Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 3 Sep 1931, p. 8

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al Riki and called on relatives ur township re- ty with the following ge: Blackstock Con- lackstock Public School, Cawker; Caesarea, Miss ick; Cadmus, Miss Helen Fowler; ritt's, Miss Flora Henderson; irche I, Miss Florence McFadden; Egypt, e Fallis; Cedar Dale, Miss Jean 3 Mahood's, Miss Gladys Cob- 's, Mr. Lorne Wannan; Purple Miss Susie VanCamp has returned home after an énjoyable visit with Miss Mae Stevenson, at Stirling. Miss Mabel VanCamp visited Miss Ann Griffith last week at the sum- ner home of the latter's grandparents Chancellor and Mrs. Bowles. Mrs. Robt. Doag, of "woronto, spent {the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nesbitt. _ Twenty-five members of the Vie- torian Women's Institute accepted the Hampton Institute's invitation to visit their branch on Thursday after- noon of last week and spent a most enjoyable time. The meeting opened with an address of welcome by the president, Mrs. Horn, after which all joined i singing the "Institute Ode", A goodly thing it is to meet In friendship's circle bright, Where nothing stains the pleasure sweet, Or dims the radiant light. iss Dorothy Stevens. AUCTI Phone Uxbridge 9308 LL. a. E. J. POMERY Uxbridge R. R. 4 For the Counties of Ontario and York SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE All Phone Calls receive prompt attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed. No unkind words our lips shall pass, ONEER or Port Perry 113 r 2-3 The Peoples palatable, nutritious Will do If you want it good, BERT MacGREGOR ' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, and satisfying meats. ring up Phone 72 W the rest. RR No envy sour the mind ig But each shall seek the common weel The god of all mankind. The following program was then put on by the Victorian Branch: The Maple Leaf, piano duet by Misses Frances and Grace Mountjoy; piano solo by Miss Florence Fair; an ad- dress by Mrs. Frank Stinson, "Giving Way to Our Good Impulses"; a read- ing by Miss Esther Strong "The Rule W. Crawford, "She Wouldn't Work." At the close of the program a contest was put on by the Hampton Branch for the purpose of getting every. per- son better acquainted. =A delightful repast was then enjoyed by all, at the close of which a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the Hampton ladies for their kind invitation and warm hos- pitality. The Victorian ladies then motored homeward feeling that "The more we get together, the happier we'll be." The idea of the exchange of visits was mentioned first by Mr. Geo, Putnam, Supt. at the District meeting at Orono. He asked each secretary to place in a hat a slip of paper bearing the name of her insti- tute. Each secretary then drew a slip and on it was the name of the branch to be entertained some time during the year. Hampton drew the Victorian, hence the visit last week. The Victorian drew Bowmanville and expect to entertain their branch as soon as the highway, which is in course of construction between Bow- manville and Blackstock has been completed. A couple of games of softball have been played here lately, a girl's game between Blackstock and Brooklin, re- sulting in a score of 9-1 in favor of the latter. A boys' game between Blackstock and Bowmanville resulted in a score of 14-18 in favor of Black- stock, "i Mrs. 'Wm. Patterson of Toronto, visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Bell. Mr. R. D. Lockwood, of Ottawa, spent last week with his friend Mr. Alvin Bell. Mr. Lockwood is an authority on Natural History, being particularly interested in birds and flowers. Hogg & Lytle, Limited ARE EQUIPPED TO RENDER A COMPLETE SERVICE TO THE FARMING COMMUNITY 55 H.P. FAIRBANKS-MORSE Diese! Engines McLachlan Double Head Attrition Grinders with a Capacity of More than 50 Bags of Fine Chep per hour, have been installed on their premises at Lindsay, Mariposa, and Port Perry High Grade Custom Chopping will be done in record time, at a price of Eight Cents per Bag on Grists of Five Bags or More, Terms--Cash or Toll. SPECIAL OFFER 'The Official Opening Day at All Three Points is Wednesday, September 9th One-Half of Every Grist of Not More than | 20 Bags brought in on that Day will be Ground of "Successes" and a reading by Mrs. | 1S PAYING 2ic., 20¢., and 17c, FOR your cream to the T PERRY CREAMERY DE* & SON, Proprietors. W. A. Sangster DENTAL RGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 pm. | Office over McKee's Shoe Store SCUGOG Rey. H. Elford had charge of the Bible Class at the: Centre Sunday School and Dr. Thurston, who is a guest at the parsonage, and the Rev. J. Denny, both gave a very interesting talk, : Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy will enter- tain the Women's Association next Tuesday afternoon September 8th, at '3 o'cleck sharp. A full attendance is requested as: Mrs. C. Elliott, of Brooklin, will be present to address us on the work of our Association. Miss Eunice 'Ingram, of Torontn, has been spending the pa:l week with Mrs. A. Martyn. Mr. Fred Joblin who has been spending the holidays with his grand- parents, has returned to his home ready for his college work.. We hope he will come back again next year. Mr. Clarence Carter and Mr. Chas Daniels attended the softball game at Whitevale and visited with friends at Highland Creek over the week-end. Our boys and a number of others went on Saturday evening to,play a game of softball with the Whitevale boys and had a very good game, bul were defeated 9-13. Mr. and Mrs. J. Demera, Grace and Glen, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. Stone, at Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter, Allan and Fo Florence, were guests of their daughter Mrs. S. Sweetn'an on Sun day. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, rthur Sweetman on the arrival of another little son, on Saturday, Aug, 29th. Miss Hazel Lee is spending a few | weeks with her aunt Mrs. F. Jones at Brooklin. - Mr. R. Smale and Mr. McMurray, who have been at Mr. Rogerson's, entertained a number of their Toronto and Scugog friends to a corn roast on Tuesday evening. Miss Sina Irwin of Seagrave, was the guest of her cousin Miss Grace Demara a few days last week. Miss Jones has returned to her home in Moose Jaw by bus which was very pleasant coming East. Her sister Mrs. Joblin going as far as Toronto with her and visiting there for a few days. Mr. and_Mrs, C. Hardy, John and Clara, visited her aunt Mrs. Osbo:ne, at Pleasant Point, and attended the Decoration services at Zion. Her grandmother Mrs. W. Sanguine of Little Britain returning home with her for a few days. Miss Gladys Dodsley of Greenbank, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dodsley. Migs Luella Ploughman of Port Perry spent last week at the home of her uncle Mr. Geo. Samells. -Some of the farmers were very busy at the Centre on Monday as there were three threshing outfits in the one neighbourhood. A number of the farmers are busy getting their corn cut and the ground ready for fall wheat. Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnston and children, Orma and Ross, of Cresswell, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn, on Sunday. Mr. Fred Gow, of Oshawa, is visit- ing at his home here for a few days. Misses Marjorie and Ivah Milner visited their sister Mrs. C. Heayn, of Port Perry, over the week .end. Mr. Lavern Martyn; Mr. Victor Aldred, Miss Lillian Fralick, have all started at Port Perry High School. Quite a number from around here attended the Gerrow family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Gerrow, of Reach, on Wednesday last. The Foot people have put a new fence arqund their school ground which makes a big improvement. Mrs. J. Gerrow and her daughter Mrs, VanNess is visiting her sons Wilson of Reach, and Chas, of Man- chester. Mrs. Pettitt spent the pat week in |- McKinley. Mr. and Mrs, Blakeman, Mr. and [ Mrs. Strong and little Ruth, of To- | B R FAT. You can save labor|. and make more money by Sending | with Mrs. F. Lamb. Oshawa with her sister Mrs. Harry| --PHONE-- Disney Block. OSHAWA, ONT. x (Opposite Post Office) 1516 - ORANGES, LENG PEARS. CANTALOUPES ARE DELICIOUS, Now, L : ¥ BS Wa ox MATOES, iin Mrs.' Lewis Pearce on Sunday. Professor and Mrs. Thurston, of Detroit, were week end guests at the parsonage. Rev. and Mrs, H, Elford who have been guests of his parents for the summer have returned to Michigan. Manchester Mrs. James Mitchell motored to To- rento and visited with friends one day this week. Mr. and Mrs, D. Sutherland and son visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell over the week end. - Mrs. A. C. VanNess of Drumheller, Alta., and her mother Mrs. John Ger- row, of Scugog, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gerrow this week. Glad to see«Miss I. Spofford back again to take charge of the school. Clark's Pork & Beans, large can, Toe ANCHOR BROOMS, 5 string, Duco handle, a 44c. New. Strawberry Jam, 40 oz. jar, 3lc. FALCON WORCESTER SAUCE... or .....bottle 15¢. SUGAR. Pure Cane Granulated... + 7. win 10 tbs. 50c. JAVEL WATER ..........\.. bhi ea 2 bottles for 19c. GOLD MEDAL FLOOR WAX ........ Va ae 1 Ib tin 29c. Tiger Salmon, fancy Cohoe, tall tin, 21c BAGLE MIEK . ........0 oc ibe, per tin 2lc. RED & WHITE SALAD DRESSING, 121 oz. botile . i Erie 25¢. LEMON CHEESE, Special .................... 16 oz. size 23¢c. SPAGHETTI 'Ready to:serve ............; Cea i tin 10c. Miss Rees and Mrs. Rees of Alton, eolled on friends in the village one day this week. Mrs. F. Crosier spent a few days at Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 23c., Caesarea with her sister Mrs, Putsy. Frank Lamb has returned home to Lindsay after spending the holidays Mr. Russell Lamb spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Lomb. » Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Gerrow and Mansell motored to Kirkfield on Sun- day. Misses Mildred Crosier and Dorothy Roper and" Mansell Gerrow started at Port Perry High School on Tuesday. We wish them success. Manchester - Women's Associaticn ov.tertained the ladies of Utica, Pros- pect, Myrtle and Raglan Women's at Manchester Hall. Two numbers of the program were supplied from each vey interesting, » after which, the Ic itesses Served a dainty lunch. rs. L. Roach has been engaged to teach the Prospect School for the coming year and started on her work on Tuesday. We are glad to have Mrs. Roach with us again. I ONTARIO COUNTY SCHOOL FAIR DATES Following is the revised dates of the local school fairs. Brooklin, Friday, September 18th. Manchester, Friday, September 25th. Scugog, Monday, September 28th, Greenbank, Tuesday, September 29th. Sunderland, Wednesday, Sept. 30th. ~ BAKER-ORCHARD™ A pretty lawn wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Orchard, of Seagrave, Ont., on Satur- day afternoon, August 22nd, 1931, at four o'clock, Rev, B. L. Green officiat- ing, when their only daughter Dorothy Elizabeth became the bride of Mr. Clayton Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Baker, of Stouffville. The bride who was given in marriage by her father, wore a charming frock of carried a shower bouquet of Joh During the signing of oe register Associations on Wednesday afternoon |g society which made the afternoon | quimper blue georgette and lace, and Hill roses. The couple were unattend- | ed. Miss Iva Reynolds, cousin of the|: bride, played the wedding march. | RED & WHITE PASTRY FLOUR, 7s FLY TOX.. alain ae Po aks GEM JARS. Medium se eB er i JARRUBBERS .......................... ) Tomatoes; Frankford quality, L 2s, 2 for 15c. F. W Brock & Son Phone 43 : QUAITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" Port Perry DONT WORRY ABOUT 'FIRE! Have your property properly insured at once ; HAROLD w. EMMERSON "HUGH CAMPBELL * MERCHANT TAILOR FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles. Excellent cloths and trimmings. Workmanship Guaranteed. Le FRENCH DRY CLEANING Agent for Regent Clothes HUGH CAMPBELL . coAL- fy i yf in Nu Stove and Pea Sizes ai Miss Isabel Sargent, of Harilgm, sang "Oh Promise Me." = After wedding breakfast Mr. Aer irs blue 'ensemble. They will their residence. § in Stoutelle on Sei) 'ronto, Mr. and Mrs. G COKE ay ; in Nut and Range sive. | PURELARD .: «oat o kages 21c. SURPRISE SOAP... MIT weep A bars for 2le. FALCON COFFEE ....... PALL et ..1 Th. fin 39.

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