in the business of the Port Perry Dairy (formerly § | Hillside Dairy). At great expense (without costto | = | the customer) modern pasteurizing equipment has § | been installed; and now, after having theapprovalof J our customers, and official Government inspection, § we announce that 5 re 1 --- The residents of Port Perry can now buy for the first time -. sc Rea PASTUERIZED MILK, and at no increase in cost. I Nie he | It is our claim that no milk is safe to use unless it is pasteurized. - * 3. Pasteurized Milk is more economical because it does not go sour. . : KR The average number of cases of tuberculosis disease attributetd to as quickly as raw milk, 2 : . : i o : ~~ raw milk in Ontario is on the increase. Toronto, where all milk must be 4. Because Pasteurized Milk is the only really pure milk. : ; a LL pasteurized, last year showed the lowest number of cases on record. We have heard some funny things about Pasteurized Milk during the . Port Perry has practically no protection of its milk supply and when past, at least they seem funny to us. ; ia you read articles in the daily papers like the following extract, surely it ad > One gentleman quit taking milk from us two weeks before we had ° : aw » is time to think about 'it. : HERD TO BE DESTROYED "Brockville, May 8--(Special.) It is learned that when a herd of twenty-eight head of cattle belonging to a farmer or near Prescott, who has been delivering raw milk in that town, was given the initial tuberculin test a few days ago, the entire herd reacted and was ordered destroyed." HERE ARE SOME OF THE REASONS.WHY WE PASTEURIZE: 1. To protect the health of the people, particularly the children, who our plant in operation. He said that the Pasteurized Milk did not agree . with his stomach. He was getting the same milk as he had for years... y ¥ Another young fellow said at the same time that he liked the pasteurized milk fine. Sh Probably the reason for these mistakes was, we had to use our new iid bottle caps marked "Pasteurized" a few days because we were out of our others. They did not notice the word "pasteurized" was marked off with a pencil mark. Evidently pasteurizing does not alter the taste of the milk. de drink most of the milk supplied, and who are the most susceptible to disease through this source. 2. To 'protect our own business. Another tells us that we have to take the cream off first in order to pasteurize. Others think that the milk is boiled, etc, all of which are wrong. - In order that the people of Port Perry may try PASTEURIZED MILK, we agree to supply an 2 : home in Port Perry, (where we are not already calling) with their regular daily supply for one wee BR at our expense. Just phone 238, or stop the wagon, and say how much you wish left each morning, and, if at the end of the week you are not satisfied that it is the best milk you ever used in Port WN. Perry, just put a note to that effect in the last bottle you put out. This places you under no ; we v obligation whatever: This offer is good until July 1st. | ; Ya ls HGH . : x n ile OUR PRICES are 24 Pits of Milk for $1.00. By the Quart 9c. ~ 13 Quarter Pints 34% Cream for $1.00, or 15¢. per Ha =