Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 22 Oct 1931, p. 8

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~~ Britain, spent Sunday with their son Bie ol 6 cents. it guaranteed for both White and Brown Bread. We are opening a store in the Leonard Block. The HYGIENIC BAKERY E K. TUFFS, Proprietor SCUGOG Rev. Mr. Partridge, of Greenbank, will have charge of the Thank Offer- ing services in the Head Church next Sunddy morning at 11 a.m. and in the evening at 7.30 p.m. Centre choir in the morning and the young men's choir in the evening. There will be no Sunday School next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Elford gave us a very in- teresting talk on the meeting he at- tended in Massey Hall, recently, where several thousand came from all over the Province to hear the Missionary from Japan. -- League meetings again, opening with a social last Wednesday evening. A program of games and contests made a full evening. Ice cream and cake were served. Proceds $6.48. Mrs. VanNest left on Sunday for her home in Drumbheller, Alberta, and will call on friends in Toronto, Winni- peg, and Beadle, Sask. Her Scugog friends wish her a safe and enjoyable trip home. Mrs. Wannamaker attended the 35th wedding anniversary of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gerrow, last Wednesday evening when about one hundred relatives met at the home of Mr. Mansell Gerrow. Their The young people have started the grandchildren Master Lloyd Clark and The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. ring up Phone 72 W SEAGRAVE The services on' Sunday were fairly well attended. The weekly meeting of the Young People's League was in charge of the citizenship representative Miss Viola Wilson who gave a splendid address. The president was in the chair, and the pastor conducted the devotional exercises. There was a very small attendance. The regular monthly meeting of the Quadrata Girls' Club was held at the home of Miss Iva Reynolds. A short business session followed by a pro- gram made a very pleasant evening. The monthly meeting of the W. A. will be held this week at the home of Mrs. Quigley. Now the busy season is over, a good attendance is expected. Mrs. A. L. Orchard is spending a few days at Stouffville with her daughter Mrs. C. Baker. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Atkins and Miss Luella Atkins of Toronto, were guests last week of the former's sister Mrs. H. Eagleson. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Boe and family of Bowmanville visiting over the week end with the latter's sister Mrs. A. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pollock of Can- nington visiting with Mrs. Jas. Shunk on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Mark, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wannamaker attended the 76th anniversary services at the Port Perry Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Roy Scott spent the week end in Toonto with friends. Miss Gladys Sharp of Toronto was visiting with relatives here last week. Mrs. John Shaw, Detroit, a former resident of the vicinity, visiting with Mrs. J. Watson and other friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holdershaw spent Tuesday with their daughter Mrs, G. Montgomery, of Bowmanville, Mr. Edgar Butt spent the week end in Toronto with relatives. Mrs. F. Grose has returned to To- ronto after a pleasant week spent %ith her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Frise. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. O, _ Shunk in the birth of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Wooldridge, Little Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wooldridge. _ Sorry to report Mr. Heywood Short losing his car by fire recently. We understand it was partly covered by insurance. Mr. and Mrs. D. Nairn and two persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections and such list remains there for in- spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 17th day of October, 1931. Dated at Manchester this 28th day of September, 1981. W. F. DOBSON, Clerk of said Municipality. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John Thomas Jackson R.8.0., 1927, Chapter 150, Sec. 51. All persons having claims against "| Oct. 8, 15 22. Miss Lola Gerrow, presented: them with a bouquet of 85 carnations. A very enjoyable time was spent. Their marly friends wish them many more wedding anniversaries, Mr. and Mrs. Holman and danghter and Mrs. L. V. Savage of "Toronto, Mr, 4 and Mrs. J. A. Sweetman, were Sun- | day guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. Graham Mrs. W. Jeffrey is visiting with friends in Oshawa for a week. Quite a number attended the Fish- ley sale at Seagrave last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, John and Clara visited = their cousins' Mr. and Mrs. Hill, in Scott Township, on Sunday. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. F. Wil- son to our community. They are liv- ing in Mrs. Sintzel's house. Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn and family visited her aunt Mrs. J. Johnson at Cresswell on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. A. Brunt afd Mona, of Eninskillen, Mr. Alfon Mark and Miss Blanche Schell, of Port Perry, Mr. Milton Demera, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark, on Sunday. Miss Zella Hope is visiting relatives in Oakwood and Cresswell for a few day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee and family visited her sister Mrs. F. Jones in Brooklin on Sunday. Congratulations to Miss Audrey Hood in winning the Senior Girls' Championship at the High School sport at Port Perry. Mrs. E. Shaw of Michigan is visit- ing with relatives and friends on the Island, where she spent her girlhood days. A Hallowe'en Social under the auspices of the Public School will be held in the Tea Room of the Head Church on Friday evening, October 30th. A program of stunts and games will be put on, and a freak lunch served. Admision 5c. EPSOM Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe Luke visited with friends at Belleville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Prentice Jr., ------ the Estate of John Whereas Jackson, Labourer, late of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the Nineteen day of September A.D. 1931, are here- by notified to send in to the under- signed Solicitor for the Executor, on or before -the First Day of November A.D. 1931, full particulars of their claims. After said date the assetg of the deceased will be distributed among those entitled thereto having regard only. to claims so filed. Datéd at Port Perry, October 5th, A.D. 1981. JOSEPH DENNY, Barrister, R.R.4 Uxbridge, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. Strand Theatre, Uxbridge vo action fl THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, THIS WEEK, OCT 22-23-24 | §i CONSTANCE BENNETT, in "BORN TO LOVE" Words cannot express this picture. It is wonderful. to see. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26-27-28 JOAN CRAWFORD and "PA An interesting drama in all Talking. Don't miss it. Two changes of program--One price. A surprise is coming «to the Strand, on November 16 and 17-- "BIRTH OF A NATION". Two big nights |# only in all talking. Remember the 8 dates, November 16 and 17. Monday and Tuesday-- SOUTH ONTARIO Plowing Match ON THE FARM OF = G. M. FORSYTH, Quarter mile North of Garemont) | Wednesday, October 28, 1931 See Bills. Make Entries Early, skianech served to Plowmen i in the Field. BANQUET--in R Community Hall, Claremont, at Claremc b me Prize List. It is Glamourous. write your friends---a picture for the whole family--six to sixty-- One show. One price--Adults 25c¢. See and hear it for yourself. It is poignant. Children 15c. WALTER HUSTON, in 1D?" Phone or ol Soul Sous, 4 er 84th year and it was had_experienced many. months of sultering ¢ that delet finally Her husband ome | of November A.D. 1931 full particu- vice was- EE , by the Rev. Jos.| lars of their claims. Denny, on Wednesday, Oct. 14, at her | the assets of the deceased will be dis- home here. 'Interment at Pine Grvve, tributed among those entitled thereto Cemetery. having regard only to claims so filed, Miss Vera - Millman visiting with Dated at Port Perry, October 19th, friends at Sonya. : A.D. 1981. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duncan of New 'JOS. DENNY, Barrister, Toronto, visited over the week end R.R.4, Uxbridge, Ont. with friends here, Solicitors for the Executors about' the eri < in to the undersigned Solicitor for the Banking by Mail . Even though you live at a dis- tance from us, you-can quite con- veniently do your banking at our nearest office. Just write for our folder-- "Banking by Mail Made Easy." It will explain how. you can de- posit and withdraw money by YOU WILL LIKE BANKING AT THE ROYAL A.D. 1931, are RT nd or u Executors, on or before the Tenth day | m After said date LI IBBY'S FAL A Son DA' 115 bog Se SHORTENING, 2 pkgs. 25. 5 bars for HAWES FLOOR 11h 23¢. LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 for ZEBRA LIQUID STOVE POLISH . . .bottle RED & WHITE COCOA, Vi Ib 2c. FALCON RN, 2 tins QUAKER CORN FLAKES ..... : QUAKER CAKE FLOUR ......."" FALCON TOMATOES, 214's 8.0.8, 4'pad size He. =~ BULK SOAP FLAKES, 2 Ibs 19¢. 2n'1 BOE Pols all colors .......... co? for 19c, ILVER GLOSS STARCH, phe 12 BROOMS, § string, each He. en RECLEANED CURR ANTS ea AE WONDER PASTRY FLOUR, .......... i he ae BREAD FLOUR, Bakers' Joy, .......... |.24%8 59. 98's $2.39 1 FALCON COFFEE 115 39%. % I 22. SHOES GROWING GIRLS' TIE SHOES, Dongola, Patent, and calf skin. Newest lasts, well made, reg. $3.50 line for ............ $2.95 LADIES' DONGOLA AND PATENT SHOES, new last . .. $2.95 LADIES' WORK SHOES, 1 strap, only ........... Sines $1.48 LADIES' OXFORDS, cushion So! WE ah $1.89 HEAVY RUBBERS for men, six eyelets, binek, rolled edge. Sizes lol]... a a es Per pair $1.89 BOYS' HEAVY LUMBERMAN'S RUBBERS, 5 lace holes. Sizes 1 to 10, $1.35; 11 to 13, '$1.49; 1 to 5, $1.59 GIRLS' RUBBERS Sizes 3 to 10, 45¢. : CLOTHING BOYS' LONG PANTS, good union cloth, 26 to 32, price . BOYS' GREY FLANNELETTE SHIRTS 11 to 2, 49¢c. +3135 WALL PAPERS, Etc. = y WALL PAPERS, clearing prices on last-year's papers, Reg 20¢c, for 15¢c. Reg. 25¢. for 17c. Sunworthy Papers, reg. 25¢ and 30¢ for 19¢. Bedroom and Kitchen Papers for 10¢. roll. CONGOLEUM BORDERLESS RUGS, bright cheery patterns. , Size 7% x 9, $5.00. 9 x 10%, $6.75. 9 x 12, 37.55 The Royal Bank of Canada Port Perry Branch - G921 B. D. Henry, Manager 1161 Je AUCTIONE R E. J. POMERY Uxbridge R. R. 4 For the Counties of Ontario and York SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE All Phone Calls receive prompt attention. ; Satisfaction Guaranteed. PhonesUxbridge 9308 or Port Perry 113 r 2-3 During alterations to our store; business will be carried on as : usual. A full line of our i cakes will be on display inside. F. W. Brock & Sen Phone 48 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" A A Se Port Perry DONT WORRY ABOUT - FIRE! Have your property properly insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON HUGH CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR - FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles. Excellent cloths and trimmings. Workmanship Guaranteed. FRENCH DRY CLEANING Agent for Regent Clothes 'HUGH CAMPBELL ERennins 6.90 | p.m., by the | *'W. G. OMEROD, ont Women's Institute. Music. Prizes presented. [J Speeches- The public cordially invited.

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