(OB DEPARTMENT. fand Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bil Heads, Blank Forms, Circulars, Check Boks B ss Cards, Receipt Books, Ball Card. " y of every style and color, can te ex @NEWTON BROS., Newron, S. M. Newron E:litors aad Proprietors. >* "DR S. J. MELLM {8UCCE830R TO DR. MCDOWELL) < <% rg PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ETC: mas Office anid,Residence, Queen St., Port Perry Office hotirs--8 to io a.m., 1 to 3 p.m. and Evenings. Telephone in office and house, Open night and day, oyer the lines south con- nected with the residence of Dr. G. L. Rob- son. D C.M. of Victoria University; M.B XN e v Toronto University; Membenof the 2 ollege of Physicians and Surgeons; Ont:; Li- centiate of the Royal College of Coes: Edinburgh; Licentiate of the Royal Col ol Physicians, Edinburgh; Member ofthe Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow; date Resident Pupil of the Rotundo Hospital, Dublin, for women. OFFICE AND ResIpENCE-3 doors west of Willard Block ; Orrick HOURs 9 to If a.m. 3to 5 p.m., and evenings. DR. FE. L. PROCTER, (SUCCESSOR TO DR. CLEMENS.) M.D.C.M. of Trinity College University, Toron to, with Honor Certificate, : : DR. D. ARCHER, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Loronto, Mem. of Col. of Physiciangeng pps, Ont., Licentiate of University o' Work. om Office and resijience on Dr. Cle old site oan Opposite 1'own Hall, PORT PERRY. a J. A. MURRAY, Roonis Over Wright's Shoe St 4 PORT PERRY ae anches of Dentistry, including nd. Brid Work suecessfully Gial Teeth on gold, silver, alum- tubber plates. of gold, silver or cement. mess cxtract'on when required. "Prices to Suit the times. MI. RIGGS, DENTIST, R. Kinc axp Yonck Sts., ToRoNTo Brepare to makesthe beat plates r or Gellufoid for $8 and $10. Silver filling and roof crowning by c I am oleo making a ity of "Crownand Bridge Work," the ' American system adopted. Special attention given to patients froma distance. en in the city give me a call. No made to examine teeth. , 'DOMINION BANK. SS gee Paids, ») $1,500,000 ~" $1,500,000 UXBRIDGE AGENCY. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. In terest Notes use of. our increased facilities Pamp}¥ More promptly, and at lower prices} at any other establishment in the County }" DENTIST, |y Albert M. King, th old messenger of pos on Wednesday to settle the balance existing there against the bank, jon the : ' 3 ger. Mus. Bac.," Servatory of Music. ticulars apply t +345 Wellesley St., Toronto. of by t attention to his duties to, share of patronage from the mw 1}zens of this Oriental Hotel. TERMS.--$6 for 20 half-hour lessons. Z lso German ost reasonable terms. EW BARBER SHOP | - E, BROAD, | to the Standard Office, where he is and Children's hair cuttings specialty. CURE BILIQUSNESS CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE ovo ae LIVER TROUBLES Woon"s PHOSPHODINE. The Great English Remedy. . : Stz Packages Guaranteed to Promptly, and permanently eure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emtsstons, Sperm: ~ atorrhea, Impotency and ak e effects of Abuse or Excesses, eS 'oe oN Be Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacco, Optus or Sttmu- Before and After. lants, which soon lead to In- frmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over $5 years in thousands of cases; is the only Rellable and Honest Medicine Enown. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodine; if he offers some worthless medicine in place of this, inclose price in letter, and we will send by return mail, " Price, one package, $1; six, 5, One will please, siz wiil cure. Pamphlets free to any address, Windsor, Sold in Port Perry and everywhere in Canada by al) reenonsible druggists, NERVE PILLS FOR WEAK PEOPLE. At all Druggists. Price 60 cents per Box, or 3 for $1.50. Sent by Mail on receipt of price. T.,MILBURN & CO., Toronto. BOY AND CASH MISSING. -- TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN CASH GONE. Smeal Boston Bank Messenger Disappears, and nil Trace of Him and the Moncy ts Lost, : A despatch from' Bosion, .Mass., says: ng, tt nigeteen-year-"| sylston National her'o "Washington'and missing, together with 20,009 in cash and ap $10,000 States certificate, not negotia- e@xcépt between banks. King start- for the clearing-house at 10.15 a.m. and way, according to instructiong 'transacted other TY & BONGARD ee just received a choice and very superior stock of : JFFALO ROBES, _ @UR RUGS, HORSE BLANKETS, SLEIGH BELLS, &c ~ orthe Fall trade which they can se as cheap as any in the market. Me wees ----0: They are as usual prepared to marn ~~ facture all kinds of harness and "guarantee satisfaction, A ia: choice stock of es. YALISES, WHIPS, COMBS, BRUSHES, FTC always on hand. [carried as much as 100,000 bank's money at a time occasions and) has never lost a dollar. business involving omething like $45,000. As he did not mm to (ie bank by one o'clock the grew anxious, and made a for the messenger, beside in- the aid of the police, but up to sent hour they have been un- ain his whereabouts. perintendent Burrow and Sh ae BN ork, Montreal, and all the cities in New England, giving a miption of King, and asking t fee' to look out: for; him. King has peen employed at the yiston Bank about two yeas, com- shighly recommended, and his hon- ' Was never questioned. He has of the on previous Or INNOCENT OF THE CRIME. Sentenced for Three Years for the Crime of Another. tA couple of days ago a atartling story came to light in the Montreal jail which will, in. all probability, even- tually lead to the release of one J. Ludger Masse, who is at present serv- ing a term of three years' imprison- ment in the St. Vincent de Paul peni- tentiary on acharge of robbery. It appears that on the evening of Oct. 10 last the shoe store occupied by Mr. Azaire Fontaine was entered by burg- Jars and a quantity of goods was stolen. <A! few days afterwards, one J. Ludger Masse was arrested while in the act of disposing of a pair of shoes which were afterwards identified by Mr. Fontaine as part of his stolen pro- y- Masse was arraigned in the Police Court, accused, of the robbery and committed to the Court of Queen's Bench. On Nov. 14 he stood his trial before Mr. Justice Ouimet and the jury found him guilty of the charge. His Honor.sent him to ithe penitentiary for three years. --_ 'A few da , Jean B. Pepin and Arthur Archambault, both prisoners in the Montreal jail, overheard one Octave Cyrille,*another prisoner, state that it was he who committed the Fon- taine shoe store robbery in October last, and not Masse, and he was glad that the latter was serving! the time which he should have done. This was communicated to Governor Vallee and a thorough investigation of the affair is taking place. : S Masse was found guilty by the jury on <Sircumstantial evidence and he sto: named he told was 'that a woman rvais had given him a ageR So he as he wns in want. left five small childire: fwhen PRO a To n t to the penitentiary an he Dever been in jail before. to this "office or BR. K. DeCATHCART Of Royal Conservatory of Music; Stuttgart, Ger qj Many, begs to announce'to the citizens of Port and surrounding country, that having ar- with Miss E. Robbins "to take her class and will continue the samo, and trust | stkic erit s lurge loving citi- town and vicinity. "Rooms at conversation lessons Wishes to Inform the public generally that he hag Opened a new Barber Shop in the Meharry Block,next repared' to out _{ hair ard shave on the shortes possible notice. Ladien The Wood Company, ee or Watts sent telegrams | REV. DR. TALM be " Significance, é mon. He said :-- and 'he practically says: "I domestic circle." If one is not faithful in an resounding sphere. souls into the kingdom at the make Ielix tremble. faithful in an Armageddon, to *do?" at the books, devotionat the him it means a greeting at the a smile at the chair. Peace laughter. Life a tranquil lake. murderers in embyro. Want in the background and rolling over that doorsill. spair: everything bright. The word rific. home as a political sareguard, from public character. wrong side out. the dam br reshets. public life and ami. who in a cowardly way, takes and his in the domestic circle. do not it depreciate the value. there may be a pee eoriet who at home and their gown. Audubon, the great discomposure and without an bad temper, he again picke yet there thousandth part of that loss utterly irreconcilable, who, at of a pencil or an article northeast storm. have $400,000 anywhere, y i grace inthefamily circle, all imy, putrid ooo of our fishness. I tell you test of character. What you are everywhere, monstrate it or not. fuge. march, with ever and anona tents and stack our arma. . TALMAGE PREAC "THE HARBOR OF HOME." A Grand Theme in Which Home as Test of Character, as a Safeguard, as a - Schooland as a Type of Heaven--Mome's you aplace where you can exhibit all that is grand and beautiful and glorious in Christian character, and that is the ant sphere, he will not be faithful in a If Peter will not help the cripple at the gate of the temp ple he will never beable to preach 3000 If Paul will not take pains to instruct in the way of salvation the sheriff. of the Philippian dungeon, he will never He who is not faithful in a skirmish would not be is, we are all placed in just the position in which we can most grandly serve God, and we ought not to be chiefly thoughtful about some sphere of use- fulness which we may after awhile gain, bul the all absorbing question with you and with meought to be 'Lord, what wilt Fhou have me (now and here) There is oné word in my text around which the most of our thoughts: will to-day revolve. The word is home. Ask ten different men the meaning of that word and they will give you ten dif- ferent definitions. fo one it means love at the hearth, it means plenty at the arth, it means plenty at the table, 'industry at the workstand, intelligence like wings. Joy clapping its hands with on the ripples sleep the shadows. Ask another man what home is and he will tell you it is want looking out of a cheerless fire grate and kneading hunger in an empty bread tray. The damp air is shivering with curses. No Bible on the shelf. Children, robbers,and |,¢ Vile songs their lullaby. Every face a picture of ruin. ing from the front. No Sabbath wave Vestibule of the pit. Shadow of infernal walls. Fur- nace for forging everlasting chains. Fag- gots for an unending funeral pile. Aw- ful word! It is spelled with curses, it weeps with rnin, it chokes with woe, it sweats with the death agony of -de- The word home In the one case means the other case means everything ter- a 4 I shall speak to you of home asi... test of character, home as a refuge, , home as a school and home as a type of heaven. And, im the first place, [remark that home is a powerful test of character. The dispositionin public may be in gay avhile in private it is in dis- 4s play actors may appear in one way on the stage and may appear in another way behind the scenes, so private character may be very. different Private char- acter is often public character turned A man may receive you into his parlor asthough he were a distillation of smiles, and yet his heart may be aswamp of nettles. There are business men who all day long are mild and courteous aud genial and good- natured in commercial life, keeping back their irritability and their petulance and their discontent, but at nightfall ks and scolding pours forth a is only the shadow of character, and a very small house some- times wi stavery long shadow. The ips y drop myrrh and cassia, and th ition to be bright and @ sheaf of sunbeams, they may only be a magnificent show window to a wretched stock of goods. There is many a man who is able in commercial spheres his anger tulance home and drops them The reason men do not display their bad temper in public is because they want tobe knocked down. There are men who hide their petulance and their irritability just for the same rea- son that they do not let their notes go to protest--it does not pay. Or for the same reason that they do not want a man in their stock company to sell his stock at less than the right price, lest As at sunset the wind rises, so after a sunshiny day tempestuous night. There are people who in public act the ero with respect to their slippers and w t ornithologist, with gun and pencil went through the forests of America to bring down and to sketch the beautiful birds, and after years of toil and exposure completed his manuscript and put it in a trunk in Philadelphia for a few days of re- creation and rest and came back and found that the rats had utterly de- troyed the manuscript, but without any gun and pencil and visited again all the great forests of America and re- produced his immortal work. are people with the ent, will blow as long and sharp as a Now, that man who is affable in pub- lic and who is irritable in private is making a fraudulent overissue of stock, andhe isasbad asabank that mi or $500,000 of bills circulation, with no specie in the® Let uslearn "to show piety at hon If we have it not there, we have it<n If we have not genui ward and public plausibility merely Peete from a fear of the world or from. the he home isa mighty ou are at homé | § whether you de- Again, I remark that home is a re-' Life is the United States arm on the national road to Mexico, a 'ong and a battle. At eventide we pitch our Rey. Dr. Talmage took for his text on Sunday, Mark y. 19; 'Go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee," and preached a ringing old-time fer- "Phere are a great 'many people' long- ing for-some grand sphere in which to serve God. They admire Luther at the Diet of Worms, and only wish that they '|had some such great opportunity in which to display their Christian prow- ess. They admire Paul making Felix 'themble, and they only 'wish that they had some such grand occasion in which to preach righteousness, temperance and judgment to come. All they want is an opportunity to exhibit their Christian heroism. Now the apostle comes to us, will show insignific- Penticost. The fact altar. To door and hovering Pittowed sin star- home in and yet act the fret or up his And ten who are the loss of raim- on the war cap.and lay: our | the kna; - Wesleep until the ing bugle calls us to marchi action. How pleasant it is to the victories and the 'surprises an attacks of the day, seated by. ; campfire of the home circle! ag Xea, lifeyis a stormy sea ivering masts and torn sail aleak, we putinto the harbor Blessed harbor ! pairs in the drydook Of quiet candlgin the winddéw is td e light-house guiding oe Children, go forth to toilis the hand o home is the wharf where heayy life unladen. Q of what we have done without tei chee with self-adulation. 'There the p) - he: may express affecti 'béing thought silly. There e whe: bles. Forlorn earth pi Then die. That is be is brighter. and grander: glorious than this world, with no te im! No bom the 'storm, rioss and gain. God pity, the man woman who hi Y : idme is Ola ground m hew ground with less cultures and_all the heart andlife will come up inafter li luxurii .& smile. of a ty of ition et a display io their di r and think he is not a e of will see the ri ' ity years of age in his an: tions. "You praise his' beauty, ing be ig not large enough 't stand what you say, him standing on a high c a flattering mirror. deeds and examples are the séed before Ab: ject? On, ehildr, rectitude and religion ! to keep step to a dead march. not cover ue the Innocents." ng Party, Mountain Scene," wt Marketing." . Can it in my cop t] at mightier protec at nig rT pri tion ? Whi thanksgiving tn the a oae answer God in the day of -j with reference to your children? Iti lain question, an er n the tenth chapf says he will the families tha name. Qh, par and gone and inscription your childre father a eate Christian pabcigie : of your children, and d them against evil, and yo invite them to holiness and and they wander and into infidelity, the register or the stove, the wall should come -out of your children? What a mortal and-immortal lif ones! Every © parent history of his:child. composing' if into it_ into a.gréan. My mind rans of early homes. is writing He = s0ny '50 o one of the bes in atmo: ations of faithi p -darkness. two pillars of , ago crumblh forget that the flower fi it. Yes, whi star that guid ome? Yes, whe getfulness. Then, home of my chil hood, I will forget thee--the famil altar of'a father's importunity, and mother's tenderness, the voices of fection, the funerals of our dead. Fat and mother, with interlocked ari inter a branches of trees, a perpetual arbor of love and pe kindness, then I will et thee; and only then V that 100 times" of sin by the m as I have been ' know what has hel d you with has had such a & gets over it, and a man who has had Christ left His home. Far up and fa back in' the history of heaven was not beach. sphere to another hemisphere. us have done that. conies were thronged, pearly who had ¢o; me to see v inpretending, so quie on earth unt: our out- own sel- skirmish e hang & ation? I questio istion the camel ay had such a resoup came into such chill not even a hostler s lantern to help Him it ore to be celebrated th patriated one of earth estate wi 'There is the place where we may talk | e we may lounge without ht ungraceful. /fhere is the , *we may forget ouran- noyances and exasperations and trou- > Thesgravi ees more tom marchings, with no harbor from O with no® place to» rest from this scene of greed and gouge, am , turned up with subsoil plow, and it must be har- rowed and: reharrowed, and 'then the crop will not be as large asthat!of the Now, youth and childhood are new: ground, |} influences thrown over tHeir mtly. Every time you have giv- L robation all the good eer of your life will come up again iali your children. And it; aiid you E tent amnoying affecta- suppos- and youswill find hair before Words and oO character, and children are very apt to be the second edition of their parents: raham begat Isaac,.so virtue is apt to go down in the ancestral line, but Herod begat Archelaus, so iniquity is trangmitted. What vast responsibility comes upon parents in view of this sub- make your home the brightest place on earth if you would charm your en to the high path of virtue and D Do not always turn the blinds the wrong way. Let the light which puts gold on the gentian and spots the pansy pour into your dwelling. Do not expect the little fee io c your walls with such ictures as West's "Death on a Pale Horse," or "(intoretto's '(Massacre of t 8." Rather cover them, if you have pictures, with "The Hawk- "and 'The a by the erie ' A " Fox Hunt," and"The Children Amid Flow- id 'Ha: and 3, take into your be for care? How my: brother, my sister, will you do not to God off into dissipation | ty, and at last make shipwreck of their immortal souls, on ; n the day of judg- they will curse you! Seated by tie : on e 'histor 'i Higley ife of your loved" the ting it,. tuning ayer, like a roof D here in the sun that warms © mariner forgets the | ¢), him. Yes; when love has gone out on' the heart's altar and memory has emptied its urn into for- ribing. You haye often had raging' temptations,. but you a i super- natural grasp. I tell you' a man who 'ood home as that never. bad early home never gets over that. Again, I remark that home is a type of heaven. To bring us to that home there came-a period when its most illustrious citizen was about to absent himself. He ing to sail from beach to We have often done that. He was not going to put out from an one ny 0} But He was to sail from world to world the spaces unex- plored and "immensities untrayeled. No world has ever hailed heaven, and hea- ven had never hailed any other world. I think that the windows and the bal-} and that the} h was crowded with those Him sail out of "Why was this -.. p be le to There we go torre life.-'Th ng him into £ thei ers as pildis at the Narrows take' ships. The doorsili of the is ng: is on is a « nt a fe th ed Ler of Ta. ra' t | 8° Dh a Go t il no n "g air. for thorns } that none of th { saw the sun sise,and I watched to. see set, hut it' sank not. And [saw the people in hol: "When will th ea mine or s _And I wandered in the suburbs of the jcity to find the place where the dead p, and I looked all'along the line of the beautiful hills, the place where the dead might most blissfully sleep, and I Saw towers and castles, but not a mau- soleum or a monumentor a white slab could I see. And I went into the chapel of the great town, and Isaid, 'Where y.the poor worship and whereare the benches on which they sit?" 'And answer was made me, "We have no oor in this country." And then I wan- dered out to find the hovels of the de- stilute, and I found mansions of amber and ivory and gold, but nota tear could gh could I hear, and I Was bewildered and -sat down under o undere | the branches of a great tree -and said: "Where am I? And whence comes all and then out from among nd up the flowery paths he bright streams there eautiful group, thronging all e, and as I saw them come I thought I knew their step, shotued I thought 1 knew but then the islee Isee, nota si the leaves a and across i came a b about m fore witnessed, that I b clapped their hands an come, welcome |" ished, and I foun and eternity ha here !" An ches 0 the Imperial funds. liable for the othe: }ernment proposes hereafter county cess out of the Imperial This double penal 'Balfour explained, ernment to launch work safely and smoothly. He The! scheme, thly home long charge upon the exchequer, st. But shall I ever ' 'tinued Mr. Balfour, it was s Mr. Henry; E Apne ar td ing and former tor-General for Ire- ed to dour the House, in : 'Bahfour's state-} m He referred in terms of; ap- oposals of the Govern- Mr." John Millon, chairman of the Trish Parkamphitery party; Mr. Cam; the Parnellite leader, the proposals of the land,'*mov: order to disruss ment. proval to the pr ment. } be 4B: John .also approved of Thereupon : motion to adjourn. pounds of iwhey. istic way. isa perceptible pause of and @ i sudden impulse to m more cordial. aqueeze. y : ys" now it is" mM, - ncorree ortality. Wy) ~pass through dry shod. ¥. tired, ¢ mat e night, lying on my lounge when x children all around me in full romp and hilarity and | Pep itcr on the lounge, half awake half asleep, I dreamed this dream: iS In a far country. It was not. ersia, although more than oriental LACE face,"" cor- jon; mortality and re are now all their is and sorrows and troubles? Over- Imed in the Red Sea of death while ance crowned the cities. It was pical fruitfulness filled gardens. It was not Italy, although more than Italian softness filled the wandered around looking nettles, but I found And I and grew there, and4 ey never putioth the holiday attire. is 'scene'?"' iday attire. and I'said, ey put off. this and 'put on i eeu ge Dee and again'delve in lter at the forge?" But tropies; although more than the |, and as they their voices, y were so gloriously array- in apparel, such as [ had never be- owed as strang- to stranger. But when again they d shouted, "Wel- the mystery all van- d that time had gone d come, and we were all together again in our new home in heaven. And I looked around and I said, '* Are we all here?" and the voices many Benet eiens responded, '* All inin, WILL BE REMITTED. while tears of gladness were down our cheeks, and the bran- _the Lebanon cedars were clap- ing their hands, and the towers of the great city were chiming their welcome, we all together began to leap and shout. and sing, 'Home, home, home!" IRELAND TO BE RELIEVED. POOR RATES AND COUNTY CESS " aie e ese Taxes in Putnre Will Be Paid ut of the Imperial F..ad--Relier for Both Taadlord and Tenant. tes and the county pa. vernment, : t then give the details which would place a Commons. ch y d Carson, Conser janmerman, d, vernment. . Mr. a POOR PIG FEED. leaving thing and needs to be let alone. Sialae oreo on A& NEW HANDSHAKE. od ouble twist." "double twist." Two is apparent] msable to the- the new greet: beware of having a bumped nose. blin University, 'A despatch from London says :--The inst Lord of the Treasury. and leader, Mr. Balfour, made an im- tatement in the House of 7 iday.regarding the Goy- Govern- Mr. Balfour said the money wouid Ti not be applied to Ireland thid year, (Carson, withdrew his As soon as whey begins to sour, the sugar, the only really valuable part, turns to lactic acid, 'about one pound of food to each 100 If the whey is fed sweet and in combination with mixed meal it has its feeding value more than doubled. At best, as a food, fed against wheat middlings at $12 a ton, has a value of only about $2 a_ ton, Fand this only when fed as sweet whey. It is not much more than a good com- bination in slop. Sour. whey _ stuff when the sugar is lost in lactic acid. When only whey is poor the} ost to that destruc- tive degree of sourness it is worse than The newest handshake is called the Concerted action is necessary to shake a successful and art- pensons meet and clasp hands in the ordinary Then, 'atill holding hands, there i afew seconds inspired by a e the greeting As though by an after- thought, the two draw each other closer and give each other's hand a hearty A very perceptible interval tween the clasp and shake is indis- roper carrying out ee It is necessary Thieves are" perati: : London South. o - aolin Winnipeg on Tuesd: , for foe counterfeit coin. oe 2 ie 'The Dominion Government has draft- ed a bill to prevent extortio: tes of interest Polke catlested: - ; Laforce Langevin, only son of Sir Hector Langevin, committed icide at his father's house in uebes Wh, Wed- 'Seaday.. Sak : Sa E _ 'Whe pilots of tH® St. Lawrence making @ hard fight to secure incor- poration, but it is doubtful if they will succeed. = : ot the lars towards the celebration Queen's jubilee. - : carry bicycles as baggage was- carried in the Railway Committee at Ottawa by 46 votes to 21. 7 of Canada's milita at the Qubren's jubilee the House of Comnions., _Flora and 'gie MoMillan, sisters, living at St. Andrew's, N.S., nea? An- tigonish, were burned to death in their house on Tuesday night' Mr. William S8utham, one of shareholders, has taken action have the Homestead Loan & Society of Hamilton wound up. 'The steamer Diana, which will ca. the Canadian Governmen} expedition to Hudsen Bay, has arrived in Halifax, and will be provisioned: at ones. Postmaster-General Mulock aan: ed on Thursday in thei Dominion House that jubilee stamps of various denom- inations will be issued ta the public on') the 19th prox. cy A deputation waited on the Govern- ment to ask for a bonus of $1,000,000 to- wards "the construrtion of a representatives wis passed by Savings Laurier promised consideration. It is understood that Mr. O. K. Domyville, Mechanical Superintendent of the Grand Trunk ee will short- ly be transferred from Hamilton. It is not known where he wil! lpay.plac- Bank of Nova Scotia, has been appoint- ed joint pees manager of the Mer- chants' Bank of Canada, Mr 6, the general manager, having asked that a coadjutor be appointed. : _Joe Racine, a former well-known re- sident of Montreal, has been arrested on a charge of murdering Leo Mail- loux, an old man, whose body was found in a swamp near Rouse's Point, N.Y., on January 8th last. - Mrs. Gordon, widow of one of the victims of the Point Ellice bri dis- aster, wot. a verdict. for $10,000 ageinst the City of Victoria. It is said there are many more suits of a similar nature to follow. It is reported at Victoria, B. C., 4 vaak pee England, ; the Cassiar Central Rail from British Columbia. © The Governor-General has received w letter of thanks from the Viceroy of India, in which it is stated that Onis ada stood next to Great Britain in-her contributions to the India famine fund. The worst of the famine, is past. Mr. Belcourt of Ottawa has drawn attention of the Government to the ity for theerection of a national uum to preserve the very fine col- ion of specimens of various kinds indifferently stored away at Ot- be J re (to establish *, volun- ps in ec mn with, Toronto Breton gen @ a ior nexr: rty- years but was disbanded some Since, Was advanced a step ay afte oon, which an in- sentative de- Meerighe Act, wright, Ac in who "he favorable e Univ te of 1,713 to posal to confer upon women, The Duke ,of;Puccleuch unveiled the memorial bust of Sir Walter Scott in Westminster Abbey on Friday after- noon. : Oscar Wilde, during his imprisonment was given the minimum of treadmill on acco unt ot the condition of his heart. aR metre ced and marking opal sacks. Owing to the fear of hydrophobia in England, an order has been issued by the British Board of Agriculture, enact- ing such stringent regulations as vir- tually to amount to the prohibition of the importation of dogs. | Anne, Dowager Duchess of Atholl, widow of the sixth Duke, is dead. She widow of the sixth Duke, is dead. She waa a daughter of the late Henr Home Drummond, of Blair Drummond, New Brunswick. Qscar Wilde was released from prison on W etaraer morning with great see- recy. He will pay a short visit to Par- is, then return to London and resume his literary labours. He is in splendid mental and physical health. The Beneh of Bishops in Dublin o: Wednesday elected the Right Rev. Joss eph Ferguson, D.D., Bishop of Meath, to be Anglican Archbishop of Dublin in succession to the Right Hon. and Most Rey. Lord Plunket, D.D., who died on April 1. UNITED STATES. About ten thousand tailors are out on strike in New York. and their num- ber is being increased. « Efforts will be made to induce the tailors in Syracuse, Rochester and other towns to join in the New York strike movement. Adolph L, Luetgert a sausage manu- facturer, is charged at Chicago with having murdered his wife and after- wards burning her body. °« President MoKinley has sent a mes- sage to ress recommendi an ap- propriation of fifty thousand dollars for the relief of the destitute Americans in Cuba. A war of extermination against sym- thetio strikes in the bulldog trades 8 been declared by a combination of Chicago contractora, employers, and other business men. extensively in Ai youth, 18 years of age, was aent - The 'Quebec City. Council on Puesday | 1,| night voted twenty-five hundred. dol- The bill to make rail@ay companies | 'An item of $26,090 to pay the expenses | bridge over the Bt. Lawrence at! Quebec. Mr. o> ~ the charter and concessions obtained by | 83 gre ny % oe 10. id | cit ell was Doctor Aye is _. Mr. Polk took Aye _ For his liver, | Mr. Thomas Fyshe, cashier of the| +255 there.is great distr contributions are anger 'not a single person ation. Seek : Twelve firemen were burned by the explosion of fright! a tank Chicago grocer¥. - (fhe explo heard loPacvenet blocks, a: dows in the vicinity were 1 RearpAdmiral Miller, of States: Navy, will represen at the Queen's diamond command tb--sruiser. Brook este erie ES of entertaining. any Senator=in spéculati sugar trust, «as been gig in jail in Washington. 5 A Cuban memorial ha bee the .United States. Secretary, by bankers, shippery and m ers in New Yorks ernment to 'take «steps to brin, & reconci/iation between Spain the Cuban insurgents. . There is little or nothing he trade situation in the United Tbe indications are, able, and a fair amount of new I ig being done. Wheat is lower week by 3 1-2 rents, Cotton has advange graded. There branches of the 1 an improved demand for and cars. Somp large have hhardeped values. boots and shoes has mi a slight fall in prices, an tories . fworl Ae 0 Madrid Lib-cal pay ot | It is repor at Athens an 1 t cer for War, Macadonia Fransto, boy, who murdered four persons eapture: reservists from West; was wrecked on) Wi eight men were killed, were seriously inj The residents of toe wale nurses a8 & diamond: jubilee. phalia t J. ively concerning hersel GLADSTONE TO BE KNIG In addition to the earlda in accordance with arrange ready made, the Queen is f on Mr. Gladstone's youthfi jesty will further signal nniversary 'of her suc crown by appointing t a Knight of the G¢ stone has until now honors on the ground th go down to posterity name and as @ great ¢ FEEDING N A farmer 0! has found ,.thatt egg-laying | abiliti feeding to them old to bits and soaked in sour the whole becomes a pulp. it is said, like the new f inventor expects to see- day one of the fre with the picture type. WILLING TO MARRY HER. . aud idity of a retiring nature. c T will . gladly, said ement on that date. Or os see, be was her pastor, ind busy man. as ¥ however, fa HENS. Ae bigan, ease the is bens de ews] ers. rn. 3 eaailk until 'The hens}. the st a aes ed on the burning mass, while from taining 80 gallons. of gasoline in : le Louis and other,' cities askings tha Go: es" t ended. as compar ni eT for the cor- wesponding nweei of last year. ' . Cuban hav» Taised a loan of three claims to be 'of the late Duke ifore heir to the - els ¥ plot to et: r King G a een dis-overe ea that many arre.ts have General isques, has resigned, and 3 been eded by General Marcado Bitencout: { { ' the 17-year-old at Monctova, 'x., and then eloped with . }the daughter of a ranchman, has been A train conveying a detachment of @ "Metz 'Twenty- Will you marry me? said the beau- tiful nk speaking with all the tim- the handsome young man, if I haven't amother en- a {at the | "When the fire Yas in Flames in Al- ® Mottest Blaze on ian Seven Minutes the fen Minutes the Walls most an Inst Record--In Le Roof Fell In- fj Fell, 2 The John Eaton Company's slepart- mental store at. the cornergoi' Young and Richmond street is in rains. The fire was one of the hottest in the his- tory of Toronto's great conflagrations. Loss estimated at $250,000, which will be covered by insurance. AS MARVELLOUS. \ ells had ceased sound- rom box $1 at Yonga treets, the flames had the roof of the front building and then a up the surrounding mds of yards. In the 6s along Temperance St., ing apartments on Yonge General panic, the peo- been aroused by the in- rance of the bright he. Bay street firemen ecorner the front part was @ mass of flames ving in adjacent places rsonal effects they oe : NIGHT-CLOTHES. { ing house of Mrs. Mc- Temperance St., right 17 people were sleep- n their night clothes. 1 who were more collected ir apparel and, seeing there immediate danger, got the ough he wind was coming from 6 west the flames seemed to burn or | quickly towards the rear of the build- FIGHTING THE FLAMES. The firemen were stationed on Yonge Temperance and Adelaide streets, and with one of the engines on each street, om the roof of the Saturday Night building one stream of hose was play- of the Methodist Book Room m 'Tem: Pperance street anoth- Playing. On Yonge street several streams going, but xked altogether useless against flames tihat seemed threaten- tak. the whole of the block, ie the efforts of the rdirected to saving ad- @s by wetting them thor- keep the sparks which were hyniads on all the surrownd- WATER TOWER DN'T WORK. The water tow pete il it all att dts : es for BOM Rafter its arriy But five minutes after the Overed that the roof of Ci Sih, and in less tes afterwards the Be street' collapsed. giremen were "working iS proximity to it when "Werltup from the crowd, ushed 'towed the Ar- fe to avoid being tmshed wall. tott "first in- and a outwar d then with fel ward. ats IRES WENT TOo. "As it si Kk the vast network of wiy ap he scene, though terrible, wae | immensely grand. For a brief moment onge street in front of the Arcade Seer @ mass of jridescent sparks,but itl Po for but a short time, and the tangled maze of wires wag sputtering Underneath the ruins. appeared there was the street excepting printers going home from their and the police. In five minutes undred people were on hand, and by the time the wall crashed in the crowd had iacreased to thousands. OTHER PROPERTIES DAMAGED. The intense heat played havoc with the plate glass and inflammable mater- ial on the buildings on the opposite side of Yonge street, and on the north side of Temperance streat. The sufferers¢ from broken glass and scorched wood- enwork on Yonge street were: GC. W. Bunt & Co., tailors; J. Ovens, fancy. work; Pember's hair goods store; the Art Metropole, the Toronto Tire Com- pany, and the Boston Launch. The dam- age to these establishments will range from $100 to $1,000 each. The Fleming H. Revell Company, corner of Richmond and Yonge streets, sustained consider- able damage from broken glass and wa- ter. _ Davis & Sons, jewelers, whose es- tablishment is immediately to the south of the ruins, have suffered heavy hardly a soul on a few pri loss from smoke and water. The premises occupied by the Toronto» Bill Posting Company, and owned by George Mc- Conkey, on Temperance street, abut- ting the John Eaton Co., were badly damaged. The roof was burned off and tons of water rushed down into the basement. LOSS WILL BE 50,000. Mr. John Eaton, who manages the establishment, was seen while the fire waa still in progress. He stated that there never was a time when the firm had less stock on hand than they had before the fire. The greater part of their spring stock had been sola out, while the summer goods were still in the customs houses. He estimates the loss, therefore, at not more than $250,- NO BRbiGiing "Batis: s~ ye, probable ing»and contents were fully insured, ut at the early hour Mr. Eaton could not recollect the names of the com- panies. id SHE CANNOT BE AROUSED. All Efforts to Awaken a Covington Woman Fail, nuine catalepsy is one of the rarest ers Known to medical science, Beinterest has been aroused ry of acase of truecata- fington,Ky. The victim is > Lauferman,. of 80 West eet, Covington, and she has cataleptic state since last orning. miferman is 33 years of age e wife of an express driver. Sun- day morning she complained of feel- ing tired and determined to lie in bed longer than usual. She was fast asleep at.noon, and her husband's efforts to awaken her were ineffectual. No alarm was felt, however, until in the after- moon, when more vigorous attempts to arouse her failed to have the slightest effect. Then Dr. Kelly was 3] 0; . bA A tee ee © physician found that the woman JM @erue cataleptic condition. The pupils ofvher eyes were distended to wHusual degree. Her skin was as White as alabaster and soft and wax. like to the touch. Experiments show- ed that she was totally unconscious. She displayed no sign of pain when her hands and feet were pricked with a needle. From that time until the present there has been absolutely no change in her condition. Her breath- ing is regular, pulse normal, and, whiie repeated efforts have shown that sti- mulants may be administered, the strongest medicine is wholly without effect. | yeti el ict bar