2 ndy was in Brantford, week, attending the funeral of his uncle, Mr. Alex. Lundy. Mr. M. R. Hull, of Hornsby, Ont., is visiting his son in town. Mr. and Mrs. Hull expect to return to Port Perry within a few weeks. Mr. John Law and sons Roger and Kenneth, of Toronto, and Mr. Will Law, of California, are visiting with Mrs. L. Pickard and family. Mr. Chris Nichols spent Sunday with friends in Little Britain. Mrs. R. Gibb entertained at her summer home here five members of Lady Nairn Camp of the Daughters of Scotland. The ladies were Mrs. Moncrief, Mrs. White, Mrs. Mac- Dougal, Mrs. Rankin, Mrs. Sparks. A very enjoyable day was spent, and they all thought Port Perry a lovely place to spend a holiday. On leaving NN for Toronto all thanked Mrs. Gibb for N her kindness. : Mr. and Mrs. A. Glenister, Chicago, are visiting with Mrs. Robt. Prentice and other relatives and friends in this neighbourheed. Mr. D. Cherrie, of Oshawa, is also the guest of his sister Mrs. Prentice. The Woman's Missionary Society will conduct the service in St. John's Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning, and at Utica Church in the afternoon. Miss Gould, Presbyterial President, will give the addresses. Mr. Franklin Rogers, of Toronto, is holidaying in town. tnd Be eS Mr. and Mrs. George Rose, of To- Pp ronto, were visiting with Miss Alma a Blight, on Thursday. ¥ Mrs. W. Doubt and Mr. Allin Y Doubt, of Toronto, and Mr. Reginald vs Doubt, of Peterborough, were calling on friends in town, one day this week. Mrs. C. McArthur and son Herbert, of Oshawa, were visiting with Mrs. J. Frise, on Thursday. : Mr. "Jimmy" Frise, of the Toronto Weekly Star, is holidaying in town. " Miss Jean Switzer, of the Oshawa General Hospital, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Switzer. We are glad to report that Mr. Earle Sweetman, who is in Port Perry Hospital, is progressing nicely. He underwent an operation for appendi- citis last week. Holiday visitors, who spent the week end in Port Perry, at the Lake Front were: Mr. and Mrs. 'A. W. Lynden and sons, of Syracuse, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Moore, of Akron, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Lloyd, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. James, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. B. Hellman and daughters, of East Aurora, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Stroud, of London, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Thompson, of To- ronto; Mr. and the Misses Gray, of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, of Guelph; F. L. Somers, Detrot. Mr. D. Miner, violinist, of the Peter- boro Conservatory of Music, played two delightful selections in the United * Church here last Sunday morning. He is at the Boys' Camp at Stephenson's Point. ret AP Ar es TO THE PEOPLE OF PORT PERRY AND VICINITY-- I have sold my property and prac- tice to Dr. W. S. Harper, of Madoc. He is a man with wide experience, having had a Post Graduate Course in Europe, and also served his country well during the distressed war period. I hope you will give him the same confidence, congeniality, and support that you gave me so well, and I take this opportunity to thank all those who made my six years in your midst so happy and congenial. JAS. A. MATHERS, M.D. rr el nn Dr. W. S. Harper, who has pur- chased the medical practice of Dr. J. A. Mathers, has been resident phy- sician at Madoc for a number of : years. He has had a varied medical and surgical experience, including & period as medical officer for the 156th Battalion during the war. He was later transferred to be Head Office i Medical Adviser of the Department of 'Soldiers' Civil Re-Establishment, which had to deal with thousands of disabled soldiers. Dr. Harper was for ten years in the Madoc Council, during six of which he occupied the Reeve's chair. He was also Coroner of Hastings County. + Dr. Harper's family--his wife, three sons and a daughter--will be €oming to Port Perry about the end Mr. and Mrs. Bird and children of Detroit, visited with Miss A. Rees, one day last week. Mrs, Cochrane and children, of Buffalo, spent a week with Mr. and J. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. W. Crozier and son Archie, and Mrs. Chas. Gerrow and Mansell, attended the Trull picnic at Hampton Park. Mrs. Ferguson and Mr. Ben Holtby, of London, have returned home after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lamb, of Lindsay, spent Sunday with Mrs. F. Lamb. Mrs. T. Smith, of Burketon, spent a day last week with her mother Mrs. F. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gerrow and son Mansell, spent Sunday at Victoria Corners, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Wells, of Toronto, visiting with Fowlie Bros. recently. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parks and children," of Detroit, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. John Masters. -- te UTICA Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kesdall, visit- ing their parents here. Mrs. Kendall will stay for a month. Born to Mrs. and the late Alfred Steer on Sunday, July 26th, 1931 a daugther, Alfreda Beatrice. Mr. Albert Leader has sold his farm and truot pond to Mr. Cowan of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerry and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ward, in Toronto last week. Mrs. C. W. Lakey attended the Siloam picnic at Mussleman's Lake, with Miss Hosie, last week. About fifteen from this community went in Mr. Earl Thompson's truck to the blue berry patch last Wednes- day and brought home a nice picking. Mrs. Wm. Bell of Toronto is moving in with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Swan this week. Mr. Bell will manage the farm in the absence of Mr. Gordon Cormack. Mr. Jas. Myers is fitting his thresh- ing machine for work. He expects to start threshing next week. Mr. an Mrs. Jno. Colwell of Toronto were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Kendall. Messrs. Jas. and Whitlock Myers last week. * Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Philps, and family are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bentley. FOR SALE Tractor $200, also 8 h.p. engine for cutting wood $20.00. Milking Goat. Apply to Walter Bown, Cochrane St., Port Perry, Phone 168. 2 ------ Lakeview Pavilion, Port Perry-- Wednesday, August 5th Special dance, Carman Gay with his Gypsy Band. ee = eet PP FEDERAL LIBERALS FORM ORGANIZATION FOR THIS PROVINCE? Rumors are current in political circles that the Ontario Liberal mem- bers of the House of Commons have "broken" with Ontario Liberal Asso- ciation headquarters, in Torontq, and 'have formed a new directing organi- zation, with Hon. Nelson Parliament as Organizer; William H. Moore, for- mer Tariff Board Chairman, and now M. P., Ontario County, as President; Fred G. Sanderson, M.P., South Perth, as Vice President; and W. A. Fraser, M.P., Northumberland, as Treasurer. It is the intention of the new or- ganization, so the rumor has it, to dissiciate itself entirely from present headquarters in the Reford Building on matters of policy as well as in the selection of candidates and general campaign administration. It is further rumored that Liberal members of the Ontario House are also steering a wide course nowadays from the Ontario Association head- quarters, and that recently--when the Beauharnois disclosures were at their height--W. E. N. Sinclair, House Leader, wired them to refrain, in future, from attending the conference luncheons which headquarters have for some time, it is said, been in the habit of tendering them. --Toronto Globe. » All accounts due to Dr. J. A. Mathers must be paid to the under- signed pal Aug. 165, 1931 JNO. W. CROZIER, Barrister & Solicitor July 80, 1981. rr AP Be sure to attend the Canadian Legion Field Day and Picnic at Can- nington on August 8rd. Big list of -| sports with good prizes. The 48th Highlander's will supply the music. Street dance at night, two orchestras. motored to Brantford and Waterloo, | on all our stock during Alterations commencing Monday, July 20 | I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist 1 be prepared are exclusive agents for this high ALBERT COAL PORT PERRY Truek Delivery. FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE - That Better Pennsylvania Hard Coal, Be advised, Don't wait for the cold weather to fill up your coal bin. Buying NOW will save your money and you Phone your order. W.G. W. PYATT for the long winter ' months. Famous Reading Anthracite is clean, efficient, safe. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE--A Canadian Product. We grade coke. Nut and range sizes. CANNEL COAL CEMENT -- TILE -- LIME STEAM COAL Quick Delivery - COAL YARD Phones Office 94, Res. 288 -- PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 30th, 1981 WRITE US FOR J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto. Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday, 10 to 12 a.m.. - Phone 258 Eyes Examined GLASSES Fitted Accurately F. E. LUKE & SON, Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto (Up-stairs, opposite Simpson's) PP rrr ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. E. Annand, B.A., Minister. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA. Service at 2.30 p.m. Rev. Mr. Hare of Beaverton will preach in Port Perry in the morning, and at Utica in the afternoon. There will be no evening service. A AM MI CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m--Holy Communion 10 a.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong -- i ID AP ie PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sabbath School. 11 a.m.--Worship Service. 7 p.m.--Worship Service. Prince Albert 1.456 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Worship Service. re setlist AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The under signed have received in- structions from Mrs. Killbank to. sell the Household effects of the late Mrs. Richards at her late premises, Caleb St. Port Perry on Thursday, July 30. Geo. Jackson & Son Auctioneers SEAGRAVE Large numbers are going north every day picking huckleberries and coming home loaded. Raspberries are not so plentiful this year. Services on Sunday were well attend- ed. Mr. Clark, of Prince Albert, had charge of the evening service and gave a splendid talk and sang a solo which was enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Green will resume his duties next Sunday, after a pleasant holiday. Mr. Frank Harding is receiving congratulations these days having] passed his Primary Music Examina- tion with honors. Miss Vera Tanner of Toronto is spending a holiday with her mother. Miss Ruth Brochel and Mr. Mac McMillan spent Sunday at Hartley. Mr. and Mrs. R. Moase and Mar- jorie, of Toronto, here over the week end. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grose and Mr. E. Frise, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Frise, on Sunday. Mrs. Spence and son Tom, of Hart- ley, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. McMillan, Miss Dorell Martin is spending a | holiday in Bowmanville with Mrs. Boe. | (Copy arrived late, 'balance crowded Toul) ll PB 'Remember the Manchester Garden Party to be held at the home of Mr. Ernest Holtby, (opposite Manchester Station on Highway 12) to be held on Thursday July 80th.. for the NEXT are offered. Don't SCUGOG Mr. and Mrs. Camplin of Cleveland, took a motor trip to visit her brothers William and George Jackson, and other relatives and friends, as her girlhood days were spent here on the Island. Miss Joyce Wilson of Toronto, is visiting her cousins Jean and Joy Hood, and are having a grand time together. Mrs. C. Martin of Toronto is spend- ing a few pleasant weeks with relatives here. Your Correspondent is sorry that an error appear in the report of the Blackstock game, last week, the score should of read 16--12 in favor of Blackstock. The Greenbank boys visited our boys an Thursday night, July 23 and played an interesting game of soft ball. There was a large crowd there to watch and cheer them on, the score being 10--8 for Scugog. 4 On Saturday July 25 a great num- ber of us attended the ball game at Port Perry between their team and Scugog and up till the fifth innings] they kept Port Perry from getting a| run. Then in the beginning of the seventh, our catcher, Mr. Stewart Mark out and dark was LOO TT rs Te FINAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE SUTCLIFFE SALE WEEK Our lease has expired, and we must move in a very short time. Consequently you will find the prices very reduced on all lines of DRYGOODS. We invite you to visit our store and see for yourself what excellent values greatly miss this rare op- portunity to buy the DRYGOODS you need at extremely low prices. Sutcliffe & Sons PORT PERRY, ONT. our boys. We are all very interested in our Young Peoples' ball games. Miss Grace Mark visited her sister Mrs. A. Brunt of Enniskillen a few days last week. Mr. C. Daniels is sporting a new Chevrolet Touring Cag, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fralick and child- ren, Mrs. Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. E. Richardson and family, of Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Fralick. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fralick have rented a cottage at Mr. Rogerson's for a month. Mrs. O. Jeffrey, Clem and Lois of Enniskillen spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark. Miss Hilda Milner, of Oshawa, is having a pleasant weeks. holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Milner. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson were re- cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jack. son. 'Mr, and- Mrs. Holman, Mildred, Phyllis 'and Mrs. Le Savage, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweetman were] gests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham, Mrs. Savage and Miss Philis Hol- man is staying over for the week. M. and Mrs. Palmer, son, Ward and | Mr. Allen Giles of Toronto, Mrs. Wat-| son of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. F. Nottingham of Raglan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Penfound of Oshawa, Distributors for Compo-Board and Masonite. LUMBER AND MILLWORK FOR EVERY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 'MASONITE for the Modern arm and Home Farm 'for Summer Cottages. LITERATURE AND PROMPT DELIVERIES Danforth and Main Sts., TORONTO. ages. ; Grover 1183-4-6 a Saturday, Aug. ug. 8 at 11.30 am. ? = Nave you heard about the CHEVROLET Truek Caravan WWELL let you in on a secret] General Motors Products of Canada, Limited, has organized the greatest 'Made in Canada" Truck Caravan ever to travel this country -- 24 high powered, 6-cylinder Chevrolet transportation units--which will visit this town during a good-will tour of more than 100 important points in Eastern Canada. Everyone interested in commercial - transport units will want to see these trucks. -ed around here, she sees a good many Further news will soon be published. CHEVROLET The Great Canadian Truck Value -> MO LH Sh PROVUCTS TC-2 BEARE BROTHERS "AFTER WE SELL, WE SERVE" Wateh This Paper for were guests of Mrs. VanNess at her" sisters, Mrs. A. Prentice, no Sunday. One of Mrs. J. Aldred's hens laid a freak egg, on Monday, it med "ged had a very happy holiday at her 3% inches by 2% with white shell and a small egg inside it with a brown shell. Mrs. '0. Gerrow of Oshawa visited Mrs. A. Prentice a few days last week Mr. and Mrs. R. Henders, Mr. and Mrs. C. Reader and children, motored to Yelverton to visit Mr. and Mrs. N. Muirhead on Sunday. 'Mr. W. Samells, Mr. and Mrs. Geoo. Samells, attended the Decoration Ser- vice at Nestleton Cemetery and were the guests of Mr. J. Samells, on Sun- day. Miss Leona Prentice visited her cousin Miss Ora Gerrow at Oshawa, last week. Mr. P. Williams and Geo. Samells were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T, Williams at Nestleton, and attended} the Decoration Service. Mr. Geo. Samells had & horse drop dead in the harness on Monday as they were drawing in fall whea Mrs. A. VanNess of Drumheller, Alberta, is spending a few months witlt her mother, Mrs. J. Gerrow, it is fourteen years since she last visit- changes. > Mr. and Mrs. C. Crozier, Lucile and Exaet Date and Time Mark is feeling better, so he can catch ball again. Miss L. Ploughman of Port Perry uncle's, Mr. A. Ploughman, last week. Mr. A. Black has built another nice cottage on his camping ground. Miss Eva Madgett and her friends Misses Irma and Etoil McCullum of Toronto, are having a pleasant holi- day, at Mr. W. Milner's. Perr NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW ' Notice is hereby given that a by- law as passed by the Township of Reach on the 4th day of July, 1981, providing foro the issue of debentures to the amouont of $4,200.00 for the purpose of the erection of a school house and the purchase of furniture, furnishings, school apparatus and other equipment in connection there- with, and that such by-law was registered in the Registry Office of the County of Ontraio on th 28rd day of July, 1981. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. Dated' the 24th day of July A.D. 1981. Aug. 13. W. F. DOBSON, Clerk. ----, Pees / DR. W. S. HARPER Physician and Surgeon Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Graduates' College and Polyclinic, London, Eng. North East Post Graduate College, London, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and former residence of Dr. J. A. Mathers, Queen St., Port Perry, Phone 17" Machine ground and Scissors sharpened. Keys made to order. ter. 5. CAUSLEY, Port Perry, aug 18 a,