Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 8 Oct 1931, p. 4

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JNO. W.CROZIER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, 3 Accountant, ete. = Real Estate Money to Loan Office first door east of Canadian Bank of Commerce, over the O Office Office Phone 98 Residence 19j Port Perry, Ontario . A musical tea will be held at the home of Mrs. Woods, on Thursday, "October 8th, from 3-6, Charge of 25c. in aid of W. A. funds. annual Bazaarvand supper of Phe, rch of the Ascension will be hell on Thursday, October 29th. Bills later. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Holtby are motoring to St. Louis, Missouri, where Mr. Holtby is to be judge of Holstein cattle at the big show. They will visit friends in Kansas enroute. The ladies of the W. M. S. of the United Church purpose having a sup- per on Friday, October 16th, in the basement of the church. Further notice next week. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and daughter of Toronto, were recent guests of the Misses Harris. STATIONERY We have a few boxes of Stationery to clear at 25% off regular prices. Do not miss this if you need any, aco It is coming to the time of year when you need an Alarm Clock. Have your old one re- faired or we carry the estelox Line of new : ones, I Q.0.0 Our Repair Depart- ment is always prompt to look after your needs. I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 11 am. Morning Service. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. Friday, 7.45 p.m.--Weeknight Service ------ PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, October 11th-- 11 a.m.--Special Thanksgiving Ser- vice. 2.30 p:m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Jesus and World Depression Prince Albert 1.46--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Special 'service, unveiling of Memorial Window. A service of special interest will be held at Prince Albert United Church on Sunday, October 11th, at 3 pm. A Memorial Window to the memory of Rev. Mr. Philp will be unveiled. All friends and former members of Prince Albert Church are specially invited to be present. rr ---------------- ST. _JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Y. P. 8S. At the opening meeting of the Society the following officers were elected: President--Mrs. A. McFarlane, Vice President--A. M. Lawrence Secretary--Grant Robertson, Asst. Sec'y--Miss McKee. Letter to the Editor Editor of Port Perry Star-- Sir: For a period of ten years, it has been the writer's privilege to visit Port Perry every little while, and on these visits there has always been evidenced a fine community spirit along with a cordial feeling gerierally prevailing toward those resident else- where. As a place of residence, Port Perry is appealing because of its hominess and it is not surprising that the natives are not easily prevailed upon to move away to other regions. What really prompts this epistle, as the writer views it, was a visit made to your Public Library, a build- ing and equipment hardly in keeping with the community spirit for other good things and certainly not good enough considering the importance of Port Perry and its excellent school. With such a bright lot of promising boys and girls in attendance at your schools, most of them patronizing the L'brary frequently, wouldn't it be worth while for some of the public spirited at Port Perry to start a cam- paign for funds to build a library structure which would serve its patrons the better, and one to which all citizens could point to with pride. G. J. Bryan, Toronto. AP MR. PETERS GROWS THE BIG . ONES We have heard a lot about big potatoes this year, but Mr. A. D. Peters, dug a hill this week containing 7 big potatoes that filled a 6 quart basket. In another hill he uncovered a potato that weighed 2 Ibs. 6 oz. These potatoes were grown from Gov- ernment certified Dooley Seed, in the lot beside the Jubilee Pump Works. Some of these.potatoes may be geen - in the window of Mr. J. Doubt's Shoe Shop. - tl AP A DR. W. 8. HARPER Physician Surgeon | Graduate of Trinity Medical College Sunday School Association A meeting to organize a Sunday School Association for Port Perry, Reach and Scugog, was held at the United Church, Port Perry, on Wed- nesday evening, September 30th. Rev. Mr. Annand conducted de- votional exercises; and Rev. R. L. Partridge addresged the meeting. Rev. Mr. Richards was elected chairman, and Mr. S. Farmer, as secretary. The: following officers were elected: President--Mr. R. B. Smallman. 1st Vice President--Mr. C. Switzer 2nd Vice President--Dr. J. B. Lundy Sec'y--Mr, S. Farmer, Port Perry Asst, Sec.-Treas.--Mr. Clifford Ward, R.R.3 Uxbridge, (Bethegda) Children's Dept.--Mrs. Sweetman, Scugog. Girls' Dept.--Mrs. Denny, Epsom Boys' Department--Mr. Blake Cragg, Greenbank. Y. P. W.--Mr. Sager, Prince Albert Adult Classes--Mr. Mark, Seagrave. Home Dept.--Mr. L. Diamond, Prospect. Teacher Training--Mr. H, R. Murphy, Prince Albert. Missionary--Mr. John Johnson, Manchester. Temperance--Mr. Swannick, Marsh Hill. . . Port Perry High Scheol Sports Boys' Senior Running Broad Jump--1 Robt. Car- negie, 2 M. Black. - Shot Put--1 R. Carnegie, 2 Robt. Willan. High Jump--1 R. Carnegie, 2 R. Ewers, 3 S. Beare. Pole Vault--1 D. Shepherd, 2 M. Black, 3 J. Cooney. 100 yard dash--1 T. Harris, 2 W. Phoenix, 3 M. Black. 220 yard dash--1 T. Harris, 2 W. Phoenix, 3 A. Cawker. 440 yard dash--1 TI. Harris, 2 E. Lee, 3 A .Cawker. -- EE -- VALDE HORTOP Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Classes start first week in Sept. Phone 54 Port Perry. -- et ------ J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd.,, Toronto. Phone Hargrave 0990 IN 'PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday, 10 to 12 a.m.. Phone 258 3. A. Turner x 3 Half Mile Run--1 E. Lee, 2 M. Black, 3 T. Harris. : Hop, Step, & Jump--1 8S. Beare, 2 T. Harris, 3 R. Carnegie. Boys' Junior Running Broad Jump--1 A. Crozier, 2 E. Hook, 3. H. Brookes. 2 Shot Put--1 E. Hook, 2. A. Crozier, 3 G. Wannamaker, . High Jump--1 A. Crozier, 2 E. Hook, 3 H. Brookes. i Pole Vault--1 A. Crozier, 2 H. Brookes. : 100 Yard Dash--1 A. Crozier, 2 E. Hook, 3 G. Wannamaker. 220 Yard Dash--1 A. Crozier, 2 E. Hook, 3 O. Martin. 440 Yard Dash--1 A. Crozier, 2 0, Martin, 8 R. MacFarlane. Hop, Step and Jump--1 A. Crozier, 2 E. Hook, 3 G. Wannamaker. Half Mile Run--1 O. Martin, 2 R. MacFarlane. : Form Relay Race--1 Fourth Form, 2 Fifth Form, 8 Second Form. Junior Championship--E. Hook. Senior Championship--R. Carnegie. Junior Girls Dash--1 A. Balfour, 2 R. McCrae, 3 I. Jones. B. B. Distance--1 K. Carnegie, 2 G. Bradley, 3 E. Reesor. Running High Jump--=1 G. Bradley, 2 K. Carnegie, 3 N. Kight. Running Broad Jump--1 A.Balfour, 2. V, Nasmith, 8 D. Lakey. Hitting Target--1 G. Bradley, 2 D. Williams, 8 R. McCrae. Broad Jump--1 V. Nasmith, 2 IL Jones, 3 A. Balfour, Catch and Throw--1 K. Carnegie and R. Prentice, 2 B. Cawker and E. Reesor; 3 G. Bradley and R. Brent. Junior Championship--G. Bradley. Senior Girls Dash--1 A. Hayden, 2 L. Harper, 2 A. Hood. B. B. Distance--1 A. Hayden, 2 A. Hood, 3 8. Nind. Running High Jump--1 A. Hood, 2 A. Hayden, 3 L. Kight. Running Broad Jump--1 A. Hayden, 2 A. Hood, 3 L. Harper. Hitting Target--1 D. Reesor, 2 A. Hood, 38 I. Raines. Broad Jump--1 A. Hayden, 2 S. Nind, 3 A. Hood. Catch and Throw--1 I. Raines and A. Hayden, 2 S. Nind and M. Small- man, 3 M. Vickery and D. Roper. Senior Championship--A. Hood. Pursuit Relay--1 Form Three, 2 Form One, 3 Form Five. Three-legged Race--1 Form Two, 2 Form Three, 3 Form One. : Form Championship--Form Three. Chicken Pie Supper at Greenbank United Church on Thanksgiving Evening. EXCHANGE Good six roomed Toronto house, well rented, to exchange for a farm. Apply BOYNTON FARM AGENCY, Port Perry. SPECIAL PRICES N MEN'S SUITS and Overcoats Our prices are greatly reduced-- With the arrival of new goods there is a splendid choice. Get your order in early. All kinds of Dry Cleaning and COMING Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 167 Yonge St., Toronto, eye special- ist for glasses at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, Thursday, October Sth. : F. E. LUKE & SON, Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St, Toronto (Up-stairs, opposite Simpson's) Pressing done. Ladies' fine dresses thoroughly cleaned by our New Dry | Cleaning Process at very moderate prices. W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor OverTel. Office Port Perry --el Pee WINTER APPLES FOR SALE Apply, Rev. W. P, Brown, Port Perry rrr Pees. PURE JERSEY MILK FOR SALE CIDER FOR SALE: Fresh Sweet Cider and vinegar. ¥ 'to Ed I Mile Run--1 E .' Lee, 2. M. Black,| 10c. PER QUART DELIVERED.| ° | Apply to Art Woodley, Prince Albert. of our before selectiol pleased warm A GOOD STORE TO KNOW \ GREENBANK Mrs. R. Barker, Sudbury, visiting at Mr. Isaac Beare's. The School Fair was held on Tues- day Sept. 20th, and was quite a suec- cess, Mr. and Mrs. Hawkshaw and family are holidaying in Carleton Place, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall O'Neill are visiting in Markham, Mr. Robert Wells, Niagara Falls, at H. Hickman's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Snodden visiting with relatives at Gamebridge, on Sunday. Miss Forsythe, Balsam, at her hom here over the week end. The death occurred in Toronto on Thursday , October 1st, of Mrs. Frank Jones. Mrs. Jones was a daughter of Robert and Susan Watson, and is survived by a brothers, George of To- ronto, and a sister Mrs. Corson, of Toronto. Interment was made at) Greenbank cemetery, where a large gathering of relatives and friends assembled. Among those who at- tended the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. C. White, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White, of Emesdale, and Mr. and Miss Watson, of Georgetown, The annual Thank Offering service will be held in the United Church on Sunday next. Service in the morning will be taken by the minister, Rev. Mr. Partridge. Mr. Gold, of Uxbridge, and evening. On Monday evening a chicken | supper will' be held, after which a given by the young people. FUR CO., of Toronto, to have orders for same. The Regal Fur Co.'s coats are Lumberman's outfits at prices that will L. W. NELSON, Proprietor primary classes sang "Away ih the the orchestra, will have charge in the : play entitled "Sunshine Jane" will be sionary business since we opened here proves exclusively that ppreciate our efforts the people of Port Perry and district a to give them good attempted in this district. This week end we shall have another selection of attractive specials for your inspection, and for next week--October 15th, 16th and 17th, we have arranged with the well-known REGAL a representative bring down a n of their High Class Fur Coats in the worst of weather. Wa A SPECIAL Come in and see our good and washes well. B. pea favors NELSON'S POLICY of--Keen Buying--Less Pro- fit--Mass Selling. dependable merchandise at prices never all of high quality and we are to be able to say--can be paid for monthly, Watch for next week's announcement. UNDERWEAR Again we bring to your notice our wonderful values in Underwear and Winter Shirts--garments that will %eep you For men we have the suprise you. LADIES' DRESSES Have you seen our Ladies' Dresses in and our lovely fur trimmed coats. this week end. $3.49 Tweed Dress, nicely made, looks for Ladies, and take all the latest styles, teh for our Specials For the Convenience of those living out of town, our store will remain open each Tues- day & Thursday until 8.30 p-m., but close Wednesdays at 1.00 p.m. NELSON'S STORE QUEEN ST., Phone ANNIVERSARY SERVICES TO BE HELD AT SEAGRAVE UNITED CHURCH, OCTOBER 11 Sabbath services at 11 am. to be taken by Rev. F. W. Newell, B.A., B.D., of Blackstock, and at 7.30 p.m. by Rev. A. E. Owen, B.A. of Uxbridge, Zion choir will supply the music for both services. A thank offering will be received. Eyeryone. is cordially invited to attend these services. Thank Offering Services at the Centre Church next Sunday, October 41th. Rev. A: M. Irwin, of Oshawa, will preach at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Everyone come and worship together, Special music by the choir. Our Rally Day Services on Sunday, October 4th, was a grand success. About 225 being present to take part. Mr. Joblin of the Foot Sunday School had charge of the program. The Manger", Miss Jean Hood read Mark "Jesus' Love for the Out of Doors," Mr, Earl Clark recited "The Courage of Jesus," Miss Inez Fralick recited Oct. 1 and 8) PORT PERRY 234 | -- WATCH us GROW Ee ---- -- =. t 'H. COULDERY, Manager 'Strand Theatre, Uxbridge THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER' 8, 9, 10. ANN "HARDING, in "Girl of the Golden West" A great Western Drama in all talking. Greater than "East Lynn" MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 13, 14. GEORGE ARLISS, in "The Millionaire" _in all talking picture, | COMING--Constance Bennett in ! Norma Shearer in "STRANGERS MAY KISS" ; : (played in Toronto.) "BORN TO LOVE" & iy NOTICE Reduced admission--EVERY NIGHT--Adults 25¢. Children 15c. Bring the family now. : , . is - Sorry 'to hear Miss Eva Clark, who was visiting her sister Mrs. Pearce, stipped and sprained her arm while going down cellar, We hope she is 10:13-16,~Mr. Ralph Milner recited} better soon. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds of Toronto, were recent guests of their friends Mr. and Mrs. R, Reader. - Mrs. A. Sweetman and children]. visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. John and B. Osborne, Bruce and Harvey, of Pleasant Point visited her o. | niece Mrs. C. Hardy, : Mrs. Love Mrs. R. Burnham visited friends in Oshawa one day last week. . Miss Myrtle Jeffrey has returned home from her pleasant visit with her brother Orr, at Enniskillen, Mrs. W. Dodsley visited with her daughter Gladys at Greenbank over the week end. : ren, Mr. and Mrs, A. Brunt and Mona, of Enniskillen, were guests of their parents Mr, and Mrs, W. Mark, Sunday. in : B & Mr. and Mrs. O. Jeffrey. and child-

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