Can be bought as a whole or in part. Those interested kindly communicate with Dr. R. J. M. Montgomery, 53 Melgund Rd., Toronto. M16 eee 0 Orr FOR SALE Mammoth Pekin Ducklings, day-old. From good laying strain. Price $25. per hundred. Apply Edna G. Jackson, Phone 189 r 81. may 22. A DOG TAX NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all owners or harborers of dogs that they must purchase a dog tag at once, other- wise the by-law will be enforced. E. H. PURDY, Clerk. nl) Ord Window Awnings, Verandah Curtains, Canopies, Tents, Flags. T. TAYLOR 475 YONGE ST, TORONTO Local Agent--G. A. HALL, Phone 96. etree (On HOCKEY CLUB "AT HOME" , | a second time. run smooth, All's well that ends well. Now remain that oddly assorted couple "Jerry" (Eric Nasmith) and "Arabella" (Miss Marian Farmer). The first was full of fun; and the latter was bubbling over with "news". These folk kept things lively at op- 'portune and inopportune times, and filled out the story like sweetmeats and cayenne pepper may complete a banquet, putting spice into the play. Two matters should be mentioned that helped to make the play a suc- cess. The first was the courtesy of the Greenbank people in lending the excellent scenery which so suitably graced the stage. The scenery for the first act was particularly ecective. The sécond matter was the practical help of the two ladies--Miss Grace Davis and Miss E. Harris--who direct ed the staging of the play. They will feel well repaid for their effort in the success which was achieved. Much of the pleasure of the even- ing's entertainment was contributed by the Sunday School Orchestra, which played some delightful selec- tions between acts. This play, by many requests, is to be given again on Wednesday evening May 21st. Watch for bills. Tell your friends. Be on hand. Many have said they will go to see the play ee QO NOTICE Messrs. A. W. S. Greer and R. D. Humphreys, Barristers-at-Law, now carrying on business in Oshawa, un- der the firm name of Greer & Hum- phreys, with offices located at 24% Simcoe Street North, desire to an- nounce the opening of a branch office in the McCaw Block, Queen St., Port Perry, for the conduct of general practice of Law, on and after May 15, 1930. One of the members of the firm will be in attend on Tv , Thurs- words the value of such visits and con- cluded by handing to the secretary of the Port Perry branch a cheque for $25, a donation to the building fund. Comrade Dr. Mathers replied in very suitable terms expressing thanks for ~~ the donation and for the wonderful days and Saturdays from 9 am. to 6 pm. FEMALE HELP WANTED IN A Toronto firm Shon, to] _ PORT PERRY | FOUND SPARE WHEEL AND| holding their annual Dance and TIRE, of New Ford Car. Apply to| Euchre on Friday evening, May 30th, Star Office. '| at 8.830 p.m. The music will be sup- UU plied 'by "Geo. Wade and his Corn CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, May 18th-- 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Morning service. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. Friday--Week-night service at 7.45. I . at il 3 G fire-safe Port Keep F IRE GYPROC |§ IRE seldom visits houses having ilings, partitions, walls and sheathing. On the contrary yproc has saved many homes. This pioneer Canadian new Ivory coloured finish this year that makes decora- tion unnecessary dled). It is just use for making extra rooms in the cellar or attic. Quickly erected, inex- ive, structurally strong, Gyproc Wallboard manent fire protection. Your dealer's name is The Port Perry Hockey Club intend Huskers" who broadcast over C.F.R.B. Toronto. This Canada's first, best and original old time orchestra. Old time and modern dancing. Please keep this date ope nas the music ete, will be the best obtainable. ) ) | Bay with roc Wallboard | board has a (when pan- the thing to gives per- |SERVICE = We are Offering Splendid Values for ove Lin will quote prices on just a few of the many Bar on lines we are clearing out. 708. doént Mow Silk and Sill dnd Wool Women's Patent Sk Hose, regular 75¢ Ve sivs weve + Special 49e Men's Harvest Boots, Panko soles, 3 Regular $3.50 for ................52.69 Men's Black Elk Boots, regular $5 for $3.99 Boys' Brown Oxfords, reg. $3.95 for $2.95 Kid Oxfords, Men's Dress Boys' Clothing, close prices. beautiful patterns. See these goods and be convinced of their values. Above ap, Kid rs and 1 reg. $8.95 to $4.95 for $1. Men's 'and Boys' Caps in | All marked down at JAS. McKEE & SON, - PORT PERRY CHAUTAUQUA OPENS IN PORT PERRY JULY 23rd. Chautauqua comes to Port Perry again this year--July 23-24-26-26-28. From Australia comes TOM SKEY- HILL( whom the New York Herald calls "the greatest living orator," to give his famous lecture "With Mus- solini and the Blackshirts." From Hungary come the GARAY SISTERS, amazing young artists on the violin and violincello, known as one 'of the finest concert trios. From South Africa comes OWEN O'NEIL, whose picturesque career among the savage tribes of Swaziland is as exciting and romantic as a tale from Arabian Nights. From Hawaii comes AL- BERT VIERRA AND HIS HA- WAIIANS to enchant us with the beautiful and glamorous music of that little Paradise of the Pacific. Then there are two outstanding Broadway plays, presented by the Martin Erwin Players of Canada. ee ee ee ------ Port Perry Dominion Store BARGAINS FOR THE END OF THIS WEEK MEN'S BEAUTIFUL SUITS, Blue Serge ........Special $14.95 MEN'S FINE STRAW: HATS, reg. $3.76 ..............for $2.95 MEN'S HARD STRAW HATS, ..........v0....... Special MEN'S FINE DRESS SHIRTS ...........c.0 MEN'S BEAUTIFUL TIES ..........0000.000.0. 5pecial MEN'S FINE CHECKE DSOCK MEN'S B.V.D. UNDERWEAR ......... 75c. . .Special $1.39 49c. + eens eas essa Special 36c. LADIES' WEAR CREPE DE CHENE DRESSES ........c.... PRINTED SILK DRESSES ...... SILK STOCKINGS .. SILK'UNDERWEAR at below We have received our shipment of fine dress nice patterns at remarkable low prices. cost prices ....Special $8.95 Fie GREET Ladies Shoes $2.98 lengths. ~ Very We have a full line of Men's, Women's and Children's Running : Shoes, at remarkably low prices. prices are right. Our goods are bright and the ALIX. GILBOORD,' Proprietor ORTHOGON We are the authorized dispensers of Orthogon Lenses. You get clear vision to the edge of your glasses. Call or Phone for ppoint t for an F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. and. W. E. LUKE, R. O. 163-167 Yonge Street Toronto Elgin 4820 Opposite Simpson's : y trips to and from Toronto. Prompt service. All loads insured, F. Crosier & PHONE 221 ~ Son. ForWashing -... and Dry Cleaning ABLACK BUSINESS A full supply on hand of all sizes o» LIME AND CEMENT HARD COAL COKE WOOD | CANNEL COAL STEAM COAL The Port Perry Coal Yard W.G. W. Pyatt SE Oshawalaundry DryCleaning Co.Ltd Phones: Offiles 84 Residence 333 gd