Mr, and Mrs, Stafford. ti Columbus, speiit Sunday at Dr. Archer's, Miss Orr, of Myrtle, is the guest. y Noriue Letcher. - i "Friday a son was born to 7 } Miss A. M. Smith spent Satur- - day last at her home in Whitby.' Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dyer, of D. 'Hartis, D. Day, will preach motuing ad evening at fig. fand 7 1 'collections in : All seats free pare Singing Lessons. 'I' Miss Alina Nix of Uxbridge, an' advanced pupil of Miss FEthe |Sheppard of the Toronto Conserve [tory of Music, will be at the home {of Miss Willard on Friday, 27th' ; for the purpose of ofgahizing class. Those interested are kind: ly invited to call on'the date, i A Pleasing Presentation. nh © When friendship lasts. throught hanges 4S mist "be gentiine and, ; while. ! oe evidence of the ct that ériendship can gow for / bear fruit in ph! must a. Beautiful d: trials of twenty! : | beaple of my boyhood to 'Mrs. Wm, Grant and two ehild- ret were in Woodville "for a few days last week. Mrs. John Orr, son and daughter have returned home after spending {a week in Toronto. Mrs. W. H.- Williamson, of be | Picton, has been the guest 'of Mrs. Hiscox for the last few days. Mr. Howard Tummonds' left on Monday morning for Toronto where he will complete his course as a veterinary surgeon this {erm. Miss - Farmer; late of London, "England, spent the week end at her '{brothers's howe in Port Perry. Miss Farmer is making her home in Toranto now. ® #-Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Flint, of Stouffville are speuding a couple of weeks with their son, Mr. E.. B. Flint, before leaving for Southern {| California. - '}"™Rev. T. Hagen and Mr. John {Murner leave for Woodstock on | Wednesday, Oct. 16th, as delegates ito the. Baptist convention of Qutario and Quebec. ~The conven- tion lasts from the 16Ll to the 23rd. _. Mr, Ww, 1. White, who has acted as ledger keeper in the Western Bank bere for the past three years, left" last. week for Blackstock where he takes charge of the Branch which the Western Bank have opened in that village. Jack 'will be gfeatly missed by his large circle of friends in town but all will be glad to hear of his promotion, We : | have little doubt as to the success of the Blackstock branch ander Mr, | White's able: management, A Glimpse of the West __ FROM AN OLD PORT PERRY BOY EDITOR OF PORT PERRY STAR Dear Sir--<Since = writing yon some weeks ago 1 have become much better acquainted_ with the people, the climate and the country, aud would therefore try to tell the n some: thing of what our Canadian an North West is like. especially the province of Alberta, the soutliern part being ed 'Sunny Southern Alberta," he climate here is very. fine and dry and with the exception ofa few]. days rain during the early part of th, has been dry and warm, The nights are 'cool but the days are warm and resemble very much a ater 1.0 Ontario and' in noise of the binder, 'the crops near here have lurned country at this time 'of the year. | On every hand yon .see buildings springing up, and én the farms you see the snicke from the threshing machines and hear On the whole oul much better than expected. I bead one man state that he had] 'turtied out 38 bushels of wheat to the acre 'and at present wheat is 'goc. a bushel here. "Yours truly, Jessop Nori SEAGRAVE Mrs. Moon and Mr. Walter Moon of Trenton, are visiting friends here. Mr. H. McKenzie took a hurried trip througlia number of towns in the western: part of our province last week. Mr. R. Thonipson was in Toron- to on business last Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. King visited with their daughter, Mrs. H.| Metheréll, of Little Britain, this week. Mrs. TT. Trebell is visiting at her sou's, Mr. F. Trebell, Cannington. CHURCH DEDICATION -- When we meet in the hall for church ser- vices we feel like singing the old hymn '" A Better Day is Coming." That day is just at hand. Our church is to be opened Sunday, Oct. 20th. Don't forget the date, tell your friends. Dr. Williamson, of Hamilton, Rev. Mr. Duke, President of the Conference, and Rev. Mr. Greatrix will be with us for Dedication Services. A big supper will be served on Monday, Oct. 31st. See large posters for particulars. Report of 8.8. No. 17, Mariposa and Reach for September. Profi: ciency of classes: Sr. IV--FEthel Frice, Charles McKenzie. Jr. 1V-- Gordon Brown, Edwin Blight, Wilma King, Ala Sleep, Neil McLean, Lilian Gibson, Gordon Sornberger, III--Howard Wells, Elwood Frise, Wm, Brown, Violet Salmonsen, Eva Moon, Etta "Aldred, Arthur Gordon Sr. 11-- Annie Gibson, Albert Short, Fannie King, Victoria. Lambert, Blanche Frise, Arthur Gibson, Emma Gill, Morley Mocse, Olive Drinkwater, Jr. II. My: tle Neil, Winnie Gibsogg Pt. 11- May Brown and Wille! ual) Aubrey Moon, Esther uis Short, Sr. I--Melville Frise, Herman Midgley. the distant| Albert Brown, Olga Moon and Violet Shert (equal), Ezra King, Allvere Alldred, Florence Moose. | J. Morrison, | Teacher. ule > ooliron {ha ame way may bo benefited as she. wag, She writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- (irtily recommend Lydia E. Pink- alle Compound as a tonic and k 1 sufiered for ' years wilh € 4! aceme nt and no one thore who have exnerienced this dread a those endure who are ailocte ir Vezetable Compound cared me, Within three months 1 was fully restored to health and strength and now my periods arg re gular and painless, Vi hat a blessing it is ty obtain such relief whiz so iy, doctors fail to help you. Loar medicine is better than any doctor or had.' icin» hag euch a record fc anle trou les os has Lydia medicin of cu L. Dinkham's Vegetable Compound. Vo I en who nro troubled with painful r perio ls, hackache, bloating (noe), displace nt of organe, nmaticn or ulceration can be ree ored to perfect iealth and strength by Lydia ¥. Tak! 's Vegetabla Mrs, Tinkhan invites alk eick to write her for advice. Sho h thousands to health. Tier exper very great, and she gives the Lenefit of i to ail who stand in need of wise counsel Sho is the daughter-in-law of Lydia Pinkham end for ¢ wy-five years haa been advis'ng sick women free of charge. Address, Lynn, Masa. women uric. We are plegged to report the marriage of Mr. Bert M¢Kercher to Miss Edna Worden The young couple are going to take up quarters on the M¢Kercher homestead. We wish Mr. and Mrs. McKercher every happiness in life The anuivers ry enterta nm connection with the Pr church was a success. .Joyable supper in people went to M- themselves ir program wa: ing the la* ing, but speeche pastors cal + enjo apr nu B: Is mn any hlea ot the physical ' " i