Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 8 Jan 1931, p. 8

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a A aR A J ) i | y q b | Mr. and Mrs, Silas Jacobs celebrated their Diamond Jubilee of marriage on Friday, December 19th, at their home near Zion. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs ave enjoying good health and appear to carry lightly the years they have passed through while watching many changes. The house was tastefully decorated in Orchid and yellow, with W few sprays of mistletoe. 'The table which held the four-storey cake with sixty orchid eandles, was beautifully laid with flowers from friends far and near. The two grandsons, Frank and Norman, lighted the candles on the cake. About a hundred guests con- gratulated Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs on their long married life and partook of the buffet lunch. Mr. Jacobs was born on the 12th concession of Mariposa in 1849, being a son of Mr. Frank Jacobs and Mary Mark, who was the daughter of the late John and Mary Mark. He re- ceived his education at Taylor's Cor- ners and Little Britain and a high sehool education at Oakwood. He started in the steamboat business at Port Hoover on the steamer Lady Ida, with his uncle Thomas Hoover. At - that time Port Hoover was a thriving business place--there was a sawmill, a grain warehouse, two stores and two hotels, they were kept by Hadley & Rogers, and a number of residences. It was no common sight to see the boat Lady Ida, tow eight scow loads of grain up the lake to Port Perry, there being no railway through this section at that time. Mrs. Jacobs was Emily Jane Hicks, born in Cobourg in 1849, the daughter of John and Annie Hicks, who came Little Britain. Mrs. Jacobs received was six weeks old. They drove over corduroy roads from Cobourg to Littel Britain. Mrs. Jacobs received -her education at Little Britain school. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs were married by Rev. Mr. Whitlock, in Little Britain on December 19th, 1870. They took up housekeeping in Port Perry and lived there about seven years, then moving to Lindsay, where Mr, Jacobs followed the steamboat busi- ness several years. He then went to Manitoba and British Columbia and while there Mr. Jacobs was Captain of a boat engaged in the salmon in- dustry. They also spent a short time in California, then returning to Lind- say to live. The troops went west to the North West Rebellion while Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs lived in Lindsay. They then moved to Huntsville where Mr. Jacobs worked in the lum- ber business, and was also manager of the Navigation Co. From Huntsville they returned to Lindsay again for a short time before moving to the Yerex farm, lot 12, con 2, where they now live. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs had two child- ren, two grandchildren and six great grandchildren. The two children are both dead (Annie who died at the age of 2 years and 6 months; and Leslie who died at the age of 81.) Leslie left two children, Frank now living at Eden, Mariposa, and Norman, living on the farm where Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs are residing. Many messages of congratulation came from friends and relatives in various parts of the province. Also flowers and fruit and other gifts came from far and near. The Zion community presented Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs with a lovely basket of fruit and a lovely bouquet of flowers. We all wish Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs many years of wedded oe Mr. Green, of Seagrave; preached at Zion on Sunday afternoon. A good crowd attended both church and Sunday School. Friends are glad to hear Mrs. N Moase and children are improving in health after their illness. Store, Port Perry "| home of Mr. THE PORT PERRY STAR" Quite a number attended the Dia- mond Jubilee services at Little Britain united Church on Sunday, December asth. master Edgar and Miss Hazel Savinac, ol Lakwood, spent Sunday nere, and auended the Sunday School wuere they met many old school mates. A number of men attended the nomination meeung 4 Uaswood on monday. Mrs, wuhiam Varcoe, whose. death occurred on Lnursday, vecember 13th, al ner home, al Lhe age ol BU years, was laid wo rest on daituraay atter- noon, Mrs. who was ill but a 1ew days beiore ner death, was among those taitnrul and cue mgthers ana ever a laithiul member ol the cnurch, So her home and church will pe the poorer tor her death. Her cheertul, helpiul lie and her Kindness to everyone, will long linge: as lragrant memory in this commun- wy. Her husband ir. William Varcoe, preaeceased her thirty years ago. Of une 1amily otf five sons and three aaughnters, Lhere are surviving three sons, Dan, of Linasay; Allan of Whitby; and James ot toronto, She is survived by one biother Alex. Me- vonald, or New Ontario. varcoe, The funeral services were held at her late home conducted by Rev. Mr. Mellow. 'Lhe remains were laid to rest in sthe family plot at Salem cemetery. 'Lhe pallbearers were Don, Allan and James Varcoe, Dr, Bateson, oi London, son-in-law; and two grand- sons, Lloyd and Cameron Varcoe, ot Loronto. The beautirul floral tributes were testimony of the esteem in which the deceased was held by her many friends. The people of the community extend their sympathy. Mr. B. A. Wilson, of Lindsay, spent Tuesday with Mr. John Campbell, Friends are sorry to hear Rev. Mr. Green's son had to be operated on. We hope him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Baron Osborne cele- brated their silver wedding on Satur- day, December 27th. Congratulations. The correspondents of Zion wish to thank the Editor of the Port Perry Star very kindly for the prize donated for the work of 1930, the editor and staff New Year. --~--p Myrtle Station I Mr. W. J. Cook and family spent New Year's day with their daughter in Toronto. Mrs. R. Scott, of Seagrave, spen: last week with her mother Mrs. R. S. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson spent the holiday with Manchester friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison spent the week end at Seagrave, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Price and family were in Toronto for New Years. wish Happy and we a very The annual meeting of the Adult Bible Class of the Sunday School was held last Sunday afternoon. Mr, Geo. Painter was elected President and Mrs. R. Chisholm, secretary. Mrs. Moles was re-elected teacher with Mr. H. Lane, as assistant. GREENBANK lle The annual school téeting was held last Wednesday afternoon. The com- munity showed keen interest by the large turnout. Mr. A. F. Phoenix is taking the place of Mr. Cecil Phair as trustee for the New Year, The annual Sunday School meeting was held on Monday evening, Dec. 29. The officers for the coming year were appointed. On Tuesday evening a large num- ber of young people from Greenbank, Saintfield and Wick gathered at the and Mrs. Jos. Stone, to SATURDAY SPECIALS Oyster Shell and Grit FLOUR On Saturdays you'can buy our Choice Pastry Flour at 0c. for 24's, and Bread Flour at $8 25 per 100 lbs., at any of the following places: bid farewell to Miss Edna Wallace. Willard & Co., Port Perry The Raglan Mill C. W. Lakey, Utica Petér Raymer, Prince Albert Miss Wallace has been teaching in Greenbank fos three years and she will be missed both in the school and in the community work, She was presented with many beautiful and uselul shower gifts. The many friends of Miss Wailace wish her much happi- ness in her future. as teacher to (ill®ghe Wi of Miss Wallace. he Tad Dr. Cragg of St. Mich with his paren 's Hospital, Toronto, holidays. winter sports. Friday evening they played a very interesting game of hockey with Prince Albert. Greenbank boys were successful with a score of 8-2. Mr. and Mrs, Howard McMillan and baby, and Nord McMillan, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A, H. Stevens, of Guelph, last week. Mr. Alex. Real, who has been in Rosetown, Saskg for some time, came home last week. A number attended the New Year's dance in the hall on Thursday night. All report a splendid time. Miss Helen Phoenix, Lacadena, Sask., was visiting with relatives and friends here last week. Mr. Walter Phoenix in Toronto for New Years. Mr. G. K. MeMillan, who is teach- ing in Quebec; and Mr. Wallace Me- Millan, of O. A. C., Guelph, with their parents during the holidays. Sorry to report that Mr, Albert Stone 1s quite ill. We hope for a speedy recovery. =A gore reese PARLIAMENTARY REPORT Fhe Tenth Ontario Older Boys' Par- liament met in Toronto during the week between Christmas and New Years Day. Sessions were held in Victoria College. One hundred and eighteen representatives of teen age boys were present from all parts of the province and for six days dis- cussed all phases of Boys' work, The outstanding features of the Parlia- ment were the group discussions on Boys" work where the members learn- ed of what was being done in other constituencies, and learned how to | carry out organized work in their | own. Also Rabbi M. Eisendrath, of Holy Blossom Synagogue gave an im- pressive and educational address on Obstacles to World Friendship." Then in the actual sessions of Parlia- 1 the boys learned Parliamentary procedure and at the same time brought in legislation pertaining to boy life. - a FOR SALE, Quebec Cook Stove, six lids, polished top, high back, and warming closet, reservoir. Have no further use for stove as furnace is being installed. D. E. Ianson, Greenbank, Phone 108 r 2-1. tf. to Do ---- FOR SALE . 11 pigs, 6 weeks old, past. Apply to Henry Cox, R.R.2, Port Perry, Ont. Jan. 16. pd. A ANI J. A. HETHERINCTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 to 12 am. Phone 258 W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to § p.m. Office over McKee's Shoe Store. Take N Notice REGARDING READING NOTICES. On and after Thursday, January 1, 931, a charge of 4c. per line will be made on all reading notices by so- cieties, churches, or community or- ganizations. No flat rates for the month or year will be given. Church notices for regular Sunday services will be charged at 2%c. per line. Reading notices do not include re- ports of events that have taken place. omelrist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Cure and Eye Strain, 1516 PHONE OSHAWA, ONT. (Opposite Post Office) 1516 What : We welcome Mps. G. Miller to our I community. a is engaged || for the The Tuxis Boys have ri their The | A gold plated 'Brerilteady Safety azor with two blades, and a pkg. of shaving cream, all for 50c. Kepler's Cod Liver Oil, with extract of Malt. A splendid winter tonic. In two sizes. Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry te le Ontario Don't Worry about Baking: Call up GERROW'S-- Their Business is BAKING Ee E. HL GERROW & SONS Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. TF. Ww. Brock & Chain RED & WHITE, Stores. SRT Gad Specials for THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY § RED & WHITE SOUPS, any kind... ................2 for 2lc. AYLMER LOMBARD PLUMS, (2's) in heavy syrup ... th 16¢. WESTON'S FANCY BISCUITS ....................per 1b 29¢. 5-STRING BROOMS; good quality .............0...0..... 496 The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W BERT, MacGREGOR Will do the rest. ~ - LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eto. . MONEY TO LOAN Office--McCaw Block, Port Perry. Phone 264 * Have you seen the beautiful dishes we are giving away absolutel y FREE. If not, call and see them. Everybody may participate, and you can have your share You will always find a full line of GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, CROCKERY, ete., in our Store. Try a bag of our REINDEER FLOUR. makes beautiful bread. J. F. McCLINTOCK PORT PERRY, £ ONT. STOP THAT BARK! REXALL BRONCHIAL SYRUP is a particularly effective preparation for the treat- ment of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, etc. Bottle 50c. VAPURE is a wonderful inhalent for quickly relieving the dis- comfort of Head Colds and Nasal Catarrh. Just place a few drops on a folded cloth and inhale through the nose. Per bottle 50c. REXALL COLD TABLETS To b: ak up a cold. Have a box on hand i and be} pre- pared, Per box 2bc. A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B. : EEN : Lv "The e Rexall Dregsnt" It Red & b cakes & white Naptha Soap ° 'FREE 25c. LD MEDAL CASTILE SOAP . LEC ll pe Sm SOAP ........ .vvv0 3 cakes 22¢c. CANNED BLUEBERRIES, (make delicious" pies) vevuo tin 18e. I'ELS NAPTHA SOAP ..... Thi Lovaas oi2 for 156, Diamond Bar Peaches, SNAP HAND CLEANER ..... a «evs oper tin 15¢. WHIZ TOILET FLUSH ............. ..i... ..per tin 21c. JELLY BEANS ..................... reper 1b 19c. POT: BARLEY vv icivanicinain rs wx va wd ineas sexs sper 1D BC. JEWEL SHORTENING ................ cevesenssaper 1b lde. ALE GOOD SOCKEYE SALMON. .... STANDARD QUALITY NO 4 SIEVE PEAS..........2 for 15c. NEW PACK PRUNES, good size ............... .+2 Ms for 23c. NEW MIXED NUTS... ....... 0.0.0 00 casa per bb 2c. SHELLED WALNUTS, (halves) .............. aaa Ib 28c. Tomatoes, Standard 2 tins 19c. EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK. ............ .per tin 21c. TIGER BRAND CATSUP, large bottle ......... Eras asin eS FALCON BRAND COFFEE ............. . ..11 tin 49c. RED & WHITE ORANGE PEKOE TEA, ..I's #e. Y's 29¢.. . 2 tins 19c. Pumpkin, choice PINK SALMON, good quality .....,......... o..%; 1b tin llc. LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS, medium size tins ...... ...2 for 19¢c. QUICK QUAKER OATS, large package ...... FR ERR [1 RED & WHITE EXTRACTS, Lemon or Vanilla . .......2 for 15c. F. W. Brock & Sen Phone 43 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRIGE" Port Perry HUGH CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR. FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles. Excellent cloths and trimmings. Workmanship Guaranteed. 'FRENCH DRY CLEANING Agent for Regent Clothes HUGH CAMPBELL DONT WORRY ABOUT FIRE! Have your property properly insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON = ad GP But Courtesy Pays UR business friends, and yours with whom we make transactions, demand that pre- cision of efficient execution which is a part of the regular service maintained by any bank in its daily affairs. To merit your confide: we must go further. The Canadian Bank | Commerce maintains. a policy of personal courtesy in its dealings, regardless of their respective importance, which should be an asset in your business as well as in ours. ee 14c. y

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