md = HEE ars OSHAWA, ONT. i "1516 ~-- Phone -- 1616 YOUR CHOICE FOR $35.00 Pressing and Dry Cleaning 1 Done | | V. Choice cuts Phone orders receive prompt tention. el * Phone ne 29 w. CAWKER 'BROS. : PORT PERRY LIVE "ADVERTISING PAYS E XT ER M oO "Extermo" "will rid your property of rats and mice in a safe, clean, scientific manner. Sold by {ey P G. MORRISON, 'DRUGGIST, S81 Ee i Gypsophyla Repens Silver Maples, 6-8 . ey hia Thumbergii _ Hydrangea Paniculata Grandiflora "Viburnum Opulis Sterilis Hydrangea Arborescens Cydonia Japonica (Japan Quince) Sambucus Aurea. Cotoneaster Horizontalis Cotoneaster Siminsii -- OPTION NUMBER TWO Any Five of the Following Perennials Helenium Papover Nudicalé . Papover Oriental Shasta Daisy Spirea Filipendula Goat's Rue Chinese Lantern Michaelmas Daisy Meadow Rue . Plume Poppy Perennial Phlox (give colour) Hock Plants Primula Polyanthivs Sedum Acre Sedum Aizoon Sedum Album Sedum Ewersij Sedum Kamtschaticum Sedum Murale : Sedum Spurium Sempervivum Silene (Moss Campion) Veronica Prostrata Oenothera Youngsi (Evening Primrose) ne False Indigo Campanula Lychnis Armeria Formosa 'Cerastium Tomentosum Tberls + Siberian Wallflower Crosswort, Dianthus Caesiys Dianthus; Deltoides, Pink or White Aubretia 'OPTION NUMBER THREE Any Two of the Following Roses Frau Karl Dr. Gruss 'au Teplits Etoile de Holland Sour, de Claud. Pernet Mad. Ed. Herriott Mad, Caro. Testout General McArthur Odd Varieties Persian Yellow F. J. Grootendorst Hugonis Rugosa Rubra Rugosa Alba Pink Grootendorst Climbers : Clg. American Beauty Paul's Scarlet Climber Crimson Rambler Dorothy Perkins Dr. Van Fleet H Psand H. Ts, -' Los. Angeles " Geo. Dixon - Paul Neyron Mrs. John Laing Hadley Angele Pernet J. B. Clark OPTION NUMBER FOUR Plants to the value sf One Dollar from William Ettey Prince Albert. SPECIAL OFFERINGS _ Stock at list price from The McConnell Nursery Co., catalogue. "Any shrub in Option No. One at 26c. each. "Azulea Pallida, California, Cyanea, Eburnea, Milton, Stewart. Iris Pumilla for Rock Gardens, at 25¢. each. Grape Vines, 26 seta each. Concord, black; Niagata, white; Worden, black; Agawam, red. The Canadian Horticulturist, $1.00 for one' year, $2.00 for 8 years. ws +60 + Butterfly Bush + 1.00. Viburnun Carlesii "7.50 ° Crab, Double Flowering ye 45 Almond, double flowering . 17 { Beauty Bush Cut Loaf Biren, 07 Carine Silver Maples, 8-10" 40 76 "40 'Norway Spruce, 1%-2 Tax W185 ~ 2 year old yoots, .50 for 1.00 Cercis. Canad, Do a : BTA 3 1.00 Ampeopsis "Veitehil : Panicula 86 her husband, two ReeEieys and one son, and one grandchild, Mrs. Russell Lane (Ola), Dorothy and Ray at home, her mother at Columbus and one brother, John. Stone also of Columbus. There were a number of "floral tributes including one from the family, Blight family, Utica Ladies' Aid, and Girl's Bluebird Club, and others. Interment tookfplace at the Kendall Cemetery on Saturday after- noon. Mr, Denny was in charge of the service. The pall bearers being: Messrs. F. Kendall, Chester Geer, Wm. Bell, H. B. McKercher, H, Barnes and C. W. Lakey. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. Medd and family in their sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Offen, Mrs. Arthur Offen and Miss Jean Miller attended the funeral of Mrs. Medd on Saturday. Mrs. Cann entertained a few friends on Wednesday evening. A number from here attended the social evening at Manchester on Fri- day night. The Bluebird Club met at the home of Mrs. H. Walker last Wednesday afternoon for their regular meeting with twelve members present. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Walker entertained . for them at thirteen tables of euchre. They have an ideal home for such an occasion and, every- one felt they were there for an en- joyable evening and they sure had it. The prizes were won by Mrs. Harry Harper and Mr. Eldred Catherwood and lone hands, Mrs. W. J. Mitchell. The Bluebird Club moved a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs Walker for the use of their home, hoping they would have a chance to meet there again at some future date. They both take a sincere interest in the club. Ashburn young people will present their play 'The Path Across the Hill' in Memory Hall under the auspices of the Presbyterian Chars on Friday night. vy ret PP AGED MAN WITHOUT LEGS MAKES PLANS TO LIVE BY HIMSELF William Whitney, 85, who was a patient in the Toronto General Hos- pital last fall, and who left for Lind- say to live with his brother Peter after losing both legs--the first being taken off in 1927, and the other last year through gangrene--is hale and hearty. He spends several hours a day in his wheel-chair and when called on the other day stated he is leaving for his old home town, Uxbridge, about the first of the month. He will live alone, states he can cook his own meals, look after the fires and, not- withstanding protests from his early trip to Uxbridge. Manchester Mrs. E. Barrett, for a few days. of Mrs. Fursey. We hope for her quick recovery. _ Mr. and Mrs. Walker Holborne, of Sutton, were guests of Miss Thomp- son, last Friday. Special services will be held in the United Church in connection with the W.M.S. on Sunday, April 9th. Mrs. Harry Smith and son have re- turned to Toronto, after spending a | with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer. | Mr. Thos. Drummond, Petervoro, Jove a few days with friends here. purchased | a me team of Percheron colts. y evening last was a S kim "Chain RED & WHITE Stores | LADIES' SHORS-- Congoleum Rugs, 9 x 6, $5.25. New Low | Prices on Shoes bi Black Gunmetal Pumps for ladies, high heels, si rice $2.50 Brown and Back Pumps, i Jugh heels ... pring W » 38 Ladies' Calf Tie Shoes, with cul ow el Sia d T ai Assortment of Ladies' House Shoes at . . i =. Ladies' Patent Straps, real value . $1 98 Ladies Strap and Tie Shoes in attractive pH These shoes re- flect the new low prices for this year. $1.75, $1.85, 3 .89 BOYS', MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' SHOES Boys' Black Oxfords, calf leather. Sizes 1 to 5 Small Children's Shoes per pair Misses Patent Leather 1-Strap, sizes 11 to 2, per pair MEN'S OXFORDS-- A large range of Men's Oxfords at Pavers $1.89, $2.75 and = 95 Men's Plow Boots, black and tan with Panco soles at 98 Other lines at . $2.50 and Hy 75 New Wallpapers--Special Purchase New Sunworthy Papers, all regular 35c. stock, for Semi-trimmed Papers from 10c. per roll and up. 30 inch Papers in a large assort ment. Window Shades Cream and Green, in the best oil finish White and Green, slightly imperfect Cream or white shades, 37 inches wide, 59c¢. We take orders for large size shades at competitive prices. Floor Coverings Printed Linoleum, heavy, 2 yards wide 3 yards wide at $2.40. 4 yards wide at $3.20. Floor Oilcloth, nice neat patterns at per square yard 9x Th, $6.65 9 x 10%, $9.25 9 x 12, $10.50. Inlaid Linoleum, 2 yards wide, per running yard ., Rexoleum, 2 yards wide, per running yard Linoleum Rugs in all sizes. . IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FARMERS te tase Wanted to meet ten good farmers in this section who will grow one acre or one-half acre of red raspberries. All the fruit to be shipped to a leading Montreal whole- sale house who can handle an unlimited quantity. Heavy 2 year old transplants of the best Commercial variety being supplied on attractive and easy payment plan. If you are in a position to plant this spring, answer this advertisement to Box 50, Port Perry Star, on or before April 5th. A personal visit will be made at your home. Only farmers who are property owners in good standing will be considered and the limit is ten. brother, is looking forward to his: Mrs. Mary Barrett, Oshawa, is with We are sorry to hear of the illness' Mr, N.. D. Chamber is in Toronto DO YOU GAMBLE? _ Not with money perhaps, but how about your Poultry. THERE IS ONLY ONE SURE WAY TO POULTRY-SUCCESS AND THAT IS TO START RIGHT NOW FILLING YOUR PENS WITH HIGH GRADE CHICKS Why take chances when you can. get . BRAY CHICKS from 5 year Government approved flocks, 7 years bloodtesting. DECIDE RIGHT NOW TO SEND IN THAT ORDER--EVERY DAY'S DELAY MEANS LOST MONEY NEXT FALL. Free Catalogue BRAY CHICK HATCHERY 79 Clayburn Ave, St. Catharines, Ontario. Branch at Lindsay (Kent and Lindsay Sts), Phone 1301 © Mr. Lloyd McKee was in Lindsay' '| a few days last week and while there = a SCUGOG AND THORAH ISLANDS| The work is under the direction of TO FIGHT THE WARBLE FLY |Dr. Lionel Stevenson, Provincial Some fifteen herds on Scugog Is- Zoologist and Mr. Croskery, and the land and the cattle on Thorah Island |special powder being procured through are to be treated for Warble and Heel} the Canadian Co-operative Wool