Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 5 Feb 1931, p. 5

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THE PORT PERRY STAR Vhat Port Perry Merchants Offer They Invite you to Inspect, their Goods and Compage Prices, You will get good Value for Your Money. 2 ettes. trimmings. Sg Tub-Fast Prints. SUTCLIFFE & $1.00 Dress Sa Made by one of Canada's best known man- ufacturers, from tub-fast Canadian Prints. HOOVERETTES The Season's popular garment, featuring the new gay colorful prints. Smart, new styles, with att Regular and extra large sizes. See these at $1.00 each PRINT FROCKS and APRONS attractive Sizes--small, medium, and large. Priced for less than your cost of material. TWO GARMENTS for $1.00. . SONS " Where People Like to Shop " i ims. The Creamery IS PAYING 82c., 8lc., and 28c. for ' Butter Fat. You can save labor |- and make more money by send- ing your cream to the i PORT PERRY CREAMERY i A GOODE & SON, Proprietors PRICES MEN'S SUITS and Overcoats Our prices are greatly redwced-- With the arrival of new goods there i+ a splendid choice. Get your order in early. All kinds of Dr, lo and Pressing done. th fine dresses thoroughly cleaned by our New Dry Cleaning Process at very moderate prices. W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry Nursery Stock E. D. SMITH iy LIMITED Nurserymen, Landscape Architects, Winona - - - Ontario. Represented in. this distriet by Benjamin Smith, i555 y ALBERT Genuine Scranton Coal ter is here, and for the next few weeks provision will Budiogh made to keep your home warm. Why not use SCRANTON COAL, as it gives you that even heat which is not only a safeguard against coughs a but is t and most satisfactory in the end. > Gi py have ready for immediate delivery--COKE, in nut and range sizes; ALBERTA COAL, BODY WOOD and SLABS MARMILL FEEDS iry Cattle, Hogs and Poultry. You cannot expect a Jor Daly if she is not fed a good ration. Marmill sugared egg mash has proven its superior qualities. Bell Phone--173 FRED E. REESOR, Port Perry HUGH CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR UITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles, FALLS Excellent cloths and trimmings. Workmanship Guaranteed. FRENCH DRY CLEANING Agent for Regent Clothes HUGH CAMPBELL "Business is Business" But Courtesy Pays UR business friends, and yours with whom we make transactions, demand that pre- cision of efficient execution which is a part . of the regular service maintained by any bank * in its daily affairs. To merit your confidence we must go further. The Canadian Bank of Commerce maintains a policy of personal courtesy in its dealings, regardless of their respective importance, which should be an asset in your business as well as in ours. OF COMMERCE amalgamated * (THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ) Be BE Se eT Te Ro Og Qut? pantry, or fruit cellar. to do these little and to serve you. LIMITE At Swan Brothers . o You Notice the ays Lengthening Soon you will have to start on the garden or get out in the fields, and you won't have time to put up those shelves that you had in mind' for the kitchen, Now is the time chores while the weather keeps you indoors. pleased to help you with suggestions * Port Perry 183 Oshawa Lumber Co. D » ort Perry 'We will be IY SPECIAL Chambers' GARAGE and Machine Shop Bell Phone 93 r 6 All Makes of Cars - Repaired Radio dnd Car Batteries e-Charged -Acetylene Welding A SPECIALTY WOULD YOU MARRY Canadian girl worth $20,000; widow 36, $40,000; 'widow 42, $70,000? Photos--de- scription free. Mrs. Warn, 8377 W. 4th St., Los Angeles, Calif, feb 8 MYRTLE Mr. Stuart Graham had the mis- fortune to have about twenty-five hens stolen from his premises one night last week. When the loss was discovered, Constable George Brown, of Brooklin, was summoned and the clue secured may possibly lead to the apprehension of the thief. Word was received here during the week, of the death of Mrs. (Rev.) Rice of Ridgetown. Rev. Mr. Rice preach- ed at Ashburn a few years ago, and also conducted Presbyterian services in the old Temperance - Hall here. Former parishioners here extend sym- pathy to the sorrowing husband and family. A card party and dance was held in the Community Hall, on Friday night. Sympathy from old neighbors of this community is. extended to Mrs. Richard Beckley and family of Whitby, in the recent death of a kind husband and father. Mrs. Schyler Porter-was in Toronto on Friday. The heavy snowstorm on Friday made the side roads and concessions almost impassable for a time. The Highway was kept open all day by the constant traffic of cars and trucks, so that the Toronto-Lindsay bus made their trips on almost schedule time. The heavy snow drifting, was so un- pleasant at times, that it caused two cars to skid into the ditch south of the village. PRINCE ALBERT. Congratulations to Miss Isabel Young on heading the list of the First Form of the Port Perry High School, at the Christmas examinations. Miss Young is the granddaughter of former school inspector Jas. McBrien. We are sorry to report Miss N. Dobson and Mr. Thos. Turner on the sick list. Mrs. Rawlinson is in Toronto this week visiting her children. Miss I. Porteous, of Epsom, was the guest of her sister Mrs. E. Lyle. Mrs. M. Bates was in Toronto last week visiting friends. The meeting of the Women's Asso- ciation was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Murphy. It was post- poned from last week owing to illness The yearly meeting of the church was fairly well attended, nearly all the officers being present. The ex- CAWKER BROS. CHEAPER MEATS Owing to the lower prices on the Live Stock Market, we are able to buy better and are offering choice cuts of beef, veal and lamb atreduced prices. Phone in your orders--29w 2 CR A a. A a a : WHAT YOU NEED IS A Hardwood Floor in your Dining and Living Rooms. While the carpenters are slack, it can be done much cheaper than in the summer. We carry in stock Seaman-Kent flooring, which has no * superior, and have it at a price that cannot be beaten. . Let us figure on your job for material or give you a price on same completed in every detail. Don't forget we are now giving prices on Spring build- ing and we draw your PLANS free. Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 Day or Night Port Perry BI pi i p s this year were somewhat high- er owing to having the hydro installed and to having a caretaker appointed. Mr. Philp was again appointed care- taker. There were no changes in the list of church officials with the ex- ception of Mr. Gordon, who resigned, Mr. T. Saegar being given the office. All expenses were paid, leaving a small balance in the treasury. At the annual meeting of the Pine Grove Cemetery Company, held at Port Perry last month, Mr. John Jef- frey was again appointed President of the Company and Mr. Louis Bond, as caretaker for 1981. BLACKSTOCK The annual meeting of the Anglican Young People's Association was held in the township hall on Wednesday | Whittaker. | Tuary. - expenses were paid being $70. evening, January 28th. The meeting opened with devotional exercises con- ducted by the president, Bible reading by Mrs. C. Parr, and prayer by Dr. The business' session fol- lowed during which a committee was appointed to arrange for a skating party to be held sometime in Feb- _ It was moved and carried, that an objective of the A.Y.P.A. this year be $100 towards helping to pay off the debt on the new rectory. As ! is the custom, the money from the | New Year's play was voted to the ! church wardens. The amount after Dr. Whittaker thanked the young people for so readily complying with his re- & quest that piping purchased for the rectory be paid. The election of officers then took place and resulted as follows: President--Mr. John Rham Vice President--Mr. Cecil Hyde. Treasure--Mrs. Wm. Crawford. Secretary---Miss Aileen Devitt Lunch Com.--Miss F. Fair and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin. Program Com.--Dr. and Mrs. Whit- taker, Mrs. T. Smith, and Mrs. W. Hamilton. The four officers were then duly in- stalled in office. The meeting closed in the usual way and lunch was served. A vote of thanks was tender- ed the retiring officers, especially the president Mr. Fred Hamilton for his three years of faithful and devoted service. We are sorry to know that Mrs. S. Jeffrey, who has been convalescing for some months from a serious oper- ation, isn't quite so well and has been confined to bed for the past week. We hope the set back was only temporary and that she will be soon again on the way to recovery, Mr. Lawrence Mountjoy, who has been working in Toronto for some time, is now employed on the bank staff in Essex. Our local rink is in splendid condi- tion under the able management of Messrs. A. L. Bailey and Harry Van- Camp. The electric lights and re- freshment booth are quite an asset. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights are for skating, while Monday, and Friday are left open for hockey. Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 3.30 to 5 are for the use of the High and Public Schools. The play entitled "Well, Did You Ever" put on by the young people of St. John's Church will be presented on Monday evening February 9th, in the Presbyterian Church at Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright and Edith and Miss Elsie Venning spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Rham. "Mrs. T. Smith spent Wednesday last. with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Lamb of Manchester. We are glad to welcome back Mrs. Jas. Marlow from Toronto where she has been staying with her daughter Miss Ruth Marlow, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McLaughlin visited on Sunday at the home of Smith Bros, The annual Vestry Meeting of St. John's Church was held on Monday afternoon, January 26th. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Cure and Eye Strain. 1616 PHONE Disney Block. OSHAWA, ONT. (Opposite Pest Office) Full and satisfactory reports were given by the various organizations. The total receipts amounted to $2620, disbursements $2,435.43, leaving on hand a balance of $184.59. The following were appointed of- ficers for the year 1931. Mr. Leslie Graham, People's Warden; Mr. A. L. Banaley, Rector's Warden; Messrs J. R. McLaughlin and Fred Hamilton, Lay Representatives to the Synod. Messrs, Clarence Parr, S. Jeffrey, G. Nesbitt and Harry McLaughlin, Sides- men; Mr. Percy Edgerton, auditor; Mr. Howard Bailey, Vestry Clerk; Mrs. A. L. Bailey, Envelope Sec. and Mrs. J. R. McLaughlin Treasurer. The Tenth Anniversary of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church will be celebrated on Tuesday evening, February 10th, when a supper and concert will be held in the township hall. On Wednesday afternoon, February 11th, the regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. will be held in the town- ship hall. On Friday afternoon a number of Institute members, who were brave enough to face the elements, met in the township hall and quilted three fine quilts for social service work. In the evening a social and progres- sive euchre was held, the prize win- ners for the latter being Mrs. F. A. Bailey, and Mr. A. L. Bailey, Owing to the unfavorable condition, of the weather, the attendance was rather small so the members of the Institute purpose holding another evening some time later, In the election of officers of the W. A. of St. John's Church reported in last week's issue, the recording sec. should have read Mrs. A. L. Bailey, instead of Mrs. T. Smith, who is cor. secretary. It was Mr. Stanford Swain who was ill, not Mrs. Stanford Swain. re et 4 ee re Mother Restored to Family If vou asked the average happy and conmfirtuble Ontario hous wife what A patoof 40 pounds would mean to her, she would probably look aghast it the very suggestion. Suppose, However, sshe were in the position ui Mrs. Ro Mf youn own w 8, 4 woman with a family ildren in a small Ontan. re there was "little to earn id wany to keep," growing weaker I weakor from overwork and pov. * ly obliged to leave her ttle ids and neighbors and be- to the Toronto Hospital ( mptives., Lien began che long, lon, fight to ul back the precious pounds, which 0 Mrs. Roberts and so many like her, menu milestones on the road to health. Thanks to ten months of good care, rest, nourishing food and ex- perience medical attention, Mra, Roberts one day saw the scales reg- ister 149 a heppy galn from o pounds she ragistered on enter- hospital. he now? Back at hame, vp the care of her ful for her restor- ation to * great work 'as.urs edly, wi much assistance from ¢ 1s¢ poverty and tuber u ten hand in hand. Will bey, please? A sub. seriptio » A HK. Ames, 323 College, sts luronto, will be greatly wppr d joyously family, and re fate TW. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to § p.m. Office over McKee's Shoe Store. | S perior$ NOW is your heard of in lines as quickly in order to do AE SA | ore Specials We have just finished stock taking. There is $10,000 worth of merchandise to be sold at prices away BELOW COST secure Bargains never before We are anxious to clear out these this stock of Boots, Shoes, Men's Wear, etc., at a Great Sacrifice J. McKee & Son, RZ ISTE ERE opportunity to Port Perry. as possible, and so, we will sell - PORT PERRY | eT Phone 15 IEA oT i RY

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