Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 30 Jul 1931, p. 6

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be a road speed, but especially the extremely slow merely incidental. speed or risk a head-on collision in passing middle-of-the-road driving. Why deprive any man of his right? Don't be a Road Hog. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT of The person who drives in the middle of the road at any silent insult to every other driver on the highway. But this disregard of every rule of common courtesy is The real offense of the Road Hog is that he forces others to risk life and limb. He obstructs the vision of those drivers behind him and makes them either drive at his Probably no form of law-breaking on the highways causes directly or indirectly so varied a list of accidents as does Every man who drives a car helps to pay for the highways Every motorist is entitled to use them safely. "ne GEO. S. HENRY, PREMIER OF ONTARIO AND MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS Their Business E. H. GERRO J ---- hog! Don't worry about Baki ing-- CALL UP GERROW'S-- and Confectioners, The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choles, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Pheme 72 W : - BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. is BAKING W. & SONS Port Perry. Fruits and Vegetables ORANGES 25c. and 35¢. dozen. BANANAS 25c. and 35¢. dozen. LEMONS, ONIONS, CANTALOUPS, NEW POTATOES, APPLES at current Market Prices WATERMELONS Watch our Win- dows for prices LAW O driver, offers a BARRISTERS, SO ¢ Office-- McCaw Block, Port Phone No. after hour: FFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS LICITORS, Eto. MONEY TO LOAN Perry. Phone 264 s--Oshawa 8614 him. Remember the Manchester Garden Party to be held at the home of Mr. Ernest Holtby, (opposite Manchester Station on Highway 12) to be held on Thursday July 30th.. fi e \ MN air res umnrsd NOTICE TO CREDITORS ..In the Matter of the Estate of John Irvin, late of the Village of Port Perry, deceased. Pursuant to Section 51 of Chapter 150 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1927, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of John Irvin, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 9th day of June, A.D. 1931, are, on or before the 15th day of August,A. D. 1931, to send by post, HIGHWAYS F2 (continued from front page) | "carry on" with a smile. When we arrived the surrounding country was a scene of desolation, grass and young grain were buried in sand. Ten days later heavy rain fell, vegetation revived, the fields began to be green, and hope returned. Nothing better pictures the spirit of the people of the West. They will not give up--drought, hail or grasshoppers bring destruction; but they have faith, industry and courage. (To be co BARGAIN PRICES on Tom Barron Large English White Leghorns and O. A. C. Barred Rock pullets, 4 weeks old, 30c. 6 weeks old 40c., 8 weeks old 60 cents. Prices for older pullets and selected yearlings on request. We guarantee safe delivery. Order now, later on prices will be KINGSWAY HATCHERY Petersburg, Ontario. reel Pp FOR SALE Set of Platform Scales--10,000 Ibs. capacity. These scales are practically new and will be sold at a reasonable figure. Apply to John Murray, Phone 7, Port Perry. July 30 - FOR SALE Baby Carriage, 90 feet rubber hose, high chair, billard table, Singer Sew- ing Machine, electric portable; num- ber of fruit jars. Apply at Star Office. ------ to THE REAL COST FACTOR Ih order to reduce production costs of live stock and live stock products high acre yields of home grown feeds are prime requisite, animal husbandry experts assert. One must measure the milk production of the herd not as so many pounds per cow, but per acre of land that grew the crops that _ in turn fed the herd. Only then will they exist in proper relationship. This means thorough cultivation and ef- t farm practice--better than ever before. AN ENORMOUS LOSS A prominent _ authority 8 esti- mated that twenty-six million dollars! is the price paid by farmers and '| center of the curve at the top of the |a fence onto some plowed land, and {and radiator practically wrecked. in Canada ntinued) HAS IT HAPPENED TOYOU ? by P.C.1 Dundas High- way -- 6.00 p.m. Sunday. Traffic heavy in both directions . . and slow. There's a bad curve about two miles west of : Cookpville Tun- ing onto a long, very steep, curving hill. 1 was parked just off the exact hill. A chap with a big, heavy car headed west hurtled past me almost on two wheels and started down the hill on the wrong side of the white line. He saw me and tri] to edge back into line, but the west traffic was bumper to bumper. He couldnt get in. Halfway up the hill was a driver coming east at a good speed. Only one thing saved several lives. The man coming up the hill took to the ditch, fortunately a shallow one. He managed to hurdle it, went through came to a stop with lamps, bumper Quickly I inspected the car and found that, luckily, no one was seriously hurt, caused the aceident. fico Two miles west I caught up with 'him. "xn "The Then I took after the driver who and failure to return to the scene of prepaid, to Greer & Humphreys, Port Perry, Solicitors for Harriet M. Coates and John Turnbull, Executors of the estate of the said deceased, their christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims; a state- ment of their accounts and the nature of the security, (if any) held by them, and after the day last aforesaid the said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled therto, hav- ing regard. ¢nly to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Executors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose - claim or claims notice shall not have been received by Greer & Humphreys at the time of such distribution. . Dated at Port Perry, Ont., this 20th day of July, A. D. 1931. GREER & HUMPHREYS, Solici- tors for Harriet M. Coates and John Turnbull, Executors. rw -- The moral is that a few minutes saved by cutting in and out of traffic may be very expensive in both actual money and human misery. BLACKSTOCK (continued from front page) ance and the "Last Post" was sound- ed at the Cenotaph. At the close of the services the" friends and relatives dispersed to the various cemeteries in which they were interested to decorate the graves of their "loved ones. Mr. Leonard Coates, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. J. Carter. ~ MYRTLE The Misses Brown of Toronto, spent the week end with their cousin Mr. Schyler Porter. Mr. Bert Duff was the first to com- mence threshing operations in this neighborhood, Mr. Walter Lynde of Ashburn threshing a fine field of fall wheat for him the earlier part of the week. Mr. Jim Lawrence of the National Air Service School of Toronto, spent the week end with his parents. Miss Effie Graham, of Claremont, ' FARM for SALE W. J. Cook, Box 47, Myrtle Station has been instructed by 'the assignee, to-sell the Nelson Gilroy Farm, part being pre Perry ny tributed amongst those entitled there- to having regard only to claims so iled. ighth, A.D,, 1931. Port Perry Fair Friday & Saturday September 18-19 all Fair. Port Perry. 'Remember the slogan-- "Show what you grow: Share what you know."' (This is our Fair, and it should receive the support of every citizen in this com- munity. Lake Scugog Regatta Monday, Aug. 3rd This popular day of water sports is again being staged by the Lake Scugog Regatta Assn., on Civie Holiday, Monday, Aug, 8rd, at Caesarea. offered, and the Committee is cussion, and some useful information| to the undersigned solicitor for the was received. A daintily served lunch was greatly enjoyed and the hostess was tendered a hearty vote of thanks of September, A.D., 1931, full particu- lars of their claims. After said date an accident. | the assets of the deceased will be dii- for her hospitality. . Executrix, on or before the First dayy prices. Over Dated at Port Perry, July Twenty- Joseph Denny, Barrister, R. R. 4, Uxbridge, Ont., Solicitor for the Executrix. An excellent Prize List is ed for the Port It will be ready at the end of next week, and may be had on ication to the Secretary r. N. Ewers, Phone 201, AUSTRALIAN PEACHES, sliced or halves. ........~ per tin 17c. CERTO ...... a i111 ur Tittle 2c. . oN Tiger Salmon, talltins 2lec. GOLD MEDAL PREPARED MUSTARD 9 oz. jar lle. RED & WHITE COFFEE .................. 1b 49¢c. V; 1b 26¢. CHIPSO .......... iis vie aia a ee a rae ea large pkg. 2lc. RED & WHITE SANDWICH RELISH ....... vee aes SOC Fancy Pink Salmon, fall tins, 2 for 23c. 2and 1 SHOE POLISH all colors ................. 0.0 2 for 2lc. LUX FLAKES; Small ...............c.cii0iiaeess ..2 for 19c. SUGAR, PUT@ CANE ..........coorasssrisarassses 5 ths. for 28¢c. BAGLE MILK. ..........c..iuisdavinnnvsnsvaasone per tin 2lc. Palm Tree Toilet Soap, 6 for 21c. VANILLA BAR BISCUITS, 21Ibs. for ............coc0aiee 25c¢. GILLET'S LYE (eats dirt) .........co0..iiiiiiiiinnnnnns 14e. FLYCOILS ....... 4 for 10c.... FLYTOX ...... per bottle 39c. SHREDDED WHEAT, (cash and carry) ........... 2 pkgs. 23c. Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for 15c. PARROWAX, 2 Ibs. for CROWN TEA, (in the yellow bag) Red Plum Jam, 40 oz. jar, F. W. Broek & Sen Phone 48 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" for THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY RAISINS, choice Australian Sultanas ............2 Ibs for 25c. Port Perry A fine list of prizes is being busy with preparations for the DONT WORRY ABOUT FIRE! i Have your property properly insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON HUGH CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles. Excellent cloths and trimmings. Workmanship Guaranteed. FRENCH DRY CLEANING Agent for Regent Clothes spent the week ond with her parents| of lots 15 and 16, Con. 1, Reach, being | Pleasure of their visitors. ; Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Graham. 160 acres good wheat land, half mile ee i BP---- } HUGH CAMPBELL Mr. Arthur Maw had an extra gang| east of Highway No. 12, at Prospect a of men out last week armed with| Corners. 8 acres of second growth P E C I A L SOE TEBIBEE ELSES E SBE ELS ESERIES RARE EIEITAL SELON TILILILAON0IELION0N000ERLLININGINI0N scythes cutting weeds along the side-| hardwood. New steel barn, steel roads. stanchions for 26 head of cattle, 8 3 > : What might have proved a fatal| horses, new stave silo, driving shed, : COA L- accident happened at Mr. Hugo Brad-| Jarge poultry house; two serviceable ax ' > ley's last Wesk while he was cleaning | residences; well and windmill. Easy . in Nut, Stove and Pea Sizes . out a well, he attempted to put a|terms. Plowin ession .this fal. : ki ? ; gasoline lantern down when the gas{ Full nro TL 1932. For ON : Cc Oo K E-- 'exploded, painfully burning Mrs. quick sale, $6,000. For further par- : in Nut and Range sizes. Bradley and their little daughter, whol ticulars phone 120 r 2 Port Perry MEN'S SUITS woo : were standing near, about the face| Central. y ' : \ and arms. Dr. McKenney of Brook- : : * 3 Hardwood and Softwood: Slabs, Body Wood. lin was called and treated them. Al- and Overcoats 1 he er though the burns ors ui Rad the sR | : ) RAE LUMB ER wl doctor thought there would be no dis-| ----s--+<o@ow-- Our prices are greatly redmesd--|} Shingles, Siding, Flooring, Sash and Doors. fgorementa, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. With the arrival of new good there|l § | M E-- : : r. Slaughter of 0, visited e Estate of Alfred Steer, R. 8.1; 5 gplendid choice. Get your order a a ; at Mr. W. S. Parks, for the week end.| 0., 1927, Chapter 150, Sec. 51. in ATR J od Prepared Plaster, @rey Lime, White Lime, Ce The members of the W. A. from| All persons having claims against}® ay} kinds of Dry and : i FEEDS-- 2 here were entertained at the homeof | the Estate of Alfred Steer, Farmer, Mode done. Wo fine | : MARMILL Ih Turk X . Mrs. Wilmot Walker, of Manchester,|late of the Township of Reach, cleaned by our New Dry Chick Starter, ox Starter, Growin Mash, | last week, each member giving a short | County of Ontario, deceased, who died] Cleaning Process' at very mode Laying Mash, Hog Dairy talk on the work, and then the meet-| on or about the of July, A. : ry ~~ Ration, Molasses, ete. 2 ing was thrown open for general dis-| D., 1931, are hereby notified to send} , : "aw ~

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