Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 1 Oct 1931, p. 8

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: . > increase this pleasure. Now. You too may have HOVIS THE BREAD OF HEALTH All are for Hovis, ice having eaten it. Hovis is a treat by itself, of in any combination. If you enjoy your food, Hovis will : Should your meals be a source of physical annoyance Hovis : will eliminate this and bring you to a full enjoyment of your food. The HYGIENIC BAKERY E. K. TUFFS, Proprietor - DEFINITION OF GOLD STANDARD The following concise definition of the gold standard was given by Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen in an address before the Bankers' Educational Asso- ciation in Toronto on January 21st last, and is copied from the Journal of the Canadian Bankers' Association. "What is the gold standard? A country is on the gold standard which does two things; primarily, it must undertake to redeem its currency in gold on presentation; secondly, it must, by statute, provide a gold re- serve which will be a practical demon- stration of its power to so redeem its currency. "There are two pre requisites," ex- plained Mr. Meighen. "When a coun- try undertakes and expresses its obli- --_-- gations in a statute, to redeem its own currency in gold on presentation, it generally is understood to be on the gold standard, But it ought to go farther and provide a definite fixed reserve of gold in its treasury, as a guarantee of power to answer such pledge to redeem." GREENBANK Quite a number from here attended the Lindsay Fair on Saturday. Mr. James Innes is on the sick list, While cranking a car to return home from work last Friday evening Theodore Cragg had the misfortune to have his arm broken. A large attendance marked the ob- servance of Rally Day last Sunday in The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. the United Church Sunday Sehool. * Mr. and Mrs. Milton Howsam and family of Havelock, at: John Howsanr's ; on Sunday. . A number of the men held a bes at the old Presbyterian Church on Monday to clean up the yard. } Mrs. Doble of Agincourt visiting her sister Mrs, John Beare. Mrs. Wooldridge of Seagrave called | on friends here on Monday. Mrs. L. Scott of Seagrave with Mrs. Snodden on Monday, Mr. G. Cragg, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cragg, Havelock with Mrs. Snodden on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid will hold their an- nual Chicken Pie Supper and enter- tainmnet on Thanksgiving evening, October 12th, when we expect a play will be given by the young people. On Monday evening, September 21, about fifty relatives and friends from West Brock gave a surprise party to Mr. and Mrs. Snodden. After a very enjoyable evening was §pent the fol- lowing address was read and the pre- sentation of a beautiful chair made: Mr. Snodden,--~We your friends and neighbours from West Brock have gathered here this evening to show our appreciation of your kindness in the past. We will certainly miss you from our community as you were al- ways ready with -a kind word and helping hand when needed. We hope you will accept this small gift, not for its intrinsic value, but for the kind thoughts that go with it. There will always be a welcome at our homes for you. One and all join in wishing you and Mrs. Snodden a long and happy married life. Signed--W. L. Doble, F. Nugent. We welcome Mr, Snodden to our community. Communion Service will be held in the United Church at 11 a.m, Sunday, and at the evening service the Pastor Soul." ----e---- FOR SALE 1900 Gravity Washer in good con- ERS dition. Apply to Mrs. D., Boe, Port | Perry. 1 Listen in on the "Blue Coal" hour 5,30 to 6.30 every Sunday afternoon, over Station C. F. R. B., Toronto. Re ad Xe rk NTE The blue color mark is like the sterling mark on silver. It identi- fies the finest hard coal that has ever been brought above ground. 'blue coal' is colored at the mine with a harmless coloring that does not affect the coal in any way. (2H oe i With 'blue coal' blazing cheerfully in your furnace, you never need to force the fire to get the degree of heat you want . . . just check the drafts, feed the coal sparingly and enjoy. perfect comfort. And 'blue coal' is the cleanest coal you ever saw . . clean in your cellar, clean in your furnbce. All the impurities are washed and screened away. So just 'phone your dealer for 'blue coal' in the size you require.' The color will tell you that you ere getting the greatest heating value that money: San idk ou are ; lrg ing ' ' A a os yt a rr Your dealer Is a 'blue coal' THE BLUE COLOR SAYS «s+ THIS COAL IS THE FINEST OF ALL SCRANTON ANTHRACITE T is such superlatively good coal that we trade. marked it for your guidance and protection when buying . . . dyed it with a harmless blue dye so that you can recognize it at a glance. 'blue coal' is not a new coal . . it is the same fa- mous D.L.&W. Scranton Anthracite that has been a favorite in Canada for more than fifty years . . the finest coal ever brought above ground. i 2 or al Bank of Canada Port Perry Branch B. D. Henry, Manager will take as his subject "Flower of the |§" AUCTIONEER E. J. POMERY Uxbridge R. R. 4 For the Counties of Ontario and York SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE All Phone Calls receive prompt attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone Uxbridge 9308 or Port Perry 113 r 2-3 Don't worry about Baking-- CALL UP GERROW'S-- Their Business is BAKING ETXeREX E. H. GERROW & SONS Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. RO i R SALMON hi AT .1 1h tin 2lc. COCOA a IR LH tn 20 Rh i WaT COFFEE, '™ 45¢. "Koiona Tea, Tea, 3 hs for $1.00 WHITE DEANS Ss 2le, ie SPRAY Ciness Lise: "UNDERWEAR _ UNDERWEAR has dropped in price along F with everything else, with the quality better than ever. See our NEW PRICES. Natural Cotton Mering Combinations. A real saving. Sizes =O 84 dot dhe Viki idee Ea wa aes ..Per garment $1.35 Silk Striped Cotton. A ral ood weight for fall and early winter. Sizes 34tod4 ......... Era Ae ea nv Per garment $1.35 Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers. A good weight, thickly fleeced on the inside for more warmth...........Per garment 75¢. Sandfield's Combinations, very fine quality, unshrinkable com- _binations. Just the'thing for winter wear. $2.50, $2.75, $3. HOSIERY A CASHMERE HOSIERY." Women's All Wool in all sizes and shades. A quality that means long service. Reg. 75¢. value. . i ri : Per pair 59¢. _Girls'-or Boys' Black Oxfords | GIRLS' OR BOYS' BLACK OXFORDS. A sturdy shoe with solid soles and rubber heels. Sizes 6 to TV, $1.50, Sizes 8 to 10%; $1. 75. 1 to 2, $1.95 SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY. A good looking Hose and fin ne) quality for winter. Regular $1.00 value. For 75¢c. pair. SCOTCH FINGERING YARN. Black, Green, Buff, Heather, Scarlet. A very fine quality. 4 ply $1.10 Ib. BOYS' JERSEYS i. icciiivin von onfosvsusadosn vena $125 F.W.Brock & Sen ~ Port Perry Phone 43 : "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" DONT I WORRY ABOUT FIRE! Have your property properly insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON | LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eto. MONEY TO LOAN ; Office-- McCaw Block, Port Perry: Phone No, after hours--Oshawa 3614 HUGH CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles. Excellent cloths and trimmings. Z 'Workmanship Guaranteed. ' FRENCH DRY CLEANING - Agent for Regent Clothes -- Port Perr Dominion Store well make $1.10] 'Men's Good oe pt Daria rs Shirts, double yoke, well made, reg. $1 .26 for 75c. pairs for 65c. Lem Men' s-Blue Wo densa asses ranew "HUGH CAMPBELL al vasnsa vas sonly $2,

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