nr nC § ERT ee Shas Cd i$ | Teh PE RE IR ESA -- LS TRE AL EC LE ha Ra Page Four PERSONAL Mr. Elmer Mitchell, of Toronto, was in town on Monday, and attended the Port Perry-Lindsay Hockey match. Mrs. John Roach and Miss-Norene Roach, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ruddy on Mon- day. A few old acquaintances and out- of-town guests, who attended the 1.LO.D.E. Dance, on New Year's Eve, were: Miss Cobbledick, Toronto; Dr. John Brock, Oshawa; Misses Helen and Edith Lucas, and gentlemen friends, of Whitby; Miss Reta Miller, and gentleman friend, Oshawa; Miss Bernice Wallace and friend, Oshawa; Miss Florence Bush, Toronto; Mr. G. Reesor, Markham; Miss Frances Mel- low and friend, Toronto; Mr. Sandy Fairweather, Norwood; Miss Helen Vickery, and Mr. Clifford Vickery, Toronto, accompanied by their cousin; Miss Inez Fralick, Misses Norma and Mabel Armstrong; Messrs. Rennie and S. Cawker. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crosier, Helen and Elwood, of Manchester; Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Crosier, Mary, Irene, and Erla, of Altona; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Crosier and Allan, of Seagrave; Mr. 'and Mrs. A. G. Clarke and Harlan, of Greenbank; all spent New Year's with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W., W. Crosier. i NIIC M Men"s Club will hold Social Evening The Men's Club of the Port Perry United Church is to meet for a social gathering on Wednesday evening, January 14th, at 8 o'clock. The even- ing will be spent in fun, games and a general good time. No money needed. Come with your smiles, and if you have a friend you wish te enter the circle bring him along, too. Wednesday, January 14th, at 8 p.m. See "THE VIRGINIAN" a spectacular rider's action. scene in which 300 head of bellowing cattle swim across the swirling current. One of the greatest action scenes ever filmed. See thousands of cattle in the round up. See them stall a locomotive. Gary Cooper stars in this great character play--a gripping drama of the old West. Sdturday, January 10 at 2.30 p.m. and 7.15 and 9.156 p.m. Admission at 2.30 20c and 10c.; at evening per- formance, 25¢ and 16c. PORT PERRY PICTURE HOUSE 'pages of the New Year to finish each SCHOOL NEWS The Christmas entertainment is a thing of the past. Christmas and New Year's Days have come and gone. School has started once more and we have before us the clean, shining in his own way. The Christmas rush is over, and the teachers all advise us to make this term a term of steady application and hard work. We should do well to heed their advice, for they speak from experience, The fresh snow-fall makes us plan all kinds of winter sports, and we look forward with joy to a true Canadian winter.' We are anxiously waiting for word from the proper authorities so that we shall know if the High School pupils have skating privileges at the rink this year. CHANGE IN PORT PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL STAFF Mr. Clarence Werner, who has been Principal of the Port Perry Public School and teacher of the entrance class, has resighed and accepted a position at Hamilton, on the Vocation- al School staff. We wish Mr. Werner success in his new position. At a special meeting of the Board of Education, it was decided to ap- point Mr. Statton as Principal of the Public School, and advance him to the entrance class. Mr. Statton has been teacher of the Third Class room. Mrs. A. P. McFarlane has been en- gaged temperorily to teach the Third Book. se @ NEWS WANTED Personal and local news items are solicited. We are always pleased to publish what is of interest and value to our readers. ini di Bo SPARROW-SHORT A pretty wedding took place at 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 3, at Port Perry, when Bertha Mayriene Short became the bride of William George Sparrow, of Toronto. The wedding was solemnized at St. John's Presbyterian Church with Rev. J. Annand officiating. Miss Jean Law- son, of Toronto, was bridesmaid, and James Frise was best man. Miss Henrietta Smith, Toronto, presided at the organ. Mr. Arthur Bartlett, of Toronto, sang "I Love 'But Thee." The bride wore a becoming costume of hunter's green, with green suede shoes, and corsage bouquet, of yellow roses and lily of the valley, while she wore a Hudson seal coat for going away. Miss Lawson had a corsage bouquet of pink roses and lily of the valley. A number of friends from Toronto attended the wedding, the bride being a graduate of the 1925 nursing class of the Toronto General Hospital. After a wedding trip to Bermuda, the happy couple will make their home at 249 Indian Road, Te- ronto. Our Hand Bags value. agree. only. 1. JEWELLER Leather Goods $2.25, and $2.95, are exceptional See them, and you will Our line of Papetries is as good as you will get elsewhere at the price. Special 109 discount for January Have that Watch of yours gone over now, and Save Money. OPTICAL WORK A SPECIALTY R.- BENTLEY at $1.00," $1.50, OPTOMETRIST BE ---- Eyes Examined by the most modern methods, also artificial eyes fitted. F. E. LUKE & SON 163-167 Yonge St, Toronto . (upstairs opposite Simpsons) HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Port Perry Horticultural Society will be | held at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, January 13th, 1931, -at Dr, Lundy's Office. MARRIED Breckon-Cutts--At" St. George's Church, Toronto, on December 17th, 1930, by Rev. P, J. Dykes, Ella Louise Cutts, daughter of Mr. Wm. Cutts, Port Perry, to Edmund J. Breckon, son of Mr. Wm, Breckon, of Bronte, Ontario. ' CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the ratepayers of ) AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD | duties on Monday for the year. FURNITURE " belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Joseph Britton, at Port Perry, Thursday, January 16th, at 1.30 p.m. See bills for list. Terms Cash. last Friday night. The fast and clean throughout. & the first period R. Lee scored Greenbank and Heayn for Prince. alty, and Dodd for Prince Albert. Geo. Jackson & Son, Aucti In the d period G b ph. MYR Mr. and Mrs. Earl H ily of Scugog, visited h aunt Mrs. Will J. Cook, on day. Mr. Bill McCartney, who been working for Mr. Joe Simpkins, has engaged with Mr. John Bromw near Raglan, and commenced his yn and fam- former's School re-opened on Monday, the pupils being all back on the benches after spending a happy Christmas holiday. Now the smiles--glad hand shaking and friendly calls are over with what next? The annual school meeting was held last week with a fair attendance of the ratepayers present. The board for 1931 are the former trustees-- Messrs. Levi Tordiff, Arthur Maw and Harry Lane. The different reports showed that the general business was in good shape for 'a success year. Miss Leask, who is giving the schol- ars vocal training for forty minutes each week is making splendid pro- gress. Radio fans have the pleasure of listening to the Rev. (Billy) Sunday's discourse at a Buffalo station every afternoon this week. Rev. Mr. Sun- day is a very earnest speaker and does not veneer any of his remarks. His Buffalo audiences are very vast, as well as his radio ones, and 'is further proof that in spite of 'the unrest and bluster of this fast pleasure seeking age, religion sei holds sway. A house to house canvas was made during the week for funds for re. painting the hall and the response was generally quite generous. Mr. W. J. Cook, of Myrtle Station is being congratulated on the splendid run be made at the polls on Monday The ratepayers showing by ballot the confidence they have in him, We need a lot of new public improvements in this part of the township and he is the "nan to use his influence in se- curing them. If you want anything in this line just appeal to "Bill" and watch for results. Congratulations are also extended to the Reeve and other members of the Council. meee) res. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, January 11th-- 11 am.--Can we know God? 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m. foe on Israel's Iron Age. 5. The"Bad Sons of a Good Father. Prince Albert 1.45 Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Worship Service Heayn again tallied for Prince rt q Two penalties were handed out in this period--R. Lee and Dodd. When the bell rang the tie was still unbroken. During the five minutes overtime W. McMillan broke the tie for Green- bank, making the score 3-2. It will be remembered that when these teams met last year Prince Albert won 5-0. With more steady practice our boys will certainly improve and we hope will be able to defeat any of its opponents. Congratulations to Mr. Geo: Till on being re-elected as Reeve by ac- clamation. + Miss Marjorie Leask is visiting for a week in Oshawa. R. SAMSON VICKERY The funeral took place last week of one of Whitby's best known residents in the person of R. Samson Vickery, who passed away at his home on By- ron street north. The deceased had reached the age of 87 years, and had been ill for only a few days. Mr. of Prince Albert until he retired and moved to Whitby some years ago. His wife predeceased him some years ago, and since then a niece, Miss Taylor, has kept house for him. A son Mr | J. F. Vickery, of Reach Township, survives, The funeral service was conducted at his son's home, with Rev. E. R. Adae, of Whitby officiating. et PGP THANK YOU May I extend this greeting to the ratepayers of Port Perry who gave their support, in re-electing me as a member of the Board of Education 1931-32. And it is my hope that all citizens of Port Perry may have a Happy and Prosperous Year. GEO. R. DAVEY, LOST--A pair of Kid Gloves. . please leave at Star Office. Card of Thanks I wish to thank the ratepayers of Port Perry, who so earnestly sup- ported and elected me as Councillor for Port Perry, for 1981. Wishing all a Happy and Prosperous Finder New Year. . Yours very truly, Te J. WEIR. ttt tl --e Reserve this date--Friday, Jan 9, 1981, for the Minstrel Show to be put on by the Prospect Young People's Club, under 'the direction of Arthur Lynde, in the Township Hall, Man- chester. Jan 7 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, January 11th-- 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. LETTER OF THANKS To the Citizens of Port Perry: © Dear friends,--I want to extend to you all, my sincere thanks for the confidence you have placed in me, in electing me as Councillor for the year 1931. I promise you, I will faithfully and impartially discharge my duties as Councillor, to the best of my know- ledge and ability. If any of the ratepayers, at any time during the year, have any sug- gestions or complaints to make, re- garding the Municipal affairs of your town, I will thank you to write me personally regarding the matter, and I will see that it is brought before the Council and given every consider- ation. Thanking you again and wishing yo uall, health, happiness and pros- perity during 1981. Faithfully Yours, W. MERLIN LETCHER. GREENBANK The annual Sunday School meeting of the United Church was held on Monday evening of last week. Miss Helen Phoenix, of Strathroy, visited relatives here over the holiday. Messrs. John and Freeman Howsam left last Friday to visit the former's brother in Mount Clements, Mich. Rev.'and Mrs. Parker, of Whitevale, visited with Miss A. Harman on Sat- urday of last week. Mrs. Whitter and family returned home on Sunday after spending the holidays in Toronto. Mrs. T. Sharp in Toronto over the week end. Mr. and Mrs, Cousins, of Oshawa, WANTED--Two or more boarders. For particulars apply at Star Office. Jan. 8 Nursery Stock E. D. SMITH & SONS, LIMITED Nurserymen, Landscape Architects, Winona - - - Ontario. Represented in this district by Benjamin Smith, Fis - ALBERT bert. Beare took Greenbank's pen-|: surged ahead when E. Lee sco . Vickery lived on a farm just south | detection and conviction of the party who stole my wire clothes lines. SPECIAL SEDAN--A de luxe car ... in' fender walls; wid chrome-plated radiator grils wandard equipment. Lower in mir owners to the Chevrolet Six . . Chevrolet the world's largest-selling six- cylinder car. Fe NEW CHEVROLET SIX Bigger XR Finer ODAY 'General Motors and Chevrolet are proud to present a new Chevrolet Six. The new. car has a lengthened, 109-inch wheelbase . . . beautiful new bodies by Fisher « + + de luxe wire wheels . . . and important. mechanical improvements. Yet it sells at new reduced prices . . . the lowest at which any Chevrolet has ever been introduced. With all its new beauty and added value, 10 'departure has been made from the basic + principles of six-cylinder operation and ex- treme economy which have won 2,000,000 six wire wheels, two Price Bigger -- finer -- lower in price . . . the new Chevrolet Six is now on display at the show- rooms of dealers everywhere, Come and drive this bigger, finer Six today. If you can afford to buy any car . . . the new Chevrolet Six, at its extremely low prices, is easily within your reach. The chHAC plan of deferred payments offers the lowes fi g charges availabl .and the G I Motors Ouner Service Policy pledges lasting satisfaction. NEW LOW PRICES The Standard The Stan Five . and made Roadster » - « - $610 he Siapdand + $108 The Sport Roadster - 660 THe ort Cou To 48 The Phaeton - - « 668 The a The Conch - - - + 695 gp 'Sonar g 1 Prices at factory, Oshenn. Tn The Standard Coupe 695 GENERAL MOTORS BEARE "After we sell, we serve" BROS. Port Perry REWARD I will pay $6.00 reward for the JOHN IRWIN. The cost of ment--provided Don't Put It Off! I Wien fire breaks out it is too late to . avert the loss of valuable papers locked up in a drawer in your office or home. than the expense of replacing one docu- Don't put off renting a Safety De- - posit Box until it is too late. | Cents a day you can buy protection. Willard's Store News CHOICE GROCERIES We may likely have just what you want, therefore it will pay you to investigate. There is always golden op- portunities for those who have eyes to see them. protection' is far lesé it can be replaced. . For two Fancy Rice, Loaf Sugar, MecCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas, | Heintz Cream of Celery and Pea Soup, No 2 tin 26e. 3 lbs 26c. | Crossfish Sardines, 2, 25¢. 2 pkgs. 25c. | Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. 23c. SAIR DATES FRESHFRUIT Fresh, Clean, Pitted Srapes, Ciapetrult, in bulk, 2 Ibs for 25c. ra, 2 pkgs. 25c. Tone up our system with FR 8 tn of Spinach, Beets, Bars paragus, Sauer ut, BONELESS CHICKEN z or Carrots per tin 40¢c. * FRESH FISH--Sea Herring, Whitefish, and B. C. Salmon WILLARD &CO., COMING TO UXBRIDGE / 1 Admission: AdultsS0c, Children 25c | Port Perry} PHONE 46 r 2 "THURSDAY JANUARY 8 th at 2.30 and 8.00 p.m. 'The Children of His Majesty' 8 - CHAPEL SAVOY CHOIR --