Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 15 Apr 1897, p. 4

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RK BY The young officer commissioned to demand an interview with Enderby, itself roll's message Was ' ' : came forward and knocked at the great | ane eae cetleciees upon his|laid his hand upon his sword, but he , Git up there, Bill! or you. Keep right im) the business, The Dispatch, J ; that|saw that the case was hopeless. He be posted on prices, have your price ; subjoined interestin entrance door. It opened and showed within the hallway 2 dozer Enderby men well armed. him. ward to meet mek. AY rd am Lord by. sent ty." mild in his reply. Rick "Sir fell ord Rippingdale that he is wel- presently | sufferings and upon the injustice came for- Mnderby recognizing his visitor, wasy GILBERT PARKER. in foreign ser- he might employ him Ting vice, if he did not care to serve in , hadbeen done to him by the late king. For his daughter's sake, who had never been entirely happy out of England, | Enderby returned, and was received Mowbray," said} with marked consideration by Crom- 3) well at Whitehall. "Your son, sir," Cromwell, said arrives on a mission | «path been a follower of the man of |sin. He was of those notorious people who cried out against the work of © ¥'s servants when Charles paid the 'petnlty of his treason at Whitehall. Mowbray, I pray you) Of late I have received news that he | is of those sons Of Belial who are |1n- "No, no, nol' he said, his voice | ewpin with misery and horror. "' No, ; no! Kill me, if you will; but I cannot } fight you! Oh, my God! my God!" he gasped scarcely above a whisper. "Unnatural! unnatural |" a He said no more, for upon the in- stant, four men entered the room. Young Enderby looked around swiftly, | dropped into his chair and leaned his head upon his hands. Two months went by. The battle Garrett Enderby, who had_ escaped from his captors on the way from En- derby House to London, and _ had joined the Seotch Army. He was now upon trial for his life. Cromwell's an- ger against him was violent. The other prisoucrs of war were treated as such aud were merely confined to pri- son, but young Eaderby was charged with blasphemy and sedition, and with A pace SWoODS VIEW OF THE 0 Dad Plast the blamed ol' farm; s They were of Cromwell's Ironsidés. Sun git$ so allfired warm $ ready to fight, but he saw at once that You wiSh't-you could lay off 'aroun', he was trapped. The old man also, An' try the shade, i Ol' plo An' fallus strikes a stone or stump of Dunbar was fought, and Charles The farm's the bestest place on had lost it. Among the prisoners was | Jes' makes you feel at she ain't | Rfosh CULTURAL. is e FARM. i An' air so still, 'er live in town-- Keeps goin' hump-ty-bump, © Jes' when you feel : earth-- worth | Havin'.--Haw, Biil! ' dry up an' blow away, loudy--still, : Z sign she's goin' to rain, n'll be hot again. haw there, Bill! h had a h@use in town F it. f produce--"variety is the ave everything neatly tractively arranged. to all even if they do not buy. They are im need of anythin deal for all, you will be sure to keep customers. a empty wagon is a nd stick to it. on't rain fore many 2 day, | pect resulis. é worms, ais fgood 0 crow i Some o: a * Always carry a A ihe si soon sold. Give courteous treatment | S, ill know who to patronize when they Make your motto a fair and square jt Endeavor to sell out; the reat advertisement Follow these rules and you will be successful marketman. e SHEEP NOTE: As a rule small flock: Rape, though not ep are ess, small Corn and origin of the famous bosp' world's metropolitan city: tals? His Royal Highness' scheme f the endowment of the London i in commemoration of the six ears', rule of the Queen makes the question more especially interesting at the pre- sent time. = OMETHING HOSP nieresiing St These Grea Hinges on 2 How and when did we get our ho tow maay people know that our ern hospital system was founded by there, King Henry I.'s jester, w milating theFocd andReguta- the Sfomachs and Bowels of SIGNATURE ~ -- Oe 2 an " riguil ri second a . i €ome--as commissioner of the king.") Ghaties ES pe hidden | assaulting one of Cromwell's officers (doo1s a Osy Mowbray smiled and bowed. to leave. Enderby Howeee tfmme be|for on that very day that youum™ ee papion Se LContains neither @ My lord begs me to ask that you| found among those who join thesscotch | Enderby made the sault, -- Cron ' i Mineral | 3 S | = well's foreign commission for John te ine Mor funeral. Is ON THE a4 Will come forth and speak with him, Sir John ?"' My compliments to Lord Ripping- dale, Six Richard, and say that I can better embertRin his majesty's commis- sioner withim my own Kise." "And all who wait with him?" asked army to fight for the Pretender, he | shall bear the penalty of his mae: 'He has been ill advised, yourgeseh- ness,"" said Enderby. 3 "He shall be advised better," was the stern reply. "We shall have peace in Englamd, and we will, by the help of the cay strong arm, rid thisrealm of th@#@ recalcitrant spirits, For you Enderby was on its way to Lincoin- shire. Of the four men who had captured- Garrett Enderby at Enderby House three had been killed in battle, and the other had deserted. The father was thus the chief witness against his son. He was recalled from Portugal, where he had been engaged upon Cromyell's the hay--git up!--there ¢ 'The bell--by gosh ! WRAPPER OF EVERY a the young officer, with a dry sort of sir, you shajl return to your estate at Brick i a Enderby, and we wi 7 feo.) PUSiNess. Bes s ss t i smile | Eades, and WG ME ee 9er eetee | ihe young man's judges leaned fon: CHEESE AY HOME | BOTTLE Q = "My Jord and his officers andgen- hay taken te himself the title which ee rent bee ind e inquiry how to 4 : i : 4 tlemen, but not his troopers." tiie man _ sin conferred upon you, | °°? aiiope ae ne AoC ae t Rome he fell ill, 7 | : . = Mowbray bowed, and as he lifted ta your un oing."" He "What is your name, sir?" @eneaaeae p of death tade a vow that ; erfeceRemedy for Con r Your highness," replied Enderby, | a well, Segara: ed he would* build a noSpitar pee his head agaim he saw the face of Mis- tress Felicity looking through the door- way of the library. Their eyes met. On a sudden a new impulse came to his thoughts. ; eB "Sir John Enderby," ---* I mameyou are, know honorable a officers of the court Ss ' te iS . The wrong was done by . -- ¢ was' a 5 . rarttomes i and It : T know the way you feck. "emery ' : uestions were put, and then came they hed lived@in: It was: a: most -unpromising*ore= at ee a s and I think I know t ye "hk me, _ not ret ericiko | 2 fe Hig tinge oP tha do, and "i P. 2 : = is not sold i Se 5 : But, as one gentleman to another, pe mit me a word ef counsels G tet to humor m¥ Lord, Rippingdate to yield up to the king's demands to lose all. Lack of money" estate--that is hard enough on 2! gle man like me, but witha gentlem: "T have but ome desire, and that is peace. I have been outlawed from England so long, and my miseries have been so great, that I accept gladly what the justice of your. high- ness gives thus freely. "But*{ must. tell your highness that I was rio enemy of King Charles, and am no foe to his "John Enderby, your highness." a "Tt hath been said that you hold a title given you by the man of sin." "T have never taken a title from any | man ,your highness." y A look of satisfact gloomy and puritan vital points to whethe ryself only." veled round the and ae Years, or six early part ur » my illness first Set. every twoor be attacked with | return. He @id recover, and journe rec home, bent on carrying out his yow. that time, being outside the regarded the A "from. St. Bartholomew pointed mithfield te him'as the best sile is purpose: se ag = HOW IE BUILE-IP. tha "mi a new jest, | Worms;Gonvulsions, y ness and OSs OF SLE FacSimile Signature ¢f NEW YORK Castorla is prt readily gave him a grant of the land, he court-martial, Yo who has the care of a daughter, per i h eI t haps"--his look again met the young | to the 'et Pena a ee aa his fathi Rahere set to work, built first the lady's face--"the case is harder. A' Cromwell looked at him * ie a church and then a priory, installing R i himself as Prior. Having no money to ey ey Ss | frowningly for a minute, ;ently, his face clearing, | "Your words detached from your | character, sir, would be traitorous; but 'as we stand, two gentlemen. of Eng- land -face to face, they seem to me | like the words of an,and e pain. 'A doctor only benefit I is treatment was little yieldingg en your part----"' "T will not yield!" was Enderby's reply. ' Mowbray bowed once more, and re- tired without more speaking. pay with, he had adopted a singular expedient, Wearing his cap and bells, he started men carrying stone and Aysing mortar as a jest. 'he contagion of the humour of the. thing spread, and WE fis TO ANNOUNCE * STRANDING OF 69) Vast School of the € F Striits of M In afew moments he returned,/TI love honesty before all other things. : aS ee = : ees : : Tord Rippinedale wien 7 ect Get to your home, sir. You must not| Toward the end of =m randmother system an vast numbers joined im the joke of erect- eee a ore opened budge from it umtil I send for 'you. | ormous school of a, speci¢s Of nm hgt weather, when i ing a building unaer such conditions. | entrance 'doors $e Then, as proof of your fidelity tothe ; peel itis most difficult to make butter ppcuse out ta eis Way 8b ee 2a 2 See and by lord, a temper, at onc?) ruler of: your country, you shall goon | °¢ the Caaing whale ranvashe 'they will use their milk to best ad Be ne ee eee ne : ) began': | whatever mission I send you." intet. Teal inlet is ¢smail ¢ me oe best advan ing remains intact to this day. The ori-| . That we have just received a Fine Addition to "You press your courtesies too far, ae > highness, I will do what|and one-half miles long, opel a thee sas Rae ne On the Geo Fe ee oa: Stock. 3 Se is oO Ee at o > . . . nae er made to. . depre: P Ladies' Balts and Buckles, Fine Pins, Side Combs, a duty in r ) eB . 48 Moe y,, duty in the hour of your | port salvador, which in turn opens eenee ooo ae i ee ut a e instance of Sir Richar res- Sir John Enderby. Photo. Frames, Water Setts, Toilet Setts, Bisk "Less strenuously than the gentle- men of the road pressed their discour=amswered the Protector, and, bowing a tesies upon his majesty and yourself last night, my lord." "T am come spon that For your bravery and loyalty, business. courtesy for the patent, if yous he knightwood, and pay the fae jesty will welcome you, at court 4 summons. "You shall do-the will of the Lord," darewell, turned upon his heel. En y looked after.him a moment, en. turmed towards the door, and as out teinount his horse:he mut- 'imaself : is Il of the Lord as ordained Cromwell--humph !"" rode away up through Tra- e and into the Tottenham George Hewlett, surgeon, of the royal to the South Atlantic bya very narrow opening, it was myggeod fortuns, writes | navy, to.seassome hundreds of these whales omsthe beach at the time of my visit: -Oné morning a whir:wind ap- peared to be approaching over the water in the' bay of*San Salve ant .soon this was' made out to ba an enormous | the price of a better article. report of the Kansas State board agriculture was drawn upon frt Lyd}: Only the simplest and most. utensils need be employéd in tory "efforte= at. cheese-making." @eck or half bushél measure with bottom knocked out 'will answer the hoop. If the necessary samoun milk cannot be obtained ut "6ne@ mi rough aaey the « Soe or a arm, as a result wh ¥ would gradually ; ies ham, then Lord Mayor, the hospital was' re-established Spared by built in -17 with a poral endowment. Figures ; also fine pieces in Glass and Silverware for ths table. 4 ' Ladies' Silver Watches from $4.40, sadies* Gold Watches from $10. nts' Nickel Watches from $5 up to $20 and $25 er and also Gold Filled Cases for ladies and © Silver Cased, full jewel Watch, inlaid with back for $13. Clocks at $1 and up. und raise you to a barony. But hus _end so on out into the} school of whales, so thick that "they | i dd the night' i : ru ass "LW: ue 5 cae a ean ; , t ing, add 1 night's milk to that off ae , ? majesty must see that his dignity "be came to Enderby | ssamed to be jostling each other, nai the morning. First aerate the..mi fear hina ee inds of Clocks at greatly reduced prices. not injured." yas as he had left it img but fins and tails, andethe wateeamy When drawn By pouring it from © doctors appeared Bs @ specialty, having put in a fine Amer vessel to another several times. Place plexed, and therea "The king may have my life and all' sevemt ve, though the hedges l Pr hi t <i, ; @ for rpDos The king m y ee e i eels foam all around. «<Dhisy on a "flow=Tit in any vessel large enough--a tin} eo toa to injegl for the purpose. » + goods as a gift, but I will not give wer . ~ i en ene : 2 3 3 : vt ; Tay eons 88 2 elt ee <n te | Jo Hada Aeon ot zoe Wee and they came'in the inlet ethos me do amneot the FeElever the attacks came en. , : ' either by these en a _ |e Sagiall the place. No| 'tself, describing sort of cycled a re ee ore Attacks. continued at ; o z does not lie in a poor squire like me )igang door. He rode|curves, until the inshore part off iebing hone s With ete eek Bele re : n they " ' : yee wens p é mS squadron took on a kelp reefeag » accompanyi tir well, untipnyreaue: and i ; : : thi ; : : ; : S i . . aa resolved," answered Enderby@ f*Cromwell's sol- | * Suddem\panic seemed to seize tiem ly ith thet, : we rk, hy ae ; @ ; stubbornly. in the house,|and the Unfortunate animais cam? up 2 . ta q : a "Then you must bear the consés we two, were | the inlet; full speed, with the sea boil quences, andgyidid up your estates anes before his|img in front of them and a great wave person into my*hands. lf and ys the xplace' by |coming after them, and they piled up the house}in hundreds on the beach. : Then, as there was a rising tide, they got off again but only ito charge t opposite beach, anggso on till the fal tide and I €. strength, le. m high andg around your family are umider arrest, 0 dealt with hereafter as his majesty sees fit." ' "T will not my person, ni ithe; of my free will ? i With an incredulous <emmeni le AE pingdale was about toeave an ente upon a siege of when h WwW young» Cnn -- * you a cipher in ts as his gay om up my estates, nore son, and daughiters o 1 a quarter of a sk U -- cal Lh ding. By evening, a 4 , ' Swit wa Bk bee bed there were .oniy fiv - a Ba a Tv ° . ee = r Se "BS -- Bile " nia Gas ama, 2 ae SLAS pureh nued t } he t e was rest fieat that morning, and by 'night, Which had hitherto bees ai one ae impossible. [continued using his opportunity of returning his sincere thanks fo" Meoed a er y ext morning only aie eet and umruly as the seen, and they swam around and arto nae agi x : a 'esi 4 3 hoyse 4 for awhile, and then, as if disdain a is ee. pee fonage bestowed om him since commeneirg busines? 5 "beg to state that having, ata large expenditure, the entire Mill and introduced the best, most improved modern machinery including the P to live when all their companions were -| dead, they made straight for the beach, and jm a few moments they also had p forever out of existence. _ Ci tamces made it impossible to Garrett Enderby made no: reply bubs 7 turned and walked into the library has], father's and sister's eyes following him4 in doubt and dismay, for the chan was his at that moment to prove him- i a complete cure, and lam now est of health. I can ap- : \L relief to be ffec ble that made my life /' - « an i ee t afterwards Lord Ripping ee te Se oe Paci a 1any : = moment Atterwar's.., TE the | the dinner table... Swi rr seer my Tt une ere. ake <8 salt to thirty pounds C E R Pp RR 0 C S pe ome 'of pene cee the door of the dining "he strode fasta fiesta gall ee whieh gather the cloth i ' se, aggressively in. 08 9 OND 's and shake well unti }made a fortune i oie ae ling it by buying | Bibles, and increas i sea 'men's tickets at a large discount, and by investments the South Sea Com- pany. Guy was a man of humble ori- sin, being the son of a lighterman, and rn at Horselydown. He was appren- ticed to the bookselling and binding, timber to batter in the door, and of some to make assaults upon the rear of the buildings. Enderby had placed his men advantageously to resist at tack, giving the defense of the rear of the house to his son. Mistress Felic- ity he had sent to an upper room In the for the manufacture of flour, is prepared to do The old man stood up in his place a at the table and his eyes baiahtored expectantly when he saw his son, for his brain was quickened by the thought We that perhaps, after all his wrong-doing, the boy had come back to-stand by | -- GRISTING AND CHOPPING | Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satisfaction to mv him, a repentant prodigal. He was a| Z ; : ui cite ter ies Son bene ae man of warm and firm spirit, an 2 : a profiting By his master's . shop patrons. . The trade supplied with Flour of the Finest Brands. ; ri "henev i show- i ed wi e J i burne own in the great fire, es: oe Hic Oe ae Latter | This boy had been the apple of - ; +O rod Ww. Ba in business for pence, and sub- se ie Nie cateance door Sndecuy'a wien piscine Sa Se JS ore w ha | of a, ee Oe hee i oe BOOT sequently Tpieved to @ House belyyeen ; ® id go rork, bringing down four of : ei ings from him, and a near abe 9 OS 7 : le.' May be had | Cornhill and Lombard street, known as a t did good work, bringing fit, Place a small -y it on the fols| Pius ioe ee or bithipost paid on | "The Lucky Corner," a locality famous ; 6 a anin ac or ¥ z had seen in him the refined tua- | tion of the sturdy race o oP brao] He counted himse! sort of country gentle fined face of his son had the besiegers at the first volley. en is carried the log hesitated for a moment, and Enderby called en- couragingly to bhs men. during the time when the lotteries were in full swing. i It is an additional romantic episode in connection with Guy's, that he had ene of 50 centsa box or 6 boxes for pe by addressing the Dr. Williams' 'edicins Co., Brockville, Ont. e in full operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumbe Joist Scantling, Boards, Pickets, Posts, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Moulding es ; s | used by apple-barrelers, At tivis exciting moment, while call- ing to his men, he saw what struck him dumb--his son) hurrying forward with Bs SOR as of old, but the you a flag of truce to Lord Rippingdale ! lattes youn u hich to t it. W. j ir... Ay. L. Sto uuches for the truth y ge PSs | Ri latteriug spare Con ee oe upon whic! urn it. hen taken} Mr. A. I. ry vouches for ty. In addit to build th . 2 "oar . a ¥ Instantly my lord commanded his men} ond of the table, and with a dry in- | from the press set away until dry, af4} of the following incident of the Quéen's Scie Tai Bid poweriatok his Bill Lumber 2 Speer Si! a7 oF UR NING aap croll Sawing . : on shert natice. . to retire. solence he said: of service. press twenty-four hours, tur once meantime. A wet cloths ter which rubwith meited butter. Let the curd urn 0, 'childhood, which he narrates in the 2 ee STORY OF QUEEN VICTORIA. intended to marry his housekeeper and it was only on the match being broken off that he decided to devote his money name, he added a ward to St. Thomas' Bannister and Neuel Posts, &c., &c. "My God!" said Sir John, with a)" sp feaeeh att ; sed ve for k, and h time i TA Bikes CARNE ae can my only < eon !oa 'y,, whose invitation§{do you come ee eee Week, ane each Bal dT ota ; a 5 Hospital, and made other additions to trator ly "and turning to his men he i epeat the process of rubbing with) 4 oe eee. ole pee ae gee the olf building. he original cost of oe CTH. . i ay Phe blood fled ted butter. When. first taken out} bit seven or eight years of age, and Guy's was Ander £20,000, and he en- ae es a bade them cease firing. Throwing open the entrance doors he stood upon the steps and waited for Lord Rippingdale. "You see, Sir John Enderby, your son--'"' began my lord. 2 "Tt was to maintain my rights, and for my som's sake and my daughter's that I resisted the command of the king," imterrupted the distressed and dishonored gentleman, "but now---- "But now you yield?" He inclined his head, then loo down to the place where his song he said: "My son--my only eyes filled with tearst His distress was so lord was constra mine did it for you heart. For amo his face turned "Sait his head a. little andl steadily and mourn "Shall a man neeg his own house, my The arrogant lip an invitation she said at last. | t bu in o sound prise or discovery he returned | ee toes where Garrett Ex sat drinking with Lord Ripping and the cavaliers. [ see or*hear three ide the curtains at the and stood spying of Cromwell's mé eho, ; 'he* king is ta nd honor, and I am loyal to the king. nor and defies it._ rbys, te is a traitor who spurns the king's He is a traitor KON GOLD FIELDS. nment Commission to Visit the Spot and Report. inion Government has de- mined upon a step that will have n important influence upon the devel- opment of the very rich gold fields of the Yukon country. A commission will be appoimted to proceed up there as soon around the edge of the cheese and lap tw. inches over On the sides ,and cut i hoop take off the old cloth and "on new, cut™as a bandage to go circular piece for each side. ids the cloth in place, but urn the cheese "to the hoop for a few «minutes. a better and strovig- "some 7 Debtor ae ar) 4 RKEYS AND DU - key is the most industrious | 1 the poultry family. They preater portion ™ orth for shoul drys leave ferré at ni dampness: her heart whieh She had seen in a shop window. She had to wait, however, until she The} could save the price of six shillings, out | of her pocket-money. The | C@me and the coveted doll hen placed in a room, kepti;and received.9™,The story {couple of fee. aw and se it a though he were Powe to : E to rt Was set on a_certain doll the day id fon as At la "And now, with the precious treasure upon her arms, the little lady bade the | , | shopkeeper good afternoon, We about to step.from the door, when a | poor, miserable-looking object of a man met her ey and. was e was standing but a dowe@ it wath a sum of £219,499: * DISPUTE KILLED HIM. St. George's Hospital was originated in 1733 by some dissentient governors of Westmimster Hospital,, who con- verted Lanesborough House, Grosvenor place, into'an infirmary. The present building dates from 1831. The famous anatomist, John Hunter, died under painful circumstances in the hospital here. .In 1793 he was surgeon, and was m heart disease. He had ispute with his colleagues way, as tracted doubtless b: nocent | WHEN PHYSICIANS PAIL OE i on a matter of right, and before going into a meeting of the governors © re- marked that if any dispute occurred it would prove fatal. During the meeting one of the governors flatly contradict- ed him, whereupon Hunter went into an adjoining reom and expired. FOUND A DYING WOMAN. The next oldest are the Ligpdl--n (1740) ta Spring Time get Pure Biocd _ by using 6.B.B. No other remedy possesses such per- fect cleansing, healing and purifying properties as Burdock Blood Bitters. It not only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, all sores ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, blotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a_ babe's. Taken internally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body, restoring the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to healthy largely appreciated, ie er was considerably aug- except in the case of the 'Hospital! (1828), no particu- eresting circumstances attend- eir fourtdation. his institution, however, is due to the initiative of a surgeo) amed..Marsden, and was te ple yy his finding in the win- ter of 1827, a young woman dying of hunger and disease, at midnight, in the churchyard of St. Andrew's, on. Hol- She was a stranger ones died n it: Ma ye days hysicians' are o know what to' do' y nature, and in all kinduess we would advise them to prescribe for their patients Ryck- man's Kootenay Cure. -So far we ten medical men who have either recommended it. , "In the city of London, Ont., at 440 Park A there lives Mrs. Burdick, who is to- grateful woman for having been y Kootenay of an Eczema of five fanding. The disease had spread all her body and was a constant source of jon, so much so that she was unable ore than one hour's sleep at a r there was another, and fter a. 2 of six months an- other. In 1850 a £50mote was found in the box, and in 1851 £20. Of late years there have been considerable dona- tions, of buttons,-with occasional small sums of money. A medical charity that has always been a favourite of Royalty is the Royal Maternity Charity. It was found- ed in 1768, and the then Prince of Wales, though only five years of age, was nominated President. A donation of £500 was given in his name, and he saa * ae contributed annually' £20. George II. She embroideries gh gain Maeaanogetost became president in 1818, and was a: @ainty fabrics, designs the most intri- large contributor to its funds. } cate and beautiful patterns for needle work and then executes in silk her SKILL OF A FOUR-YEAR-OLD GIRL. Hagerstown, Ind., boasts of a prodigy in the person of little Lurene Rudy. She is just past 4 years old, but can use her needle with all the skill and grace of an accomplished seamstress. ful presents of teedlework for her Seven years went by before i i i ; é Seva s i , ; saw his son agai or se ae oks Be er tte as traygly permits and organize a gov- | Weatiness and rb e had three physicians in attend- _ ate : : ein whee eae pocrite, Oliver Cromwell! I go to|¢™@merefor the territory and report | ""Keep the hensgin h : en cuedher. et gee SALINE ee Geiizns -be ee ee night when everything ak eee ; W he iti t isti ; 0 } none ofthem cured her. : : ristmas she concave € idea of nd to join King Charles, and | upon the conditions at present existing. | them scratch all n a9 After taking eight bottles of 'ssa News from the east coast sealing fleet | fashioning with her own hands beauti- Kootenay Curesher blood became pur@and from him save his honor and! had lived there with taking service 11 two years. Mistress achild in Enderby ty will have come rby !" | The old man trembled | fierceness of his emotions. "I only am m and I should threshold ere my Lord Rippingdale an for you, an he conflict fore three months are over his maj- . into his own aim, and I into my own here at En- with the aster here," he said, have died upon this the king's men had ever crossed it, but a coward who went Te reports of(Mr. Ogilvie of the Geo- will show that the gold fields of that [ i urpass in richness and ease ything on the continent. ity is not the winter supplies Be ch of Eng- tho lives there states that eis unable to obtain a of the ™mecessaries of life, in- ding food. "The contemplated action of the government is the wisest step that could taken and will result d thy, who deserted me man's | ? 3 a logical Survey, who is wintering there,. chaff. A few inches of floor to cause them 66 all the medicines known to the -poultr. HOW MARKETING IS A SUCCESS. This is a question in which all farmers who raise produce for market are interested. There is much more money in peddling from house to house than in selling to the markets and stores if one has the time and ability. class vegetables and fruits and you will soon have regular customers. Peo- u the money.' ; "Yes, if you please" =~ "This. was done, and the little lady, hurryin whole' of the money in the hands of the "The' object. of -her to reach her ear: it would not be moré than goodness deserves.' The fae- timfte ple know a good thing when th out of the shop, placed the 1 bounty murmur- ed in a low tone, though loud enough "Tf the Almighty made you a queen, your "Then he hobbled away to satisfy his signa' | Lp SEE ever? of CAM ae were? zema or she has not the slightest sign of F any other eruption on her body. Another lady, Mrs. Richards, living at 28 Aikman Ave., Hamilton, had a some- what similar experience. For two months she was unable to rest night or day with the awful itching and pain. Medical men failed to cure her, but four bottles of Koot- enay did, and she now says the Eczema has entirely disappeared and she feels like another person. We could multiply instances like the above, and if you are desirous of further ological charti book sent free to any address. ° has been received at St. John's, N.F., Out of sixteen steamers fishing in the North Atlantic eleven have been heard from, whose combined catches are only 21,000 seals, less than a load fompone steamer. This is the worst record for a hundred years. 'Dhere is little like- lihood of the fishery being retrieved later from total failure)" Including three laden steamers fishing inthe Gulf of St. Lawrence, onty 75,000 seals are now reported, and it is not probable that this number 4vill be doubled be- fore the close of the season; Whereas was) 000, friends. These presents are marvels of beauty, and are constructed with rare precision of stitch. The different col- ors of thread blend harmoniously, the figures in the designs are accurately proportioned and the completed fabric reveals undoubted genius. The talent of this remarkable child is" confined to fancy needlework, but es plain sewing accurately and with delight. Hostess--Ah, M. Le Ministre, sit dow. on this Ottoman." Russian diplomat" vare thought eez eempossible !" unt, was with her, Be in with your load before everyone Re hg BS fi Or! e Ss ERI cater i oo = s " . ger. indisputable proof of Koetenay's Kingsh last year's total catch * ' Meher as carefully as of bruised flesh else gets around--"'the early bird cateh- CGASBSTORIA. Guee dives se iend yer name taithe ck: which was regarded as much below the} "Some men," said Uncle Eben, "kin old es the worm." Endeavor to earry first- An fe man Medicine Co., Hamilton, Ont. Phren-| 2VeTage- ae train er dog ter do anything dey tells 'im time raise de mos' H in den Qne bottle lasts over a raonth, " Parblieu! I would zrazer stand. Ze :

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