HIGHEST GRADE OF CANADIAN MaiurAGTURE. a _wost pourishi* sidered palatable ant Bowne, Béllevite. All Druggist + = ae science. ie The bill was then read ee : 'Prepared by SéGil passed. 0 ane Vhere possible insi8t on the whey MANITOBA-NORTH- ee ae a In the older cheese and butter returned in the mille.cans. (Sour ; 40 9 a) : onsoli s se and | ' t) ' Mr. Joseph Mert ee eae: pedling shea Weet Mounted ce| these two are doubtless the ; ! : ; Hole aoe) : if i tendin : --Mr. ne i ' 5 : L ling | a 3 > > ( | lll | § ee ay en Neath. W. ster! on eee Pats Petroleum Ins On neglected. zi nd in the can until just before commenc- '! Company, said that while heh ' -| Act--Mr. Wood (Brockville) = AERATH MILK. o milk, then empty, rinse very slightly : é : To amend the General Inspection Meaning : To aerate milk is E AK : BVO US s ? : ; f warm--not hot--watér. Put the tion to.a reasonable extension 2 eer a eee e tension of fille). os ' ing's milk at once into this Gan without | he thodght that ap ex Mr, Wood (Broékville) nto it, hence the rtance 0) 'Straining and'aerating. Ifit gets to the $ ° : : ided in fhe bill, waa » mista FRAUDULENT GOODS. i . Fi 'i as ae read a second time, ~ -- M Woo a(Bro ville), in. mov where this done. Not onl tory before it sours, step into the factory Thousands of Young and Middle Aged Men an ? t d Leading Establishmen . ane ; Mr. We enc bill. in rested areation implies the driving off noon and here the cheese-maker give through early indiscretion and later excesses. Canada SS) Larges an THIRD RI Sy: . first reading the bill in restra eae Lae exhortation on' gassy curds and whey Diseases have ruined and wrecked the life of mar ing bills were given a third | fraudulent sale and marking, said it that may be already in the miik, Mabank i, homer dale icf ee Obkerve a ony of the following Symptoms: Nervous and De: ------------------------ sree : F dd torthe list of articles o ia ; Nance Ys" 30 pee ore. # tion; Memory Poor; Hasily Fatigued; Excitable As Ht | posed. toa tame 1 honey MRL on. most easily driven off whi x e look on his face which says, "If I get the ; Dreams and Drains at Night; Rest! 3 Be riority in quality Q4 Act co incorporate the Canadian Rail way under inspection Paris ape - v4 fresh and warm, and for this i hrough by 8 or 9 o'clock "to-night, I'll do Throat; Hair -- ene a A | F BELL PIANOS AND ORGANS are famous for their superior) 2 designZ40 { Accident Insurance Company. _ | vinegar. ar was | pe ereee ee ea | should be doue at once after ipretty-well." Come rountagain in about | Bnerey and 8 rength. jew 'reatmer lana f workmanship, and excellence of exterior Ges!sty 'Act respecting the Ontario Loan and De- | the sale of honey mace o aed before the milk is. month and 'see the buyer look at the Chas. Patterson. HORE, pene OV Ne : fini i Lo enipee oe &i ao ee See ate | i sie tmiporkance <5 | cheese'made fromthe vat ,into which but oe » Read : N ia finish. ee. Act to incorporate the Canadian Railw prohibit its sale as honey. With r and, butter largely determines" Jone can of auch milk was' emptied, and ge } What : Y 70 Ineo smer WEST, 'Fire Insurance Company. ¢ © / to Paris green, it br ir ate he flavor of these depends, e rs atte rcmclshid toe farther ; RONTO WAREROOMS-- é 5 MAILS BY. ELECTRIC CARS.» ie ae ibadoab y ie ae heb it maker,-upon the 'flavor of the inspection or a lower price. iemay refuse : SON, Port-Perr "'steAaciphe Onto replying to Me. Mey 1 'iuiibrated articlep useless to erefiro GRA ice depends ai | it altogether for export. It will do for-the |_ "At Ud years of age T : rw x, 1Axr1T LIAM JOO. : ¥» }xiullen, stated. that a contract had beea|"" oe intended, It was propose. tO ae or of th 48! home market and-will havea great tendency | mae. _I became nervons an ¢? a ee Reprsy tative-for this district. | entered into with the O.tawa Street Rail- vee it upon thelist. of articles enuer- pou | to develop home consumption, ; ae er cae cg way Company for the carriage of 'mails, ated asto which csamples miay be ent | farm, "Pi If the patron who sends milk like the ae hanern ents to dispose of at Very | from the railway stations to the post-offit 'an be bought yery cheap for| by electric Cars, for & period of four years |... , at four thousands doltars per year. The| mie pil] was read a first time. nohelp. A friend advise objecti = ~gne month's tr N. B.--We have a few second-hand. Inst low prices ; also two or three Melodeons, whic cash. Send for particulars. F y egoing suffered alone, it would not be so f h me ad ; but if it is taken in by the maker out Seon practised Mae pity, every patron of the factory has to "sent ime ee service was decidedly superior in every 9 9 Serer nee rt the consequences, This is bearing one 2 myself gaini very Uity. Mt " THE OULLERS ACT, prevent the cream from rising, and c another's (useless) burdens. a Gared in one mnth ali else y have cur he old ice by horse, ost | . pees ee Be te the Os ere ae Mr. Wood (Brockville) introduced abil sequently the mille will give 13. "To wash milk pails, milk cans, Dr. Moulton. 5 CURES ) Tih i Ze _ to the analysatfor the purpose of atly- o; $3,882 last year. ae c ; ; a an lto amend'the Cullers Act. He said tht in | erage test and one more unifo |strainers, etc.,.they should be first rinsed UNIVERSITY OF og 2 the Act of 1893 the word "counted" was |+ How to Aerate : be n lukewarm water, next washed with hot Mr, Daly, replying to Mr. Mar al neluded, but it was not applicable to | Ping, pouring or s ter,and then be scalded, after which, that the Government had under consi square timber. It left a defect in the Act, | 8% aerator. An aerator e1 ut them in a nice place to air and dry. Do ven 'which waa taken advantage of by the ':x- | help, but abused, it isa hindre tion the question: of issuing the wipe dairy tinware with a dishcloth 2 ors : % es $ 5 " : v4 wpoteed. eran ey re ai | porters of square timber and it wag ww |Tunning milk through ait serat } Make a bonfire of all the old dishcloths that fog SO ete That will burn toba. The.cause of the delay | Pre sed to remedy the defect. milking without any further starpis are used for wiping dairy utensils and the 'Kilied: mee Mibtile the s: : Alispute had an in connestion Ww: ne fhe pill was read a-first tite, |sufficient. It suena flavor of the milk will go up 10 per cent. OE ME MP te, th, ROUCH WOOD and COAL 9 [ms'erofgeerents. © "mH CRIMINAL, CODR, ring ont througlgal 7% Mill, ahasiliiie sent to th Pad ot Wile ainda platen, bts: ...Equally Well... 4 'o eetARy Eee Sir John Thompson introduced iS)| again before goin' ad. nly to 1m- of the same quality as given by Kennedy & Kergan's New Method Trea. . a§ ; puede ' E : agai going to bed. | y $0 1M- | Nothing should be added to. the 4 no' e years. 1 an. r Prior moved, 'That in amend the Criminal Code of 1 prove flavor should this be Dut also | nothing taken from it (except iad doctor, 1h ommend it to all, who | in| s House, it is expedient t said that some of the amendments to prevent loss of crea atival cfiereain: keenin eR , 0, syphilis." Tt will @radicate the poison fron, in {} {should be devised by ul much importance. In fact, ly in the fall, when mi or skim p a Ree milkee ss qc ib} hi ay to <orrect clerical error: &(di-'\ some time before bein rohil af 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 15. UULE? this, provision was made withge ome thei : 2: Will do it Province of Que a venue in cases coffin rm which are postpo! ill was read a first tim "TI am 83° years of age, ise aes and H receive from pensions, and t equal footing with simi other countries an arr factory and m; ne ppy. I tried everythi I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. Method buil icall, d sex senot fio ean Mean reopeskesirg them." _™ t& No Names Used Without = ° _ Gonsentoft ® at Wee, is Everyboty's 7 Cook Stove es . Seo it. kers with good, pure milk, f the factoryman to make G7 iT "Patrons! step into your Onred in tin : 25 i & eye . Pearslonsily andseethateverytning| Hl Qur New Method Treatment ie'stmerion iio' boas and clean in and around it, and fa drains and losses, purifies the blood, clears the brain, builds up the nervyouss 5 ot fy systems and restores lost vitali 8 "s rin the storeroom. If it is not We Guarantee to Cure Nervous Debility, Failing wh i i a- Syphilis, Varicocele, Stricture, Gleet, Unnatural Di phy, end Mi Wee detect isnot rae We k Parts and All Kidney and Bladder Diseases. 2 There was, indeed, 1 the statements that ha: peatedly the Governme appreciation of the ser the granting of libera and by appointing tl inmon Coal Oil. g @NO DIRT, 'NO HEAT IN THE KEFCHEN." Cooks a Family Diner for Two Cents.. de ta! )pan made of st bottom of this, | The GURNEY FOUNDRY g 00 Ltd TORONTO, military services tosucht positiongyg th fect-longa ganna paid ona change of maker next year. eee ae tntling é ; oe uy apr kU LU, department had at its disposal. that, bottom of the pas é R MEM BE America. They guarantee to cure or no pay. puns to subrnit and advorate ayeth of et pee aa eee cee teehee ei | allow this pan of ai sbb rough the| « --- | 'milk. When if sling. draw out | Expansion of the Trade.--Cheese Opened and then insert Do this a dozen Higher This Year than Last. times each eyenii mornings» The According to official returns there was evening milk should eated about three ' : i ees times in the foregoing manner, once immedi- $172,000,000 invested in dairy farming ee ately after milking, t in 15 minutes, Canada last year, and, as it is admitted apet to submit and advocate a systém of pensions, still he believed that the» | bers of the House would, irrespective of | j.05) 4 party, support any reasonable recommenda- . >. A' TUROW' Oe: SRRCDE ee ee an Ce ake '< the subject. In asking the hon. gentleman . Hi SE ane ancy oe pee ae to withdraw his motion, he promised that} said that gave you years of regret and suffering. © es reasonable, Write fora Question List and Book Free. Consultation Fr DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, Socom SCSECESCVSBUCRESE \ en, the number o1 miles ot Gown ae RES OP i the matter Would be laid before his col- } men#*railway in -operation last yearvas ini pan Bei pce 3 2): i Re AN OLD LADY'S STORY OF DEEP bee pecticine 2 ee leagues with a view on some future occasion | 1,365, the same as the preceeding year. the oe erie pe are hour. Stir be-| that a gross return of $13,009,000, or nearly : INTEREST TO OTHERS. papa eae a fc Yeo m "ihe price at which | OL giving a more definite reply to the re- | number of employes.was 3,600, a reduion : 8 per cent., was made to farmers by the -------- % e ete ap Be me ot aaa: | quests : as compared with a years. It wehis manufacture of cheese alone, beside the re- 5 1 a = ; . 5 The motion was withdrawn. full expectation to be able to report foche Fats turns from butter, eggs, milk and live wars avert Bissete ane Wamger Peet soe en ew, caeaical ebat. PERMANENT PEACE. year ending June 30 next that the recpts iene Ce ame si EE hy stock, it can readily be seen that the lines d { d | 3 L With Rheumatism for Nine Years, ee : ec ee fully covered the expenditures. beeen off alfedi os eae ate sesh of the dairy farmer in Canada have fallen Despite Advancing Years, Has Fouttd er Mr. Edgar moved, ar: sppeae ee House went into Committee of 1p- 8 - dy of the cow. Let {im pleasant places. | Relief--She Relates Her Experience f on. the 16th of June, 1893, the following | ply. ate } 5 That the.profitable nature of the cheese Py Bos, oo ae s citiaillnaii a r Prost DY Mae eet AWFUL DISCLOSURES. ___| resolution was proposed oe First Minis« _ GOVERNMENT LUNOHES, | a As oe trade is mie daily. more recognized is ok _ , i rom the Goderich Star, 2 A Youiig Woman In Quebec Confesses to] oo? van touse ny aa Gladstone, oud] Mr. MeMulién objected to: the exp<di- damp cloth, bi cows are milked, |S8hown by the amount of expansion it ex- | ' was unanim iti oe ae upwards of three years the Star has the Most Terrible Crimes. House Come a ee ia of $140 for lunches for the Privy Can-| How to Sti ordinary wire sieve | hibits. New factories are starting in ' ir as en republishing articles fm various) 7, the action now being tried at Quebec | that this House has learnt with satisfaction Bae : : strainer does very but we add to this | districts hitherto unsupplied, and the : ape oe ae net a f Odell v. G for separation de corps | that both Houses of the United States C r. Foster said it was in accord witlan by doubling cheese cloth or thin cotton so development of _tetritories affording.» = e miracles in healing, wrought, | of Odell v. regory pa BOLD gram have, iy tea tien Peet a old custom that when the Cabinet we in | ag to have four thick . Lay the cloth good supply of milk, which have hither- in forlorn cases, by.##é use of the pre~| et de.biens,- some of the most sensational) Po ident to invite, from ae i; © | session all day a luncheon was served. | acroas the bottom of the strainer and then | t® been debarred by their distance from nown ag Dr illiams' Pink widerceso far adduced is that of a sewing | fit cccasi Bs wo, "inte, 88) Mr. MeMullen--The item should be put | f, it on b ns ofa tin ri hich | established factories, is thus being pro- le. Amore or less intimate "girl named Eugenie Tonchette, whose | any Osverccee ih fehcke the with down to charity. ae eee tha loti a OO ccisark chine ceeded with. The fact that there were} -- ALL ith the Laur ai . ne a adraissions;outside of her testimony eae States have or may' have diplesnatts a Sir John Thompson--Charity cover: a cee For quickness we uae strainer | factories which paid their patrons from . 4 ee rarran a -- Niet in Wume Sie as Prod oe oe to the end that any differences or multitude of = ; : that a pail ofmilk may be put into at once. oe $700 each for their milk has shown Diamond, Gem 2 'd Keeper Zz - not overdrawn oP ie, Bees tine. a ie nee eri a prop a ae sputes arising-betweeh the two Govern.| Mr. Davies-~It will not do to muzzle xe | This sits im a wooden frame over the can. the farnier how lucrative this branch of fabs _' 5 : e 2 y furnish a clue to the deter ments which cannot be adjusted by diplo- | * that treads out the corn. Some use a Ww cloth to strain with, | bis labor is. In the County of Leeds the Earrings, Chains, Ete: - 2 ments, but were published as truthful i i oster-- 2 i sept ptatemcate et Reabias cones a than one supposed murder. She admitted.| maticagencymay be referved toarbitration, |_Mr. Foster--They are strictly tempr-| Cloth of som ai his clot, to eo ee soe ees ee 'kable : rt, is cloth must bade e on-her own part all sorts of criminal acts, | and peacefully adjusted by such means, | 220¢ luncheons. hairs and fi LATEST ST hrman ills worthy of the widest publi i Be ; aoc : rt, 4 , : Tee that other anit TNE bo. benefits i mycre Babe had Pail = fo i ae eo ais Housé;. 'cordially sympathising The item passed. a ' | kept clean. Seald oroughly each time | duce the eres quantity - milk in the} aioe For some time past we have heard | robberies, for all of which she had éscaped'| hope that her 'Mat incyiew, expresses the _MFMBEK INTRODUCED, after using. || than fois tc cisees rene fo Diamond Brooches and E - bean oo issett, of | arrest on account of influence in police teed their ready ponte z Mr. Theotine Blanchard, member-elct = ty Sue : Saat butter ie oat ty ihe this jase ae ae ue Watches, Silver . Nick i : » : as one 0} circl ie d suicide, but be a. Gov- | for Gloucester, N. SS e? | articles of foo eaten by men an : y f = otal Me. arouse oe has ernment of the United States upon the| Sir Fa ee § B., was introduced y women: forget this. They | 8pite of the prospects ot a much larger May : i 1€ has | basis of the foregoing resolution,' oon hompson'and Mr. Costigan, ad inka make, it loozs as if they would reap much a police official with a description | this House, behepine Tete bois na took his seat. i ne gan, ad | seem to think aot ake a larger returns. The suniiats Gs $16,000, of her donther pie a eg ests of Canada that the presens friendly ~ THIRD READINGS. _ factory, jud hat is seen on the! 00 for this one branch of dairy farming es yh aoe Te lg 0. eh o see relations 'between Great Britain and the} The follo Is were read a thi ated ners of ' It all goes--well, does not seem to be far out of the way Samaiitehe Uitted Soh ms United States should be cultivated and | ti 1 x ead a third 5 ' ey do not eat it. after all. There is an increasing disposi- , and | maintained, Views with the highest satis- tion of the English importer to purchase uch fi m the use omen years of urious to ow the ars, a representative of the Star son at his flour and feed store ee p: , Whom she*believes to he i + re eh " - Bissett lawns Maine, and thisvecitaleecdiiis Pewhign, faction the dityosition .shown hy both direct at the country market, and no) = : . Pink Pills, which he s Rem inportant atilllag the c: "romance. | countries toprom\e the peaceful sett] t OBSERVED. doubt there is a tendency to bring the pro- deriul effect in relieving h Pe is the story of this| by arbitration of dy disputes of dite nce : ae lcci h ; . on new Gabrielle Bompart relative to h "y disputes or differences | i that will give at | ducer and consumer more closely together theanoring ofa bedridden invari | pelts. "with one Moueslan, forgeries | et eet oe eseanNot be adjusted by in shea everything eae 7 Dut te hs 7 eps : Montreal detective, but now & proféssional M hy Sea\ r ones |not yet reached such dimensions as to in- acuity. for = ae SS score o \thief, who used the girl for ae time as his| had oe een oe Lae Canada faising calves {terfere with the trade of our buyers and a o = e ca age. 'See her yourself," he said, "Iam | jgqguments Ste sdeclares that in July, | peace between Englaid an thea ene ae oes Sal sure she will freely tell you all about her ae two of them persuaded a young! States. They were ; . h ' : 4 tage i ' case, and you can wadge ee much she owes several ih Leper We Dossogsed of | of this country, But' hadditine * teen penitentiary, : pei ; eee well, she ALL MEN, Ps to Pink Pills, I am sure thatit is owing !t, Montreal. - to accompany them was also true that tha questions me Young, old, or middle-aged, who find them a ' to them that she is elive to-day.5. inyeand the g nls ee, heard of | might aris to cause fricton between dt Hs elves nervous; Weak andiexbeuated, whe . Acting on this cordial invita 'the re- [Reartdiint Fournier ee i land and the United States were of Canad are broken down from excess or ove: wor! drove out to the well. Bissett | had him out of thellay afte es e | Thereforepne had the right to be hé reaulting in many of the following, »~ : ad. Mrs. Bissett was i andixobbing him. Thé@mysterions di ing |any matte, touching the peace betw toms: Mental de ematt * i afternaon's visit at th l pearance of Legare w y Ba two. col He agreed~that m age, loss of vitalit' " ifth day does the us to this it of albumen, % : I th > © the time of much newb, . 8 not to be attached ent pe uhecasior dreams, dimness of = The girl further relate as these, In many i ada. IPships~ zs = Cam Me Ee! : . heart, emissions, « l#-" laims to have carried o peace had been viola license, the ' : the kidneys, hee ppearance has never dry, yet it was fit ths matter ' i and body, * al di a ot 5 . about th fol. dizzir - More sensation: partial men, reed wi Mn this subject. If eet the late arbitration to get al still, unsatisfactory as it thousand times beiter than w N®.resolution was carried |