Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 12 Nov 1931, p. 4

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A Nr Ae Miss Florence Bush, of Toronto, and Mr. Gordon Reesor, of Markham, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Reesor. Miss Grace Cawker, of Hampton, was in town over the week-end. Miss Dorothea aith and Mr. F. Nasmith, were in ; on Sunday: Miss Dorohty Davey, of Toronto, at home for Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Cherrie, of Osh- awa, were in town calling on relatives, one day last week. Mr. McPhee, of Toronto, has pur- chased Mr. Fred Masters' house, The sale was made by Wesley Boynton. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lucas, of To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lucas. Dr. and Mrs. Rennie spent Sunday in London. Miss Jean Cawker, of Toronto Uni- versity, spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis and Miss Grace Davis, visited with friends in Guelph last week. Miss Doris Murray, of Macdonald Hall, Guelph, spent Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jeffrey, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Dix, were in Toronto, on Sunday. Mrs, Jas. Boe and Shirley were in Lindsay on Sunday. Mr. Geo. Cawker, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents. Mrs. L R. Bentley and Miss Virginia Nasmith were in "oronto on Remem- brance Day. A very pleasant social evening was held at the United Church on Tuesday last, whén the Myrtle Young People's Society visited the local Young People. The Myrtle group provided a splen- did program, the theme being "World Peace." After the meeting a social time was spent. "Corporal Eagen" and the "Awk- ward Squad" are getting ready for the entertainment on Nov. 26 and 27 in the Town Hall, Port Perry. tl AMA GUILTY A school board in the back blocks of America was visiting a school and the principal was putting his pupils through their paces. "Who signed Magna Charta, Rob- ert?" he asked, turning to one boy. "Please, sir, 'twasn't me," was the reply. The teacher, in disgust, told him to take his seat; but an old backwoods- man on the board was not satisfied and said: "Call that boy back. I don't like his manner. I believe he did do it." EE AUCTION SALE M. JONES, lot 28, Con. 8, Darlington township, near Enfield, on Tuesday, November 17th, farm stock, imple- ments, hay, grain, potatoes, pigs, will be sold by public auction. Farm has been sold and all will be sold without reserve. Sale at one o'clock. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. AM Ae CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Friday, 7.456 p.m.--Weeknight service. rei Yr FREE WILL OFFERING AT UTICA UNITED CHURCH at 2 and 7.30 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 156th. Speaker, Rev. Jas. Elford, of Scugog Island. Friday, November 2tOh, Rev. E. C. Hunter will give an illustrated lecture on the "Passion Play." Doors open at 7.30 p.m. Adults 25¢. You will not want to miss seeing the "hard boiled" sargeant and "Red 'Eagen" on Nov. 26 and 27 in the : 'Hall. The Port Perry Band 2 a real treat for you on these Our stock of Christmas 8 is now complete. Call and see them. Cards at 5, 10, 15 cents, Jour name printed - at . per dozen. Exceptional value in boxed lots. : 16 cards at 75¢. 10 cards at 25c. See our stock before you order, no obligation. Always on hand to look after your repairs oo I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist "READ THIS NEIL YELLOWLEES, Piano Tuner, will be in Port Perry next week. Orders left at Mr. Lawrence's Drug Store. nov 12 rr POW HONORED BY FELLOW-WORKERS Mr. Harry Brooks, former chief clerk to the superintendent of the On- tario District C.P.R. telegraphs, was honored by the staff with which he worked, being presented with an oil painting. The presentation was made by George Paton, Toronto agent. Mr. Brooks was recently promoted chief clerk to the general manager of C. P. R. telegraphs, at Montreal. Mr. Brooks being a former Port Perry boy, his many friends will be glad to hear of his promotion. --------,-------- MARRIED On Monday, November 9th, 1931, by Rev. T. A. Nind, Miss Frances Hull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hull, of Port Perry, to Mr. A. J. Stone, of Hornsby, Ont. --_------------ CONGRATULATIONS On Saturday, November 7th, Mr. William Hern, one of Port Perry's most familiar figures, celebrated his 84th birthday. Mr. Hern was born in Devonshire, England, and came to Port Perry when he was ten years of age, and has been a resident ever since. He is not only one of our oldest residents, but is the oldest Freemason, having been a member of that order for 56 years. Mr. Hern is in good health and en- joys his daily walk about town. -------- PPP. A WONDERFUL ADVANCEMENT Since early July, the Copeland Flour Mills Limited, Midland, have been packing flour in pre-closed paper bags by automatic machine, and success- fully shipping to baking establish- ments in carload lots. R. J. Pinchin of the Copeland Mills, in answer to enquiry, emphasized that the project had long since passed the experimental stage, being now a routine operation with them. He termed it a welcome improvement in the eyes of a number of large baking plants served by this mill. "The movement of flour to bakeries" said Mr. Pinchin, "has long been in units of a half-barrel or 98 Ibs., each, the container being a fabric affair--some- times of cotton, but in Canada more often burlap. Anyone who will take the trouble to observe the difficulty of speedy filling and closing of such bags at the mill, the porous nature of the material and the consequent exposure of a vital foodstuff to contamination and the absorption of ordors in transit, the generally uncleanly and clumsy behavior of the bag in the baker's hands will understand why progres- sive flour millers have long wished for a better all-round container for this service, After two months' intensive work and co-operation with the Bates Valve 'Bay Company, the Copeland Mills are now filling three 98-1b bags a minute without human hands coming in con- tact with the flour, and shipping to their baker customers the cleanest, fullest units that they have ever seen. These new multi-walled valved bags of Kraft paper retain the natural moisture and flavor of the flour from CHURCH Rev. E. E. Annand, B.A., Minister. 11 am~--Morning Service. 7 p.m.--Evening Service, BREADALBANE CHURCH, Service at 2.30 p.m. £ re GP rere PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November Sth-- . 11 a.m.--Special Armistice 'Service, under auspices of the I.0.D.E. and The Canadian Legion. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Jesus and World Peace. Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 8 p.m.--Rev. F, B. Allnut will speak on the work of the Bible Society. ------, POP NOTICE RE TAXES At a recent meeting of the Council of the Corporation of Port Perry, a resolution was passed, extending the time for the 1st instalment of taxes, from November 1st to November 21st, without, penalty. This action of the Council is to make it more convenient to those who found that they were not in a position to pay the first instalment of .taxes on the date specified, and who in other years would immediately have in- curred penalty of an extra 5 per cent. ret Pere. SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY COURSES At the executive meeting of the Sunday School Association, of Port Perry, Reach and Scugog, it was de- cided to hold a Sunday School Study Course in the 8. 8S. rooms of the United Church, at Port Perry, Nov. 23 to 27, inclusive. The meeting will be held on the evenings of the dates mentioned. The following are the subjects to be taken up in the Course-- . The Principles of Teaching-- Rev. R. T. Richards. The Teachings of Jesus--Rev. T. A. Nind. : . Young People's Work--Mrs. E. E. Annand. : This course is designed to be of ser- vice to all who are interested in Sun- day School work, whether teachers, or officers, or those students of the Bible who would gain a richer knowledge of the Great Book and the thod of imparting that knowledge to others. All who have taken these study courses are pleased with the benefit received. Sunday School workers and students are cordially invited to take part in the Study Course--Nov. 23 to 27 inclusive. ain. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November 15th-- 11 am.~--The Church's Supreme Need. 2.30 'p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Jesus and Communism Prince Albert 1.456 p.m.--Sabbath School 8 p.m.--Worship Service. Naat J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 84 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto. Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday, ; 1.30 to 3 p.m. Phone 258 ----, OP ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN | UTICA | and We have at the last minute been obliged to make an alteration in , our advertisement to make room for a wonderful bit of news that will interest all the Shilasen from 6 to 60 for miles around; "to na we ho but, 2 3 3 ook sa , you know by now that BA we are very much like to in your though we have net v0 Boe oo. To Nelson's Store-- My Scouting Goblins have returned and brought me back news of _ your New Store in Port Perry, which is giving such wonderful values and service, and although I shall be very busy around Christmas time I should visit your store ,and buy some presents for those living district for I am sure you will have a good moderate prices. Ask the children if they would like to meet me at your store and if they would, I will cablegram later and let you know the date time. printing our many seasonable this is the store for Bigger and The North Pole Toy Factory, North Pole. selection at 'most Very truly yours, SANTA CLAUS. Of Interest to Men The sunny tranquil autumn days have been so fascinating that most men have not had the inclination to think of winter's chilly blasts, the blinding snow storms and King--but any day now he may come along in all his fury, so think of that and when thinking remember we represent the tinction and who use only the Nelson Rock Bottom Price. We will be the reign of Winter's Winter Overcoat now, 5 To the Ladies We have some new dresses on our racks which we have marked down to ensure a quick turnover. Also a few coats. We have sold a number of dresses this season and have won a name for values, so if you are looking for an extra dress drop in and look ours oyer, for we are confident Skill Craft Tailors of Quality Clothes, whose suits Reais that our merchandise as well as our dresses will and Overcoats are noted for Eete sivle = dis Lo TEC to please you both in quality and price. and also when you get a suit through us you get a ed We have a wealth of other 438 pleased to show you our laid stock Seen articles of Ladies : Wear A of samples. Don't wait; get yours now., a: well 'worth your inspection. | NELSON'S STORE, A Good Store fo Know . w. Nelson, Prop. =H. Couldery, Mgr. Queen Street of equally reliable products. We recommend Wampole's that they are finest materials. . Phone 49 | Wampole's Preparations This week we bring to your attention the products of Henry K. Wampole & Co., manufacturers of the famous Tasteless Extract of Cod Liver and the whole Wampole line prepared by skilled pharmacists from the Wampole's Tasteless Extract of Cod Liver ..........$1.00 Wampole's Milk of Magnesia ................ 26¢ and 50c. Wampole's Magnolax .........0........ ...b0c. and $1.00 Wampole's Antiseptic Solution. ....... 26c., 40c., and 75c. Wampole's Formalid Throat Ease ............ 10c. and 26c. Wampole's Grape Salt ................... 50c. and $1.00 Wampole's Creo Terpin ................. ..b0c. and $1.50 ce A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B. The Rexall sire Products because we know PORT PERRY, ONT. FOR SALE Brussels Rug in good condition. Medium size, Price reasonable. Ap- ply at Star Office. 1 ----, Oe. STRAYED to the premises of the undersigned, con. 7, Cartwright, young Yorkshire sow. Owner may have same by prov- ing property and paying expenses. Oscar Edwards, Phone 194 r 23. ee tll Pee. DR. W. 8. HARPER Physician and Surgeon Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Graduates' College and Polyelinic, London, Eng. North East London Post Graduate College, London, Eng., Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Coroner for County of Ontario. Office and Surgery--former residence of Dr. J. A. Mathers, Queen St., Port Perry, Phone 17 --------eo---- HOUSE FOR SALE OR FOR RENT All conveniences -- furnace, bath, garage, etc. Apply at Port Perry Coal Yard. SER braw Scot, attended a fair together and bought a horse each. : tf EB SANDY WAS SAFE A Welshman, with his friend, a In the dead of the night both horses died, and the Welshman, igmorant of his friend's misfortune, decided to act swiftly. On seeing the Scotsman in the local inn, he'said to him: "Here, I say, Sandy, like to change horses with me'? ' I don't like the color of mine." ; "I don't mind much," came his friend's replys 5 "Ha, hal" laughed the Welshman, "I've done you this time, Sandy. My horse is dead!" ; "Na, na, you havena," retorted the Scot. "My horse, is deid, but I've Appropriate Window Dressing + Nelson's store had a beautifully ar- ranged window for Armistice Day. The appropriateness of the decoration in "Remembrance" was commented upon by many townspeople. This (dedication of a window to the memory of fallen soldiers is much appreciated by all who hold that memory dear; AN at places this summer." 3 i "But why do you keep on going to taken awa' his shoes, ye ken." those places 3! Watch Us Grow A OR RR WELSH | 5 Port Perry | | ANTHRACITE | Several of our customers havi expressed a wish to use Britis Coal, we are bringing in a car of - § Welsh Cobble Coal - a size suit- able for either furnace or stove. The merits of Welsh Coal are well known in the larger centres. Qu car is due to arrive on Fri- day. © for a load or two? ky mn types nL "I had my nose broken in three : Phones MEMBER ERE EE ot TT 47) Th BO a "The value of your telephone iS juss what you make it." Port Perry Coal Yard 94 and 233 May we have your order a

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