Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 3 Jun 1897, p. 1

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--Is PUBLISHED-- - EVERY' THURSDAY Mi © Sar rrr orrier, 2 a QUEEN STREET,PORT P ERRY. - RATES = adveRTISING, WHOLE No. 1566 SERIOUS GOMPLISATIONS. TURKEY STILL OBSTINATE IN HER- rs been in an in 'probably die ther hose also repeat the sin of Nebuchad- y im anyway desecrate the tures. There are men who ord of God as an instrument 2 y. Bigots at heart in the advocacy of their re- ties they meet other ury of a highwayman, through and through sider the word of the emperor of Rome, se of | 'ote ag -- verything and everything is noth- (And when the urn that was to n his ashes was at his command brought to him he said: "Lictaurn, thou ; shalt contain one for sane hospital and The Bort Pony Standard DA. THE MMS WA A THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. ITS CULTIVATION RESULTS IN BU-|22%%,; MAN DECADENCE. 7 " The King Who Ate Grass a Conspicuous | WS too little. t jo you not also learn from. the mis- Warning Ag@inst the Abrogation of the inte of thisking of Babylon what a terrible thing is the loss of reason? There is no valamiity that can possibly '0 Miss Helena Moore, ¥. 2. C2 Pupil of Edward Fisher H. Anger. Mus. Bac., rvatory of Music. ars apply to this office or ellesley St., Toronto. whom the world t 5 Vaebeenks e ry controvers Graduate To- She Claims Au Conquered Territory in Thessaly--Forward Move: pS -- The Porte's Reply to the Migher Principles--A Telling thrusting them 'nferesting Items About Cc h what they con Great Britain, the ur Own Country, United States, and Ten lines and under--4 insertions. ...$1.c0 oat. Above ten lines, Ist insertion per Bae: = Each subsequent insertion...7........ ' befall us in this world sogreat as de- rangement of intellect--to have body of man and yet to fall even be- low the instinct of a brute. pondent of the London. Wonstantinople says:-- of Ministers has decided' a wonder to me that some th horns to hook kick with, and with Dr. Talmage preached from Daniel iv, 33, "The same hour was the thing ful- filled upon Nebuchadnezzar, and he was AM Parts of the Gio! Assorted for Easy R men Were not made wi be, Condensed and with, and hoofs to 10) OE 4) Prof. R. K. DeCATHCART Professional and business Cards}"Six lines ani cder $5 per annim. JOB DEPARTMENT. claws to grab wit to rash Peter when he ear of Malehus, troversialist, "Put up Into its place, for al hat Christ said strack off the ys to every con- again thy sword l they that tak Of Royal Conservator many, begs to announ Perry and surround ranged with Miss E y of Music, Stuttgart, Ger ceto the citizens of Port ing country thet having ar- : Kobbins to take her class music and will continue the same, and trust his duties to merit e large horrible sighits the most hor- idiot's stare. In this world of horrible founds, the most horrible is the maniac's laugh. A vessel driven on the rocks when a hundred do down driven from men and did eat grass as 1 oxen, and his body was wet with the | ribleis the dew of heaven, till his hair was grown like eagles' feathers and his-nuils like to prolong the a discuss the retrocession _ but will leaye the other & will celebrate jubilee day Mr. J. WR. Molscn, ie Molsons Bank died Scrict attention to Because of our increased facilities Pamph- lets, Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Circulars, Check Books, | Business Cards, Receipt Books, Ball Cards, | &c., &c., of every stylgggnd color, can te ex | ecuted more promptly,"and at lower prices the Sword shall perish with the sword." Jay met a countryman I was extremely sir. It was very I sawa strange n motion, but I points for consideration to note to the Eu- ratofs is concerned there can' be no doubt that whether the Sul- tan is only bluffing, or is the victim gefrom the music loving citi- share of patrona, town and vicinity. Rooms at ther hundreds drag ering bodies up- is nothing com- ng of intellects hopes and attainments Suspension | and capacities. i 3 Immigrants from Galicia and Dakota Better shade your eyes else they ke Triving at Winnipeg in large num- put out with the splendor of Babylon, 4 { as some morning you walk out with Nebuchadnezzar on Do You Use It? It's the best thing for 'the TERMS.$6 for 20 half-hour lessons. N.B.--Also German taught om most reasouabl conversation lessons ed to the founderi The Medical Society of Winnipeg has nster. It seemed j proposed Vic- hot discern its rder of Nurses tian at any otherestablishment in the County NEWTON BROS., Elitors and Proprietors. of popular 'pressure, Europe expects can: without the ri hair under all circumstances, Just as no. man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature, so no preparation who were epileptid, re, Or maniacs, cut- mong the tombs. We are accustomed to be more grate- ful for physical health than for the a peace gich as mot be arranged sk of the gravest com- { 'to turn back; but my heart beat, andthe more I loo "f ed the more I was as I approached I saw it ho do you think it bridges which hang from the house | Out toward these tops and he shows you the vastness of his realm, as the suin kindles the domes with glistering is almost insuf- NEW BARBER SHOP anchard, a prominent Win- was sandbagged by not Se OUny. injured. The falling into the fi EO. H. NEwron, S. M. Newton ting themselves a E. BROAD, Wishes to inform the public genarally that he has Mr. Robert Woolley, Hamilton, a let- ee Business Direétory... ya TO RETAIN THESSALY. "The Grand Vizier on Saturday pre- proper working of our mind. 4 apt to take it tor granted that the in- tellect which has perved us so well will ferable, and the great streets thunder i A te i up their pomp into the ..@ of the mon- seeseae ead Op2ned a new Barber Shop iu the Meharry Block,next ed Offico, wherele is his wife and child were by eating canned fish. recovered under doctor's care. cam make hair, ei: was'early in the m cee j that can be' very foggy,-and how often ¢ On the shortes possible notice. Ladicn re -is to pro- DR. S. J. MELLOW (SUCCESSOR TO DR. MCDOWRLL) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ETC, arch, and armed towers stand around, adorned with the spoils-of conquered Nebuchadnezzar wayes his hand above the stupendous scene exclaims, "Is this mot great Babylon, mistake out Christi. -Just in proportion will they he boister. ous contentions. is always gentle, lion so fierce as t goes about seekin sented a report to the Sultan, urging hat the whole of Islam was termined tO™retain | ing:--'Your Majesty in Armenian and other matters, when always be faithful. Wa forget that an i such tremendous rower, heels have such vasiness of na cirele and kuch ewiftness of motion and an@ | the least impediment might put it out of gear, cam only be kept in proper bal- ian brethren." as men are wrong ous in their religi- The lamb of religion While there is he roaring lion that and Children's hair cutting a specialty. | favorable to : urdoc. a growth. « This is done by = mabe) Fe : Ayer's Hair Vigor, moves dandruff, cleanses the ris green was discovered 'hessaly, and add- which is used It is thought desirable th: No human hand Office and_Residence, Queen St., Port Perry that I have buflt for the house of the you firmly refused to be dietated to | kingdom by the mi ht an fund for the relief o ndia should now be ance by divine hand. could engineer the traim of immortal How: strange it' is that our scalp, nourishes the soil in finally closed, 1, and the Dardanelles Office hours--8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 3 p.m. an Evenings. Telephone in office and house Open night and day, oyer the lines south cons nected with the residence of Dr. G. L. Rob- son, a ~ DR. D. ARCHER, . M D.G.M. of Victoria University; M.B and the lists of the, subscribers are now which the hair tows, and, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, wherr the roots are nour- ished. But the roots must be If you wish your hair equally firm on this occasion. But if palatable to your Ma- ou to accept my re- and fo the honor of Whose phoulders all iccesses and cecur- are placed, should , and that the Which have 'been pont with the smoke t for ever and ever BLooD od hess of their batteries, let there be good rofess to be subjec Tait & Co., who have keen fe contract for the fast ser- greed under their contract ce to Sts John with- jesty, I beg of ts of the gos- oe vee y to God in the THE SULTAN WEPT. "Tt now abifiea rs that the armistice was, originally, for three , and on earth p out any additional The Governor-General a deputation of and | fancy, which holds ada from 5 : . Fey should not sometimes mai arrassing thing t. 7 shall be with the beasts sung thing to meet Toronto citizens in heaven, if w ev Toronto University; Member of the © ollegeOf Physicians and Surgeons, Ont.; Li- 'Gentiate ofthe Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; 'Licentiate of the-Royal College of _ Physicians, Edinburgh; Member ofthe Faculty ef Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow ; lave Resident Pupil of the Rotundo Hospital, Dublin, for women. have not setiled our it, bringing into the heurt to retain its normal color, or if you wish to restore the lost int of gray or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vigor. im, has agreed to THE BEST SPRING MEDIC Cures ali Blood Diseadés: from a. Pimple to the ; Cook's 'Cetin and nothing butt the energy of the Powers secured an waited wpon h to her Maj They shall make thee to oxen, and seven years Il pass over thee, until thou know that the Most High ruleth' in the king- dom of men, and giveth it to whom-' One hour from the and hallucinations the mos i etrange that this mind, which so much in its mi for all people of John Fawceit's composed in 1772 & her to authorize ary service medal. g of electric car lay will likely : It is said that the Lord's € will accept the ch ./D short meter f but just as appropri- . ghty leaps for ts objects, should pleces on its disap- h po delicately: tun- of untold harmony fear shakes it, and the attainment of its not be dashed to poinkments? Mhoug! ed, this instrument 4% wounded Turkish soldier at the Yil- diz hospital, on being invited by the Sultan to proffer adying request, im- plored him not to yield up Thessaly. soever He will," OFFICE AND REsIDENCE--3 doors: west of" Willard Block ; Orrice HouRs 9 toll a.m. 310 § p.m., and evenings. DR. L...L... PROCTRE (SUCCESSOR TO DR. CLEMENS.) M.D.C.M. of ty College University, Toron to, onor Certificate. Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, time that he made the boast he is on the way to the fields, a maniac, rushing into the forests he becomes of the beasts, covered with eagles' feath- ers for protection from the cold, and his nails growing to birds' claws in order that he might dig the earth for + and. climb the trees for nuts. t x 2 -- ee pean ection Salvation Army in the United ednesday convicted of house at the big ew York. He was Nee, and admitted . sorrow: and joy ain in quick succession their dirgeor toss from At morning and at your prayer you s of your thanksgiving, ation of Jesus Christ. #0r the preservation of 8 stéry of Nebuchadnez- The Sultan grew pale, and his eyes filled with tears, ; "Seyfullah Bey, chief of the staff of the Sultan, and the Von Moltke of fhe campaign has been summoned to Con- stantinople to give the military @m- mission the benefit of his advice." TURKEY'S FORWARD MOVEMENT. \ ie & to the report of the De- Fisheries, the value of the heries for 1896 is, computed being a 'decrease of a million doll one | beat ont of army barracks in And perfect loye an for ordinary cases ary Through all etern medicine known oe ew reign more than half compared with the previous year It is evident from been presented to th N is by far the best dollar --sold by druggisis, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases--r1o degrees stronger--sold by dru Mrs. Eliza D. st the first Woman in the West, celet ewart, who organized 's Temperance Union rated her eighty-first ee a report which has eé Dominion Parlia- Mem. of Col. of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont., Licentiate of University of State of New York. Offices and resilence on Dr. Clemens' old site Opposite Vown Hall, PORT PERRY. fon sl ingfield, O., recently. as she is called, or- nion at Osborn, O., ALMIGHY: VOIR AT Bay. THE INDIAN MURD THREE MORE yu see, there is a great variety in iptural, landscape. se we have looked at moun: excellence, but now we look The correspondent of the Salonica, telegraphing on W have just arrived here, after 1e British Government hag y to persist in a re- ation of the United e seal question at the Three Dollars; two b No, 1, or No. 2, mailed price and two 3-cent 8 The Cook Company, zar the use that God makes of bad men, @ctions of the wicked ruments for the pun edmess in others, or as the illustra- ganized the first y with 100 members The Right Rey. Ux. fusal of the applic: States to reopen th ERER TAKES and Sorovitch en route. steady forward movement of reinforce- ments along all the roads. Pasha's command must now be close on the 200,000 men." REPLY TO THE NOTE. y Mail's correspondent at ople says the Porte. has re- he note of the powerS; and ate for peace, pro- mmanders first sign McCabe, Bishop pal Church,says presents Ameri- describing jt as anti- op has written to Lord ngth, assuring him o ng in the United States other Country. $ Of musiness in the United y the commercial down into a great, dark chasm of | tion of some inte ee oe both purposes. Even so I will go back with yow to the cation has been received by uthorities frum the Imper- ent asking that the Am- ng cruiser J. Gerring, Jr., convicted of fishing within mile limit, and confiscated, be as easy as possible. GREAT BRITAIN. nce and Princess of Wales vis- erbury on Saturday, and open- e restored chapter of the cathe ral. His Ambush ina Shelled by the Greatly Excited Are Foining the A despatth from Pr says:--Tihe mews of f; eral mounted poli ing to arrest "Almig( dian murderef, n causes intense 2 < Bluff --Surroundea and t iG Felice -- The Indians | '2. Governm --Reports That Others wickedness as we come to speak of God in His Word sets before us the beauty. of self-denial, of sobriety, of devotion, of courage, and then, lest we should not thorough- ly understand Him He introduced Dan- 2\Sold in Port Perry and everywhere in Canada by al) responsible druggists. LBURNS yok every re- has ever seen, to a great ex- Nebuchadnezzar. probate that the worl and I will show you how Oa : tent his wickedness was limited in its wer and how God glori- fied Himself in the ae oa and es i : -j|grace of his enemy. ylon is fu iel and Paul and Deborah as illustra: a abomination, and wicked Cyrus de- stroys it. Persia fills the cup of its iniquity, and vile Alexander puts an Macedon must. be chastised ince Albert, Sask., the killing of sey- en wihile attempt- hty Vioice," the In- trada® moveient, vided the Greek co: improvement in. the general quiet, but as yet prices are maintained. Cotton goods tions of those virtues. God also speaks to us in His Word as to the hateful- ness of pride, of folly, of impiety, THESSALY TROUBLE. and | end to it. pendent of the. Standa health for some ti Rooms Over Wright's Shoe - Store PORT PERRY and bloody Emilius does it. tille is to be destroyed, and corrupt Napoleom accomplishes it. here. Of) Thursda'y a party of the mounfed polire set o. ff to catch AL d print tloths are at about he lowest possible price. tremely unsensonable weather has had lest we should not thoroughly under- stand" "he introduces Nebuchadnezzar recovering, and is able to diate entourage of the Stirae, imme-_ The Jacobites g are preparing to cele- Thessaly te;,Creece7 All branches of | Dentistry, including Crown and Bridge? Work pyget iced. witked men are often-made te} great and glorious pur- poses. Joseph's brethren were guilty Who. .was:beime freak aa brat V by @ halfbreed scout mamed Venue. | 4 This mah was-shot. from an ambush! in fay bya banquet in birth of James, the Pretender, in 1688. certain that many, Turkish Foreign »Minist sk = -as the' impersonation "of these forms aE Baron de €alic The former style of |#ccomplish character is a Jighthouse, showing us "Buccessfally-} -- @.senioug effect up tt It is believed to be rtificial Teeth on gold, silver, alum- inum or rubber plates. « Fillings of gold; silver or cement. Painless extraction when required. Prices to Suit the times. H. RIGGS, DENTIST, of superlative perfidy and meanness when they sold him into slavery for they must have overwhelmed with the bluffs ald seriously wounded, charge was made an the bluff, but ther welve policemen of Prince Albert Te party cameon "Russia does not irritation 'at Gerr is so openly and agaimst Russia, cuse Germany of d lo produce a ruptu COL ..<hér extreme many 's policy, which persistently directed at niany Turks of the political prisoners med early in June in com- memoration of the Queen's di away intoa safe harbor, and the latter er, Norway, has been- almost tharacter is a black buoy, swimming on the rocks, to show where | been Indians escape under Captain 4 started in pursuit Almighty Voice next o'clock, when he shot © breaking his arm, a Was shot throug tmpossible to dis Five hundred horseless cabs will be aced on the streets of Paris early in that God never forsakes the righteous when they saw he had become the prime Minister of Egypt! Pharaoh oppresses the Israelites with the most. diabolic tyranny, yet stand still and see the sal- vation of God. The plagues descend, the NERVE PILLS FOR WEAK PEOPLE. Price Go cents per Box, fcnt by Mail on receipt of Oscar Wilde, in London Daily Chro ty practised da a long letter to the nicle, says the cruel- y-and night upon chil- ren in English prisons is incredible ex- cept to those who have witnessed it. unto God for both the buoy and the re between the lighthouse! The host of Nebuchad- nezzar is thundering at the gates of The crown of that sacred Zanzibar's Sultan h 5 as by proelama- tion abolished the le THE TURKS IN THESSALY. The Greek Goy memorandum to fhe : S.E.Cor. Kine anp Yoncre Srs., ToRonTo At all Druggists. md Sergt. Raven locusts, and the hail, and the destroying Earthquake shocks were felt on mid- 1s still preparei to make the best plates in rubber or Celluloid for $8 and $10. Gold aad Silver filling and roof crowning by first-claas operators. I am algo making a specialty of 'Crown and Bridge Work," the latest American system adopted, 'Special attention giyen to patients froma distance. When in thé city give me a call. charge made to examins teeth. price. T. AULBURN & CO,, Toronto. lodge the Indi of Teck spends the police returned, year in religious and phil- The sum is just one- amount granted her night of Saturday in Rome, and at Mas- sena, Ischia, and other points. Prof. Andree expects to start from Spitzbergen on June 20th, to discover the North Pole in his balloon. Spain is negotiating a large loan, se- Almaden quicksilver mines, to meet her war expenses. The Pope has completed a Latim{ poem eighty stanzas, pointing out angel, showing that there is a God who The vessels will defend the cause of His people, and finally, after the Israelites have passed through the parted sea, behold, in the wreck of the drowned army, that God's sacrilege, and mpomics are a 3 st! In +. some financial panic Of, What 5a Eros nme wicked stores and shops in a night foundered on are obliged to}the rock of bankruptcy, and healthy r nativity ! How | credit, without warning, dropped dead against the indemnifyy Turkey, and also pr proposed rectification of uek into thé dust by the hand of Babylonish insolence. -- of the temple which had never been desecrated by profane touch, were ruthlessly seized for transportaticn. when those Jews, at the command of the invading army, leave the home of thei out reinforcements, with their woundled policemen, Postmaster Gru Lake and anot ing against the fifth the annual by Parliament. Mr. Boo, Labouchere has JUBILEE SOUVENIRS. Pretty Things in Silver for the Coming British Celebration. In selecting articles to commemorate the long reign of Queen Victoria the her civilian 'approached when Corporal Hockin; nd Postmaster Grundy the latter two dying against mem South Africa Company of sto: in connection with the Tran. The King of the Beigians has caused contiscated 1,250,000 bushélg™ at at Volo, anfl that the Durkish coms" Mantler has issued @ pp ing upon the peasants; gather the harvest, crops will be coptfis were fatally shpi instantly, and Hio ckiin only living three GREAT sotiteatig FELT beauties of fru DOMINION BANK. o brought souvenir spoons into Very handsome teaspoons have been made» with handles a medallion of thé Queeén's head, in the streetand money ran up the long ladder of 25 per cent., to laugh down upon those who could not climb after it, Again, let us learn the lesson that some excitement t London, incognito, moral to see the Q parting from Glas ality and th ils of 7. oa oo? RUSSLA'S AGPITUDE. to a "despatch Frankfort Zeitung from in town over the death of Corporal Constable Kerr of E. Grundy of Duck well known and highly their 'hearts must have been wrung with anguish when, on the day they departed, they heard tue trumpet from travelling to Bal- fueen, and then de- 'ow in his yacht at Pietro Acciarito, the Italian Anar- ented with ae, chist who attempted to assassinate the Capital Paid.up, $1,500,000 Surplu8, "=~ $1,500,000 UXBRIDGE AGENCY, SAVINGS s..... ' Sa OL "OF CANADA Russian Foreign: Phat Turkey~ must ible claim to an- Coumt Nuraireff, the Minister told t at 6t. Petersb renounce her King, has been sentenced ment in the galleys for li The German Reichstag on pted a credit of thir marks for the purpose of the German artillery i the top of the temple announcin, hour for morning sacrifice and sa altars ascending around en can be guilty of polluting the sacred vessels of the temple and carrying them away to Babylon. The sacred vessels 'in the temple at Jerusalem. were the cups and pl&tes of gold and silver with which the rites and ceremonies were celebrated. The laying of heathemhands carrying them off as spoils was an unbounded offense to the Lord of. the temple. Yet Nebuchad- mezzar committed this Though that wicked, ki sins he inaugurated walk the earth, eursi Prince Albert. Capt. Al- arm' will have to be amputated ; | Mr. Venue are do- A brother of Venue, Teached Duke circled by 'Victoria Reg., 1837-1897," and surmounted with a fac-simile of the English crown. An especially beautiful design for a dessert or bouillon spoon had the royal s in enamel and the,bust of the een delicately chased upon the han- he two dates being upon the stem h has a round 'gold- m correspondent of the New ys nothing more has been gestion to appoint the overnor-General of Can- knew that"in a far dista: would never hear that nor behold the majestic ascent of the sacrifice. Behold those captives on the Jerusalem to Babylon! , they dare not halt, with hoot and shout and Duke of Teck G ada, and even think it wise to cease the a the first' victim, thi$ morning at upon them and t During a special sery cathedral Ore batard caused by the falkofg and seven persons ¥ enteen injured. The Paris. Figaro n denial of the stat d'Alencon, whose missionary, who has arriy- the Congo Free are being treat- cruelty, with full know- Belgian authorities, and or intervention will be ight. It is reported on the reserve at atly excited, and are y. of going to "se fugitives. Supt. om the scene of the 1 a.m. on Saturday, bbles during th indi very sacrilege. State, says the natives ed with great relations with Brifain, and ordered the whole palace enimirage to garden party given mbassy in honour é Queen's birthday. TORTURED TO DEATHS = Aged men tottered along on their ing it from ~entury to i sin of desecrating sacred is committed by those who on oar, take ge oe their conversation and deeds live down in Baby- s the sacrament ! It is _-Désigns for dainty little two-tined that an appeal f berry forks have twisted handles, fin- ished at the end with the Queen's face as it appears at present, or was at her coronBiion sixty years ego. Silver book markers are very appropriate sou- ,one desiring a useful little is also is decorated with the _A recently sold copy of tion of Keats' poems, 1817 graph, 'To W. Wordsworth, Wordsworth had no in, killed last nigt Constable Kerr's body was still ae n the bluff wher2 dent Gagnon start- To0on with a nine- a detachment of 25 selves to sleep when the night had fall- It seemed as iff af heart broke. But at a tur. The Dele Goyer zi.e to the Britis cession for the men-of-war are ed again in the afte Pounder cannon and he may have bought' PORT PERRY AGENCY Babylon suddenly springs upon the view of the captives, with its gardens and|; goes up from the army. heir native city, fnbuman Treatment of bittle: Beaten and Cut With Kulves. Stand on a Reg Mot 'Stove. wa He believes the e bluffs, but that ver three or four. a copy for himself before, but it) is not He was not fond of books, and ary consisted Iarz ly Queen's medallion, the English crown, and the dates. Tourists in Great Bri- dians are still in th they do not number o palaces. \A- shout as they behold t' GENERAI. Banking Business transactéd . Special attention ¢ {id to Collections Drafts issued, aveilable at: Il pcintsin Canada f NGS' BANK DEPARTME positor semi-annually, They have con: one huzzah is heard from the The Indians off (A despatch frém_ Panxisss ys celebrated Gregoire case e¢ Assize Courtson "Tb the conviction of the ace Si Pierre Gregoire was sentencédato- servitude for life, and his: malty his mistress, Louise e Arrow's" reserve strictly neutral. che ecb half- UNITED STATES. The striking parment makers New York are sani | will be short-lived @uine that thestrike le to a Victorian chai gle and wall end in yic- tening gifts have the pap bov knife, fork, and spoon ornamen particular designs for received at highest Current rates Mterest calculated and credited to each de- Those also desecrate sacred thi ice at the departed | US@ the Sabbath day for ant oth gs, a Kingston man, em- Syracuse, poi+ Moriah seemed to w: WM. McGILL Manager. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YBARS K'SBESTFRIEN EST SALE IN CANADA. st received a choice an perior stock of ~ \LO F JBES lery of Judah, and all the fragrance from the hanging gar- great city was not so Sweet as one breath of the acacia and frankincense that the high priest kindl- ed in the sanctum of Jerusalem. On a certain night a little whil these captives had been bro city, Nebuchadnezzar is" night vision. A' bad man' ed ae deeds a. will find that the pillow will stick quills. The ghosj each condemned tl fi badge meets with much approval. Mhis ee may be worn as a locket, bri ah or a charm for a watch-gui ; cf gold with the head of the Queen in the centre encircled by prec At the top is the English « the monogram V.R.I. underneath. The words 'Great Britain, India, and Col- onies" are carried aroundin red and Upon the back of this badge is the inscription: "To commem- orate the sixtieth ' I of her Majesty Queen Victoria, Perhaps the most original and at- tractive souvenirs are salt receivers of 'sterling silver made after the model of the cradle in which the Queen whéh a baby was rocked. that belongs with this receptacle the Queen's head chased in the ro bowl and a plain round handle )@d@ at the end with the crown hat destended ge because hi dens upon the mgi to the formation of a in opposition to the, ompany are to be ba Pe The prisoyg@Re ow: Bell Telephone ken in Chicago this By the use of kites the Weather Bue to forecagt the eo accuracy and for a lowe tad. ee" 7, Ome z ae ..~ | December last of €: f uguese Hast Afri- feating the Portuguese troops, | f Overnor of Delagoa Tequested the Government sbon to send reinforcements. r in Paris thels sit from : eror William during. the Exhibition oe 1900; t feeling over Alsace+ hat the historical gem ial diamond, Schick @ Be! leville school o'ce's father wags was made tO stan stove, and io sir '| With 2 dog. He was times brought to Prince Albert: Lieut. Peary has obta _ Years' les ve of absenee from Sbates u.vy in order to or obher.expedition in search of Ae : of heavenly choirs and the mingle with our earthly wors We atc. I SAVS :--- ing infant of Bethishem, : patch from Duck Lake says: unteers got. im- i nee Albert Vol Hien! on Monday don the office rg L the bluff, which ¢ , led by William Drain, d » Q.C., and Police Officers Wil- MM Id. At the first~ the hiding pli Le Tt is acpected t "the dog' jump: fo was intended as a "Ju ueen, hag been sio! of Hyderabad. os The big French naval

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