Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 22 Jun 1933, p. 5

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J Puy and Pf 4 Tie $1.00. 4 * Sale Price 49¢. 4 Men's Dressy Grey Flannels, cat on popular lines, with five pockets Reg. '$3.50, Sale Price $2.29 FET verarey "foot comfort try a pair of Dr. Seholl's Arch Supports ; or Foot Easer. Perhaps you have a pair and are needing new ones. Ww have 8 Sow baira loft aud are clearing them out-at very low prides Caan SULTS and Overcoats We are offering good values--60 fs erent 'designs in Tweeds, Fancy i 5: Worsted, Grey and Blue Serges. ; _ YOUR CHOICE FOR $35.00 Pressing and Dry Cleaning Done - WwW. T. Rodman ° . MERCHANT TAILOR Tt is verfectlv all right for a woman Over the Teléph Office, Port Perry | t0 hold on to her youth, but she should EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of Eyes in Modern Life Specializing exclusively . in muscle anomalies, avesigy and: 'glasses. Open Tuesday, Souraday and faturda wong' ns SE pponite P.O. OSHAWA, ONT. 1K18 . Phana -- 1814 * "not do it while he is driving. BOE MOTORS PORT PERRY, ONTARIO "The Canadian Car" Phone 74 Hi on Im nT Chambers Bakery Now 'that the hot weather is here, why get all het up in the kitchen and be cranky with your husband. Let us bake for you, Our Cakes are Delicious AND OUR BREAD IS BETTER THAN MOTHER MAKES. Phone 93 and bring one of our trucks to your door, or visit our 'store; 2nd door-from the corner of Queen and Water Sts. Port Perry, Ont. se pz T_T Summer Prices on Coal Our latest advice from the coal companies | is, coal will advance i price on July 1st. We have been holding off hoping for, a further reduction in price, but disappointment is our lot. We therefore are forced to announce that coal. . is now, selling at the lowest summer price. "et a Sa "Let us. have your order now for your next 'winter's: oh! .18upply. . - We can supply you with almost any kind of coal you FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73} COAL - COKE CEMENT - LIME - TILE B supply on hand to meet your x . FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--That Better 'Pennsylvania Hard Coal. SCOTCH, coal, WELSH COAL, STEAM COAL, CANNEL HAMILTON BY- PRODUCT SORE, BODY HARDWOOD, HARD- = ~~ WOOD SLABS, SOFT SLABS. . § : CEMENT--A fresh carload just artived, Also' "Fresh LIME and ; PARISTONE, TILE. . Your orders will receive our usual prompt and careful attention. 7 * PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT i Fy Mr. HH. Mulligan has ~~." B Hairdressing Parlor and Barber SI ; i ort Perry, The BR ery atest In : e, deep 'wave, close to the head, aving rods. the latest Btyles in Finger Waving, tment, Hair Cutting, Bobbing, and BRAY CHICKS FOR JUNE BUYERS Per 100--Leghorns $7.95; Barred Rocks, ks, Reds, White Wyandottes, White. Rocks, $8.95; Black Giants le. each Jory Ten day Barred Rocks $10.95; Three week $14.95 Sent anywhere, 100% live delivery guaranteed; or buy from local . * Hatchery 5 year Canada approved, 7 years from settings of' bloodtested stock. Deposit $1. per hundred, balance on arrival, BRAY CHICK HATCHERY, 79 Clayburn Ave, ST. CATHARINES anch at Lindsay, (Lindsay and Kent Sts., Phone 1301) FREE--A starting Brooder Box with each order for 50 or more WOOD ih * When in need of any of the sbore give us a cal We have a full]lll DOMINION DAY EXCURSION Cobourg to Rochester SATURDAY, JULY Ist Only $1.25 Return ( io ONLY 65c. Going Steamer Schedule Standard Time Returning Arrive Rochester, N.Y. 1.45 pm. Leave Rochester ....5.45 p.m. Leave Cobourg ...... 8.00 am. Arrive Cobourg ....11.30 p.m. EXCELLENT ORCHESTRA FOR DANCING ON BOARD Low prices for meals on steamer--Breakfast 50c., Lunch and Dinner T5¢. each. Also Lunch Counter Service. Ample free motor parking space at steamer dock at 'Cobourg. * Purchase Tickets from Local Canadian National Agent or at Steamer. ONTARIO CAR FERRY COMPANY Cobourg-Rochester Steamship Route DONT WORRY ABOUT +... FIRE! Have your property properly insured at once ~ HAROLD W. Slieneon. PUT IT IN 2% PRINT y 8 | 8 8 = . : ' | morning with 88 in attendance. MN ders will not bg on pri or Srinted. fat Yl ne vw 2upbiied by the 'Department cheque Are aan $10. to the order £07 oie Minato of Public Works, which will be eared if the intending bidder submit a ¥ By order, N. DESJARDINS, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 15, 1938, eee NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Joseph Wright, deceased. All p having claims against the Estate of Joseph Wright, late of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of May, 19833, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned, solicitor for the Ex. ecutors, on or before the 3rd day .of July, 1938, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 3rd day of July, 1933, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 9th day of June, 1933. JOSEPH DENNY, Solicitor for Executors; R.R.4, Uxbridge, Ont. SEAGRAVE Wedding bells are ringing. The June meeting of the Women's Association was held at the home of Mrs. John Mark, with a very good atendance of members and visitors. The president, Mrs. W. C. Moon, presiding. After the opening devo- tional period, a lengthy business session was dealt with, Mrs. Alonza Snyder and Mrs. C. W. Clarke favour- ed with pleasing vocal solos, which were enjoyed. At the close of the meeting a hearty hand clap was given in honour of Mrs. B. F. Green, who will be with us another year. Rev. B. F. and Mrs. Green, during the four years here, have made many friends, by their splendid personality. We wish them every success in the work of the Church. Lunch and a social hour closed a pleasant afternoon. The Quadrata Girl's Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Miss Ruth' Stone, where all enjoyed a pleasant evening. Quite a number' were in attendance at the United Church on Friday even- ing last, when the children under the direction of their music teacher, Miss Ward of Uxbridge, delighted all with pleasing numbers, showing careful training of voices, and interest taken by teachers and pupils, which is great- ly appreciated by the parents. Mr. Hutchison, school inspector was pre- sent, and spoke a few appropriate words on their behalf. June 29 Miss Adel Wooldridge in wining the prize for the best music scrap book. The services on Sunday were not Congratulations to so well attended, Sunday School in the The pastor in the evening preached an in- teresting sermon on "Why Fret Ye", which was enjoyed . A number went to Uxbridge on Friday last where a splendid time was enjoyed. ~ Mr, C. W. Moon, Miss Ila, and Mr. W. Keen spent Sunday in Toronto. A social time "closes the Young Peoples' League-on Tuesday evening for the summer mnths. Games of varions kinds were enjoyed, followed by refreshments. Newlyweds Presented with Gift Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt who were recently married were given a sur- prise and presentations on Monday | night. About fifty were present in honour of the occasion, and to wel- come the bride to the community. Rev. B. F. Green acted as chairman, after many kind remarks were passed, they were presented with a nice chair, and jardinere stand. Mr, Butt responded, thanking the people for their kind- ness. A "lovely lunch finished up a sociable and pleasant evening. . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shunk were visit- with Tejatives at Blackstuck, om [F.W. Brock & Son Save Money on Every Item Strawberry Jam, 40 oz. 29c. CROWN TEA. ........000 00. No. I's ... NS KOLONA COFFEE, I's COFFEE, Gold Medal, (Yellow Label) Ib 45e. GOLD MEDAL HEALTH SALTS, Ib 39¢c. Quaker CORN Ib 29¢. Tins 14c. Bottles ..........25¢. CRISCO, I's ........... ..tin 23c. ; WATER GLASS, 1's 14¢. 2's .20e. F LAKES MANYFLOWERS SOAP 2 for 13c. OVALTINE, Medium LILY CHICKEN HADDIE TIGER SALMON ....I's 23¢c. RUBBER JAR RINGS .... 2 for 27c. tin 67c. 2 pkgs. 15¢ 1's 14c. «.2 doz. 15c¢. 15¢. Irwin and Sina, spent Sunday with relatives at Cad- Mr. and Mrs. I. mus. Mrs. Henry Topping and daughter, of Verdun, Quebec spending a holiday with friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown and Fred of Toronto, visitors of relatives on Sunday. . Mrs. Geo. Mark of Toronto, visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Bruce' this week. Mrs. C. Butt of Port Perry, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt. Mrs. C. W. Clarke, baby Jack, Mrs. Geg. Clarke and daughter Ruby were visitors to Greenbank on Friday after- noon, last. A number attended the Manilla Anniversary Field Day, on Wednesday afternoon and reported a good time. Mrs. J. Blight and family of Tor- onto spent the week end at their summer home here. re el PP Pres little are EQUALIZATION OF ASSESSMENT ADOPTED BY COUNTY COUNCIL Following is the equalized assess- ment of the various municipalities as adopted by the County Council. PINEAPPLE, *™¢*%R%. 10c. PARROWAX aw I 12. SALAD DRESSING, Red & White, . bh 0z. 15¢ O84 sve sings 25¢. C. & B. R. & W. BISCUIT FLOUR . . . . pkg. 29¢. CATSUP McCORMICK'S SUMMER SODAS 2 for 19¢c. CHOCOLATE BUDS ....:..." 4 1h 13c. Per Bottle || MArsumaLLOW BISCUITS, |. 1b 150. LOBSTERS, ...... Ws 23c. W's ldc. BENSON'S CORN STARCH, 2 for 23c. HELMET CORNED BEEF. . WHIZ INSECT KILLER 2 for 27ec. rune Jbottle 33c. Christie said the reeves filled in the foem with the information given to them, and if any person knew that people were getting the pensions who were not entitled, they should report to the County Board. The secretary - of the Pensions Board, Mr. Owen" Davies, stated that the case in question had beén investi- gated three weeks ago and the man cut off on acocunt of the existing mail contract. He had only res ceived one cheque. The secretary re- ported that when he called at this man's home he found that he was un- able to come down stairs except on his hands and knees. The mail con- tract had been turned over to his son who had a wife and family and was trying to keep his father as well. His house was only worth $400 and there was a mortgage of $250 against it. Secretary Owen Davies informed the Couneil that an amount of $4000 had been paid back this year from the estates of pensioners who had passed. -------------- eee COUNTY TO PAY 85% OF MAIN- TENANCE OF COUNTY PUPILS AT OSHAWA COLLEGIATE -- ry EFT RY Pickering i. c.0u acarvin $4,299,050 Ontario: County. Conicil has ratified Fast Whithy Rak eae 2,658,201 an agreement between the County and Whithy Township Lathe 1,930,800 the Oshawa Board of Education. Reach Township Berasis ees 2,114,509 Under this agreement, the County Scugog Township eon. Sosa will pay B5% of the cost of admitting "Uxbridge Township .o vin 1,081,098 pupiles resident in' the coun to: Scott Township Seager hee 1,478,050 Oshawa Collegiote and Voesticaol me. Thoral Township Mane 1,528,620 stitute, the individual fees charged to Brock Township RTE 2,669,800 pupils being discontinuad. Mara Township ree 1,581,124 Under recent amendments to the Rama Township .......... ; 311,300 Provincial regulations the Cocerema Whithy ToWR wz.. erste sre 2,379,208 Act now provides that a county shall Uxbridge Town .......... 872,402 ok: oe Title uy the tora ing Port Perry vi aay 554,260 cost. of eduenting such Pugiks as aie Cannington Cateinany 120 affected, "except by entering into an GRYEILON ue svrs mbes 6! agreement", and the discussions which $24,493,348 A strong protest was put up by the members from Pickering Township, who declared that Pickering had been unfairly dealt with. When put to a vote the report of the committee was adopted by a large majority. . . COUNTY COUNCIL DISCUSSED OLD AGE PENSIONS Mr. Ferguson, deputy-reeve of. the Township of Brock, said that one man in his township was put on the the pension list on January 1st of this year and he had a mail contract worth $840 a year. As chairman of the County Pep- sions Board, Grant Christie, reeve of Reach, said that ever since Old Age Pensions came into being pegplé had charged that some who were getting Jude ware not entitled to Mr. have recently taken place between the County Council and the Oshawa Board of Education have resulted in an un- derstanding that both bodies will con- form with the agreement now con- firmed by the County. Under this proposed arrangement, the 85% of the total cost will be based on the cost to the Board of Education for maintaining the school and edu- cational facilities, including expendi- tures on the payment of debentures both capital and interest. Thé Board of Education agrees to render a de- tailed statement of all expenditures to the County Council, so that: county officials may have the necessary in- formation for computing he, correct. proportion. FOR SALE 4. Two grade Shorthorns, rising vhtons due to freshen. Apply to Finley

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