. : 'ing. These ten actors will shine some time. TIN : 1 Cent play, which wag marked by the natur- | - PERSONAL The regular meeting of the Scugog Chapter, 1.O.D.E. will be held at the home of the Misses Harris, on Mon- day; June 2nd, at 3 pm. The John Peel Chapter, of Uxbridge, will be the guests of the afternoon. Tea will be served, Rev. R. T. Richards and Samuel Farmer, are delegates from Port Perry to the Bay of Quinte Conference of the United Church, now in session at Cobourg. Miss Mary Cherrie and Mr. Emmer- |, son Hall, of Oshawa, were visiting Miss Alma Blight, on Sunday, Miss Maud Bamford, of T&ronto,] was in town over the week end. Mr. Riby Ellis has returned home from Toronto, having recovered from his illness. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Stone and fam- ily, and Mr. Geo. Stone, spent the week end at Niagara and Buffalo. Mr. McEachern,- of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto, was in town on Sunday. . Mr. M. L. Ingram, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Montreal, was visiting his mother, Mrs. N. Ingram, for the week end. Watch for the date of the concert being put on by the Scugog Chapter, L.O.D.E,, in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson, of To. ronto, and Master Billy, spent the werk end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. 1). Peters, Miss Edith Peters, of Uxbridge, spent the holiday at her home here. ' Mr. Wm. H. Clark and daughter Helen, of Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taggart, on Sunday. Don't fail to be at the Hockey Club dance on Friday night, and hear Geo. Wade and his Corn Huskers, € 000m R. I. RICHARDS ELECTED TREASURER. At the Bay of Quinte Conference, now being held at Cobourg, Rev. A. F. Wilson, of Napanee, was elected as President of the Conference, and Rev. R. T. Richards, of Port Perry, was re- elected Treasurer of the Conference. REY. Ra ue CANADA LODGE A. F. & A. M. VISIT PORT PERRY The officers and members of Canada Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Toronto, paid a fraternal visit to Fidelity Lodge, on Friday evening, May 23rd. About 36 visitors came by bus and enjoyed the hospitality of the Port Perry lodge. The visitors conferred the M. M. de- gree, after which a banquet was held in the dining room, with W. Bro. G. A. McMillan, as toastmaster. a 's-h T°]9 Ubi DIED BURNETT---At Prince Albert, cn Wednesday, May 28th, 1980, Norman Burnett, in his 22nd year. Funeral service will be held at the family residence, on Friday, May 30th, at 2 p.m, SE PIANO RECITAL The piano recital by the pupils of Miss Helen Mellow, A.T.C.M., which was held in the United Church on the evening of Tuesday, May 27th, proved to be a great success. It was largely attended and enjoyed by all. Miss Kate Ross, Toronto, formerly of Port Perry, assisted with a number of pleasing selections. Miss Mellow wishes to take this opportunity to thank her pupils for the splendid work they have done for her in the past. erm ri i A SUCCESSFUL REPITITION The actors in the play--"Dust of the Earth"--are to be congratulated upon the success of their repeat per- formance at the Town Hall, on Wed- neaday night of last week. The hall was well filled, and the audience was tic in its r ti of the 'alness and understanding of the_act- agaiil . 1 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH | Sunday, June 1st, 1930-- 10 a.m.--Sabbath School. . 11 a.m.--Rev. C. W, Watch, of To- ronto, of the Lord's Day Alliance, will preach. 7 p.m.--Rev. R. T. Richards, will be in charge. The Sons of England Lodge will hold their annual * Church parade and will worship at the United Church. Prince Albert 1.46 p.m.--Sabbath School. ronto, of the Lord's Day Alliance, will preach. EL CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, June 1st-- 11 a.m.--Morning Service g 8 p.m.--Sunday School. Friday, 7.45 p.m.--Weeknight service. BE . . it sé SONS OF ENGLAND CHURCH PARADE Old England Lodge No. 9, Sons of England, will attend divine service at the United Church, on Sunday, June 1, at 7 pm. Members will meet at the 'Lodge Room, at 6.30 and parade to the 'church headed by the Port Perry sand. Visitors welcome. Be NEWS AND INFORMATION THE BUSY FARMER Reports received from practically all corn growing districts convey cx- pectation of increased planting. Essex and Kent will both have more corn and more than average attention is bging given the corn in Elgin, Nor- folk and Bruce. FOR This year alsike and "sweet clover are very moderate in price and both will produce an abundance of late pasture or may be cut as hay. The alsike can be mixed with timothy and it, like sweet clover, can be sown any time during May or June. Al- falfa also will supply a lot of feed if sown alone any time during these two months. Furthermore, any of the crops mentioned here can be left over the winter and they will give a good crop the next year. Pitt, The Younger, a member of parliament during the days of the Revolutionary War, was opposed to the policy which King George III put into force against the col ita 3 pm--Rev. C. W. Watch, of To-| HE STRA THEATRE UXBRIDGE HOME OF CLEAN ENTERTAINMENT 'Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, MAY 29, 30 and 31 "Noah's Ark" Starring DOLORES COSTELLO and GEORGE O'BRIEN All seats 256¢ H. SHULMAN, Prop. John Fisk Bigelow Word has been received of the death California, on May 22nd, who would have been eighty-one on the 26th inst. Mr. Bigelow, one of thirteen child- ren, was born at Lindsay, Ont, May 26th, 1849, the son of Hiram and Mary Armstrong Bigelow, and in his early manhood was associated in the mer- cantile business in Port Perry with his brother, the late Joseph Bigelow. In 1870 Mr. John Fisk Bigelow, and his brother Palmer, went to Califor- nia, where, for a number of years, he was engaged in the banking business, rising to the position of vice president of the Nevada Bank of San Francisco, a position which he held for some 20 or more years, Mr. Bigelow was twice married, his first wife being Miss Anna Smith, of Port Hope, who died soon after mar- riage, and his second wife being Miss Emma Ruloffson, of San Francisco, who died three years ago, In his immediate family Mr. Bige- low is survived by one sister, Mrs. Mary Bigelow Nott, of Burlington, Vt.,, U.S.A, and by several nephews and nieces, one of whom is Mrs, W. H. McCaw, of Port Perry. The late George Bigelow of Lindsay, was a nephew. ee Ata S A bly, Mr. Chiles One day in the course of a Parlia- mentary discussion in the House of Lords, Pitt made the statement, "King George has not the brains of an ass." Immediately there were cries of "Treason," "Make him apologize," ¢Make him recant his statement." Pitt rose to his feet, and while the assembly listened breathlessly, he said, "I retract my statement,--King George III has the brains of an ass." Abraham ULincoin mdrried a Tod, and was once asked why his wife's people did not spell their name with two 'd's, Todd, which would be more aristocratic. "Well," he answered, "God spells his name with one 'd', and I guess what's good enough for God is good enough for us." I PRCERINCEAR) 0 CIT Ay HOUSE WANTED FOR RENT AT ONCE Six or seven roomed house with conveniences preferred. Apply to F. E. Ressor or at the Star Office. PS HALF HOLIDAY The places of business in Port Perry will begin the Wednesday half holiday on June 4th, and will continue during July, August and September, closing at 12.30 noon. Se. 0 . NOTICE Notice is hereby given that if the hold effects belé to William Wilson, in the house belonging to Mrs. Walter McLean, Crandell St, Port h days, the same will be sold to recover rent. * J Date at Port Perry, May 29, 1930. Perry, are not redeemed within 30}. remarked that a good beginning and a good ending are the making of a speech. ague, "if they come close enough to- gether." . Gyproc partitions. It a permanent vastl buils of John Fisk Bigelow, in Monterey, "Yes," said Dr. Cary Mont- EER a. | £ Summer Homes FIRE-SAFE! PROTECT your family by making your Summer home draught-proof, dust- proof and fire-safe. The new Ivory coloured Gypioc that does not burn wi you this service at small cost. Use it for 'structurally' strong walls, ceilings and coration (when panelled) but you can tint, plaster it if you wish. It is easily and quickly applied, is asset, and is superior to other Notice to the Public of Port Perry and District We pay top prices for all kinds of Junk, rags and all kinds of metal, also live poultry. When you are ready to sell your stuff eall D. Collis at Phone see you. ~~ AWNINGS Window Awnings, Verandah Curtains, Canopies, Tents, Flags. T. TAYLOR 475 YONGE ST, TORONTO Local Agent--G. A. HALL, Phone 96. i DO + FOR SALE Pure Jersey Cow. Apply to Art Woodley, Prince Albert, Ont. 1 FESR PO Lh FOR SALE Police pups. Males $5.00. Females $1.00. Apply Ed. Abbott, Port Perry. we--) (tpt CHICKS FOR SALE Day old Barred Rock Chicks, $15, per 100, - Also started chicks from 1 to 3 weeks old. Apply to Mrs. Fred Raines, Port Perry, Phone 189 r 4. jb Ty County Council County of Ontario A meeting of the County Council of the Corporation of the County of On- tario will be held pursuant to adjourr- ment in the Council Chamber in the Court House in the Town of Whithy, MONDAY, 2nd JUNE, A.D. 1930, at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon, Daylight Saving Time. All accounts to be laid before the Council should be forwarded to the Clerk, properly certified, at least three days before:-the meeting of the Coun- cil. Dated at Whitby this 19th day of May, A.D. 1930. ARTHUR E. CHRISTIAN, County Clerk. rien (J rime BORN i At Port Perry Hospital, to Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Corner, of Blackstock, on May 23rd, a daughter. Makes render needs no de- paper or i 218 Port Perry, and we will call and Hose, regular 7 $3.50 for......... 7 | 25 dozen Men's Silk and Silk and Wool Be ,......... Special 49¢" Men's Harvest Boots, Panko soles, Regular Men's Black Elk Boots, regular $5 for $3.99 Boys' Brown Oxfords, reg. $3.95 for $2.95 vveses..$259 beautiful pat Mer's Dress and Work Pant, Boys' Clothing, Mow 7h So See these goods and be convinced of their values. HO reg. $3.95 | Mrs. F. Mawson and son Howard, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson; Mr. Arthur Sanguine, of Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs. Hardy; Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin and daughter, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. MeKenzie; Mr. and Mrs. B. Crooks and daughter Jean, iss Reta Milner, of Toronto, Mr. and' rs. Elmer Sweet and daughter, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Milner. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fralick and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and daughters, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H, Fralick; Mr. and Mrs. Dem- rose and Mrs. Walker, of Toronto, with Mrs and Mrs. C. ck. Mr. R. Carter, of Edmonton, Mr. and Mrs. Sheath, Mr. and Mrs, West- cock, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Stotts, Highland Creek, Mr. Geo. Hood, with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Carter. Mr. and Mrs. H. Martyn and family of Prospect, Mr. and Mrs. Rennick, of Toronto, Mr. 8. Lambkin and sister, of Prince Albert, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn. » Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark, of Valentia, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mark. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey spent the week end in Eninskillen with their son Orr. i ----------t---- TAKING PICTURES OF THE LIFE OF THE MUSKRAT Government officials are busy tak- ing pictures at the Lake Scugog Fur Farm, 3 miles north of Port Perry. These pictures, which will show the life development, of the muskrat, are to be used by the Provincial Govern- ment as part of its educational pro- gram. This educational picture pro- gram includes some. three thousand subjects, running all the way from the growing of muskrats to the mak- 'ing of steel girders for immense bridge and buildings. They will be exhibited from coast to coast, and will bring to the attention of the public the beauties and natural advantages of Port Perry, because other spots are being photographed beside the Fur Farm, The fur industry is growing in impertanee. eae (pre One of the most perfect retorts ever made was that which came from that master wit, Alexander Dumas, when in answer to the question, "How do you grow old so gracefully?" he re- plied, "Madam, I give all my time to it." © . ~ Port Perry Dominion Store BARGAINS FOR THE END OF THIS WEEK MEN'S BEAUTIFUL SUITS, Blue Serge ........Special $14.96 MEN'S FINE STRAW HATS, reg. $8.75 ..............for $2.96 MEN'S HARD STRAW HATS, ...................Special Tec. MEN'S FINE DRESS SHIRTS ..................Special $1.39 MEN'S BEAUTIFUL, TIES ........ccc0vves......Special 49¢, MEN'S FINE CHECKE DSOCKS.................Special 86¢c. MEN'S B.V.D. UNDERWEAR ..........................00c. LADIES' WEAR CREPE DE CHENE DRESSES ....... PRINTED SILK DRESSES ".......... : SILK STOCKINGS ...... i ivi Gini ieee uncsis /000, SILK UNDERWEAR at below cost prices We have received our shipment of fine dress lengths. Very nice patterns at remarkable low prices, We have a full line of Men's, Women's and Children's Running Shoes, at remarkably low prices. Our goods are bright and the prices are right. Ladies Shoes $2.98 GOOD SECOND-HAND MACHINERY FOR SALE 3 Footlift Sulky Plows, 2 Mowers, Manure Spreader, 2 Crown Gang Plows, Cockshutt O.F.G Riding Plow, Cockshutt Beaver Riding Plow ~All first-class con- dition and cheap. Geo. Jackson & Son . Port Perry Dry Cleaning ey * ALIX. GILBOORD, Proprietor JAS. McKEE & SON, - PORT PERRY| . White Kitchen Restaurant When you want to eat in comfort £0 to the White Kitchen Restaurant. Two tables have been added to the dining room, and you are always sure of courteous treatment and best of - home-made cooking. Call on Walter, he knows how to serve you right: Ice Cream and Soft Drinks served to your taste. You can also get cigars and cigarettes of your favorite brand. WALTER COOK, Proprietor. ORTHOGON We are the authorized dispensens of Orthogon Lenses. You get clear vision to the edge of your glasses. Call or Phone for an appointment for an examination. y F. B. LUKR, Opt. D. W.E LUKE, R. 0. : 163-167 Yonge Street Toronto