PORT PERRY ee m-- FINISH DRIES | Quicker. SS sh Neu-Glos on that faded interior wall, wood= work or that dulled, wear-marked furniture. It will dry to the touch in Two h . Four h more and the newly finished surface, glowing with captivating color, is ready for use. q What need to tolerate a shabby home interior? This wonderful medium gloss enamel is so easy to use. It dries so quickly. It transforms dull, shabby things with color beauty to delight the eye. q Not a bit of objectionable odor in Neu= Glos. A wide range of exquisite colors. Martin-Senour products for every purpose, > ~~ SS , W. L. Parrish = Port Perry Se Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacGregor and family of Uxbridge, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Ashton recently. her home in Sunderland. Miss Stella Truax, of Stainfield visited with Miss Muriel Philp, re- cently. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Pogue visited Port Perry. Sunday 'being Mothers' Day, Mrs. Denny occupied the pulpit here. Mrs. Denny visited with Toronto friends recently. 3 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerrow, of | Township of Scugog for the year 1980. : COUNT OF REVISION _ Notice is hereby given that a court p.m., to hear and determine the sev- eral complaints of errors or omisions in the Assessment Roll for the said All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. THOMAS GRAHAM, Clerk. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Hi with Sunderland, last Friday night, and Walter brought home the third prize. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers and family visited on Sunday with friends at Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs, Merle Lambe, of Osh- awa, visited with friends here on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson, Green- bank; visited on Sunday with Mrs. Ferguson. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Ward, of Ux- bridge, called on friends here on Sun- day. Mrs. Sellars and daughter of Prince Albert, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, James Ashton. QO UTICA CEMETERY COMMITTEE MEETS A regular meeting of the Utica Cemetery Committee was duly called and held on Friday evening, May 8th, 1930. Mr. W. F» Thompson, Chairman, was in the chair. Members present: W. F. Thompson, Wesle Ackney, G. Ward, Enoch Kendall, Harry Davis, and Joseph Denny. Visitors present: Messrs. Thos. Gibson and F. J. Martin. It was moved by W. Ackney and seconded by E. Kendall, that minutes of last meeting be adopted as read. Moved by W. Ackney and seconded by G. Ward that Mr. L. Bond be paid $5.00 for drawing plan of Kendall DIED ¢ CRAWFORD -- At * Nestleton, on Sunday, May 11th, Chapman, beloved wife of Samuel | Crawford, in her 53rd year. KIRBY--At Port Perry, on Thurs- day, May 8th, 1930, Angus Kirby. mn nai ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AT BLACKSTOCK Blackstock United Church Sunday School will hold its anniversary ser- vices on Sunday, May 18th, and its annual celebration on Saturday, May 24th. Rev. A. L. Richards, of Whitby, speaks at the morning service, and Rev. R. T. Richards, of Port Perry, at the evening service. Special music at both services. On Saturday there will be the pro- gram of sports in the afternoon. In Sr -- | the evening supper served from 6 to | 8 followed by an entertainment given | 1930, Mary Jane by Ralph Gordon, Cartoonist, and the They're hard at work blasting stumps Greenbank Dramatic Club who will | now, and in two or three more years "Sunny Jean." | we'll have the old cemetery levelled Admission, tea and concert, adults 60c, ' off if we can buy that big barn in the Tea or concert, adults | middle of it. ! present their play children 40. 3b6¢, children 25c. MYRTLE ELEVATOR All feeds reduced from $2. to $4.00 per ton. Fresh carload of oats, 60c. per bushel. ree (nine DEAD WAIT Yes, sir, our town has the most modern and up-to-date airport. Hotel, buffet, lunch counter, shoe-shine shop, check room, weather bureau, noon beacon, library and pool-room com- plete." "So? What about the flying field?" too. "Oh, that's coming along, -- OOO DOG-GONE to a next-door neighbor, week 7" "Yes." "Well, them back." on July 23-24-25-26-28, 1930. "Say, mister," said a little fellow "are you the man who gave my brother a dog last ma says to come and take Chautauqua will be in Port Perry Cemetery. - Carried. Moved by W. Ackney and seconded by H. Davis, that we employ Mr. Ken- dall to take charge of the cemeteries for the ensuing year and that he en- gage an assistant whenever necessary. Moved by Geo. Ward and seconded by H. Davis that Mr. Kendall be em- powered to purchase a lawn mower and charge the same to this commit- tee. Carried. Moved by J. Denny and ded by Mr. and Mrs. John Lambe, recently. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers at- nN P E C I A L tended the Fiddlers' Contest, held at | W. T. Rodman PRICES MEN'S SUITS and Overcoats ices ars Neatly reduced-- with of mew goods there is a spl rive Get your order in early. All kinds of Ladies' fine Pressing, dou. es' fine dresses thoroughly cleaned by our New Dry Cleaning Process at very moderate Merchant Tailor Qver 1 Tel. Office Port Perry NOTICE RE OPENING OF MARY STREET Notice is hereby given that the Council will take immediate steps to open Mary Street through to the Lake, and that all parties having buildings on this town property will be required to remove same at once. (Signed) E. H. PURDY, Clerk COURT OF REVISION Municipality of Port Perry Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Port Perry, will be held at the Treasurer's Office, on Monday, June 2nd, 1980, at the hour of 8 p.m, to hear and determine .the several complaints of errors or omissions in the Assessment Roll of the Village of Port Perry, for the year 1930. Parties interested will please gov- ern th Ives accordingly. Mr. Ackney, that Mr. Kendall be re- quested to ask the Council of Reach : to supply tile for front of Kendall « Cemetery. Carried. As the Treasurer, Mr. Andrew Page, was unable to attend a report was made showing that the Committee now has $2600 in Victory Bonds and $203.69 cash on hand with all ac- counts paid. This report was very gratifying in view of the fact that the DOMINION ROYAL MASTERS NOT ONE INA THOU- SAND WILL €V€r-- PUNCTURE ~===~~ NOT ONE IN FIVE THOUSAND WILL BLOW OUT UNDER TWO = = YEARS OF SERVICE Wherever you drive, Royal Masters are sold and serviced by Can- ada's greatest tire or- ganization . . . the Do- minion Tire Depot Sys- tem . . . each indepen- dent unit distin by its blue and orange - color scheme. "N|_ Last reports are, that Mrs. John Cemetery only commenced operations about a year ago. It was moved by Mr. Ward, and seconded by Mr. Kendall, that we ad- journ to meet again on the second Friday in June. Carried. er QO ASHBURN Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Day, Port Perry, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horne. Mrs. John Leask M * sk is doing as well as can be ex- pected after her serious accident. parents. Mr. Robt. Heron is able to be out and around again. Richardson & Son sold four short- horn heifers the other day to Robert Parrott & Son. The local storekeeper is making some improvements around the lawn 'at the store. 'The village looks as if it had taken a new lease of life. We hear talk of a tennis court and bowling green. May they materialie. Mothers' Day services were well at- tended and enjoyed by all. The church was nicely decorated for the occasion. Mr. Stevenson's sermon was well thought out and he gave his congrega- tion something to think about. A number of our young people at- tended the Young People's rally held in Calvin Church, Toronto, recently. Arbour Day at the Public School was a very successful day as the boys 'and girls worked under the leadership of our teacher, Mr. Barton. The pro- | othy Cliff 59. Mr. Barton spent Sunday with his |. E. H PURDY, Clerk i (mem REPORT OF 8.8. No. 1, SCUGOG Easter Bxaminstions. Honours76%. Pass 60%. . Jr. IV--Irene Hoi 82, Lavern Martyn 76, Jean Black 75. Sr, ITII--Clifford Redman 90, Eileen Reader 74, Jimmy Wilson 63. Jr. III--Orval Heayn 90, Aleta Reader 63, Leonard Fowler 61, Dor- Sr. II--Allan Carter 81, Leona Redman 56. Jr. II--Harold Martyn 79, Gladys Collins 78, Alvin Heayn 78, Florence Carter 70, Violet Fowler 58. Jr. I--Nelson Reader 87, Edna Samells 85, Percy Collins 79, Olive Brown 68, Ronald Cliff 62, Lorraine Collins 652. Sr. Pr--Eyert Collins. Beginners--Wallace Collins, Ruby Brown, Joyce Reader, Rena Fowler, Elsie Reader, Aleta Collins. R. Quantz, Teacher. Myrtle Station Mr. J. E. Beacock has installed a gasoline tank at the corner of his store for the benefit of his customers. Mrs. W. J. Cook spent last week with her daughter in Toronto. Mrs. J. Devitt has returned to her home after spending the winter at Q. D. Ross'. Mr. W. J. Cook, real estate agent, has sold the Port Perry Chopping Mill Municipality of the Township of 1 8 of Revision of the Assessment Roll | Miss Philps spent the week end at for the Township of Scugog will be 'I'held at the Township Hall, Scugog, on Saturday, May 81st, 1930, at 1 o'clock | - Prentice 74, Helen Colleran 66, Irene . EERE GILLETT'S L KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES .... =| Kellogg's Pep, Bran Cereal, RED AND WHITE FRUIT CAKE ... SHREDDED WHEAT GRANULATED SUGAR ...... FRANKFORD TOMATOES, large tin aia vas we a SOFT 200, Pineapple, Singapore Sliced, Regular F. W. Brock & Son Phone 43 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" Sessa sansaca treat aa. LYE . PRUN LARGE AND ME BAY LLL up Sweet Corn, Faleon ~ No. 2 can er Pesas anes evr dethiiwes eB pkg. ree ee « vo 3 for 250, vy wy vvvs..10 bs for 49c. LIMA BEANS ©\ereiiir....2 pounds for 25e. HE i VHITEE BAKING POWDER |... 1% houncs Jor 2c. FRAY BENTOB 2. cc iuiunsians ime ss ss vasvass por tin 2be. I I RTE TEE H. P. Sauce, -iia. bottle 23c A TABLE SALT, 3% th bags ............. a aa 2 or Ibe. JELLY BEANS. ....5....... Sas aes vies seas aaper IDTG INFANT'S DELIGHT SOAP .................3 cakes for 2lc. isi seed for 25¢. 1c § Size Can. 2 tins for 23c. : 4 tins for 43c. 6 tins for 63c. FANCY RED SALMON ...... area 1b tin 19¢c. LIBBY'S PEACHES, 2s, Sliced or halves Caer Teds se vs SRBC ASSORTED CHOCOLATE BARS .... for 25c¢. Port Perry Still Some Wonderful Bargains in Suits Very Special Values. Reduction on Suits. Order at once. W.-R. WILLAN MERCHANT TAILOR Good Equipment Earns Good Returns Obsélete or worn out farm equip- ment levies a heavy charge on the farmer's income. The Canadian Bank of Commerce is always ready to assist reputable farmers in the putchase of new equip- ment which will make for greater revenue to them. Ask the local manager to tell you about the service the Canadian Bank of Commerce places at the Sarmers disposal. OF COMERCE th which is BANK © OF CANADA ) $8 to $15 PORT PERRY belonging the the Milling Company, to Mr, J. Birkett, also the Cecil Wilson property near Brooklin, to Mr. Cecil Vise, of Columbus. Mrs. T. R. Price spent the week end | Continuing a Shert Time - TO FINISH OUR MANY ORDERS