~ 'Larnin and Jackie Felds, Al Singer 'bring together Jimmy Mc: Rheumatism 1s a disorder of the blood. Wet, cold weather may aggra- vate it but that is not the cause. Bad | ti blood charged with uric acid fis the reason. Re-build the blood and rheu-| matism will disappear. Dr, Williams' Mandell or Singer against ' that the German will not last as long - their guests eat 7,000,000 eggs a day. amusement! dn New York City. ) e the eavywelghts attract chmeling and Sharkey would the big fight of the year. By was expected that this battle be held on June 26 in the Yan- £ -- a and unless the plans are "changed the German heavywelght will battle Sharkey for the championship of the world in the Polo Grounds this summer, Of all the stars who will appear in focal rings this summer, Max Schmel- | ing is the unknown quantity. His defeat of Paulino Uzcudun stamped him as one of the best heavyweights in the class, and because he is sup- posed to have improved in his fight- ing he must be considered the big der for the ch hip McLarnin Best Welterweight McLarnin was regarded-as the best of all the welterweights until he ran into the clever Negro from Chicago Max Schmeling, made a DH with the frauleins in his German fighter, movie debut, recently, He is now training in preparation for his anticl- pated meet with Jack Sharkey. and then even though he sustained a broken hand thefe was some doubt whether he was the best in his class. Everybody knows that Jimmy broke his right hand in the first round of his fight with Thompson but they also know that McLarnin was having his |and staunch, quality con hands full on the defensive so that a draw decision would have been a most popular one. Tony Canzoneri was one of Al Sing: er's rivals, but he never was able to defeat Singer.,These two are natural rivals an da meeting between them no doubt wonld draw a capacity crowd into any club in which it might be held. Jackie Felds, known to be one of the cleverist "of all the welterweights ds the champion in that class but there are those who believe that Me- Larnin will defeat him if ever they meet. ? Schmeling Dangerous In the heavyweight class Schmeling appears to be, the most dangerous of the contenders. According to Billy McCarney, the German is the next heavyweight champion or the world, Max, Billy says, is in tiptop condition and will show a better exhibition of boxing than he has shown heretofore. According to McCarney, Schmeling will score a knockout if he ever meets Sharkey, but the Gob's friends declare against Jack as did Tommy Loughran, Summing it up, the outdoor season in boxing promises to be the best ever held here. At least three champion- ships are scheduled already, McLarn- in and Felds appearing in one, Schmel- ing and Sharkey in the other, and Bat- talino and Chocolate in the third. Tal RA : In New. York City, a child is born every four minutes. Nine million per sons geramble daily for subway seats. Fourteen persons are married every hour. On the average for a year, 23 new buildings are put up every day and six torn down. New Yorkers and And how the human family loves There are 800 thestres 'A treasure shes full of gold and "coins of the Eighteenth Cen: ort therefore the fisht | Pink Pills enrich and purity the blood and that makes good health. 1% Flomlig | Ee -- motor power. We had on board pro- visions for two years for two men, as well as the lumber for a small house, with the necessary furniture and tuel. After an adventurous journey, we reached Baffin Land on August 27. Apart from scattered ice on the sea and some magnificent icebergs, there ym when amc skin, On such trips we hid to live largely on 1a produce of the country. Sometimes fc several weeks on end far, diet was stewed seal mea:, hard iecuit and tea d with either sugar or molasses. At other times it was walrus meat, and again, the mountains, it was caribou meat; but.whatever the flesh might be it was always eaten either stewed or raw, for in these early days we were entirely dependent upon the native blubber lamp for heat as well as for light. It was interesting to be the first white man who had ever reached many of these places, and as a paying Mrs. John C. McPherson, St. Mary's, was not a speck of snow or ice to be guest of the Eskimos in their igloos I seen. The land was bleak and Besom was able to appreciate their qualities. ate and yet there was a pathetic | They lived the simple, primitive, com: Ont., writes: was. a victim --"For sixteen years 1! of rheumatism, For failed. I was utterly discouraged till in a few weeks the pain lessened, my appetite.and color improved, and now I am able to do light housework, It is wonderful what these pills have done for me." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do one and purify the blood. This rich blood banishes rheumatism, sciatica, neural gia and neurifis and promotes health and strength. The Pills are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. ARSENY SS Listen a Little Show me the man who has advanc- ed very far.or made much Improve- opinions while refusing to listen to the experience of others. Show me the man, A chronic borrower of cash will pay his pan-handling debts when youn hear a waiter say: The service was poor and the tip too much. es fb emin-- The most pathetic picture is to see a woman's face all furrowed up and wrinkled wéth reducing. ONSTIPATION COMPLETELY GONE" is Mn, dion Wi eo houaidy complet SE vio Nerves, quiet. Get" Fruit-a-tives"from: i erveashsect ment who is always shouting his own | sky, but, except for a little rough | tion. Baffin Land is almost five times as large as England, but there are no trees. We found the Eskimo living in tents of sealskins and using the pre-historic , blubber lamp. This is made from soft! thing but they do it well--they enrich ' soap stone found in the country. Dried them they could neither read nor Moss mixed wtih the bloom of the { wild cotton plant found on the river banks is used for wick, and the oil is from 'the blubber of the seal walrus, whale and narwhale. After the lumber and provisions had been landed the schooner departed for the south, leaving the two mission- aries, the Rev. J. W. Bilby and myself alone. It was twelve morths before the next mail of 'letters only' reached us from a passing whaler, and two years before we got our next supply of provisions. We found the Eskimo, to look at, "ery like the ordinary Chinese or Japanese we have seen at home. They are short, with jet black hair, round flat faces, dark brown, of- ten oblique, eyes, and high cheek bones. They are simple-natured peo- ple and very lovable. True, they have an aroma which, while not exactly | Pleasant, was nevertheless arrestive, but on one occasion when I mentioned this fact to a sledge boy he replied, in the most friendly way, 'So do you!' Each winter I travelled about two thousand miiss, visfling remote Eski- mp encampmernts where the condi; tions were what you would think of as Arctic. The people lived ia dome-| shaped huts made of snow, with a block cf clear ice for a window, and were - dressed iui clothing of caribou HUNTING, fishing, "ple. nicing, swinming and cruising on lake, river, sound or Lay add to the zest of living, happiness, contentment and enjoy- men of Cruisabout owners, This double cabin Clusabout, 29' long, wide and 2' 4" rat 4 a completely equippad summer home and is o Sriced at $4,186 at fac- ory. Sleeps six, four in forwars bin and two in stern cabin, Excellent esign, perfect balance struction make Crul abouts sound and hen: Marine motor gives cruis- T. ing speed of thi miles. Write for a cata- ies. 371 Bay Street Plan Now For This Sumines" s Good Times! hardson 1930 (Cruisabouls Sales and Service by B. F. BENSON, N.A. Toronto, Ont. recently pulled out of the) PROTECT THEIR HEALTH AND YOURS EDDY'S WY, NAVY" 700 sheets of soft, safe, Sterilized ) § i - TISSUE 'OU may select any one of these Sterilized Eddy Rolls, assured of its purity -- its safety, and knowing that measures up to the high quality that pro. tection of the children's health demands ©® The price ensures the biggest valve for your money ® Ask for it by name, THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED HULL - - CANADA eleven years I was unable to walk. beauty about it. The rugged hills stood ! munistic lite of nomads, spending Massage and chiropractic treatment, out in silhouette against the evening. thelr time hunting the wild animals of the barren lands, just as their fath- I heard how strongly Dr. Wiliams' | grass, heather, moss and lichen which 'ers had done centuries before when Pink Pills were recommended for, we found growing on the southern hill, they first came from Mongolia. cages like mine. 1 began their use and , slopes, there was very little vegeta-| fact that in their intense isolation, and The while still largely using spears and | harpoons, which they made them- selves, they could live in that wilder- ness of ice and snow was proof of | their ability and tenacity. Until the missionary arrived among ! write in their own language. 'Fheir | method of counting, for example, ! shows how primitive they were. They began by giving a name to each fin- ger--atowsik, maggook; pingahshoot; sittabmut, tedlemut; thus they reach- ed five. Ten was twice five, but twenty was one Eskimo, his extremi- ties then being ended. Fifty-nine' | would be two Eskimos, and ten, and five, and four, This shows the need there ts for education, As we became friends of these peo- ple and got to understand them we' discovered that their religion was a simple form of primitive animism, Al-' most averything had a spirit, and the native Angakok or high priest was the' magician who held a position of great power in the settlement. \ The Eskimo have a very special claim on all fair-minded people. For centuries they have lived in these northern areas, hunting the wild lite there and obtaihing from the country, all that they needed. Now the white' man has come and, year by year, j creates new problems for the native. | Unless the Eskimo is given the rudi- ' ments of education he must go be- | fore the white aggressor. In order to | meet this pressing need we establish- 1ed the first residential school in Can- ; ada for Eskimo children on the Arctic | coast last year, and one reason I am in England now is to try and gain sup- port for the extension .of this work. | We bave the proud distinction of operating in the Western Arctic the most northerly hospital in the British | Empire, 120 miles north of the Arctic | Circle. It would be hard to exagger- 'ate the benefit this hospital has lation. The joy is mingled with sor- row, however, when we remember that there is no hospital in the whole 'lof the Kastern Arctic. = Two fully qualified uurses - are waiting to go North this year if only I can raise the , modest sum required for the building. Others are: now coming North in search of the rich deposits of copper ore, since, according to a Government publication, 'the richest ore of copper mineralization in Canada {is on the Arctic Coast' This has brought to the Arctic powerful aeroplanes with prospectors and miners, Great changes are, therefore, taking place in the far North to-day. Not the least of these is the completion of the railway .from western Canada to Hudson Bay, and the recent announcement by the Pre- mier of Ontario that another railway running to James Bay (lower Hudson | Bay) will be completed in two years' | time. Many of the white men who go North come from England, the Hud- son Bay Company alone sent sixty-two fine young men from these shores to tener, London, : ------ Do You Need More Pluck? If a man shoild come to you and frankly say. "I'm a failure at every- thing I try to do," would you hire that man and then expect the fellow filled with discouragement and dis- may to make good? Any manager who thinks construc- tively has great faith in the influence of the mind. The manager knows that the way you think is the way you are bound to go. The manager understands that un- wavering courage and unfalfering de- termination give one the spirit ot success, while discouragement means disaster. Successful managers know the mind is the pilot, also the propeller. Why so many folks fail so easily, '| give up in despair and dismay and sort o' fade away, is this: Every- time they're hit, they lose thelr grit and quit, The greatest factor in aman suc- cess is "grit", permently without pluck. CiER, er Go the Right Way Proceeding in the wrong-direction Is much worse than making a mls- take. The mistake can be remedied at once, but the steps taken on the 'wrong road must be retraced before you bi again to go the right Way. - k FEAL LE nh Some orange trees bear fruit until Shey are one tundtes' and fifty i 0 TR Ad es Sian » [2 Carry Minard's. "proved to the white and native popu- | northern Canada last year--The Lis-| No man can prosper EE _--.---- KEEPING BABY Lm seen moins A GOOD NAME Good name, 'n man or , dear, Classified Adveriang : LOVELY AND WELL = Is the Ls Jowel 9 hele a. Who steals my purse, st some! , nothing: Some babies Thrive from the hour 'Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been of their birth while others make so * slave to thousands; little progress as to be the cause of But he that filches from me my good much anxiety, As a rule it is the di- gestion that is at fault with these Robs me ot that which not enriches backward .ones and they start to go ahead directly Baby's Own Tablets are made the corrective of their stom- ach and bowel troubles. - Baby's Own Tablets are specially designed for the use of babies and little children. safe and the mother can feel perfectly secure In giving them to even the most delicate child. They are a mild but thorough laxative which banish constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and allay the pains which accompany the cut- ting of teeth. They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a TOLERATION If the peculiarities of our feelings and faculties be the effect of variety of excitement through a diversity of organization, it should tend to pro- duce in us mutual forbearance and toleration. We should perceive how nearly impossible it is .that persons should feel and think exactly alike up- on any subject. We should not arrogantly pride our- selves upon our virtues and know- ledge, nor condemn the errors and weakness of others, since they may depend upon causes which we can neither produce nor readily counter- act. No one, judging from his own feelings and powers, can be aware of the kind of degree of temptation of} terror, or the seeming incapacity to resist them, which may induce others to deviate.--Abernethy. ---- ed . TO-DAY Don't tell me of tomorrow: -- There is much to do today That can never be accomplished If we throw the hours away. Every moment has its duty: Who the future can foretell? Why put off till tomorrow What today can do as well? PREC ER You Will Win There 1s no need of mapping out a policy for each day. As problems come up ,it Is wise to think carefully ! before acting carelessly, | Do the square and fair thing and that principle will take the place of tactful "policy". BE a { Women hetween forty and fifty years of age make very good and safe pilots of aeroplanes, although they may be slower to learn than their ' younger sisters, | | "Our faces tell thé truth about us." --Kathleen Norrls, FOR SALE FIVE D.C. MOTORS Var 1, 1%, 4 and 8 Horsepower, all In good condition. Cheap for immediate sale. West, Toronto. They are absolutely \'wrigegroom was settied In the car that lowly. mured. how to pay for the honeymoon." enriches mankind most H. Watkins, 73 Adelaide Street And makes mé poor indeed. ~Shakespeare, a THE FIRTS WORRY The wedding was over, and the was carrying them to the station. "Harry dear, "said the bride coyly, "where shall we live after the honey- moon fs over?" The bridegroom laughed a little hol "Why worry about that?" he mur: "What I'm wor.ying about is him, | Essextiglatchery uA CHICKS NB HA Al 216.000 last vear In foul ties Write r varies for free cutulogue. A HL Switzer CGranton, Oni 20 Famous Breeds to choose from. Send for free chick Hd it has Yuluable information on ing chicks, To scratohing for you" Box 207-W, Basex, Ont. 80YD'S Bic YCLES FIRE EN RRao Deep and Disagreeable About the only things we get out of hatred are a few deep and disagree- able lines in our faces. Work is whatever you must do. Play is what you like to do. So A Lot to Expect When others know me as I am, ol) then accept me with all my faults, | they are my friends, and what a lot that is to expect from anybody. . The richest man on earth is he who PECAREMEISNY "JE, Spring House Cleaning give workers who are worthy a real chance in the organization, ARREARS Tost Heal the Sprain with Minard's. a INSPECT STEERING GEAR Even though only a small percent: age of motor accidents can be laid to the failure of steering gear to function properly, there are sufficient of those why not like your work? | | Welcome Spring house cleaning Is necessary, | 80 now Is the time to clean out the | slackers and the payroll cheaters and | Ends in 1 Minute "Ended i of piles in1 minute wil otha Sova, whites L. T. Sears. "Bleeding stopped. Piles soon vanished. Avoided operation." Get instant rosults today. All druggists. 'Sick Animals Minard's. It Is an ideal first ald about the stable. Get a bottle to- day. . 7 Was Skinny Hi Tired. Now Peppy. unfavorable happenings to make every driver give some thought to this phase of motdting. 75" of TOTAL FARES to CANADA ADVANCED BRITISHERS in Canada may now bring forward their Families, Relatives and Friends on Easy Terms. For full statis apply :-- J. D. CAMERON, Dist. Bu t. Colonization Canadian Fac ne Be Hway, Toronto TISH REUNION, CIATION are popu! Thay sq easily' onan with such li fopnait Moterial and Workmanship AT EVERY HARDWARE ysuatomobl SMARTS WHY SUFFER FROM YOUR LIVER? Why be handicapped with unsightly blotches on the face, eyes with yellow tinge and that tired and lan id feel | mg This indicates a torpid liver Di and Bi surely follow. You must stimulate your lazy liver, start the bile flowing with Carter's Little Liver Pills, They also act as a mild laxativ Wr vegetdble, free from calomel and poisonous dru S, small, easy to swallow, and not habit forming, hey are not a purgative that cramps or rains, unpleasant after effect follow on the contrary a good tonic. All Druggists 25c and 75¢ red pkgs. 'What most people call indigestion 1s usually excess acid in the stomach. The food has soured. The instant remedy fs an alkall which neutralizes acids. But don't use crude helps. Use what your doctor would advise. . The best help is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, For the 50 years since its invention {it has remained standard with physicians. You will find noth- ing else so quick In Its effect, so harm- less, so efficient, oo One tasteless spoonful in water neu- tralizes many times its volume in acid. The results are immediate, with no bad after-effects. Once you learn this fact, you will never deal with excess acid in" the crude ways. Go learn-- now--why this method is supreme, Be sure to get the genuine Philips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess | acids. Each bottle contains full diree- tions--any drugstore. Gained 11 Lbs." "Had tired feeling, no pep. But Ironized Yeast gave me pep; much stronger. Gained 11 lbs. Boils and pim ples disappeared." -- Mack Lattoria. Amazing new Ironized Yeast adds 5 to 15 bs, in 3 weeks. Changes | "skinny," weak body to strong, well | developed form all admire. Blotchy | skin gets clear and rosy like magia {| Nervousness, Indigestion, constipa- tion disappear overnight. Sound sleep, | New pep from very first day. | Two great tonics in one--special | weight-building Malt Yeast and | strengthening Iron. Pleasant littl tablets Far stronger than unmed | cated veast. Results in '% time, Ne yeasty taste. No gas. | Dont' be "skinny," weak, unattrac tice. Get Ironized Yeast from drug: gist today. Feel great tomorrow, Money back from manufacturer Wf not delighted with quick results. 76 beats 36 { Read this wonderful letter from a man of | 26 who is * more active than 40 Journ Mo Lanka to the "daily dimeful" of Krusc | ts. * As a subject: of both gout and rheumatism for just over 50 years, I wish to acknowledge thal A have found nothing so absolutely cortain as Kruschen Salts, Epsom and other things all have their virtues, but also their Fon acks, Kruschen Salts I have so far found, after 5 years or more of using them, have no drawbacks and no counter-effect whatever. I am 76 a active than 40 years ago." Orig letter on lle tor inapection. Kruschen Salts 1s obtainable at drug aod department stores in Canada at 760, a bottle, A bottle iain ou to last for "a! de FROM MOTHER OF EIGHTEEN Read How This Medicine Helps Her " Cardston, Alf¥rta--*T am fift y-cight years old and the mother of iE living children. We ISSUE No. 19--'30 ----C HICKS --