Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 22 May 1930, p. 4

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RECITAL On Tuesday evening, May 27th, the pupils of Miss Helen Mellow, A.T.C. M,, will give a recital in the United Church, Port Perry, beginning at 8 o'clock sharp. Miss Kate Ross, of Toronto, soprano soloist, will assist. A silver collection will be taken at the door to cover ex- penses. Mr. R. Ellis is quite ill in Toronto. Watch for the date of the Corn Huskers Street Dance, to be held in Port Perry, in the near future. Mr. V. P. Stouffer is attending the musical festival at Guelph. Rev. R. T. Richards and Messrs. Geo. Stone, John McClintock, R. B. Smallman and S. Farmer, attended the Laymen's Missionary Banquet at Oshawa. Mrs. Geo. R. Davey and Mrs. S. Farmer visited the W. C. T. U. at Millbrook, on Wednesday. New sidewalks are being laid on some blocks of Queen street in the business section. ---------- OO ---- DIED SPINKS--Suddenly at Nestleton, on Tuesday, May 20th, 1930, Natalie Arthur beloved wife of Asa Spinks, in her 54th year. LUKE--At the residence of his son, Mr. Oliver Luke, at Cresswell, on Tuesday, May 20th, 1930, D. W. Luke, Jn his 75th year. Dn HOUSE WANTED FOR RENT AT ONCE Six or seven roomed house with conveniences preferred. Apply to F.} E. Regsor or at the Star Office. mmm sneniin HALF HOLIDAY The places of business in Port Perry | will begin the Wednesday half holiday on June 4th, and will continue during | July, August and September, closing at 12.30 noon. NOTICE The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. D. Boe, on Wednesday, May 28th. A. good attendance is re- quested as this is an important meet- ing. ii Yi CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Lambkin wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness shown during Mrs. Lambkin's recent illness. Also for flowers and fruit from thes United Church Ladies' Aid. erm PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, May 25th, 1930-- 11 a.m.--The Second Mile. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m,--The Silken Thread of Em- pire. Prince Albert. 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Worship Service. ai see A PROMISING STUDENT S Miss Dorothy Crothers, who is a grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Morrish, is a prominent figure among the students of the new Vocational Institute recently opened in Oshawa. She is the President of the Student Council Executive, and has won sev- eral prizes, including one of $76.00, donated by Mrs. Cowan, in modern options; the Ross McKinnon Scholar- ship, in French. es CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, May 25th-- 8 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening service. Friday, 7.46 p.m.--Weeknight service. SRI, SL R--" } RECITAL - On Tuesday evening, May 27th, the pupils of Miss Helen Mellow, A.T.C. M., will give a recital in the United o'clock sharp. Miss Kate Ross, soprano soloist, of Toronto, will mssist. A silver collec- Church, Port Perry, beginning at 8 {birds is to be givgn in Seagrave church genera practice of Law, on and after May 16, 1980. One of the members of the firm will be in attendance on Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays from 9 am. to 6 p.m. rr FOR SALE Certified Dooley Seed Potatoes, $2.50 per bag, Irish Cobblers, $2.25, grown from certified seed. Also Ford | ton truck, and International truck, 1% tons. Apply Harold Spencer, Myrtle Station. Phone 724 Claremont mlb smite me er PORT PERRY SCHOOL REPORT Senior 1 Ellen Ploughman Mary Pyatt .... Fred Densham .. Betty O'Brien Luella Ploughman Joe Dowson .........coevines m Glen McMaster .............. 4 Mary Barnett ............... 3 Rosser Williams ............. mn Norma Ewers ........c...... 70 Richard Gale ...........c.00s 70 Cora Gerrow ....... 5. ...000 70 Betty Mitchell ............... 69 Ethel Turner ..........c00000 68* Norma Harrison ............. 66 Reginald M Middleton ..66 Jack Raines ...... ..66 Jack Tinsley ............0000 69 Fred Andrews ............... 67 Earl Hood ............¢i.00s 64* 'Howard White .............. 54 Marie Hayden ............... 62 Victor Read .....v...oonz-rvs 43*3 Junior 1 Edna Dowson ................ 80% Louise Hall ........i. divine Kid Lucille Harrison ............. 76 Josephine Cooney ............ 4 Melvin Henders .............. 72 Harold Wakeford ............ 67 Doris MacGregor ............ 66 Frank Densham ............. 62 Reginald Figary ............. 58 George White ............... 67 George Emmerson ........... 56 oTeddy Beek ............... 5. 53 Ethel Figary ............70... 50 Josephine Naple ............. 50 Jack Pargeter ............. absent Robert Ouderkirk Roger Ouderkirk Keith Ouderkirk * examinations missed. span tvanens SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Coming to the Strand Theatre, Ux- bridge, "Noah's Ark", starring Do- lores Costello and Geo O'Brien. Don't miss this treat. Remember the dates--May 29, 30 and 81. All seats 26c. Show starts at 8.156 sharp. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 26, 27 and 28, Hoot Gibson in "The Danger Rider". See Hoot do his daring tricks full of Western thrills. You'll like it, it is one of his best. Prizes given every Wednesday and Saturday nights. 2 shows every Sat- urday night, starting at 8.15. ---- Qe. THE DANCE OF THE SEASON The Port Perry Hockey Club are holding a dance in the Auditorium of the School on Friday, May 30th, at 8.80 o'clock. "George Wade and his Corn Huskers" are to supply the music. There will be Old Time and Modern Dancing. All who come may be assured of the best in music, floors 'and comfort. There shall be room for everyone, as it is the intention to have amplifiers placed so that the music may be heard by all. The committee will appreciate your patronage. ------GH"i"®¢\Bhnzpp{ SEAGRAVE Lantern slides and a lecture on by Rev. Mr. Nicholson, of Cannington, on Monday night, May 26th. Come and learn about our birds.. ree CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the UXBRIDGE / HOME OF CLEAN ENTERTAINMENT Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, May 22, 23 and 34 Reginald Denny and Alice Day, in RED HOT SPEED See this comedy romance, Your siden will crack with laughter. See it! Bring the whole family, May 24th, continuous show from 1 p.m. to 12 p.m. (midnight.) Confectionery stand by Theatre. H. SHULMAN, Prep. FAREWELL TO PASTOR Dundalk,--Rev. Edward E. Armand was tendered a farewell reception in Erskine Church, on Friday, prior to his departure for his new field of work in Port Perry. A pleasant feature wag the presence of Rev. M. Oldham, of St. James' Anglican Chtirch; Rev, E. Baker, of the United Church and Rev. Father Callahan, of the Roman Cathalic Church, who spoke of the high regard of the community for Mr. and Mrs. Armand. The congregation presented their minister and his wife with a study chair and electric floor lamp. Mr. Armand is to be inducted at St: John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry, on Thursday evening, May 29, at 8 o'clock. ---------- ASK THAT WHITBY BE EXEMPT FROM COUNTY ROAD LEVY. Reeve Albert Jackson, of Whitby, is of the opinion that under sections of the Highways Improvement Act, the Town of Whitby, because of its re- moteness from county roads, and the fact that does not directly benefit from said roads, should not be called upon to Pay an annual levy for county road purposes. nine) (resins SPEND $345,671 ON ROADS County Clerk, F. L. Weldon, Lind- say, has received $172,885.74 from the Provincial Government, the County of Perk Poy and live poultry. When you sell your stuff eall D. Collis at Phone 213 Port Perry, and we will call and see you. Presbyterian Church at Blackstock for sale. Contains 75,000 brick, more or less, as well as a large quantity of the finest pine lumber; also sheds at back. Same situated on lot contain- ing about % of an acre of land. * Can be bought as a whole or in part. Those interested kindly communicate with Dr, R. J. M. Montgomery, 58 Melgund Rd., Toronto. BE FOR SALE Mammoth Pekin Ducklings, day-old. From good laying strain. Price $25. per hundred. Apply Edna G. Jackson, Phone 189 r 81, may 22. een (Yer DOG TAX NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all owners or harborers of dogs that they must purchase a dog tag at once other- wise the by-law will be enforced. E. H. PURDY, Clerk. AWNINGS Window Awnings, Verandah Curtains, Canopies, Tents, Flags. T. TAYLOR 475 YONGE ST, TORONTO Local Agent--G. A. HALL, Phone 96. ------ -- HOCKEY CLUB "AT HOME" The Port Perry Hockey Club intend holding * their annual Dance and Euchre on Friday 'evening, May 80th, at 8.30 p.m. The music will be sup- plied by "Geo. Wade and his Corn Huskers" who broadcast over C.F.R.B. 'Road grant for the work done last year. As the grant is 50 per cent of 'the cost this means thatsthe county of Victoria spent $345,671.48 in building 'and maintaining its roads last year. Toronto. This Canada's first, best and original old time orchestra. Ol time and modern dancing. Please keep this date ope nas the music ete, will be the best obtainable. We es Offering Regular $3.50 quote Er a few of the m: on lines we are clearing -- for ....u.ineeiv.. $2.59 Men's Black Elk Boots, regular $5 for $3.99 Boys' Brown Oxfords, reg. $3.95 for $2.95 Values g 'Women's Patent 25 dosen Men's Silk an Silk and Wool "Hose, regular T5c ..........Special 49¢ EER Men's Harvest Boots, Panko soles, Boys' Clothing, beautiful patients, close See these goods an convinced o of their oe Men's and i "Al marked Bays' Caps JAS. McKEE & SON, PORT PERRY CHAUTAUQUA OPENS IN PORT PERRY JULY 23rd. Chautauqua comes to Port Perry again this year--July 28-24-25-26-28. From Australia comes TOM SKEY- HILL( whom the New York Herald calls "the greatest living orator," to give his famous lecture "With Mus- solini and the Blackshirts." From Hungary come the GARAY SISTERS, amazing young artists on the violin and violincello, known as one of the finest concert trios. From South Africa comes OWEN O'NEIL, whose picturesque career among the savage tribes of Swaziland is as exciting and romantic as a tale from Arabian Nights. From Hawaii comes AL- BERT VIERRA AND HIS HA- WAIIANS to enchant us with the]. beautiful and glamorous music of that little Paradise of the Pacific. Then there are two outstanding Broadway plays, presented by the Martin Erwin Players of Canada. i Li Port Perry Dominion Store BARGAINS FOR THE END OF THIS WEEK MEN'S BEAUTIFUL SUITS, Blue Serge Gar Special $14.95 MEN'S FINE STRAW HA' HATS, 3, reg. $3 Ne for $2.95 MEN'S HARD STRAW HATS, ......ooovunnessn Special 5c. MEN'S FIND DABS SHIRTS ©. ooo ies Special $1.39 MEN'S BEAUTIFUL TIES ........00o0mnessinnors Special 49c. MEN'S FINE CHECKE DSOCKS. ....vrvvviriiins Special 86c. MEN'S B.V.D. UNDERWEAR ........coenstesnnneeen ..8 LADIES' WEAR : CREPE DE CHENE DRESSES ................. Special- $8.95 PRINTED SILK DRESSES .............oooiies She SILK STOCKINGS . 69c. SILK UNDERWEAR at below cost prices Ladies Shoes $2. 98 We have received our shipment of fine dress lengths. Very nice patterns at remarkable low Shoes, at remarkably low Prices, prices are right prices. We have a full line of Men's, Womens and Children's Running Our goods are e bright and the ALIX. GILBOORD, Proprietor . Prince Albert Mr. and Mrs. Hutton, and family, of Toronto, have been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Woodley, have re- turned home. Mr. Norman Burnett is, we are sor- ry to report very ill. Mrs. Pratt and 'children of Oshawa, are staying with Mrs. Bickel, for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Whittle and Mrs. Stevens, of Whitby, visited the Misses Tewkesbury, last week. Those calling on friends over the week end were Mr, and Mrs. Alonzo Tripp and son Ralph, Toronto, at Mr. Robt. Balfour's, Mr. and Mrs. Earle}. Williams, and son Austin, Toronto, with Postmaster and Mrs. Williams, MYRTLE The heavy rain on Monday will help the hay crops and pasture lands, but it delayed the farmers from working on the root and corn land for a time. Mr, Dan. Parrott, of Ashburn, has been wiring Mrs. A. B. Fisher's house, for the hydro. : Success to all those from here who are showing stock at Brooklin Spring Fair, on Saturday. Mr. R. Wiles has been visiting his daughter Mrs. Heayn, at Prince Al- At time of writing Mrs, Bateman is ina condition. Much'sympathy is fels for Mr. John Leask and the Heron of Ash- burn, in their recent bereavement. pen SHORTER HOURS FOR TRUCK DRIVERS Legislation to prevent truck oper- ators having to drive their vehicles an unreasonable number of hours, to the detriment of their faculties through loss of sleep, was hinted at by Hon. George S. Henry, Minister of High- ways, in the course of an address to 'members of the Ontario Motor Truck 'Owners' Association. "Many serious highway accidents 'are due-to truck drivers having had truck owners should see to it that their drivers are not forced to work an unreasonable number of hours in the 24. I have had deveral conferences with the Attorney-General about this 'matter, and-it has been decideéll that some legislation along this line will be needed if accidents arising from this cause occur as frequently in the fut- ure as they have in the past. "There is no excuse for road-hog- ging," he asserted." Drivers of heavy equipment perhaps feel that drivers of lighter equipment would get out of their way in any dispute as to right-of-way on the road. Many com- plaints come into my office from motorists, and a large number of these complaints/are directed at the road-hog." ORTHOGON " We are the authorized dispensers of Orthogon Lenses. You get clear vision to the edge of your glassés. Call or Phone for an appointment for an examination. F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. and . W.E LUKE R. 0. - 163-167 Yonge Street Toronto Elgin 4820 - Opposite Simpson's

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