oL ie United Church on Wed- y atternoon, January Mth, with plendid attendance of members and | visitors present. The presi- ent, Mrs. Jas. Shunk had charge, opened. the meeting with a hymn, slowed by prayer by Rev. Mr. een. Mrs. I. Watson gave a splen- id reading on prayer and Mrs. C. V. Clarke Sang a pleasing solo which ere much appreciated. Reports as resented from the various depart- ients were highly gratifying as a ery large amount of patience and arpest work on the part of all, and ing out one of the most successtul ears in the society's history, with a alance in the treasury is very en- ouraging to the president who has erved the society with great accept- nce, efliciency and devotion for the )ast eleven years. The election of tficers was conducted by the Rev. Ar. Green. The following were re- lected: President, Mrs. Jas. Shunk; Vice President, Mrs. S. Reynolds; Secretary, Mrs. H. Eagleson; Asst. Mrs. W. Moase; Treasurer, Mrs. A. Martin. Flower Com, Mrs. C. W. Moon, Mrs. T. Couch, Mrs. S. McCoy. Sick Com., Mrs. J. Holdershaw, Mrs. F. Watson, Mrs. 8. J. Wooldridge, Mrs. W. Clarke; pianiste Mrs. W. Clarke. The Young People's League was held on Tuesday evening in the Sun- day School room and was fairly well attended. Rev. Mr. Green had charge of the devotional exercises, after which a short program was given in| which the following took part: strumental by in- Miss M. Armstrong, Mrs. B. F. Green, and Mrs. H. Kagleson gave a splendid talk on missionary work. These numbers were all enjoyed. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. The League are asked to bear in mind the social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce on Friday evening of this week. reading by In the death of John Pickard which occurred at his home in Utica, it may be truly said that a man of personality and highly thought of by his many iriends in Seagrave has passed away. The late Mr. Pickard has been a great sufferer for some time past. The end coming very suddenly at the last. The funeral was held on Saturday after- noon and was largely sympathizing friends. attended by The Sunday evening service in the United Church was in charge of the Rev. Mr. Dough, of Woodville, and -was in the interest of the Missionary and Maintenance Fund. Taking as an illustration, the great need for the people of Saskatchewan and throuyh- out the West. The choir rendered a very appropriate anthem. Rev. Mr. Green occupied the pulpit of the United Church at Woodville, on Sunday evening. Mr. Henry Hodges, of North Bay, spent a few days last week in the vicinity. " Mr. H. Leask, Mrs. S. Wooldridge, Mrs. Ferguson of Sonya, and Mrs. G. McDonald, of Greenbank, were called to Toronto on Saturday where little hope is held out for the recovery of their mother Mrs. Jas. Leask. The end is expected most any time. Mrs. Dure, who has spent some time in Toronto with relatives has returned and is the guest of her daughter Mrs. S. McFarlane. Several members of the Quadrata Girls' Club attended the funeral of the late John Pickard, of Utica, on Saturday afternoon, The Misses L: and V. Pickard being at one time faithful members of their club. To the family our deepest sympathy is "extended. Mr. L. Scott, Mr. L. Beadle and Mr. S. Perkins left recently for Ponty- pool where they are engaged in a lumber camp. Mr. and Mrs. T. Couch were host 1 and hostess on Monday evening, when they entertained a number of their friends in honour of Mr. Couch's birthday. A very enjoyable time was spent by all. We are glad to report that all who were on the sick list are much im- proved in health. Quite a number attended the dance at Sonya on Frifay evening last. A good time is reported. Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Sleep left on Thursday last for Toronto where they will spend sometime. Mise Alma' Frise, of Gamebridge school staff spent the week end at hér home here. APP Myrtle Statiom at The Bible Class held a social even- ing last Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook, South Myrtle. About fifty were present. After a short business meeting a song ser- vice was held and a number of games put on, the president, Mr. G. Painter, then read an address and presented the teacher, Mrs. Ed. Moles, with a handsomé wicker rocking chair. Mrs. Moles taken by surprise, but made afew brief remarks, assuring the class of her love for her work, and her interest in each member. was Refreshments were served, and a hearty vote of thanks tendered Mr. and Mrs. Cook for the use of their home for the happy gathering which broke up by all joining hands and singing "Auld Lang Syne." Rev. and Mrs. R. J. Merriam, Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham, Mrs. Percy, Mrs. Leury, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. D. G. Ross and Ralph Annan, attended the Sunday School Convention at Brook- lin last Friday. At the close of the Ladies' Aid tea, lasty Wednesday evening, the reports of the work of the different organiza- tions of the church were given, show- ing an increase in all departments. A number from here attended the Masonic "At Home" in Brooklin, last Friday night. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Wm. Tucker, last Sunday afternoon. Deceased was an old resident of the locality. Interment took place at Ashburn. BLACKSTOCK etl (Continued from Front Page) son, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Green, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mount- Joy. Mr. Luther Mountjoy acted as chairman and the bride and groom were presented with an electric radio and the following address, which was read by their son, Mr. Norman Mount- joy. . Dear Friends,--We, your children, grandchildren, and relatives, have gathered here to-day to celebrate this precious occasion, your golden wed- ding day. We heartily congratulate you both on having reached your fiftieth milestone of wedded life. We sincerely wish you very many happy returns of Jakuary twelfth and also future health and happiness, During those fifty years of wedded life, you have noted great changes in the world's progress. Yon have work- ed together and prospered. Each of those years have been golden links in the great 'chain,. which so far has made up your wedded life. Those years -have been crowned with your Heavenly Father's great kindness and tender mercy. © As you worked to- gether, your happiness grew and ripened and mellowed with the ad- vancing years, which gave it a rich- cision of efficient "in its daily affairs. "we must go further. 'Commerce maintains respective importance, "Business is Business" But Courtesy Pays UR business friends, and yours with whom we make transactions, demand that pre- of the regular service maintained by any bank To merit your confidence 'courtesy in its dealings, regardless of their «in ygur business as well as in "ours. execution which is a part The Canadian Bank of mr w aia ani ness and fullness that only a husband and wife for fifty years can appre- ciate. there have been ups and downs, sun- shine and shadow, joy and gl but long ere this, you have learned that without the shadow one cannot value the sunshine and have become more ready to meet obstacles, | ents. for their welfare too great a sacrifice As friends, you have been and are well worthy of the name. you to accept this radio and trust that you may be long spared to en- joy it. reply. few words. their good wishes in well chosen re- marks. ing was spent in games and music, after which a dainty lunch was served. Mountjoy received cards and telephone messages of 'congratulation from a number of friends. in Darlington Township, Durham Co., near Hayden. man he moved to Cartwright township to the farm where his son, Russell, now lives. successfully for more than fifty years. and went to Blackstock to reside. over fifty years. who have both enjoyed good health, bride's home on the 3rd concession of THE PSE During that golden span of time, You have been most devoted You never considered an As a token of our esteem, we ask Signed on behalf of your children, grandchildren and relatives--Leslie Il Mountjoy, Mountjoy. Isaac Whitfield, Hazel Mr. Mountjoy made a very suitable Mrs. Mountjoy also spoke a Several others expressed The remainder of the even- During the day, Mr. and Mrs. H. The groom was born and educated When quite a young There he farmed most A little over a year ago, he retired He has been a reader of the Globe for The bride Whitfield. was Mr. formerly Sarah and Mrs. Mountjoy, were married January 12th, 1881 by late Rev. John Creighton, at the A gold plated Ever-Ready Safety Razor with two blades, and a pkg. of shaving cream, all for 50c. 'Kepler' s Cod Liver Oil, with extract of Malt. A splendid winter tonic. In two sizes. VINOLIA CASTILE SOAP, 5¢ per cake or 8 cakes for 25: STANDARDIZED COD LIVER OIL of definite Vitamin A and D potency. .............. . Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry "i= le Ontario ANNOUNCEMENT The Price of Bread is Reduced to . { ..per bottle $1.25 C. 16¢. for Standard Loat Ee xX E. H. GERROW & SONS Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. Chain RED & WHITE Stores Specials for THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS, 2's ......................8 for 26c. POCKET MATCHES. . ...................+...Per Dozen 19c. FALCON SWEET MIXED PICKLES, family jar ..........41c. RED & WHITE PEANUT BUTTER, large jars .............23¢ GOLD MEDAL MATURED MINCEMEAT ........2 Ibs for 35c. MAPLE LEAF DESSERT or BARTLETT PEARS, 2's, tin 18¢c. FANCY PINK SALMON .. TIGER SALMON Tiger Salmon, 1 lb. tin Sarna 10 tin 17. Lemons, New cut Messinas, doz. PRUNES, new stock, good size ......... vivveess.2 bs for 23c. GRIFFIN SEEDED RAISINS, 15 0z. ....... pkgs. 25c¢. RED & WHITE ORANGE PEKOE TEA;,-... 1's 57c...%'s 29¢c. KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES ...2 pkgs. for 19c. NEW HALLOWI DATES ............c.v4e.cuiiss 2 ms for 21c QUICK QUAKER OATS, family size pkg. ....... 2 for 25c¢. cvv0.2 for 28e. Jewel Shortening, 1 1b. Prints, SHREDDED WHEAT, cash and carry .... Cartwright, now the home of Mr. F.| Stinson. The bride's sister, Mrs. Jno. Wright, was bridesmaid, while the best man .was the groom's on brother, the late Wesley Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Mountjoy have. fo children, Leslie, Norman and Russell) all residing in Cartwright and May (Mrs. Henry Graham) in Toronto. There are eight grandchildren. MANCHESTER The Peoples' Meat Market | We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN ............. «vee voo oper pkg. 20c. 0X0 CUBES, small size ................ evade ne for 250, PEARL SOAP ............. 6... vvevee...4 cakes for 15c¢. 20 lbs. Pure Lard $3.25 SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE, Sliced ...~..........2 tins for 25¢. FALCON COFFEE, real value .............. .....1 1b tin 49¢c. CALAY SOAP =... ii dvds .3 cakes for 23c. RED & WHITE STORES REDEEM CHIPSO, OXYDOL, IVORY and CALAY SOAP COUPONS F. W. Brock & Sen Mrs. W. Skill has returned Tone to Phone 43 Toronto, Mrs. L. Lamb, Geo. Fowlie, Walter Fowlie, Mrs. Chas. Gerrow, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wallace, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Geo. Bratley, at Scugog, last week. Glad to hear Mr. Jos. proving in health. J. W. Crozier is busy hauling -wood while the sleighing is good. Glad to report Mrs. Grant Christie improving in health. Mrs. Weeks, of Oshawa, is visiting with friends here. Baird is im- LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN Office-- McCaw Block, Port Perry. Phone 264 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" DON'T WORRY ABOUT FIRE! Have your property properly insured at once Mrs. W. D. Munro is visiting her mother in Demerastville. Don't fail to hear the play "Wild Ginger" in the Township Hall. The Community Club met in the hall on Thursday evening. After the business part was settled, a mock trial was held: Miss Jean MacNeill suing Joe La Booth for breach of promise, fifteen thousand dollars be- ing the money asked for. The jury consisted of Sidney Harben, Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. C. Gerrow, Verna Masters, Mildred Crosier, Mansell Gerrow. The jury found him guilty and Miss Mac Neill was granted seven thousand five hundred dollars. It will pay Joe to be. more careful in thi future. The W. M. S. will meet#t iHome ! of Mrs. W. Dobson on Thursday, 22nd. of January. Mrs. Spencer's horse got loose in some way at the store and ran home, giving Nora and Mrs. Spencer the task of walking home. Mr. and Mrs. Putsie, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Crosier, recently. ---- ee VEGETABLES FOR SALE Your orders for carrots or potatoes promptly delivered at current prices. Phone 256J, C. H, Kellett. 2 a Tip a poliey of personal whieh should be an asset EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Have you seen the beautiful dishes we are giving away absolutely FREE. If not, call and see them. Everybody may participate, and you can have your share You will always find a full line of GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, CROCKERY, ete., in our Store. Try a bag of our REINDEER FLOUR. makes beautiful bread. J. F. McCLINTOCK PORT PERRY) ONT. AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF CURE It At this season of the year when coughs, colds, la grippe, bronchitis, etc., are so prevalent it is very important to keep the system built up. build up resistence to disease. WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER OIL, The year-round tonic .... A good tonic helps wonderfully to . oo nurs rary s 75 SHON KEPLER'S EXTRACT OF MALT AND COD LIVER OIL, A wonderful tonic and builder . ...$1.00 and $1.76 REXALL EXTRACT OF COD LIVER AND OREOS ON. For the cough that hangs On. ah veins § a A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B. = "The Rexall Druggist"' : PORT PERRY, ONT. 1.00 ep HAROLD W. EMMERSON = 1 1b tin 15¢c. 19¢. Castile Soap, Gold Medal, 4 tablets 10c.. . Port, Perry Port Perry Dominion Store JANUARY CLEARING SALE Men's Rubbers, 15 inch leather teps, regular $5.25 for $3.95 Men's Lumber Rubbers, guaranteed for good wear, For $2.25 Men's Heavy Wool Sweaters, checked, reg $3.95 for $2.95 Men's Good Union Sweaters, reg. $1.75 ........For $1.35 Boys' Rubbers, leatherfops, sizes 4 and 5. To clear at $1.10 Many other Boys Rubbers, all guaranteed, selling at cost. . Boys' Sweater, you will want one of these at ........99¢. 1 Men's heavy Caps, ear laps, reg. $1.50 for ..........$110 |] Men's ood Heavy Wool Work Sox, ........3 pairs for 55¢. Boys Caps--A splendid lot to choose from at ........75¢. A good selection of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Winter! Underwear to clear at less than cost. You will find many more bargains in our store that will interest you. Call and see what we have. * ALIX. GILBOORD, Proprietor SATURDAY SPECIALS Oyster Shell and Grit Geer pLOUR io On Saturdays you can buy our Choice Pastry Flour at 70¢. for 24's, and Bread Flour at $8.25 per 100 'Ibs., at any of the following places: * Superior Store, Port Perry Willard & Co., Port Perry , F. W. Brock & Son, Port Perry The Raglan Mill J. F. McClintock, Port Perry C. W. Lakey, Utica 7.3. Widden, Port Pesry. . Peter Raymer, Prines Ahrt hy Ed. Wiliams, Prince Albasts #