: Don't worry about Baking -- CALL UP GERROW"S-- Their Business is BAKING ®ETTX GERROW'S BAKERY Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. KRUSHEN SALTS-- Now is your chance to get the Giant Package at the regular price of 75c. BIG BOY TABLETS 100 sheets, plain. Regular price, last at 29c. each. 85c. While they FOLD-OVER WRITING TABLETS-- Regular price 25c. Now 19c. CLEOPATRA PAPETERIES-- Now:29¢. Regular price 40c. CHOCOLATES--Moirg', from 50c to $1.26 per pound CHOCOLATE BARS--2 for 5c, or 7 for 15c¢. FLOROSA SOAP--3 cakes for 10c. CASTILE SOAP--S cakes for 25c¢. Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry Phone 16 Ontario DOMINION STORES | "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" _ WEEK END SPECIALS ~~ LTD. H. A. PURE LARD PASTRY FLOUR, NO. 1 20 1b pails .........8L76 GRADE, 24 1b bag . 31 pails ........... 320. isle BREAD FLOUR, NO. 1 | ~~ MAY FIELD BACON" GRADE, 98 Ibs. | Machine sliced, 1b at W § Oty and OF $ 4 s pe SRT on rooms, : ¢ visssy | ~ 180... ton, Ont. Bell, Independent and Bee- NO. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER | OUR OWN TASTY BREAD ji ton Phone" «3. 1 wi Cd tian EG a : 6c. : a Je PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL | PICNIC HAMS RIN ALBERT Mr. and Mrs. Sager entertained the Pure Coooa, 2 Ib tin, 290, SOAP CHIPS Mixed Honey, 10 Ib. pail, 850. || young people of the village at their 100. Ib. ; ¢ 5 1b Pail 29¢ : home recently. A very enjoyable ; i é .- social evening, consisting of games ROLL OATS, 8 Ibs for WHEATLETS, 6 Ibs. for and contests, was spent by all. 280. 250. : Mrs. Greaves is spending a few BLUE ROSE RICE, 2 Ibs for CHRISTIE'S BISCUITS iy Te 4 hs : The Women's Association met at| 180. Fancy Mixed per Ib. £80. the home of Mrs. McCrea, on Wednes-| . JJ CHRISTIE'S SODAS SODAS IN BULK | day, Jamuary Wh with 2 ged as aint ; dance, ns were made for hold- 100. pkg. 2 Ibs. for 230. ing a supper.and. social evening. on PURE CLOVER HONEY P. & G. SOAP | Febuary 19th. 'A 'dainty"lunch was 8 Ib. pail, 390. 10 bars, 320. served and a social time pent by all r : The annual church meeting was held: TOILET SOAP--CASTILE NEW CHEESE in the basement of the church on Wed- 10 bars, 280. 180. |b. nesday- evening, January 20th. The WE DELIVER. PHONE 268 Treasurer's report was quite satis- factory, also the report of the C. L. BRIGNA GNALL, Manager Women's Asociation. The young people are enjoying & CHOICE BODY HARDWOOD, CUT IN 12 INCH LENGTHS \ DELIVERED FOR $12.00 PER FULL CORD. LET Us HAVE YOUR ORDER WHILE IT LASTS. - COKE DON'T FORGET WE SELL THE BEST COKE AT THE BEST PRICE. DELIVERED IN TOWN FOR $11.00 PER TON. WE PAY THE WEIGH BILL. Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 Dayor Night Port Perry REWARDED FOR SERVICES As a reward for their high saleman- ship records during 1931, General Motors Products of Canada organized a trip to Montreal for 308 of the best salesmen employed by the dealers in General Motors cars across Canada. The party included Murray Williams, of Port Perry. The Montreal event LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan Office: McCaw Blk, Port Perry. qualified: members of the Master Salesmen's Club of General Motors Products of Canada, and a group from each zone was in charge of 'the Chap- ter President. The program at Montreal lasted from morning till night on the 26th, and was in charge of P. Norman Berry, sales promotion manager, of General Motors Products of Canadas, Oshawa. Executives from the head office at Oshawa were in attendance -and the chief speakers. for the day were, R. 8. McLaughlin, President, General Motors of Canada; W. C. Her- ring, general sales manager, General Motors Products of Canada; and W. J. Davidson, of the Technical Committee of General Motors, Detroit, Following breakfast at the Windsor Hotel, the Master Salesmen: held a brief business session. Lunch was en- joyed at the "Lookout" and the ban- quet in the evening was held 'at the Mount Royal. W. G. Powell, of Detroit, was Master of Ceremonies. Each of the Master Salesmen was presented with a prize according to his standing in the Club during the year. Prizes in- cluded Portfolios, electric clocks, dressing cases, lighters and other novelties. The souvenir programs of the banquet were works of art, which the Master Salesmen found very inter- Phone 264 han : was arranged to coincide with the Phone after hours: 3514 Motor Show and a full program was Oshawa. carried out on January 26th, . The salesmen at the gathering were all ce ------------------------------------------------ esting. | Part of the afternoon program in- cluded tobogganing, skiing and a taste of other winter sports. Murray Williams, of Archer Motor Sales, was the only representative from Port Perry, who qualified as a Master Salesman of 1931, and enjoyed the program at Montreal. PRINCE ALBERT Mr. W. J. Martyn, who has for 25 years, been Recording Steward of the Prince Albert Circuit; and since Union Secretary of the Board of Stewards, of Prince Albert Church, resigned that office at the Annual Meeting. On Sun- day, January 24th, the Congregation presented him with an address and a copy of the New Hymnary, in recog- nition of his long and faithful service in that office. Pond, : Toronto on Saturday. ly. daughter. gson. ------------------------- PROSPECTORS GO TO SCHOOL FOR TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION Port Arthur, Jan. 25.--Séeking to increase their knowledge of minerals in preparation for the summer's pros- pecting operations, thirty. . mineral few more nights skating on the Duck Mr. Martyn and Mr. Murphy at- tended the Milk Producers' meeting ir. Miss Gertrude Martyn spent a few p days with friends in Seagrave recent- ; BORN--To Mr. 'and Mrs. Melvin 5 Hodgson, on January 26th, 1982 a ; _ DIED--At Prince Albert, on Jan-|§ nary 20th, 1982, Margaret; infant ! daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Hod- | A Correspondence] Contest will be car-| ried on under thel} same conditions as|j in the past years, |= and the same cash . Installment Plan Purchasing commodities by payin 1a dollar down and a dollar 8 week as grown into great popularity. Often the object purchased is worn out before . it is paid for, and the purchaser cont- _inues to pay. _ Buy yourself a fortune on the installment plan by placing regular "installments of your earnings in a nk of Commerce savings account. OF COMMERCE We are buying Clover Seed again this year, and if you have any to offer we will be pleased to quote you our very best price. Will also quote on timothy seed. ° If you are mixing your own laying meal, we can supply 'you with 60% pure meat meal or 40% meat and bone meal. Something of this nature 'is absolutely necessary if you would have winter eggs, We also have Royal Purple Laying Mash, Oyster Shell and Grit. : 4 We always keep a complete stock of high class Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, etc., and would be pleased to serve you during 1932. bitin inn F. McCLINTOCK PORT PERRY, ONT. J hunters attended the opening of the annual prospectors' instruction course here today. Lectures are being given by Professor E. M. Burwash of the Ontario Department of Mines, assisted prizes are offered. | If there is no : correspondent to the Star in your commun- ity, and you are willing to FIRE! DONT WORRY ABOUT by Hardy E. Purdy, of the Mines De- partment staff. call at the office. undertake the work, please Have your property properly insured at once wat Procressing from a standing start to top speed in the new Pontiac Six is so 'quiet and effortless that you seem to be mere- ly opening a throttle. Syncro-Mesh prevents you from getting even a tick when gears are shifted. Silent second not only snaps you away _ when the light turns, but merges into high without any perceptible difference in sound. 'Free wheeling * enables you to coast as softly as : : HAROLD W. EMMERSON °° MERCHANT TAILOR FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles. Excellent cloths and trimmings. : Workmanship Guaranteed. BE FRENCH DRY CLEANING Agent for Regent Clothes HUGH CAMPBELL a shadow ~-and means. that you needn't ever touch the clutch pedal . except to start and stop. And the rest of the:car is just as silent as the . transmission. For rubber cushioning ° at 47 points completely insulates * motor, frame, springs, axles, body . absorbing minor shocks, prevent- ing metal-to-metal contacts, and * deadening noise. The new Pontiac Six has plenty of other improve- © ese wich aa Ride Contras VRE of Re TRY pe which we'd {lke you to. try for | vi i oo) 1 ; WANTED! A suitable piece of property for installing an up-to-date Planing Mill, It is our intention to carry a f line of _ Lumber and Building Materials during the coming year, and expect to do all kinds of mill work. If you are in of building or repairing this year let us have your bill for mrs oh