PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1931 ~ What Port Perry 'Merchants Offer 'They Invite you to Inspect their Goods and Compare Prices. You will get good Value for Your Money. A -- Coats The seasons new- est and smartest styles & material in this this range Dresses - Beautiful - dresses J of plain and print- ed crepes. Newest styles and mod- 1 : of coats; featuring erately priced-- | the new and up to- ; from date collars, cuffs. $4.95 to $14.95 $10.95 to $29.50 The Creamery IS PAYING 32c., 31c., and 28c. for CHOOSE NOW YOUR EASTER OUT-FIT from our New Style Range of Sp fg v illinery Many new fea- tures are being shown this season Greens, Blues, Beige, Brown, Navy, Black, and Black and White priced up to $5.50 SILK HOSE | Full fashioned A Creel] New Scarfs A heavy service weight hose -- Full fashioned Hole proof make. Comes in shades of Aero, Grain, Poujola, Wing, Flight and Gun metal. $1.49 ORDERS TAKEN HERE FOR Langley' 9 w/B ¥ CLEANERS 4 DYERS 4A FURRIERS a SUTCLIFFE & S " Where People Like to Shop " Don't Put It Off! y Wien fire breaks out it is too late to avert the loss of valuable papers locked up in a drawer'in your office or home. The cost of protection is far less than the expense of replacing one docu- ment--oprovided it can be replaced. Don't put off renting a Safety De- posit Box until it is too late. For two cents a day you can buy protection. + Bonds Stocks Deeds Policies Family Records e The Roval Bank of Canada B. D. Henry, Manager ne" Port Perry Branch - 1161 De A Safe Repository for Bonds or other Valuable Papers A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX in your nearest branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, is the logical place to keep: your: valuables for security and convenience. We shall be pleased "to furnish you with space necessary for your requirements at minimum rates. / ~ OF COMMERCE ( THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA © A choice new assort- ment of Georgette and crepe scarfs. Latest de- signs and smart colors 98c. to $2.95 Butter Fat. You can save labor and make more money by send- ing your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors SPECIAL PRICES MEN'S SUITS and Overcoats Our prices are greatly reduced-- With the arrival of new goods there is a splendid choice. Get your order in early. All kinds of Dr and Pressing done. L op thoroughly cleaned by our New Dry Cleaning Process at very mederafe prices. W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry SONS | { I ursery Stock E. D. SMITH & SONS, LIMITED Nurserymen, Landscape Architects, Winona - - - Ontario. Represented in this district by Benjamin Smith, Rich The ready-cut building of --Garage, Chicken House, Hog Shelter, Implement delivered to your door for REMARKABLE VALUE. Deliveries effected in four plete--telephone us. Port Perry 183 E LIMITED At Swan Brothers "The Dynamiter" Built on the age old principles of con- struction used by our grandfathers. The garage 10 x 16 overall size, sells cluding hardware and glass--TRULY Oshawa Lumber Co. Port Perry many uses Temporary Shed, ete. $58.65 in- hours com- MYRTLE Mrs. Hattie Hudgins spent the week 'end with her son in Toronto. Township Assessor, Mr. Norman White, of Ashburn, made his annual calls from house to house here last week. gy Mr. J. Lawrence visited his brother in Lindsay for the week end. Sorry to report that Mrs. (Rev.) Merriam has been confined to her bed and under the doctor's care the past week. A speedy recovery is hoped for. Mr. Arthur Maw had a gang 6f men opening up the townline last week, and it is now passable for general traffic. Miss Pearl Vance spent the week end with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Don Timms has gone to Toronto where he has accepted a good position. Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. Fred Staples in the death last week of her husband. Mrs. Staples is mov- ing in with her brother Mr. Percy Gray at Croxall's corners. A severe epidemic of the flu has been making its rounds in the neigh- borhood of late. The dance which was given by the Athletic Association in the Commun- ity Hall here on Friday night was well attended and the usual good time was spent in dancing the light fan- tastic until the wee hours of the morning. PRINCE ALBERT Mr. and Mrs. E. Kirig and daughter Barbara visited with Mrs. Worden last week. Mr. John Burnett, of Manitoba, at- tended the funeral of his brother Mr. William Burnett, on Friday, March 27. Mrs. Rhoda Hartry, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turner, recently. Mr. and Mrs. C. Clarke of Toronto, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heayn. Mr. Murphy, who has been ill in Port Perry Hospital, is home again and will we hope, soon be restored to health. Mrs. Wallace, of Sunderland, has been the guest of her sisters Mrs. Snelgrove and Mrs. Plum, and her brother Mr. T. Turner. The Women's Association held at Mrs. R. Bond's was largely attended, and a very sociable afternoon was - NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of John Wesley Jones, Farmer, Deceased. Notice is hereby given in pursuance of the Trustees' Act R.S.0., 1927, Chapter 150, Section 51, that all per- sons having claims against the estate of John Wesley Jones, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased, who died Page Five | dersigned, on or before the 18th day of April, A.D. 1931. g Notice is further given that after the said date the Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the Estate, having regard only to such claims of whi the, Executors shall then have had notice. Dated at Port Perry this 16th day of March A.D. 1981. on or about the 7th day of January A.D. 19381, are required to forward their claims, duly verified, to the un- spent by those interested in the work of the society. Mrs. Greaves spent last week in the city. Sacrament service will be held next Sunday in 'the church, after the Easter service. erm en A AD MN riiniiinsiaions HONEYDALE NEWS Chicken Thieves--Perhaps The people of Honeydale were rude- ly aroused from their slumbers late last Sunday evening by the firing of shots, the rapid ringing of the tele- phone and the violent barking of a deg. One of the neighbors, paying a friendly call on another was apparent- ly taken for a desperate chicken thief and received the fitting welcome which the neighbors heard. One can- JOHN W, CROZIER, Barrister, etc., Port Perry, Ont., Solicitor for the Executors of the Said Estate. FORD TRUCKS serve many businesses -- : ad Cd 0] UE A em FOR almost every hauling purpose, there is a Ford truck which is adapted for the work. Bodies are available, for the 1}%-ton chassis, which are designed for use in many different industries. The Ford truck is available with 1315-inch and 157-inch wheelbase. There is an option of 6.6 or 5.1 rear-axle gear-ratios, to meet the specific require- ments of road and load. Dual rear wheels are available at small additional cost. The Ford chassis is strong and reliable. Among its most important features are the use of 40 dif- ferent kinds of steel, and' f more than twenty ball and roller bearing .. Others are the torque-tube drive; the three-quarter floating spiral bevel gear rear axle; the cantilever rear springs; the large, fully enclosed mechanical brakes; the heavy front axle and spring; four-speed transmission, and factory cabs which have shatterless glass wind- shields for safety. Come in and let us help you decide what type of Ford truck will best suit your purposes. <D "THE CANADIAN TRUCK" Carnegie Motor Sales Port Perry, Ont. not be too careful these days. ---------------------- Along the Mexican border soldiers were searching vehicles. One evening | a car full of young people was stop- ped and the usual procedure of ex- | amining the bottom of the car was in progress, when one young lady asked: What are you looking for? "Arms," replied the sergeant. "Why," remarked the flapper, "it's all legs down there." Stock Market, we CAWKER BROS. CHEAPER MEATS Owing to the lower prices on the Live are able to buy better and are.offering choice cuts of beef, veal and lamb at reduced prices. Phone in your orders--29w PS aid more homes in hot weather. We will deliver 2 ort Perry ratio of cost for this year. Phone 240 Day or TT Cr La { Again we are trying We have finished filling our new ice house with more than double the supply of former years, days a week during May and Sept., 8 days a week during June, July and August. needing ice on Monday of any week during these last three months, may have same by leaving their orders in by 9 a.m. 4 The cost for ice from May 1st to October 1st, will be § determined by the size of your ice box. will be glad to give an estimate for the season, - We will call on our old customers to determine their Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. Night Port RI ' to render SERVIC and are hoping to to preserve their victuals in Anyone Call 240 and we Perry tiie iff NURSERY STOCK E. D. SMITH & SON, LIMITED Nurserymen. Landscape Architects Winona, Ontario. Orr C. Browne Port Perry Representative Hi p---- FARM FOR RENT 97 acres splendid loam at Oshawa Harbour, good buildings, fall plowing done, new seeds. Possession April 1, 1981. Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa. april 1 Re ---- Superior Stores CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUITS, FRESH and CURED MEATS, PURE PORK SAUSAGE (All Government Inspected.) See hand bills for prices. MEN'S WEAR We have the best makes of Men's Wear made in Canada. Carhartt's and J. A. Haugh's. Every garment guaranteed. It pays to get the best. We have Overalls from $1.50 to $2.25, Smocks from $1.60 to $2.25. Work Pants from $1.95 to $3.50. Dress Pants from $2.50 to $4.50. Men's Work Boots from $2.75 to $4.50. Boots and Shoes, all selling below cost, to clear. Penman's Underwear, to clear at prices below cost. Work Shirts, regular $1.25 for 98c. Men's 15 inch Leather Top Rubbers, Men's Wool Sox, regular 60c for 45c. All other lines at greatly reduced prices. J. McKEE & SON Men's -Fine to clear at $4.75. omelrist EYBSIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service - Your Eyes and Health Eye Cure and Eye Strain. 1516 PHONE 1816 . y Block . OSHAWA, ONT. . (Opposite Pest Offee) W. A. Sangster Edmund Hind Lumber Company, Limited Distributors for Compo-Board and Masonite. LUMBER AND MILLWORK : FOR EVERY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION MASONITE for the Modern "Farm and Home Ideal for Summer Cottages WRITE US FOR LITERATURE AND SAMPLES PROMPT DELIVERIES Danforth and Main Sts., TORONTO Grover 1133-4-5 PE PR TEAR a ry PS \