Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 5 Nov 1931, p. 8

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~ "Port Perry Dominion Store. Selling Out Entirely Store closing soon as stock sold out = [------------ BR Men's Good Caps, ............. Men's Workipg Pants .......... ! Children's. Vests 2 Children's ~ patent leather, w cushion 8 ns ell made, only . Children's Stocking ......... 2 Bath Towels, goods weight, and good size, only each......... a Men's Overalls and Smocks, black of twopieces .. 8... ...... Men's Work Boots, real good bar- gain, per pair A. Gilboord, Proprietor. s . UTICA The members of 'Breadalbane Presby- terian Church, Utica, are very grate- ful to Mrs. G. D. Aird, for her untir- ing efforts in collecting enough money to purchase two lovely Colman Lamps, to replace the ones that were stolen from the Church. MYRTLE Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hooke and son of Toronto, spent the week end at their summer home here. Ray Downey is being congratulated on winning the Silver Cup for having the highest points in judging Draught Horses at Uxbridge last week and he and red back, good bargain, suit A large stock of first class merchandise must .be cleared out. your winter supplies of Underwear, A FEW SPECIALS WHICH YOU 8 ... 790. 89¢. for 180. ... $1.29 for 35¢ ... 19¢. , Clothing, Footwear, and HOULD NOT MISS: Boys' Boots, well made, bargain, only ........ Men's 100% Pure Wool Under- wear, Men's Good Woolen Work "Sox, 5c well worth the money, 3 pair for 9 o | Men's Good Rubbers, grey sole and leather tops, special at .%........ sd 4160 $110 Grab this bargain ...... $2.45 A lot of boys' sweaters and Wind- ... $2.49 good We have a lot of bargains waiting for you in our store, heard of for a long time, but we must clear out our stoc are forced to sacrifice with our goods. without reserve. Come and get more than value for your money. PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE That means to sell below cost. breakers at remarkably low prices. Ladies' Fine Oxfords, well made, in the latest styles. Here i bargain for you, a ve $2.49 These are prices that have not been k entirely, and in order to do this we All our goods must go Phone 177 Port Perry The HYGIENIC BAKERY An -- -_ ow MAKES DAILY DELIVERY OF Br High-Class Bread and Cis TELEPHONE 93, PORT! PERRY, and have the Driver Call. Prompt andjCourteous Attention Assured, E. K. TUFFS, Proprietor Now is your opportunity to get Drygoods, at your own price. Ra MOIR'S XXX CHOCOLATES in a new assortment 8 bonbons and a rnd olen: Per 1b ig ~~ -Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry "i Lele Phone 16 SH Ontario also won a prize of a five day trip to the Royal Winter Fair for general judging. Mrs. Manning of Stouffville is visit- ing her daughter Mrs. Totten. Mr. Edward E. Molé met with what might have proven a fatal accident last Monday afternoon, when return- ing from Raglan, he was struck by a truck belonging to the Myrtle Ele- vator. The accident happened about 4.30 p.m. when Mr. Mole was driving west with his horse and buggy, he stopped well over on the north side of the road at the driveway to Mr, I. Ormiston's and was.talking to Mr. J. C. Lawrence, who had stopped his team on the south ditch so. that two cars could pass on the road bed. A motor truck trvelling west, the same direction as Mr. Mole struck the buggy throwing him over the horse's head into the ditch. | The truck was driven by Reid Cook who claims that he never saw the buggy until he had struck it, owing to the sun being so strong at this hour, although he saw the team. Mr. Chas. Luke and Mr, I. T, Ormi- ston and son were at the scene of the accident and assisted in removing the injured man to his home at Myrtle, where Dr."MeClaren of Whitby gave him first aid, after which he was re- moved to the General Hospital at Osh- awa where x-ray plates showed that his right ankle was fractured and dis- located besides having the ligments badly torn, and receiving other bruises on his body. The buggy was badly smashed, the harness stripped off the horse although it was not in- jured nor did it runaway. Mr. Mole is still in the hospital and is said to be doing very satisfactorily. : Pleased to report that Mrs. John| Elsom, who has been confined to her| bed for some weeks as the result of a fall, is now able to sit up for a while each day. Mr. Jim Lawrence spent the week end at his home here and is assisting his brother who is having a One-Cent Sale at his drugstore at Port Perry, this week. PRINCE ALBERT Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffrey and the ciated by all. taking the prize. village as well. winter. Mr. day evening. present. and seemed to be very much appre- The singing rendered both in the afternoon and evening was excellent and Rev. I. Snell delivered two appealing sermons, full of prac- tical Christianity. The financial 're- turns were also large, the objective being exceeded. On November 13th, a social evening is Jbeing held in the church by the Women's Association. served and entertainment provided. About fifty young people enjoyed a Hallowe'en Social in the basement of the church on Friday evening. En- tertainment consisted of games and contests supervised by Miss Malcolm and was concluded by a ghost story told by Murray Luke. The mysterious looking people added colour to the evening. A gypsy lady, Miss Goode, After a Hallowe'en lunch was served the evening ended by the singing of the National Anthem. Mrs. Ettey very kindly opened her home to entertain the October meeting of the Women's Association, last Wed- nesday. The president, Mrs. Luke, presided, and several items of business were dealt with. arranged for and given by the Asso- ciation for Western relief. Two other quilts were donated and different par- cels of clothing were gathered in the Plans were arranged for a social evening to be held Nov. 18th, the expectation being to hold one of these each month during the Mrs. Fred Lamb of Man- chester, assisted her mother and sang during the program, at the close of the meeting... Miss Malcolm also gave Myrtle Station Dickson are spending this week with their son in Toronto. The Young People's League held their Hallowe'en festivities on Tues- A good number were A number of prizes were awarded for best hard-time costume. Games were played under the leader-| © ship of Miss Vance and Frank Man- derson. Refreshments were served at Lunch and Mrs. Jas. close. Mrs. Roswell Dobson and daughter, Joan, of Oshawa, are spending this .j week at the home of Mr. L. Tordiff. The Women's Association held their | Partri annual Hallowe'en tea last Thursday evening in the -school room. The ee | tables were decorated with Hallowe'en | colors. After tea the program opened Two quilts were closed with the National Anthem. friend. will be a visit with her son in Oakville, TE Oe AUCTION SALE Suckers, the property of F. Clemens, Lot 7, Con 3, Ea approved joint notes. Sale at One o'clock. County Council COUNTY OF ONTARIO * tario, Journment in Whitby, on Monday, o'clock in the afternoon. All accounts cil, Dated at Whitby, November, 1931, R. D. RUDDY, County Clerk. GREENBANK The monthly meetin; Aid was held on Tu to hold a Holdershaw sa Ward of Pineda! talk on Africa, on Dec. 2nd. a solo and Mrs, J; 108 Jane was served. party at the Mr. and Mrs, G. ordon, Prince at Mr. Sa ox 3: Bm Dusty's on Sunday, Cragg of To; home here on Sunday. onto, Mr. and Mrs. visiting with frie ere was Church on Sunday here, by Mrs. Tordiff and Mrs. Totten; read- ing by Jean Parker; vocal solo by Rev. J. Or Totten; reading, Mrs. Hudgins; solo, Mrs. Price; reading, Mrs. Chis- holm; piano trio, Mrs. Tordiff, Mrs. Totten and Mrs. Price. The gathering Miss Ruby Cook was in Toronto ! this week attending the wedding of a Mrs. J. Hughson has returned from Wednesday, Nov. 11th--Auction sale of 20 Milkers and Springers, 50 Durham Stockers, Yearlings, and Two Year Olds, 20 Pigs, Shoats and J. ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer. Pe eee. to be laid bef. Council should be forwarded to he Clerk, properly certified, at least three | E days before the meeting of the Coun- | this 2nd day of at the home of Mrs, arvey Real, with a large attendance. Th : the usual business when it wat Io ided ecided Mrs, le gave a missio n both were ve; appreciated. At the close of the mh a large attendance at st Whitby. erms--6 months at 7% per annum on "A meeting of the County Council of the Corporation of the County of On- |} will be held pursuant to ad- the Council Chamber in the Court House in Be. Town of the 16th day o: November, 1931, at the hour of J NEW COAL BUT YOUR OLD FAVORITE D.L&W SCRANTON ANTHRACITE COLORED BLUE FOR YOUR PROTECTION . . There can be no mistake--the 'blue' identifies it! Phone your dealer to-day and order with absolute confidence. Sa a ffi aril JE SI oI CTIONEER E. J. POMERY Uxbridge R. R. 4 SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE All Phone Calls receive prompt attention. Satisfaction Guaranteed. of the Ladies' , October 27, e high school students attended : he High School at Port ; erry % Fiiday evening of last week. : the Pinedale Young Peoply ay ride : vening. on ; Albert, | # at her i Horne, Regina, Phone Uxbridge 9308 or Port Perry 118 r 2-8 During alterations to our store; business will be carried on as usual. A full line of our cakes will be on display | 9B For thefCounties of Ontario and York inside. = =er-- i; E. H. GERROW & SONS Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. |IEWE RED & QUA . CORN FLAKES, CLOVER LEAF PINK SULTANA RAISINS . AUNT JEMIMA PANCAK L SHORTENING . CORN, PEAS or TOMATO he SALMON aves | PURE MAPLE SYRUP... E FLOUR .. BS ne | FRY'S COCOA, % 1b tin ... : eda i To Inn SUG. TON viiresin2 tins f essa Vesa + CONSE wh Ensen sas sana] Gs FLEECED UNDERWEAR, SHOES and RUBBERS LADIES SHOES--Three smart styles in Dongola, Patent, and Calf, in sizes 310 7. A fine shoe for school wear or a com- fortable dress shoe. 'New goods, new low price LADIES' HOUSE SHOES, leather strap, sizes 3% to 7 MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, BOYS' HEAVY RUBBERS, black rolled edge, at . Cp a $1.59 A fawn snag-proof Rubber, extra heavy, . MEN'S UNDERWEAR rolled edge, sizes 6 to 11 Shirts and Drawers, each ......75¢. Winter Combinations, in all' weights . <......$1.35 to $3.50 sleeves. Regular $2.95 3 years to 6 years .... ALL WOOL DRESS FLANNELS, 54 inches wide, thing for a warm school dress. Garnet, To clear at per yard o...5.. "hea LADIES' PETER PAN PRINT DRESSES, fast colors, long value for ....................5249 Just the , Blue, Green, Tee ii en. Sand, Red Cee BOYS' TWEED SUITS, in a good winter weight, made of grey and brown mixed tweeds, in three good styles, sizes SUNWORTHY WALL PAPERS --They will not fade. This is the time of the year to brighten up the home. Per roll 19¢. to 60c. insur HAROLD FRENCH Agent for "HUGH F. W. Brock & Son "QUALITY NR THAN PRICE" I ET RG DON'T WORRY ABOUT FIRE! Have your property properly - HUGH CA Port Perry at once W. EMMERSON S3ehessiriies TTI MERCHANT TAILOR FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles. : Excellent cloths and trimmings. Workmanship Guaranteed. DRY CLEANING Regent Clothes CAMPBELL as to how you f 2 for 19¢. ; $1.49 _ $1.75. a Xp || Free Coal | 1 l Would you like from one to ten £ Bl Coal FREE? If so

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