Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 17 Sep 1931, p. 4

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Commerce, over the Observer : Phone 98° Residence 19] Port Perry, Ontario COMING--See F. E. Luke, Optom- etrist at Lawrénce's Drug Store, Port Perry, Th r 8th. Mrs. Ww. H, cCaw, Miss Emma IcCaw, Mrs, A. J. Carnegie, and Mrs, 'H.W. Emmerson, have just returned from a most enjoyable trip to Providence, Rhode Island, where they visited with Dr. and Mrs. Coone. They also journeyed' to Cape Cod and Provincetown, visiting Plymouth, the historic site where the Mayflower landed, and various other places of interest. Mrs. Malcolm and son Roy and daughter Jean, of Uxbridge, visited at Mrs. R. Town's recently. Miss Luella Moore, of Enfield, and Mr. Roy Webber, of Bowmanville, spent Sunday at Mrs. Robt, Towns. Miss Gertrude Druean is home again after a very pleasant trip with friends at Hamilton and Burlington Beach. 84 Mrs Francis Jones and daughter Leona, of Oshawa, have been the guests of her sister Mrs. Stewart Collins for two weeks, eet PPP. FOR RENT £190 acres--Nancy Miller farm-- formerly occupied by Jas. Eagleson. Near Pleasant Point. Apply to Harris & Harris, Port Perry. ee "That radiator is the most prom- inent part of a car," says a writer. It is certainly the first thing that strikes you. "Excuse me, lady, that toy is fifteen cents." "But I thought this was a five-and- ten-cent store?" "Vell, how much is five and ten?" CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Archer wish to thank all those who so kindly and efficienly assisted in endeavouring to save their Summer cottage at Lake- side Beach, at the time of the fire which nearly destroyed the building. ------ HAIRDRESSING Miss Patricia Cooney, will be at Harvey Ginns Barber Shop, Black- stock, on Tuesday, September 22nd, to do marcelling, finger-waving, ete. Appointments taken at the Barber Shop. - -------- DIED At Greenbank, on Saturday, Sept. 12th, 1931, Albert F. Phoenix, in his 61st year. Funeral was held on Mon+ day, at Greenbank United Church. In- terment at Bethel Cemetery. VALDE HORTOP Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Classes start first week in Sept. Phone 54 Port Perry AND THAT'S NOT ALL! What a newspaper does for us all, says the Kitchener Record. * The newspaper starts in When you were born, Relates about your excellence, It follows you to school And tells about your sweetness And prints the honor roll. If your name is found there, It tells of your graduation And speaks of the excellence Of your magnificent essay; It tells of your progress During your college career And then dilates much about The choite of vocation, Then it gives a nice notice ; About your marriage ° And praises the blushing bride Till her kinfolk hardly know her Then in due course of events It tells about the bouncing baby ~ That happened in your family-- Whereby beginning its life work + All over and over again. The paper does also much more; It tells of the progress Made by city and country And boosts all enterprises, Gives free advertising Worth thousands of dollars To its home town; 'There are scores of things That all good newspapers do Graduate of Trinity Medical College Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Graduates' College and Polyclinic, | Post Graduat Office and Surgery--former residence of Dr. J. A. Mathers, Queen St., Port at Breadalbane" Presbyterian Church, i Friday & Saturday September 18-19 Remember the slogan-- "Show what you grow: Share what you know." This is our Fair, and it should receive the support of every citizen in this com- munity. There is to be a real Midway at the Fair this yeax. Allan's ten shows will introduce you to the fun in life at Port Perry Fair, on Saturday, September 19th. After the day's show at the Fair Grounds there will be a night performance at the water front. x . A feature of the Fair will be the Farmer's Green Trot. The purse has been raised from $25.00 to $50.00, and that should be a good inducement to local farmers with speedy horses. Every citizen should go to the Fair this year. Port Perry FIRST should be the motto. We have fine exhibits, and the Directors are anxious to make this the best Fair of the district. VALUE : 4 A few of the best values we have ever been able to present to our customers. : = Glassware--Bowls, Cake Plates, x 49. 5 23 piece Tea sets, Japanese, : "$1.29 " 22 piece Tea Sets, Oriental, $1.98 7 pe. Berry Sets, English China, : 89c. 7 pe. Sandwich Sets, English China, 89¢. 32 piece Dinner Sets, English , China, $4.15 Cups & Saucers, Derby Coloring 59c. Cups & Saucers, variety colors ' 39¢. {Teapots, 4 designs, 49c. Sherbets and Goblets, etched crystal, each 39c. I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist Extra' Special | GAS BY-LAW CARRIED IN TRENTON Trenton, Sept. 15.--The municipal electors of Trenton, by a vote of 787 to 209, decided to grant a thirty-five year franchise to the Ontario Shore Gas Company, Limited, of Oshawa, to supply and distribute gas to the town of Trenton. As the vote indicates, keen interest was shown in the ques- tion and the margin of nearly four to one in favour of the by-law shows that sentiment was overwhelmingly in favor of the by-law. The intention of the Ontario Shore Gas Company, for the present at least, is to supply the town of Trenton from the recently acquired gas plant at Belleville, and to construct a pipe-line twelve miles long between the two communities. If the engineering details can be ironed out and the necessary permits J. A. HETHERINCTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 84 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto. Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday, 10 to 12 a.m.. Phone 258 COMING Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 167 Yonge St, Toronto, eye special- ist for glasses at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, Thursday, October 8th. _ F. E. LUKE & SON, Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St. Toronto secured from the Department of Public Highways, construction work on the pipe line will be started this fall. --Oshawa Times tl AP AP NEMPLOYED RELIEF PLANS STILL INDEFINITE Unemployment relief plans for Lindsay are still rather indefinite be- cause the council attached to its de- cisions several conditions, and already a few of these have gone wrong. An- other meeting is being held, and it is probable that the council's course of action will be finally decided then. Three of the ten suggestions ap- proved of last night were contingent on whether or not the Government would assist in plans done under local improvement regulations, where the town ordinarily pays 10 or 20 per cent. and the people on the street where the work is done pay the rest. It is un- derstood that the Government . will not give assistance in such cases. The plans approved of last night provided for a total of nearly $31,000 --about $2,000 more than last year-- and the large part of the expense is for labor. Work includes grading and gravelling streets, building a short stretch of sewer, connecting dead-end water mains, and corners at intersections. Besides making final arrangements at the special meeting this week, the], councillors will draw up their ap- plication for direct relief as they have to apply now for assistance for those who cannot work. --Lindsay 'Post. = rr rl € PE FOR SALE A quantity of 1st and 3rd class cedar shingles, and cedar posts of*all sizes. Apply to Scott & Stone, Phone 92 r 6, Seagrave. : 1 eet PP Pin DR. W. 8. HARPER Physician and Surgeon snd Trinity University, Toronto. London, Eng., North East Londgn College, Lond: Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Coroner for County of Ontario. - Perry, Phone 17 ee ---- ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Utica, on September 27 and 29. Sabbath seryices--11 a.m, and 7.30 (Up-stairs, opposite Simpson's) bank United Church, next Sunday, Miss Louiza Mayowma will speak of the wopk of the W. M. 8. . This lady is said to be a most interesting and instructive speaker. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA improving the | Harvest Festival--Sunday, Sept. 20th F. W. Bradley, Phone 209. 1 in the Estate of Dougald Clarkson, the estate of Dongald Clarkson, of the Township of Reach, Farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 1st day of May, 1931, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 15th day of October, 1931, 'full particulars of their claims. .In- mediatelyafter October 15, 1931, the assets of the deceased will be dis: » Eng tributed. am thereto, having of which the solicitors shall then have notice, Octl ------, PO PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m.--Worship Service. | 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School 7 p.m.--Worship Service. Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Worship Service. A GREENBANK UNITED CHURCH At the morning service of Green- -------- AP Pee ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. E. Annand, B.A., Minister. 11 a.m.~--Morning Service. * 7 p.m.--Evening service. Service at 8.15 p.m. eel PP Pee. \ CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 7 p.m.--Evensong. Special Speaker--Canon Davies, of Yorkton, Saskatchewan. ret Pree " WANTED A firsticlass farm hand. Apply to ------, ey NOTICE TO CREDITORS Deceased. : All persons having claims against g the parties entitled regard only to claims] Dated Sept. 15, 1981. . £y HARRIS & HARRIS, | : Port Perry, Ont., y | meeting old friends and com What a pleasan ear gone. reserves, and articles that ay make, we will and save t every respect. Ask tosee these if you are looking fer a really high quality hose. : Reg. $1.29 value ; Ladies' Imporfed | forcnly . . . . 79C. Chamoisette Gloves | -------------- : ine tha Don't forget to visit our Floor 'Re ting the la JOIL 1 Lorget to 5 ERT Fi JR | coming Bibles act u 39¢., S9c., 98c. Pair Sud Sur Madre : Waite will sur- RNA de ih FEN Al PR, y (] ST & LPL VE A AY I Li] 9 N td, { { Ly Mu 78 THE FAIR--How we all look forward to the FAIR--to paring notes on the happenings of another: t time we have viewing the exhibits, exhibits of the best that grow, those wonderful creations of Nature; those lovely have taken so many hours of patient work to ring to their present high standard of perfection. especially our Fair, and this year we are trying to make it even more enjoy- able than ever for you, by having on display a wonderful a; real money saving values, in our Store, of Household F Wear, Kitchen Necessities, and Men's Wear, so-- START A PERFECT DAY IN A PERFECT WAY by visiting us in the morning, and examining our exhibition of merchandise that is a real expos purchase you m evening, So come early, your friends here; and, after examini that the price of the necessities of lif We could fill pages telling you about few of our latest arrivals--Articles ition of buying right, and selling right. Whatever ladly look after it for you until the e last minute rush. Arrange tomeet ng our stock, visit the Fair, knowing e are coming down with a rush. our stock, but have only room for a that prove that We Beat City Prices. LADIES' HIGH GRADE ~ Full Fashioned Delustered Silk Hose All sizes and shades. A hose that has the latest French heel, and is No. 1 quality in Ladies' SUPERIOR Quality NON-RUN SILK SLIPS aT $1.29 LADIES' Fine Mercerized ; LISLE HOSE | Regularly sold at 39.- Yes, we love the Fair-- ul assortment of urnishings, Ladies' CAA Solrs. for Dougald Clarkson i v. Estate." . and | children 20, \ B.A. Mixed quartette from Uxbridge which they cannot be paid | Presbyterian Church 'at morning ser- at is why every citizen vice. Ashburn choir at night. Should do his utmost On Tuesday, Sept. 20th, supper will support the newspaper be served in church basement followed | 1 possible way © (by the comedy, "Amy of Arizona' by| 1 { i ie Bethel Dramatic Club, in Memory 'concert, adults 40c, p.m. Minister: Rev. Norman Sharkey, | Pearl Crescent pin. Fin return to Star Office. * Reward. ledge » 'To a all those who helped to make -- : = wonderful helped to make our opening

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