Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 22 Oct 1931, p. 5

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the following lish Semi Porcelain Dishes, each con- id all different d Sap eh Tn FOR $19.50 ubber Boots, Ames-Holden & McCready FOR $3.75 pair. es" Classic Shoes, all sizes. These shoes are chocolates, cream caramels, sor ne al .. Feature Arch, combination fitting and crystal jellies. : Cc. Cuban heel. Regular $4.50. a FOR $3.50 5" Per Ib box '60. packages of Star Ammonia ..... .............. . +. 25¢. 8 packages of Classic Cleanser ........... Ne are 25¢. PORT PERRY, ONT. © Morrison's Drug Store PorPery wu Omare | Com a Phone 16 i i > RA ui goods at real § esigns, regular $25.00, § made, and it will soon be wet and . § \ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eagleson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Tambin, of Cannington. Miss Edith Chalmers spent the the week end at her home near Lind- say. i A number from here attended the Fowl Supper at Valentia on Thanks- giving evening. All report a good time. i ---- the evening were well received. generous offering was received whic is much appreciated. The basket social held in the sch evening Rev. Mr. Owen, of Uxbridge, inspiring in the morning "Beautiful Garden of Prayer" and the mixed quartette in congregations were present and a very of r feet dry with a pair of these boots. i | Norman Jacobs. A fair crowd attend- i$ 'ed, and the afternoon was spent in B | quilting a quilt which the ladies of the 8 | Association had pieced. # visiting her brother Mr, Sam Hall JERGENS' FLOROSA TOILET SOAP--A new soap manu- factured by the old reliable firm of _Jergens. 5 SPECIAL--S3 cakes for 10c. JASMINE OF SOUTHERN FRANCE--A new and popular line of toiletries. $1.00 box Face Powder -and '50c. Jar of Vanishing Cream--$1.50 value for $1.00. $1.25 box of Bath Powder and 50c. bottle of perfume-- $1.75 value for $1.25. ROBERTSON'S MILK CHOCOLATE BUDS, SALTED PEANUTS ........ , fesse sensi C---- - The Reward of Years of Toil If you contemplate an auction sale, the closing out of your years of effort in building up a complete farm equipment, the Canadian Bank of Commerce is splendidly equipped to cater to your financial needs. Our local manager and his staff will gladly make all arrangements for the collection and discount- ing of all sale notes and for furnishing an extension of credit where necessary. A suec- cessful sale is entirely dependent upon sound financial arrangements, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With which is amalgam (THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ) ceeeed29e Ib « 20c. B MEN'S FURNISHINGS at | hes ar» ® - y a 4 - » a : a Superior Stores | Shirts, Ties, Gloves, are styled to meet the eye. Popular fabrics at popular prices. Good patterns and colours in Broadeloth Shirts. Specially Priced $1.49 Neat patterns and smart color effects in Ties - 49c. ight weight Winter Underwear, Penman brand $1.49 urea wool Sweater Cont for these chilly days. Coat Bove ma ond § style, in Black, size 26 to 32, $1.50 MEN'S SUITS 's High Grade Clothing, made to measure by the La- Meno ah Gr Tailors. er you may depend on t . rtly designed. Many samles hat. Hodes are expertly designed. | Many "J. McKEE & SON The Creamery ~2A Have you heard about PYRO-TEST The FIREPROOF INSULATOR Cool in Summer Warm in Winter Fireproof all'the time to choose from at our store, IS PAYING 21e., 20c., and 17c., FOR BUTER FAT. You can save labor and mak 'by sending| |1 Port Perry 183 COUNTY OF ONTARIO oo ons ol ; : : TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS| PORT PERRY CREAMERY 0 h L bh C GOODE & SON, Proprietors. snawa Lumper Co FOR ARREARS OF TAXES 4. GOODE 4 SOK, Prorietoms, : LIMITED e ven that the list LIVE STOCK SALE At Swan Brothers of lands now liable to be sold for| Auction sale of 'choice live stock, ear Port P erry of taxes in the County of On-| the property of Mr. Talmage Taylor, taris 1a been prepared and is beitig lot 29, con. 9, Darlington, on Friday, blished in an advertisement in the s h EE oeaioie pen fhe Ninsiewta | Octobur 80%. ane enty Six es ar T. M. Slemon, Auctioneer. ER «GAWKER BROS. of tases 3 shown on the suid st ou | HOUSE for Sale or Rent 8 Detore Monday, y APPLY T y ' in EE an CHEAPER MEATS ' et to kk public aa, PORT PERRY, ONT Owing to the lower prices on the Live said lands, or such portions Sheree chp : Stock Market, we are able to buy pr rs, together 'with 'the . . : better and are offering choice outs of A RAY. FH Ww. A. 5 er beef, veal and lamb at reduced prices. D5 Deel, Cont of Ontarte, on i T am, ta 8 pm Phone in your orders--29w FAMOUS READING | NTHRACITE better Pennsylvania Coal--Black and shiny, as rd coal can has gra dn thats ot Ir, Sr En Sie Lumber and Builders' Supplies We are grateful to our many patrons for their choice of a good place to buy stock at the right price. Let us show you our fine display of ~ many lines which you need when building. hat we all think Sam. N . Griffen Lumber Co. P hone 240 Day or Night Port Perry Miss Evelyn Thornton spent Sun- day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thornton, of Salem. The Zion Women's Association held their monthly meeting on Thursday, October 16th, at the home of Mrs. Mrs. George Walls, of Stouffville, is A number from here attended the plowing match at Peterboro on Thurs- day. A number of friends and neigh- 'bours of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Broad gathered at their home recently to say good-bye before their departure for Lindsay where Mr. Broad has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Broad were presented with a beautiful electric iron and toaster. Although taken by surprise, Mr. and Mrs. Broad made very suitable replies, extending to all a hearty invitation to visit them in their new home in Lindsay. We are pleased to welcome into our community Mr. and Mrs. Crawford who have rented the farm now occu- pied by Mr. Jas. Wilson, who has rented Mr. Norman Osborne's house until spring. Friends are sorry to hear that our mail carrier, Mr, Moses Gilson, of Sonya, is still on the sick list, and is not recovering as fast as his many friends wish for. We hope to see him better soon and gble to be on his mail route again. SEAGRAVE (Too late for last week) Our church was beautifully decor- ated with autumn's bountiful harvest for the annual Thanksgiving service on Sunday, when Rev. Mr. Newell, of Blackstock, delivered a very stirring address in the morning. His topic ladder recently and has been under the under the auspices of the Quadrata Girls' Club, was a pleasing success. Rev. Mr. Green occupied the chair and Mr. J. Mark acted as auctioneer. Several beautiful baskets were on dis- play and sold very readily. The fol- lowing program was also enjoyed-- EYESIGAT SPECIALIST Girls' Chorus, reading by Marion Author of Eagleson; duet by Iva Reynolds and The eyes in Xi Life. Norma Moon; instrumental, Jean Optometry 'e Service. Harding, reading by Alexa Stone, in- strumental on mouth organ and guitar by Bert and Glen Wannamaker, duet Your Eyes and Health, Eye Cure and Eye Strain. 1516 --PHONE-- 1518) by Fern Moon and Dorothy Reynolds, Disney Block. Instrumental duet by Ila Moon and OSHAWA, ONT. Mrs. B. Dowson, duet by Alexa Stone (Opposite Post Office) and Jean Harding, reading by Mar- jorie Mitchell, Girls' Chorus. The Young People's League on Tuesday evening was in charge of the President Bert. Wannamaker, with the pastor conducting the devotional exercises and Eric Mills was mission- ary representative, The topic which was on Korea was presented by Mrs. H. Eagleson, who gave avery inter- esting address. Mrs. S. J. Wooldridge sang a pleasing solo and Eric Mills gave a reading. The singing of a hymn and the repeating of the Miz- pah benediction concluded the meet- ing. PECIAL PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS and Overcoats Our prices are greatly reducsd-- With the arrival of new goods there is a splendid choice. Get your order in early, All kinds of Dry Cleaning and | Pressing done. Ladies' fine droans thoroughly cleaned by our New Dey Cleaning Process at very moderate prices. W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor OverTel. Office Port Perry There passed away at Sunderland, October 11th, Mr, Neil McLean, after a lingering illness. He was in his 69th year. The late Mr. McLean was a former resident of this community, was an uncle of Mr. John McLean of Seagrave. The funeral was held from his late residence. Interment at Wick. Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Sleep have re- turned from a pleasant motor trip to Quebec and other points. The nice Thanksgiving weather brought many from a distance for the week end and holiday with rela- tives and friends. \ Sorry to report Mrs. S. McFarlane's mother Mxs.: Dure falling from a being"The Church's Task." In the doctor's care, $ +75 Balance 10 monthly payments of DOWN $6.95. ' Cc "PIONEER" Series SPECIAL TERMS SUPERHETERODYNE RADIO £5 VA CR SEE ny LEAR AS A BELL This is the first time in radio history that the public has been offered high class receiving sets -- new -- at - 80 near the actual cost of production. The saving is in the selling, not in the making. This "SIMCOE". Mantel model uses the new hi-mu and pentode tubes and is equipped with a full dynamic speaker. You et the t Son RA utmost in selectivity, sensitivity and tone well as unapproached VALUE. See and hear tomorrow--ask about Sonora's Factory-to-User plan: R. W. DAY . Phone 161w, Port Ferry Models of display at. residence. SONORA Demonstrating Centre A a >

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