Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 15 Jan 1931, p. 8

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Myrtle Station ~ Mr. Gordon Pilkey returned last week to his studies at Queen's. Uni- versity, Kingston, after spending his holidays at his home here. Mrs. Earl Beadle spent Saturday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D. Broom and son Howard of Kinsale, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Percy. Mrs. T. R. Price was in the city a ~ part of this week. ; A number from here attended the _ concert given at Manchester last Friday night by the Prospect Young . People. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams and Doreen, of Toronto, spent a part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Britton. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held last Tuesday afternoon. Good reports were given by the dif- ferent officers. Following are the - officers for 1931: Hon. President, Mrs. F. L. Brown and Mrs. J. Bryant; Pres. Mrs. W. Graham; Vice Pres., Mrs. J. Cooper; Treas, Mrs. Jas. Dickson; 'Sec., Mrs. R. Thompson; Asst. Sec., Mrs. L. Tordiff; Pianiste, Mrs. Luery; Parsonage Com., Mrs. O. H. Downey, and Mrs. Will Cook. MANCHESTER Mr. Wm. Pollard, of Wainwright, Alta., spent a day last week at the home of his cousin, Mrs. Chas. Ger- row. Mr. Pollard is farming in the West and had not been home. for some twenty years and saw a great change in Ontario. Those from Manchester who attend- ed the Oyster Supper and Dance given by the Orangemen in the Utica Hall report a good time and plenty of oysters. Quite a few cars were stuck in the snow banks after the snow storm. It begins to look like real winter. The Women's Association met at the home of Mrs. Barrett with a good attendance. Mrs. Bradley, of Whitby, is visiting at the home of Mrs. L. Lamb. Mr. W. Skill, of Toronto, with his aunt Miss Rees. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Badgerow, of Churchill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gerrow. Mrs. L. Roach has returned to her school after the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Christie, Osh- awa, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Crosier. Mrs. John Moore called on her daughter Mrs. R. Butt, of Oshawa, one day last week. Master Franklin Lamb, of Lindsay, spent the holidays at the home of Mr. Frank Lamb. Miss Laura Thompson visited with her friend Helen Crosier last week. The concert put on in the Hall by the Prospect Ministrels was well at- tended and all report a splendid pro- gramme. Prospect is to be congrat- ulated on their splendid talent. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mr. Geo. Bradley of Scugog in his great loss of a loving wife. Miss Helen Crosier spent Sunday at Utica, the guest of Miss L. Thompson. SEAGRAVE gr Ae The annual Sunday School meeting was held recently in the Sunday School room and was fairly well at- , tended. The pastor had charge of ~ the meeting with Mrs. B. Dowson act- ing as secretary. Reports from the various departments showed the past year a very successful one. A few changes were made in the order of classes. The officers for 1931 are much the same as last year and are Mark; Asst Supt, Mr. H. Eagleson; Secretary, Mr. Mac McMillan; Asst. Sec., Mr. Bert Wanamaker; Treasurer, Mr. Wm. Rogers; Asst., Mrs. J. Mec- Taggart; "Teachers, Mrs. A: L. Or- chard, Mrs. W. Moase, Mrs. H. Leask, Mrs. B. F. Green, Mrs. A. Martin, Mrs H. Eagleson, Mr. R. Reynolds and Miss Ila Moon; Pianist, Mrs. B. Dow- son. The Sunday School meets every Sunday morning at 11. am. Every- body welcome. There has been a splendid attend-- ance at Sunday School since the New Year. 112 being on the roll, which is very encouraging to the teachers and Superintendent of the school. Mrs. Emma Mark, formerly of Sea- grave, and now in Toronto, was the guest of honor at a merry birthday party on Saturday evening, January 10th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. McPherson, 24 Walter St. Toronto, when her children and grand- children assembled to celebrate her 87th birthday. There were thirty two present, coming from Lindsay, Port Hope, Prince Albert, Seagrave and Toronto, to offer congratulations and present gifts, and to wish her many more years of health and happiness. A very pleasant time was spent by all. The Quadrata Girls' Club was held at the home of Mrs. A. Bruce on Wed- nesday evening, January 7th, and was well attended. Miss Clements, Vice President, was in charge, and opened the meeting with the usual devotional exercises, which was followed with items of business. At the close of the meeting a lovely lunch was served by the hostess and all had a very en- joyable time. Friends of Mrs. Gordon Sweetman, of Port Perry, hope her a speedy re- covery after her operation in the Port Perry Hospital. Sorry to hear Mrs. Morley Me- Dougall is in Toronto Hospital very ill. Mr. and Mrs. W. Stone spent last week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Demara, of Scugog, were visitors last week with relatives here. Sorry to report Mrs. E. Butt con- fined to her bed, through illness, the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. David Carruthers, of Toronto, were recent visitors with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin and family visiting with friends in Port Perry on Sunday. BLACKSTOCK spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. VanCamp. We are glad to know that Mr. Al- bert Hooey, who was taken suddenly ill on Saturday, is a little better at present. Miss Gladys Dodsley, Miss Elsie Venning, and Mr. Orr Venning, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dods- ley, Scugog. An enjoyable social evening was held in the township hall on Friday evening last, it being the first euchre party of the year held under the auspices of the L. 0. B. A. The win- ners were: ladies--1st Mrs. Charles Venning, 2nd Mrs. Wilbert Werry; gentlemen--I1st Mr. Osmond Wright, 2nd Mr. Dalton English. Prizes were awarded and lunch served. On Friday evening of this week, a community progressive euchre party will be held in the township hall. The pr ds will go towards some stage improvements. Mr. and Mrs. F. Willan, Miss Agnes Whittaker and Mr. Cecil Hyde, at- tended the concert held in the United Church at Uxbridge, when "The Children of His Majesty's Chapel Savoy Choir" gave a most delightful program. Mrs. John Barton and Douglas, of Enniskillen, visited at the home of Smith Bros. on Sunday. as follows: Superintendent, Mr. John ll Superior Store, Port Perry ! F. W. Brock & Son, Port Perry J. F. McClintock, Port Perry | I: I Wilden, Port Panty SATURDAY SPECIALS 'Oyster Shell and Grit FLOUR On Saturdays you can buy our Choice Pastry Flour at * 0c. for 24's, and Bread Flour at $8.25 per 100 lbs., at any of the following places: Ed Williams, Prince Albert. RT PERRY MILL We are pleased to know that Mr. Oscar Edwards was able to be brought a - el OPP ---- Mr. Norton VanCamp, of Elmira, home on Sunday 'from St. Michael's | Hospital, Toronto, where he has been confined since his accident some weeks ago. ) "Prince Albert any Mr. G. K. Robertson a Presbytery meeting held 'in on January 6th inst. Mr. Martin Rennick, Toronto, spent last week at the home of his uncle, Mr. J. W. Martyn. At the December meeting of the Women's Association, Mrs. C. Luke was elected President. Mr. Alvin Hunter was elected a trustee at the yearly meeting of the School Board, taking the place of Mr. Kirby who was the retiring trustee. Mr. Geo. Bond held somewhat of a family gathering in New Year's, en- tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Till and daughters, of Greenbank, and Mr. and Mrs. Philps, of Utica. Mrs. Frank Stanton, of Brooklin, is visiting her mother Mrs. Bond, who has been in poor health but who is now convalescing. Mrs. Wannamaker, of Oshawa, is visiting her sons Messrs. H. and 8S. Hope. Mrs. W. J. Martyn and Master Allen Martyn spent the week-end in Toronto with her mother Mrs. Mark, who celebrated her eighty-seventh birthday on Saturday, January 10th. We offer congratulations to Mrs. Mark and hope she may live to en- joy many more birthday parties. Mr. 'W. Burnett arrived home some ten days ago to spend the winter with his mother who has been in poor health and who died early Monday morning. Mrs. Burnett was in her ninety-third year. She leaves to mourn her, two sons Mr. W. Burnett and Mr. John Burnett, of Frontier, Manitoba, also several grandchildren. Her husband and two sons predeceased THE PORT PERRY STAR What Port Ferry Merchants Offer _ A and D potency. . They Invite you to Inspect. we 43 Ape plated Ever-Ready Safety azor with two blades, pkg. of shaving cream, all for 50c. Kepler' s Cod Liver Oil, with extract of Malt. A splendid winter tonic. In two sizes. VINOLIA CASTILE SOAP, 5c per cake or 8 cakes for 25c¢. STANDARDIZED COD LIVER OIL of definite Vitamin Shave per bottle $1.25 Morrison's Drug Store Ontario ale ols Port Perry ANNOUNCEMENT The Price of Bread is Reduced to 16e. for Standard Loa | EXE RERTX E. H. GERROW & SONS Bakers and Confectioners, her many years ago. Mrs. Burnett has lived in this vicinity the greater part of her life. She was always a supporter. of the church, although of late years unable to attend and she was highly respected by all. Interment was made from the family residence to the Pine Grove Cemetery on Wednesday. GREENBANK Word has been received here of the The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choles, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phene 72 W BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. Port Perry. a F. W. Brock & Son Chain RED & WHITE Stores Speolals for THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY £3 Orange Marmalade, Gold Medal, : 40 ozs., 25c. FALCON KEIFFER PEARS, No. 2 Siren eda 14c. MATCHES, Red and White Brand .................. .3 for 25¢. INFANTS DELIGHT SOAP .............. .4 for 25c. SERV-US BRAND RED PITTED CHERRIES No. 2 tin ....22c. Rolled Oats, - 7 Ibs. 25c. death of Mrs. George Burns, of Cal- gary, on January 4th. George is an old Greenbank boy and we extend our! sympathy to him. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held on Tuesday, January 6, when Mrs. Fleetwood Beare, was elected President for the year. Rev. and Mrs. Parker, of Whitevale, at Miss A. Harmon's on Sunday. Mrs. Badwin has gone to Whitevale to spend the remaider of the winter with Rev. and Mrs. Parker. Rev. Mr. Dyer, Miss Myrtle Blake- LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eto. MONEY TO LOAN Office--McCaw Block, Port Perry. Phone 264 ly, and Mr. James Biden, are attend- ing the winter school at Cobourg this week. J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugleas Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Teronte Phone Hargrave 0000 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 to 12 am. Phone 2858 W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Houss--9 a.m. to § pm. Office over MeKeo's Shee Store. Take Notice REGARDING READING NOTICES. On and after Thursday, January 1, 1981, a charge of 4c. per line will be made on all reading notices by so- cieties, churches, or community or- ganizations. No flat rates for the month or year will be given. Church notices for regular Sunday services will be charged at 2%c. per line. | Reading notices do not include re- ports of events that have taken place. cS -------------------------------------------- Willard & Co. Port Perry The Raglan Mill C. W. Lakey, Utica Peter Raymer, Prince Albert the system built up. build up resistence to disease. WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER oI, KEPLER'S EXTRACT OF MALT AND COD LIVER OL, A wonderful tonic and builder . . ..$1.00 and $1.75. REXALL EXTRACT OF COD LIVER AND CREOSOTE, {II For the cough that hangs on VD CREGBOTE FREE Have you seen the beautiful dishes iving away absolutely FREE. If not, call and see them. Everybody may participate, an we are you can have your share. You will always find a full line of GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, CROCKERY, ete. Store. Try a bag of our REINDEER F makes beautiful bread. J. F. McCLINTOCK PORT PERRY, ONT. GOLDEN SPRAY LOAF CHEESE................. per Ib. 33c. RED & WHITE IODIZED and SHAKER SALT Seeds re for 19c. TAPIOCA or SAGO, fancy quality ................ 2 bs for 25c¢. RED & WHITE SQDA WAFERS .............. 2 pkes. for 27c. Macaroni yout ar 3 for 25¢. CANADIAN WHITE BEANS ..........0.0.0iinn 3 Ibs for 19c. STANDARD QUALITY CORN, 2S ................ per tin llc. STANDARD QUALITY TOMATOES, 2:8 ........ per tin 1lc. BEST QUALITY SOAP FLAKES rs sei leisy 2 Ibs for 23c. Leamington Onions, 4 lbs. 13c. ROUND CLOTHES PINS .............. Cre 6 dozen for 19c. BIG FIVE CLEANSER, good value ............. ...per tin 5c. RED & WHITE COFFEE. ............ Vis 2%. 1 1b 53c. RED & WHITE COCOA ............000. -- % 1b 22. FREE "23% Falcon Tea, 60c. Ib. STANDATD QUALITY PEAS. ~.....2 tins for 15c. Aree RR ROR ea 2 Bs for 15¢c. IIT TEAS. Ns TN RN Wate i Ss 2 for .25c¢. MOP HANDLES .... ol. lial hina ay 8c. BUTTER ve iniivies vvrpn sha Paani S20 Janie per Ib 32¢c. Tin Crown Syrup, and pkg. Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, for 34c. F. W. Broek & Sen Phone 43 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGNER THAN PRICE" Port Perry HUGH CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles. / Excellent eloths and trimmings. / Workmanship Guaranteed. FRENCH DRY CLEANING Agent for Regent Clothes HUGH CAMPBELL DONT WORRY ABOUT FIRE! in 'our LOUR. It "Have your property properly insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION . IS WORTH A POUND OF CURE At this season of the year when coughs, colds, la grippe, bronchitis, etc., are so prevalent it is very important to keep A good tonic helps wonderfully to The year- ~~ a ' "The Resall Druggot" Phone 49 - AM. LAWRENCE, Pin. B. = PORT prRRY, ONT. ) "Business is Business" . But Courtesy Pays O UR business friends, and yours with whom 7 we make transactions, demand that pre- cision of efficient execution which is a part of the regular service maintained by any bank in its daily affairs. To merit your Sonidence id Xo must i 8 fr fois The ot of Balk of n a cy: soirisy in its dealings, regardless of their ve importance, which should be an asset in your business as well as in ours.' {

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