| 4 i } rh eT A SS) RE Same is Daphne, and for er reputation let us here she is not related, Ee #8 a real success: . agahtst such loss this year by provid- 1s always to be found she 18 | ing the little bits of Iodine that is ab- wanted, since she has "doubles" in d a ly necessary in the prevention of pip Sheen in' every Jeue, goitre, hairlessness, weak pigs or dead Jog an snp e Sountrys In the | a4 pirth pigs. A very small quantity of ey ce Toor tam | aastum a3 bo given in the fo 4 teed during the pregnancy period. Dis A single-milimetre in length, she i8|1,3ine in a 3 quart of water, and mix one shown to us through the magic of the | on two tablespoons of the liguid tn the microscope photograph-film. as a& Der-|reeq gyery few 'days. Also see to it ot three inat the brood sows get plenty of soil, fect living creature almost tnches long, Our first comment on hér|go4s or other mineral matter and an Speasatice 1g hat She Séqus 3 Ie all| shundance of clover leaves and fine pont. great sac-like central POr™| clover stems during the period when tion of ther body is indeed her heart, | ney 'ave carrying oung. , and it pulsates before our eyes as re- J gularly and precisely as if it were that -- of a human being. True, it lacks the Mall Carrier (Sntering P. 0.) -- divisions known as the: aurioles and |*'Phew! Open a window. Why all the the ventricles, and with them natural-| foul air in here?" : ly the valves. It also lacks the com- plexity of our blood system. Except for these differences, which in a sense are extraneous in value, the heart of this tiny onecelled out its functions Sleazly see the eolourléss blood flow and out of this simple heart, forced this way and that by the tiny ing troducing her to everyone he knew. apparatus. The connection bet breathing and the use of the blood lyonghi " may be much more easily followed in}. Hifhiem "With HY Sn money: #ts transparent body than in that of a thicker and more opaque organism. A chart accompanies the film to point' out to the audience the exact position of every part of the body. J Among the lesser "stars" of this microscopic world we find all manner of bacteria. Under an enlargement of found a couple of dead letters." tn It you suffer from varicose veins feet for information abo the famous ent 'solve ' one half ounce ' of Potassium Last Saturday a charming woman anism carries | wearing a smart new coat and hat, be- perfectly. We can |came aware that her husband was un- usually attentive and was proudly in- "He needn't take any credit," she ween | 013 sweetly to a group of friends, "I EG AILMENTS varicose ulcers, swollen legs, tender d other similar disorders, write ut ELASTO, which has "Whatever shall I do? her and now in her anxiety the time, nearby telephone booth and might come then. That Auction and Contract and their attendant rules are not yet standard. jzed throughout the country is well illustrated by the following request for decision from one of the writer's cor respondents: "During a game of Aue- tion the other'nmight, one of the play- ers threw his hand on the table and 'demanded a new deal, declaring that Miss Minnie Harper had assured her aunt that she wo hy Wynne Rerguson ARTICLE No. 5 . 1500 times its size, we can see quite plainly the manner of life of these ereatures, which, for good or ill, are eapable of exercising their influence over the best of us. Here we see how they are born, how they live, and how: 'they die--in tact, the whole panorama' of their existence is spread out before us. Turning now from the marvels of he living world, we view what ati first seems paradoxical--the life of the life Jess. Even more wonderful than to watch life itself (which we take more or less as a matter of course) unfold, fs to be able to follow the growth of crystals and the unexplainable o ments of the eelloids. To the spreading of the rays during the for- mation of & crystal magnesium 1s: to seo the impossible--the actual forma- SE tion of something out of the invisible. Clubs--none TV 15 in {he realm of chemistry that: Diamonds--A, K, 1,10, tA B: 9,8 1762543323 3 Zz 3 Spades--none No score, rubber game, Z dealt and LEARNING We ' are mone 'of us infallible, hav ; many of us fondly i db | When SE é& fae TEETHING Tho secrets ot makes HIM FUSSY he had neither an ace nor face card. Another player claimed he was wrong | as he should have waited till the trump The New Era Treatment Co. Limited | was declared and then if 'he had neith- er 'ace; face nor trump,' he could have Dept. 168 1, 465 Craig St. W., Montreal Jaimed a mew deal, This point has "| caused considerable discussion and dif. ference of opinion so please decide it for us. Needless to say, a player must play the cards as dealt and the fact that they are all under a ten spot 1s no rea- son for a new deal, There never has been such a rule and it is rather sur prising to have it advanced. It 1s a good example, however, of the wide | spread popularity of Auction and Con- tract even among those Who are mot familiar with the ordinary rules of the game. The following hand bas raised a curious question: brought relief to thousands of men and women--free sample sent post free on request, bid one no trump. What should A bid with the foregoing hand at either Auc- tion or Contract? , A should undoubt- I've missed the train and auntie will be so worried!" accepted her aunt's invitation to spend a week-end with to finish the last of her work at the office she had not noticed Trained to think of the right thing in an called her aunt. Gow to play Bridge AUCTION .4 CONTRACT the hand at one no trump. A played his twelve diamonds and, on the twelfth trick, Z had left in his hand the ace of hearts and the ace of spades. It was an absolute guess which ace to keep and, as usual in such cases, he guessed wrong, discard ed the ace of hearts and A scored a grand slam. The curious part about the hand was that 2 accused 'A, the writer's corres. pondent, of "not having played a sport- ing game as he was betting on a cer- tainty." It was argued that such a play might be al right in a Card Club, but very unsportsmanliko for a social game, Such a contention is certainly curious and has seemed worthy of mention in this article. When a game of Auction or Contract is made up, each player shall be entitled to take full advantage of boti his skill and his luck. Luck averages up for every one in the long rum, 80 never criticize a player for holding big cards or for playing them to obtain the maximum results. 'Take the game and your luck philosophically, and both you and your friends will enjoy the game a great deal more. The writer was under the impression taht the following problem was rather easy until one of hi correspondents wrote in regard to it : "Only an ostrich would call this problem simple." Why he selected an "ostrich" for compara- tive purposes is doubtful but probably because of its purported lack of intelli- gence, After that statement, however, the writer will refrain from expressing an opinjon. See if you can figure it emergency Miss Harper hurried to a x | Fortunately she reached her before she had left for the flag station and in a few seconds she had explained the situation and uld certainly not miss the train next week-end if she there is an express understanding that | What New York Is Wearing BY ANNEBELLE WORTHINGTON Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur- nished With Every Pattern 343% edly pass, hoping that Z will obtain the bid at no trump. In the actual play One of the most Important things | a aid pass, also Y and B, so Z played you can do to make a teething baby Problem comfortable is to see that little Hoarts--8 bowels do thelr work of carrying oft Olubs--none waste matter promptly and regular- Diamonds--none ly. For this nothing is better than Spades--K, 9, §, 3 3 Gastoria ,a pure vegetable prepara- | Hearte--Q, 6 rn Hearts--10, 7, 4, 2 F tion specially made for babies and | Clubs=--none 3 Y t Clubs--none ig | children. Castorla acts so gently Diamonds--none i A B: Diamonds--none you can give it to young infants to Spades--A, Q, 8 . ' z : Spades--10 relieve colic. Yet is always effec * tive, for older children, too, remem: ng Be n oti, | out before reading the solution that follows. slips costume Today's points-- outer germent, It is shaped to at the hem. Leming serait he : 16, 18 years, 36, 88, 40, inches bust HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. © Mabket Report Coftee--Weak. Onlons--Strong. Tlevators--Unsteady. 'Rub--"So she refused to has its Its unbroken line from bust to hem is particularly desirable as it does away with any conflicting lines to the mould the figure through the waist and the hips, wid- ening into a graceful width and flare The upper part may be trimmed with wide lace or just a narrow make it. | Style No. 8481 may be had in sizes 42 and M4 You will have a correct foundation the for the slim silhouette frocks. "of| Size 36 requires 2% yards of 86- in| inch material with 1% yards of B%- win inch lace. Write your name and address plain- giving number and size of such you want. Enclose 20¢ in marry you. Didn't you tell her about your rich Rub--*Yeah, 1 told her, and she's 'aunt TE eR Take It Now SCOTT'S EMULSION of Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Builds Resistance 1 {e) ET: Owl Laffs A little more care and a little more thought, A little more co-operation and Safety is bought. A little less kicking, a little less frown, A little more kindness when a man 1s _ down. A Nttle more giving of kindnets of lite, A little more charity, and end all this, strife. ! So for Safety and co-operation and a little less I, Give the flowers in life--not wait till they die. Small Brother--"Betcha you if I wasn't here." Big Sister--"You bad, bad boy! Run away this instant." he'd kiss Stranger--"How old are you, little man?" Bright Boy--'"Damned if 1 know, mister. Mother was twenty.s:" sen I was born, but now she's only iw nty- four." Long drives down .the fairways is one way a golfer may lower his score, Poor memory is another way. Be honest with yourself occasionally and see how it feels. The Optimist says: "When every bone in your body aches, be glad you are not a herring." It wouldn't be so bad to be poor it we could keep the distressing fact a sec- ret, Sitting erect is one way of over 'coming the usual daily fatigue of late afternoon but too few office workers practice the art. Did they say pros-| perity wuz aroun' the "corner" or! aroun' the 'Coroner?" | Sn lkey--"Hey, papa, there's a fiy in my soup." Dad lzzy--"Vell, key, eat the soup until you come to the fly. Then tell the waiter and he'll give you another plate." His Lordehip--"1 wish you would quit driving from the back seat." Her Ladyship--"I will, when you quit cooking from the dining room table." Then and Now In the old days when nights were cold It took two fleeces from the fold To dress a lady fair. But in these days of jazz and bob A little silk worm does the job With time galore to spare." Jeft--"What is your worst Mabel?" Mabel--"My vanity. I spend hours petore the mirror admiring by beauty." Jeft--"That fen't vanity -- that's imagination." sin, ng. i ee It will take you acout-one hour to --_---- -------------- The Darling! What a care he is, but how pre- cious! Your and happy, he must be strong and robust. Baby's Own Tablets help mol to their children 2 CHOICE QUALITIES -- Red Label & Orange Pelios. | ee ---------------------------- N OFFER TO EVERY R X A List of wanted YR al 1 Btreer Ottawa. OULTRY JES hen 5 Highest market prices ald, Imme- \ASLLLAY rou dlate remittance. Rosenfeld Poultry and TAMP different, 26¢. Inventory Pack 50cy Ril KERRINPRO, Box 1559, Mont real, ue, deed or word or thought it is a 'mothe er's love. AS SHE LOST FAT ------ Classified Advertising 'Come formation sent free. Jaok Norld Patent Attorneys, 27 Canada. AND EGGS WANTED. Co,, Montreal. COLLECTORS: TRY OUR 201 MOTHER'S LOVE If there be aught surpassing human SHE LOST PAIN Like many others, this woman found that excess fat did not come alone, In her case it brought sciatica with it, She did not know that both troubles were due to a common cause--hut she found they both gave way before one common Temedy. "1 have been a martyr to sciatica and kidney trouble for years, I took Kruschen for about a month, when peop began telling me how well I ooked. 1 have lost fat that was no good to me, and now, after three months of Kruschen, I only go 108 Ibs. instead of 185 Ibs. I'm not going to say my pains have all gone, but 1 do say I'm wonderfully well, and hope to improve yet. I bless the day I started Kruschen,""--Mrs, FL. P. The six salts in Kruschen assist the internal organs to throw off each day the wastage and poisons that encumber the system. Then, little by little, that ugly fat ly, yes-- but surely. The pains of sciatica and rheumatism cease. You feel wonder- fully healthy, youthful, and energetic-- more s0 than ever before in your life! Famous Vegetable Pills Make Short Work of Indigestion #After the first dose | was made aware of their very real tonic value," writes Miss M. "1 was troubled with Indi- jon and Sick Headaches." use they are PURELY VEGE- 3 TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both Hiver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are without equal for cor- gecting Constipation, Acidity, Bilious- ness, Headaches, and Poor Complexion. 26c. and 76c. red packages. Sold § Svan) Where. Always ask for them BY SAFE, SPEEDY PROVEN! ha op nie SUE, Safe--Buckley's contains no nar. cotico--absolutely safe for children ond adults. Speedy -- Acts like a flash --a single sip proves it. Proven -- Thousands of testimon- dals and the largest sale of any cough remedy in Canada are con- vincing evidence of its merits. M-13 BUCKLEY'S MIX TURE AD 4 STOMACH Excess acid is the common cause of indigestion. It results in pain sourness about two hours after eat ing. 'The quick corrective is an which neutralizes acid. The best corrective is Phillips" Milk of Mag: tion. One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly times its volume in acid. and tasteless, and yet its action quick. You will never rely on Tsthods, ance you learn how this acts. Be sure to get The ideal dentifrice for teeth and bealthy gums Js [or