. Sr tee gy eT ee wants of the inhabitants of Port Pe stock of new, seasonable Conde 'tne warm, hot weather of the ceming e in all the lines, with attractive goods at attractive = Housecleaning is now in full swing. We hs stock for those who require it the following: é hild balmy weather of mmer. . Our stock is x prices. House Furn shi 19 All-Wool Carpets, Lace Curtains, = -W Union Garpets, _ Art Muslins, in Poles, Tapestry Carpets, - Cretonnes, tings, BG Ss Stair Carpets, Fancy Rugs, 3 ngs, Oil- Cloths, Hte, whee = ' res White and Colored. The edged to be a fine assort- every lady's inspection. e line of Ladies' Ties in Also a full line of LADIES' BLOUSES © best Blouse stock we haye ever shown and ack ment. They are going fast, and are well we Also Blouse-Setts, Buckles, Belting, Pins, a Bows and Fonr-in-hands. We can supply the iadies witl lustres, well made, with linings, Our stock of Dress Goods and Tri iogs, and all Dress Trimmings and Li Ladiés 3 3 iS n nade Skirts in plain and fancy ilks, Laces, Ribbons, Lin- fnow complete. : New Summer Underwear. upwards. 'New Spring Shoes. A Fine Dongols New Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, Prints;@rass Cloths, and an ex- cellent line of Muslins in Organdy, Lappet Mill, Fancy Figured, Lawns, Swiss Cheeks, and an immense range of Spot Musilins, all at lowest prices. ests, a complete ange, from 5c. Shoe at $1, $1.25 and 1.50. ee our west window with 'a new line of Ladies' Straw Hats. Your cho of any Hat in the window for 25c. - J ust Received--Men's §} Hats, Fedoras and Hard Felts, newest styles. Our Grocery Stock is always-complete. Fresh Smoked Meats, Cana- dian Stilton Cheese, Bananas, Pine Apples, Oranges, Lemons, and our fam- ous 25c. Tea always op hand. Come in and see us. We want your trade. A. ROSS & SONS. R J. BRUCE LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS OF MORE OR LESS --HEADQUARTERS FORS S INTEREST TO ALL. Screen Doors ----AND-- Windows, WINDOW... We are sorry to learn that Mrs. (Dr.) Clemens, of Berlin, has been upon the And Cornice Poles. sick list for some weeks. Be Mrs. D. C. White, of Hope, is spe ese a couple of weeks with her pa ae and Mrs. J..Stonehouse. : i Tipp's washing machin Mixed Paints. lead. See them, Manufa cared Joln.Tipp, Port Perry. Gasoline and Oil Stoves,every one guaranteed. House to let. Read advt. 3 Call and see Whitby's new spring stock. Amateur photographing supplies at Allison's drug store. Miss Fennell, of Berlin, is the guest of her sister Mrs. (Dr.) Procter. See our range of English shaker flan- nel from 5. to 10e. Willard & Co. Mr. J. W. Meharry has some good pasture for stock. Terms very reason- able. A large lot of boys' and men's cloth- ing, cheap and good, from $1.50 to $8.50 at Willard & Co's. by redannaz and Mr.)Sneil, all from ronto, spent the 24th at Mr. John Powers'. Mr. D. Campbell is among the pro- gressive ones. He has just completed a handsome new fence, and is now hay- ing his house re-painted. The best way for delinquent sub- scribers of Tum STANDARD: to celebrate the Queen's diamond jubilee is to call at the office and settle their accounts. - 2A Bargain. Mr. Evbels has instruc- tions:to offer at TWO-FIFTHS OF ITS COST a wellhgt frame house with nearly an acre of Sround on Queen street, Port iss Patton, Miss Snell, Miss Powers, : nd Tinware of all déseriptions. rices Away Down. was quietly spent at least those of Phome. Many went points to spend the day. o ? Miss Nellie McGill has returned from visiting Virginia: friends. er uncle accompanied her home and will spend afew weeks visiting his brother Mr. Wm. McGill. The adjourned case of Albert Blake came up again on Thursday and as there was nothing in the evidence to corroborate his giving the Indians liquor the case was dismissed. --e Mr. M. Williams has disp In order to reduce my stock I will or bos ae Foe od sell the following for the next thirty eS of eral store foods days at the lowest possible price /disposing ofsthe same. He ; ill take possession the ist of June. SHAPES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, : 27 i. e by-law re purchase of the AND PLUMES. ey a park the second read- is.wvith the people to will be. oting Be sure and call before purchasing. J ' will take place usual polling places... N t essrs. T, C. Forman years held the g " first for boots and » and they still intend to lead thi iné have they always enjoyed a very arge patronage but they always keep a fresh and up-to-date grocery store which their numerous customers can testify. Then a marriage license office isin the rear where licenses can be had on the shortest notice, Read their advt. in this issue. The notorious James Farewell is at last in the clutches of the police. Fare well has been wanted for some weeks, he having broken away from two officers of the law while being taken to Kingston to serve his term. Onseveral occasions the detectives were close up- on his heels but he nevertheless proved too smart for them and escaped. He has been wandering about the country ever since and on the Queen's birthday he made his appearance with some friends near Seagrave, who together with Ma; ate Miller brought him to the hotel, when they communicated with Constables McKnight and Crandell of Port Perry, who at once set out for their prisoner. During their return home Parawell talked freely about the things that had transpired in eonnec- tion with himself and said he intended serving his sentence obediently. He was placed in the lock-up, but he seem- ed to grow tired very quickly of his new premises, for Tuesday evening just as it was getting dusk he made his escape by breaking some boards over the door, bending the bars and raising the west window. As Mr. Soper was ? going home he saw Farewell mak- Farmers Institute Meeting. ing his escape and gave the alarm and A in afew minutes scores of men were , bieycle riders were flying, and altogether a lively scene was the result. He was geen by Col. Patterson hiding behind one of the hedges in his arden. Farewell evidently knew the 'ol. had seen him as he started to run furiously up through the orchard, the Col. making steady advancement upon him, until the prisoner was again caught by the heels, and, taken back from where he made his escape some twenty minutes before. On Wednes- day morning Deputy-sheriff Gundry and his brother, of Goderich, to9k him in charge and left on the 8a. m. train for Kingston where Farewell will spend some three years in the peniten- tiary. @ 25 to 40 per cent. x Undertaker in : Best Hearse, and st Casket Wagon, and Casket in this count ake more pains with our 9 the majority of Under- kid and lisle gloves in- cotton gloves. we deliver all caskets and coffin ur Casket Wagon. "hat we give every order our per- al and prompt attention. "JESSOP FURNITURE 00., PORT PERRY. 2 ww. J. NOTT, Manager. annnal meeting of the South Ontario runnin d stitute will convene in the Masonic une Ist, 1897, at one o'clock esident's report ; discussion f the executive, presented in etary ; treasurer's report ing ; auditors' report present- t $ suggestion of points at which regular meetings ; suggestion of points which to held supplementary meetings ; tion of officers, directors and auditors ; as to how the Institute can be im- made more useful; addresses, etc. at the meeting is respectfully J INCLAIR, ' Secretary. * * President, | fand - y un Y Savane "| suit; and take a tumble into a. 3| profitable way of "Not only in the boot and shoe} Call into Whitby's.a Useful as well as interesting old at Allison's town n Friday visiting friends an siting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nott n the Queen's birthday. ' town to spend her son, Rev. . @. Mode. en route to Cleveland, Ohio. Don't forget conveyances. Prices reasonable. Write with stamp enclosed or call o Reynolds, Shanks & Co., 124 Victori street, Toronto. , Made a mistake the last time McCaw's great stock before you buy. ing town shortly she is now offerin great inducements in millinery an fancy goods, in order to clear them out. in and around Port Perry. L. C. Laishty, 66 King street W., Toronto. In all probability the different societies of the town will co-operate with the Sons o endeavor to have a large union society parade on June 20th. Tue STANDARD would consider it a favor if the secretaries of the local lodges would send in any items for publication they think would be inter- esting for the public at large. tastefully bill heads, letter heads, note heads, tags, statements, envelopes, etc. Anything that is required in the print- ing line we can supply you. Our prices are reasonable. Remember the extra sized apple trees advertised, good value at 10c., other varieties 15c. to 25c. each. Nice rose bushes and grape. vines, a good variety, at 25c. each. If you are in want of any of the above, don't neglect calling at once. When sold out I cannot replace at the price now offered. | Address, C. C. Ke.uett, Port Perry. The breaking away of Farewell from the lock-up is only another instance for the town to secure a better one. Barney Houck had apparently very little trouble to make his escape some- time-ago, and Farewell only laughed at the idea of his being " cooped" there. Something more substantial is wanted. Mr. A. Soper last week laid informa- tion before Squire Batemam that Mr. Robt. Brown, hotel-keeperat Seagrave, was not hanes. with the law, he his blinds down on a certain After several witnesses had xamined the Magistrate dismiss- € case. he anniversary at Bethel on Sunday and Monday was very successful. On Sunday a goodly number attended church when suitable discourses were preached ,by Rev. R. H. Leitch, of Greenbank. On Monday very large crowds assembled and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Im' the. evening Rev. L. W. Hill, of Toronto, gave his interesting lecture entitled ' Woman's Sphere " which was enjoyed immensely. Miss Clara Broad sustained her well- earned reputation by rendering several pieces in first-class style. he Port erry Presbyterian choir also added oe to the occasion. Receipts about VO. The first annual convention of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Whitby District was held in the Methodist church, Brooklin, May 19th. Mrs. (Rev.) Locke, of Toronto, led the devotional exercises. Miss Lambly, the district organizer, then took charge of the meeting. . She . first called for reports from auxiliaries, .Whitby, Port Perry, Claremont, Pickering and Brooklin responded, each giving items of interest and encouragement. There was also, later, a report from Miss Burkholder, of the O. L. C., Whitby full of the spirit of enthusiasm in t M. S., they are on the same line, and doing nobly for the master. A paper by Mrs. Hopper, of Claremont, ad- dresses by Mrs. Clarke, of Whitby, and Mrs. Pearce, of Port Perry, then is| tollowed. These ladies presented the '| various phases of the work and its 'demands upon our sympathies and support in clear and unmistakable terms, The deplorable condition of our sisters in heathen lands, the almost worse state of our neighbors in the Proyince of Quebec, the emphatic command of the Great Master "To preach the Gospel to every creature," were earnestly emphasized, and no doubt all who had the pleasure of being present and hearing these will carry in their hearts impressions strong and deep of their individual duty and privi- lege to do their very best to aidin this glorioustwork. A testimony meeting was led Mrs. McCamus, of Port Perry. ts. Locke then gave a very practical address on the most conducting the auxiliary meetings. After disposing of the contents of the question drawer, 'the meeting closed with the benedic- ion. The annual distrtet meeting in con- nection with the Methodist church in Whitby district was held at Brooklin onthe 19th and 20th inst. Rev. T Manning, B. A., chairman, presiding ; Rev. T. W. Leggott, financial secretary, Rey. R. H. Leitch, secretary. The ministers of the district all being present with one or two exceptions, twenty-one in all, and were found blameless in life and dactring with one regretful exception, a probationer sus- pended. E. A, W, Dove, nowa student, was recommended to conference to be continued on trial, and John N. Clarry, of Myrtle, was heartily recommended to be received in probation, During the afternoon and evening of Wedaes- day, the W. M. S. held their district convention and entertainment which was profitable. Mrs. J. H. Locke, of Toronto, was the central figure, many others helped to make the occasion interesting. Miss Maud Lambly is organizer for district. Thursday's session of the district brought the lay- men from every circuit, The above secretary was elected and Rev. W. J. Weatherill and J. H. appointed to audit the schedules. Re- port showed a gratifying increase in parsonage and circuit improvements, well sustained. recommended viz :--That that Brougham, Greenwood, Kinsale and Zion make a circuit, Seagrave and Scugog be united wi superintendent and colleague. following were elected to theg conferenee committees ;--Rev: McCamus to stationery een Rev. R. H. Leitch and J. H. Brow' Thom and H. W. Willcox to sustenta tion fund committee. and ¥Foster Hutchisan fo Epwor League committee ; J. L. S) to th missionary committee. A compliment ary resolution was unanimously tender ed to the chairman, Rev. T. Manni B. A., who expects to take charge Lindsay the first of next year. © annual distri¢ Port Perry. I will be held this fall at Myrtle, Mr. C, O. Stirners, of the Trenton Advocate staff, was in town on Friday that Wm. Jamieson keeps good livery horses and stylish Mrs. (Dr.) Carry has made up her mind to remove to Millbrook after all and left for that place Tuesday evening. 4% per cent. loans made on farms. rou bought wall paper, did you? Make no mistake this season, but see W. H. As Miss McKenzie is desiring of leav- Wanted. Alive man to handle the Singer Sewing Machine Co's. business Apply to England in their Please bear in mind that we print work. Though not allied with the W® Brown were membership, missionary givings and also that our S. S. and League work is vigorous and the funds of the church Some changes were Pickering, village and Audley be a circuit and Rev. Dr. Lambly_ ie arrived and he is giving: el Smith, of Lindsay, was in |! s. R. O. Mitchell, of Toronto, was Mrs. Mode, of Vankleek Hill, is in art of the summer with term of twenty yea hitby's new spring g00 values. : Miss Bond" pos "Holiday visitors:--Messrs. H Beecroft, Chas. Bryans, J. McBrien, Maude Gordon, Toronto; Wm. Acker- man, J. Wilson, Peterboro; T. Bigelow Whitby ; Jack Cook, Brockville. The Bay of Quinte conference of the Methodist church will meet in Bowman- ville on June 3rd. The stationing com- mittee will begin its work Monday at 3p.m. D.N. MeCamus having been elected to that committee will leave for his conference duties Monday forenoon BIRTHS. Ravam.--At Utica, on May 26th, the wife of George Raham, ofa daughter. DEATHS. _ Arno~p.--At Utica, on Monday, 17th inst., Jas. Arnold, aged 81 years, 7 months and 17 days. McLEgop.--Near Saintfield, on Tues- day,#May 184%, John McLeod, aged 58 yearsy 6 months and 23 days. By-Law No. - - A By-Law to provide for the borrow: ing on the credit of the Municipality of the Village of Port Perry the sum of four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars'for the purchas improve- ment of a' Park in the icipali and for the raising of ( four thousands two hundred' and fifty dollars by the issue of debentures and providing for the repayment thereof. Whereas itis expedient to raise by way of a.loan the en of four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars for the rc hi and improvenient of a Park e Municipality of the' Village of t Perry an pyneteng, Tampill be quisite to raise an ly d whereas ing debenture debt of the s municipality is $39,000 of which none of the principal or inter- est is in arrear, Therefore the Corporation of the Village of Port Perry enacts as follows : 1. It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said village for the purpose aforesaid to borrow the sum of four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars and to issue debentures of: the said municipality to the amount of four thousand two hun- dred and fifty dollars in'sums of not less than $100.00 each to be repayable by annual instalments during the period of twenty years from the date on which this By-law takes effect and to bear in- terest at arate not exceeding four per cent. per annum payable yearly on the first day of December in each and every year during the currency of the said de- Poe eee emeeent 2. e Said debentures shall be pay- able at the agency in the Village Ye Port Perry of the Western Bank of Canada. 8, It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said municipality and he is hereby authorized and i i by the Treas ity and thee k ity is here¥y authorized and instructed to attach the seal of the municipality to the said debentures. 4. There shall be raised in each year during the currency of said debentures the sum of $312.72 the said municipal- municipality. : Thig By wenty-eighth | The votes of ors Of Village of Po ; this by-law on the 25th day of June A. D.ASSiee . : At the Market Building for Polling Sub-division number one. Richard Pen- hall vig Returning-officer. Atthe Town Hall for Polling Sub- division number two. John H. Brown ere Returning-officer. t the School House for Polling Sub- division number three. E. D. Rogers Deputy Returning-officer. At which said places a Poll will be opened at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continued of™@o until the hour of five o'clock in the asxernoon and no longer. The 24th day of June A. D. 1897 at the Town Hall in the said Village at the hour of ten o'¢lock in the forenoon is hereby appoi 'as the time and place for the appoiy¥ment by the Reeve of the said ae of persons to attend at the Polling Places and at the final summing up / the votes on behalf of the persons intérested in and promoting or opposing this By law respectively. The 26th day of June A. D, 1897 at the said hour and place last named is Mclean, Misses Lena and Alice Hall, | erk of the said manicipal-.|.. ROCKETS, TORPEDOES, -- ROMAN CANDLES, -- LANTERNS, -- _ FIRE-CRACKERS. SEES Ei AGS. 3 SIS W.H.McCAW, Book-seller and Stationer. LINDSAY. Mr. N. H. Cowdry, grain buyer, has decided to remove from Lindsay, and Will shortly open a private bank at Waterford, Norfolk county. '|| Mr. Edward Veitch, of the Veitch house, has assigned for the benefit of his creditors. e has been over fifty yJears connected with the hotel business n Lindsay. UXBRIDGE: | The tennis club has commenced ractice and prospects. are good for a trong lot of players this year. : | Some time Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning last burglars tered Brownscombe's store through a lack window leading into the butter éellar, and carried off two ready-made vo a few neckties and several pairs boots. An excursion to Guelph, to 'the Agricultural Farm, has been arranged by North Ontario Farmers' Institute for June 14th at remarkably low rates. On Monday Mr. Edward Acton's farm near Victoria Corners was offered for sale by public auction, and was pur- thased by Mr. E. Rainey for $1600. The Acton homestead: at the Corners was purchased by Robert Acton for 9. . e _Mr. Wm. Nicholls, who is nearly eighty years of age, shingled one of his houses on Toronto street, doing all the work alone. Personal experience _- Mr. Hindson, of Hindson Bros., Ont., says: "From personal ex- perience | recommend Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for nervousness and general weakness of the system, and can say without doubt they are the best medicine I ever used. H. Watford, MANCHESTER. Miss Nellie Spence, Toronto, and Miss F. Spence Peterboro, spent the 24th at their father's Mr. W. Spence. Our enterprising blacksmith, D. Mc- Lean has sold several fine buggies. Mr. W. Spence and W. McClintock purchasing two of them. Mrs: D. FP. Hagerman has been ill for some time, but at time of writing is much better. The Sunday school anniversary was held here on Sunday and Monday last. The Rey. Dr. Lambly, of Brooklin, preached two sermons in the morning jand evening. In the afternoon he gave an pemcnt and instructive lecture to the children of »the Sabbath school. Owing to the wet weather the» attend- | ance was not as large on Sunday as it would have been otherwise. On Mon- day evening the Rey. Mr. Rowe, of To- | ronto, gee an eloquent lecture on | man's uties to man entitled 'My brother and 1" which was much appreciated by the audience who had turned out in large numbers to hear their old pastor. Favorites for Long Years. For long years Diamond Dyes have been the favorite family dyes in the Dominion of Canada; and although imitation package dyes have been plentifully offered for sale, their great inferiority to the ' Diamond" strength, fastness, beauty of color and brilliancy was known to the great majority of women, and they were con- demned and avoided by all who valued good and bright colors. No sensible woman ¢an afford to risk her goods with poor dyes when the " Diamond" ar admittedly the world's best. _ A most important point to remeznber is that the Diamond Dyes cost no; more than the crude and common dyés sold by some dealers for the sake'of large profits. 7a __Ask your dealer for the "Diamond " ; | if he values your trade 'he will be in a position to supply you. ' i a for the summing up by the Clerk of th said Village of the number of vote given for and against the said By- respectively. : Take notice that the above is a fi copy of a propesed By-law which' been taken into Gopsideration and whic! will be finally passed by the Council of the Village of Port Perry in the event ofthe assent of the electors being ob- tained thereto after one month from the first publication thereof in~Tur Port PERRY STANDARD newspaper; the date of which said first publication is the 27th day of May A. D. 1897, and that at the hour on the day and at the places there- in. named for taking the votes of the electors the Polls will be held. F. M. YARNOLD Clerk of the Village of Port Perry. GREENBANK. Spring graivs are not as far advanced as they weré at this time last y, The customary 24th of May storm was enjoyed this year | hereby appointed as the time and place |. IF YOU WANT TO BUY Wall Paper, Hardware, Mixed Paints, or Clothes sence. a Miss "A. aiso that tO) Sabbath schoo! committee; Rev. Jas, ext t+ meeting to be held in}! The financial meeting a the meeting' ecutive of the Toronto last sesewere present sat in connection y the. Presby- Sunday. The oon by Rev. M Rey. M fu ey 'piece of el sh delighted of the audi- nd concert rophecy was mast marice And thought whi lly the alder portt % . On Monday 'the tea ere fully up to any whic as the reputation of ente Wringers *€all and see us. It will pay you. PIKE W.L PARRISE itors with. The proceed ©. $85.30, and a social 1 Tuesday night which addec the receipts. $10 more t¢ |the other day by his oe running in| gestion, bad taste, coated tongue, sick headache, in- somhia, ete. Hood's Pills- cure constipation and all its Hood | Mr. Paul Hood had h away. He is doing nicely now. The Scugog Sons of Temperance division No. 338 intend giving a concert consisting of vocal and instrumental music, readings, recitations, dialogues, etc., to be held in the town hall, Seugog, on Monday evening, May 81st. re and enjoy the treat. Admission In spite of the inclemency of the weather on Sunday last, several of our Island young people drove out to neighboring circuits to enjoy the festivities of the 24th. Some went to Greenbank and report spending a very pleasant time. Sorry the grey should want to take to the ditch instead of the road as something serious might have happened. Others wended their way, by a rather circuitous route, to Burketon to enjoy the hospitality of old friends. We hope they too had a nice time. We also hope and trust they will not get lost the next tlme, Nice new lot of prints at 5c., 7¢., and 10¢. a yard, just in, at Willard & Co's. YSPEPSIA CureED BY DR. CHASE. . . FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS W.W.HODGES SUFFERED --DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY- LIVER PILLS EFFECTED AN ALMOST MIRACULOUS CURB SG. eee ae si ous Messrs. EDMANSON, BaTEs & Co., Toronto. DEAR Sirs,--I take the liberty of writing ta you regarding my experience with DR. CHASE'$ Kioney-Liver PILLS, and the wonderful cure of dyspepsia of 18 years' standing effected by them with three boxes. I am as well as I ever was, and am a man of 64 years of age. I have re-~ commended Da. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS to a great number of people and they all say they are worth their weight in gold.- If you desire any further statement or certificate of my cas¢) I will be pleased to furnish one. Yours truly, W. W. HODGES, _ Holland Landin ig, Ont. W. ANTED Industrious persons of eithr « sex with good character and eommon school education, can obtain employ- ment for two months in this community. S. M. FRY, Toronto, Ont. BICYCLE FOR SALE, Good Bicycle forsale cheap. Apply to J. STONEHOUSE, , Port Perry WANTED. A good general servant for house-work. Apply to ii MRS. J. E. FAREWELL, Byron Street, Whiiby. Entrance and Public School Leaving Examinations. The Annual High School Ent¥ance and Public School Leaving Examinations will be held at PORT PERRY and CANNINGTON ON MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28th, 29th & 30th, Beginning each day at 845 a.m. Candidates are required to hand in their books--Drawing, Writing and Book-keeping-- on the morning of the first day. Applications may "e gent to JAS. MoBRINiN, Esq., P. 8: I.. Prin bert, or to the Pr'incipal ; High School. apace of the Port Perry F. M. YA ENOLD, Chairman. ge © © © 6 628 oe eee ol) oD * MENTHOL Deke on I have prescribed Menthol Plaster in a numbe: of. of neuralgic aud rheumatic pada; aa Pastels ciatie yeaa on. -- [. "TER, M.D. - Hotel 'Oxtord, Boston Thave u: Plasters in several of mascolag sieuinais, and udtevery cee Daly ost instant and permanent relief, ou Coceeweceecs etter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, rds, Etc. Printing executed either Prices reasonable, We always keep a full stock ¢ _ Statements, Tags, Envelop in plain o ir ADDRESS, 2 STANDARD, ; Port Perry. a 30 buy the very best and prettiest patterned most stylishly made Suit that can be ya afor the price paid. He wants to be surewHat the pattern is the latest out, that the style is not ancient, that the suit is well made and that the fit. is faultless. When paying $10, $12.50 or $15 for clothes why not get the very best that the money will purchase. df you will come to us_ show you the latest novelties in the Tailoring line. a: we will guarantee the fit. We allow no leave our tailoring department that ry satisfy. And remember that ry £0 want to buy in order to Come in and be shown need a Suit or not, our And if you want a proof Bicycle or Golf suits. They admit the air but keep out the rain. The feeling, appeatance Or porous pro- perties of ordinary twe snot changed "by Rigby. It sim: repal > _BRESH-DREGS. , eae ha e ee gistered, and wiil be sd at prices to suit the Brice | Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd, ao JACKSON, 25e.| Sole Proprietors, MontrEat. Scugog. The undersigned has a thoromgh-bred Dur- m Bull for service at Lot 17, 6, Reach. ANTOCK. Pure- The undersigned has for sale seven young Berkshires four weeks old, ~ 30 one teen months old. The ab-v® BULL FOR SERVE 50 YEARS IN BUSINESS: red Berkshires for Sale Bow, eigh- "are all re- J.W. DAVIS W. E. DYER, General Agent, BAW. NOTICE County of Ontero: | § HEREBY GIVEN that To WIT: the Court of General Sessions of the Peace, and the County Court, in and for the COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Will be held in the COURT HOUSE, in the Town of Whitby, on TUESDAY, JUNE 8th, 1897, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, of which all Justices of the Peace, Coroners, Con- stables, and all others concerned, will take no- tice and govern themselves accordingly. J. F. PAXTON, Sheriff's Office, Sheriff, C. O. Whitby, May 19th, 1897. Courtof Revision IN Cee is hereby given that the first meet- ing of the Court of Revision to revise the Assessment Roll of the TOWNSHIP OF REACH, for the year 1897, will sit at the Town Hall, Manchester, 2 on Monday, June 14th, 1897, at 2o'ciock p.m., of which all persons interest- ed are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk. ot Thorough-bre Young Bulls Prices to suit the times. Write for particu- lars or come and see them. Takes this opportunity of thank- ing his many friends and custo- mers for their liberal patronage during the past fifty years, also wishes to inform them that he is stillin business at the same old stand and kindly solicits a continuance of your patronage. I feel certain I cangplease one and all both in Furniture and Undertaking of which I have P Holstein Friesian ulls mg for sale cheap. Three d by my noted stock Bull BUTTER BOY 2nd. Choice R. W. WALEER, Utica P. 0., Ont ren Manchester, May 10th, 1897. wv AGENTS. Her Majesty seen," writes Lord Lorne, about "Queen Vic- toria." Sales unprecedented. yy to ke five dollars daily. Big commis to canvassers. residence, balay immediately north Office pier Coe Allison's Drug" Gold Fillings, Bridge Specialty. £100,000» & ' To Lend at4,@ ndd Che Apply to , Painter, Paper-hanger and Kalsominer,| here. "Kash creates Bargains any a complete stock of all the lat- est and best styles with prices to suit the times. "he Best Popular Life of i have ever Call and be convinced. Furniture cheaper than ever. Undertaking a specialty. J. W. DAVIS, Queen Street Emporium: 4 Don't | THE EARTH ----BUT----_ We Want Your Trade. at ted at a bargain DENTAL SURCEC : fice Hours--9 tol Also open Saturd (BRITISH MONEY) go ---- eer Good Styles, Perfect Qualities and Be Mortgage Se asonable Prices with a selection 'oods, the largest in town. DAVID J. ADAMS, - # Banker and Broke f.| pay you to leave your or- me. » ... DOUBT, The Leading Tailor. P.S.--No Special Bargain Days Geo. Loftus; seste day with DOUBT, Orders left with Mr. J. A. Rodman ill receive prompt attention. ae