Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 3 Jun 1897, p. 2

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Is also'an item of import during the hot season. te insure a sale. We are paying 1éc. for with any quantity, of it. Port Perry; ey ist, 1897. The season has not yet fairly.opened up for these very popular Goods as the weather has been so very backward. With the advent of warm weather we an a big demand and have mad. ample provision for it. have a full range in Light a€d Dark Colors and all the a est and latest styles in the trade. Ladies demand something out of the ordinary in this line every new season novelties for them in profusion running down to of plain Collars with Cuffs to the utility of these goods as ( Ceoneteated thatjnost thoroughly. We arg also showing all ihe daintiest designs in Collars and Caffs and Blouse In Belts and Belt Buckles we have a splendid range. ' A GOOD CORSET ance to every Lady, particularly Here again we ha provided' for your comfort by laying in a choice agsortmenu%s Ventilator While eco! and conta { --_ Bguxospertectly. We-have but togshow our famous 50c. line REMEMBER good, sweet June Butter and can do _ JONES & CO. cold and anticipate We We have the neatest match. We need vst -speak of the past two seasons has de- uble they preserve the The Bort Perry Standards PORT PERRY; JUNE 3, 1897. ¢ NOTES AND COMMENTS. "The soldiers who go to England to represent Canada at the Jubilee must wear no beards. Hon..Geo. A. Kirkpatrick's term of office aS Lieut-Governor of Ontario ex- pired on May 8rd. will be: made until after the Premier returns from England. ..Lieut-Governor Kirkpatrick remains in office, of course, until his successor is appointed. 'No appointment Mr. A. W. Campbell, provincial road commissioner, says that one million _ days' labor and $3,500,000 are annually on roads in Ontario. this would put" ever road ev0d eendition inside , @Kent, where corn y-used, do not' fetch. Be as those trom the other districts where corn is not 'used _ "to'the'same extent. The free duty on nearly so high @ pé Dominion House Compel railways to les'as baggage carried with if Majority. Th a bicyclist being or more for his much even for jon of the food supply of} the united kingdom in the case of war, has come in for agood deal of discussion lately. IfshaS been pointed out that while Russia? controls a very large f k | r i ngland depends usually on North! _Americ# that tis to say, on Cana and the United States. Now while..s] ays count on Canada, the le friendship of the States 'ise the power of rown consumpt IQ something of | 1 SCUGOG COUNCIL. The abowe.council met on May 29th. previous meeting read and approved. On motion of Mr. Alldred, Robert Mec- Gregor was exempted from statue labor the present year owing to ill treasurer was instructed to pay the clerk $4.40 for registering births, assessment roll as revised and finally passed by the Court of Revision was adopted as the assessment of the town- ship of Scugog forthe year 1897... Mrv introduee a road machine which he is scHing. The council appear to _be divided as to the purchase of a machine at present, the Reevo.and Mr. Sweet- man opposing it. After discussing the matter or some time Mr. Dunn moved mat the Reeve be instructed to pur- chase of Mr. E. Major a road machine at a sum not to exceed $125 on the follow- ing terms:--Fifty per cent. cash at tiMe.of purchase, the balanee on 15th _Dedembex, 1898. . Carried. On motion "of Mrs Sweetman a: by-law was passed toraise mowey by way of porary loan to méet the expenses of the corporation until the taxes are collected. Mr: Pogue came before the council with reference to a low place on the road on the 13th concession where the water accumulates at certain seasons of the year and backs up on his land as well as Mr. Hood's on the opposite side of thé@road. In order to take the water. off it would be necessary to lay a tile drain along the road through a rise of ground, at an expense of $25 or $30 as it would benefit the land on each side as well as the road. Mr. Pogue proposed that the corporation bear one third of the outlay and Mr. Hood and himself the other two-thirds. The council, after some discussion agreed with the proposal and Mr. Sweetman moved that a grant of one-third of the necessary expenses to properly carry off the water that at certain seasons of the year accumulates opposite lot 11, on. 13 be made, said grant not to ex- the sum of $10, and that Messrs. mm. Pogue and C, Hood be appointed to expend the same. Mr. Plumb the the last Satur- fF REVISION. msion for the town- ap the hall on Satur- iémbers all present. ppointed chairman, -appeals against the ely, P. & J. Hood, » Hiram Fralick and These parties were I the Indian working and not liable to had not been Reeve com- Department d received héalth. On motion of Mr. Alidred the marriages and deaths for 1896, and Wm. Dunn, jr., $6 for labor and material repairing road on Jackson's hill. On motion of Mr. Sweetman the E. Major came before the couneil to ; afloat, held at 71c. r Straight roller, Sar lots of rolled eo nm track here, are quoted at $2.85 ' and small lots at $2.95 to $3. Peas---Rather easier. There are more offering at 40c, north and west. eee ta lots, middle freights west, are quoted at 83c, and cast at 840 bid. 1 Offerings light. Buckwheat+Car lots west are quoted nominally at 28c, and 30¢ east. * Barley--No. 2 is quoted at 24 to 2bc, and No. 1 at 30 to 81¢, outside. Feed Darley is quoted at 22 to 28c, north and west. Corn--Car lots of yellow, Chatham freights, are quoted nominally at 28c, and mixed at 22c. Oats--Purchases of odd cars of white were made to-day at 21c, north and west, and at 22c east. Demand $s not so active. PRODUCE. Eggs--Owing to the rain business along the street to-day was quiet. Round lots sold at 9c, and small lots at 914 to 93¢0, Poultry--Nominal. Quotations for bright stock are: Turkeys, 10 to 11c; geese, 8 to 9c; chickens, 40 to 60c; and ducks, 50 to 80c. Potatoes--Offerings continue rather in excess of demand. Choice, by the car, on track, are quoted at 180, and out of store lots at 250. Field Produce--Quotations are: Sniall lots, out'of store, turnips, 20c per bag; parsnips, 40c per bag; and onions, native, $1.50 to $2, 'and Egyptians, $8.50 per sack. Beans--Hanq,picked white beans bring 70c, less commission, for single bag lots. Round lots sell at 60c, less commission. Common beans sell at 85 to 50c. Apples--Dealers quote small lots of dried here at 2 to 24c, and evaporated at 4c, per pound. Maple Syrup--Dull and unchanged. New run maple syrup is quoted at-60 to 65c in large tins, and 65 to 70c in small tins. Baled Hay--Street prices are low, and demand for car lots is quiet. Cars of No. 1, on track here, sell at $10. No. 2 is quoted at $7.50 to $8.50. Dealers quote two-ton lots of No. 1, delivered, at $10.75 to $11. traw--Nominal. Car: lots of oat straw, on track, are quoted at $5 to $5.50. DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS. Light lean hogs will be taken by the local packers at $6.50, light fats at $6, Members all present. Minutes of| and heavy at $5.75. The provision trade continues good. Owing to the scarcity of heavy hogs, barrel pork and other goods are firm, being wanted for export. Values are generally firm. Quotations are: Barrelled pork, shoulder mess, $11.50; heavy mess, $18; short cut, $14. Dry Salted Meats--Long clear bacon, car lots, 7 to 734c; ton lots, 7340; case lots; 734c; backs, 7}¥¢c. Smoked Meats--Hams, heavy, 100; medium, 11}4c; Ught, 120; breakfast bacon, lic; roll, 8c; backs, 11c; pionic hams, 734¢. All meats out of pickle Ic less than prices quoted for smoked meats. Lard--Tierces, 7c; tubs, 7}4c;- and pails, 734c; compound, 6 to 640. * DAIRY PRODUCE, The position of the market is un- changed. Receipts of dairy rolls and tubs are large, and prices are heavy Old dairy, tubs, 6c; new dairy, tubs, 10 to 12c; large dairy. rolls, 10 to 120; small dairy rolls, choice, 11 to 12c; creamery, tubs, 16c; and creamery, pounds, 17c. Cheese--Quiet. Small lots of fall makes at 1144 to 12c, and new makes at 10c. Perth, Ont., May 31.--Cheese-- Market QBGRE" HSE, all white? "no colored ; ruling price, 8 9-16c. All sold. 'Three Montreal buyers present. LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Toronto, May 81.--The market here to-day was an average one; it was active, but not so active as on Saturday. We had a good deal of selling, and prices were firm, but can scarcely correctly be called higher--at least, not quotably: so. The run was light, as all told we had only 62 loads'on hand, including 1,500 hogs, 130 sheep and lambs, between 80 and 90 calves, and about the usual supply of milkers. We had a better businuess in butchers' cattle, and for anything good values were from 8 to 8 7-8c per pound for loads, while for lots 8 7-8c and 4c was several times paid. The trade in butcher stuff was pretty lively, and a fair clearance Was made by the time the market closed. Bulls are in request for shipping at from 3 to 344c for choice, with a shade over for anything extra good. Common xis are weak, and scarcely wanted at all. As usual milkers were unchanged, but a few choice cows will sell at from $80 to $37 or $38 each. Wheat, white new........ 00 76 Wheat, red, per bush... 00 4 Wheat, goose, per bush, 00" = 268 eas, common, per bush 24 45, ats, per bush.... ' 00 24 ye, per bush.. 60 31 arley, per bush. : 00 26 Ducks, spring, per pair..., 40 &u Chickens, per pair........ . 30 50 Geese, per ip Rao carwus Lame 08 09 Butter, in 1-lb. rolls.. 15 16 Eggs, new laid.....,.. 00 a Potatoes, per bag. 00 Beans, per bush... aoe B 85 Beets, per doz....2.....c00 09 10 Parsnips, per doz. _ 9 10 Apples, per bbl Fs 40 150 Hay, timothy 211-69 12 50 Straw, shea 6 50 T BO Beef, hinds 04 06 Beef, fores,, 02 033 ee carcase, 64 7 Webr per tbs. <0 205. 05 63 Mutton, per:lbes< cess. 5 04 05 Dressed hogs. ick v.ceesaess 5 00 670 UNITED STATES MARKETS. East Buffalo, May 31.--Cattle--Re- ceipts, four cars; fairly good demand at uli 029; number of cattle, 442: hogs 584; horses 357; do es 6; acres of woodland 4714; Swamp or waste land 14523; _and' garden 107; fall wheat am boilers 3. : ceipts, 125 head; good demand, and prices strong to a shade higher; prin yeals. brought $4.75 to $5, up to $8 on to fair, $4 to $5. Hogs-- | 70 double decks; fair enquiry, another decline of 5 to 10c. Good Yorkers, $8.70; mixed packers' 65 to-$8.67; medium weights, 67; heavy hogs, $8.65; oho p and lambs--Re- cks of fresh' arrivals, and three that annum, under pressure to sell. Quotations are: -& Co.,.Toronto,..On' have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil for my | children when they had bronchitis' and always with great succes. Iuseit also. for sore throat, and nothing to equal if, sure cure. Mrs. JAmes O'Brian, Mdnteville, Ont, | strong prices. Veals and calyes--Re- |. Montreal, will gladly mail this any one sending them a one cent Fall Wheat... Spring Wheat. se wonderful | That is just the truth about Hood's Sar- saparilla. We know it possesses mer because it cures,"not once or twiceor & hundred times, but in thousands a thousands of cases. We know it cu absolutely, permanently, when all othe fail to do any good whatever. We re , . t Sarsaparilla , Is the best --in fact the One True Blood Purifier. cure nausea, indigestion, Hood's Pills pitiousness. 25 cents. =. CANNINGTON. z Cannington now charges vendots. of cigarettes a license fee of $25 per 2 Messrs. May Co., _ tinsniiths, & Cannington, have received the contract to supply all the milk eans that the Thorah creamery will require.* = = Mr. Seth Myers, who has been in England with a cargo of horses for W. J. Cowan, returned home on Friday week. Seth does not faink much of London as he says it costs a man @ penny to say good-day. Brock township is one of the group of quarantined townships against sheep scab and no one is permitted to move sheep out of the ges, Geog a certificate from Mr, illiams, of Sunderland, inspector for North Ontario, Farmers will do well to have their sheep inspected before disposing of them as the penalty is heavy for disposing of sheep affected with sheep scab, or other infectious diseases. SONYA. Mr. W. Moore lef; on Tuesday of last week for Brandon vhere he has secured a good situation. We wonder how that lé@eable young man from the precincts of Greenbank got home the other Sunday evening. Rev. P. A. McLeod was preaching to a Palmerston congregation on Sabbath last. Rev. Mr. Bailey, of Toronto, occupied the pulpitin his absence. Miss R. Moore, of Toronto, Miss Bella Stevenson, of Lindsay, and Mr. John Smith, of Port Perry, spent the 24th with friends here. Rev. P. McLeod will deliver the annual sermon to the members of Glencairn Camp, Sons of Scotland, next Sunday morning the é when the brethren will attend in a be@y, Received too late for last week. With invalids. Yes! with invalids the appetite is capricious and needs coaxing, that is just the reason they» improve so rapidly under Scott's Emulsion, which is as palatable as -| eream. ; BLACKSTOCK. The Sons of England (Blackstock lodge) purpose holding their annual excursion to Lindsay and Sturgeon Point on Saturday, June 19th, 1897, per magnificent steamer Crandella. The steamér will leave Cesarea at7 a. m. for Sturgeon Point, remaining there three hours, when she will return to Lindsay and remain two hours, return- ing to Cesarea in good time... Piano puara, )/ Bring. on your_m:; isie and... a jolly time. Hot and cold water on the boat. Tickets 80 cents, children under twelve 15.cents. . The committee hope to see as before a large turn-out of their Darlington fpiends, and extend a general invitatigga al ~ On Sunday, June 20th, the va: odges will meet at their lodge rooms at 8.30 p. m. after which they will proceed to form a_pro- cession near the Methodist church and proceed to the drill shed where-a grand union meeting will be held, to be addressed by the several local ministers. Musie will be rendered by the combined church choirs. A collection will be taken up in aid of some charitable institution. Health and happiness are realative conditions ; at any rate, there can be little happinesgi wi health. To give the bo H measure of strength and é& ; the blood should be kept pure and vigorous, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. J.S. says: "I was in a dreadfully weak and nervous condition, unable to rest and utterly unfit for work, and Miller's Compound Iron Pills cured me." «For sale by A.J. Davis. "4% Bronchitis cured. Messrs. T. Milburn say there 'is NURSING I # SICK. -- This is the title of a most valuable and concise treatise on the art of nurs- ing the indisposed. It deals with nurs- at home, ventilation of the sick room, bathing the patient, arranging the bed, etc. It also gives several receipts for liquid and solid foods, and tells the kind that can be used for the different diseases, inten iume@rates the several ursing is a _ | Blackeye peas... -| Mummy peas oe mall peas _ ' es Sai | profit of old and you forty of whom were from in the Garden City excursion © Toron- to on Friday. ' son, J. Meen, W. t.- Dear Sirs,--I}. ng a-very enjoyable tit, are was ecole pre and first-class. | Esq., in chair. -T. Cameron and W. able addresses. Mrs. W. Real® well and the Gré welcome here, , {selections of sa Ward, Esq., the reurmg ent of S.S., spoke feelingly of forty-tw | years acquaintance with Marsh Hill. WHITBY NEWS. From Tuesday morning's Gazette. Miss Claypole injured her foot by her bicycle the other evening, and is now laid up for repairs. Owing to the Rev. Mr. MeAlpine_be- ing at the London convention, Rev. Mr. Gold preached in the Baptist church on Sunday. Master Frark Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shaw, is able to be about again after a very severe illness. About two hundred from these ase Vhithy. too Lawyer Jones, of Oshawa, has given notice of action to the Whitby town |: fatherson behalf of Mr. Thos, Rice re ~| his recent accident. eS Mr. S. Coxworth's anticipated trip 'to England was delayed for a.few days~ so as he can attend the jubilee festivities' swine. j Mrs. W. C. Smith was in Peterboro last week presiding as grand president of the Daughters of England in annual session. For the ensuing year she fills the post of grand past president, Mrs. Fred. Howlett, of. Byron street south, has been very ill fo: veral weeks with neuralgia. evening she was at d happily, she rallied a Mr. W. W. Tambl principal of the llegia stitute, has been specialist in english aid moderns of the Bowman- ville high schoo e engag commence after the holidays will we be deprived of another able family ere long. Be Warden King and Major were unsuccessful. in their. Ottawa to have the 34th Batt. held at. Whitby over the Sunday and Monday following the battalion's return from camp at Niagara, as there is no pro-|- vision made for the payment of the men Petérborongh, Oct. 22nd, 1 To Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Gentlemen,--I take great pleasure beyond the regular timé, ~~ & '| me! in testifying to the merits ofDr. Chase's 24 K. and L. Pills. They 'prove them-| mended for, and are one of selling pills that I have ever handle J.D, Tuty, Drug; Mr. Moses Webster, one of the ol selves to be just what they are recom- e best Friday last he left Toronto for Picker- ing station. Getting off there, he start- ed to walk to the home of his sister, Mrs. Vale, and when about thirty rods south of the track he fell dead, from heart failure.. About an hour. after. wards Mr. George Hartrick came across him; but he was quite lifeless and cold. The funeral took place from the resi- dence of the late Joseph Webster on Sunday morning to the Friends' bury- ing ground, and was very largely at- /tended. Deceased was an gentle- than most highly esteemed, and his two daughters especially have reason to re- gret his demise. inthe House There is No| __ Doctor to Hunt or Wait for When JOCTOR'S FEES fren Comes suddenly and ould be Prepared by Having MUNYON'S MEDICINE CHEST Where She Can Get it Quickly in Case of Emergency~It Contains a SEPARATE SPECIFIC FOR EACH DISEASE Munyon's Rheumatism Cure never fails hours, and cures in a Dyspepsia Cure eures all forms 0: Munyon's Cold Cure nia and breaks up a col Be. Munyon's Congh Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness and speedily heais y Cure speedily cures ains in the back, loins or groins and all 'corms of kidney. disease. Munyon's Nerve Cure stops nervousness revents _pnheumo- in a few hours. atarrh Remedies. never fail. The Catarrh.Cure--price 25c--eradicates the 'disease from the system, and the Catarrh before his.return with 'his pure-bred" fable a 25c--cleanse and "heal the Munyon's Asthma Cure and Herbs re- } Neve asthma in three minutes ald cure in Price 50c each. . Cure stops headache in three minutes. BOO ine Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures" all forms of 'piles. ; Munyon's Blood © dicates all im- ee 25 home from hér vi and other places, evitt, of Greenwood on the Hon. John Dryden's Most coughs m y be cured in a few yurs or at any rate ina few days, by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectorai. With such a prompt and sure remedy as this at hand, there is no ne. longing the agony for Keep this remedy in your Nts of the neighborhood west of Vv, has been living with his daugh- |" ter in Toronto part of his time for sever- al years since the death of his wife. On D. S. Doan, of Clinton, says: " Da. CHASE'S OINTMENT will cure Salt Rheum when all else as failed; believe what I say and try it. ~Don't go on suffering for years as I did," His Lordship was assisted by the ine bent, the Rev. Mr. Broughall, and {! Revs. Talbot, of Oshawa, and Harri Brooklin. Bishop Sweat 2 plain, but impressive, the object of confirmation particularly urged the n as a means of warding tions of the world, whi ed as the enemy of m. means. of growing in grace - courage and fortitude to resist the co. E of the world, the flesh and the devil. 'Following isa list of those confirmed ;--=1 fase G. C. Watters, Ji Campbell, E. T. Downey, J.S. Thompson, KE. B.- Adamson, Arrowsmith, E. Hancox, E. Compton, R. Collins, H. McBrien, E. J. Sheppard, A, Meen, Fanny Gould, Li. Ham (Pick- ering), G. Harris (Brooklin), Mrs. W. G. Mrs. J. Bell, and Meese holm, J. M. Bro: and W. G. Hat connec Turke came the teachers of schools in a body, the Roman Catholic community, The whole exhibited not 61 kindly feeling, i : Chambers. He has recently 0) d an orphanage for boys whose fathers were murdered in the Constantinople massa- "& will econ cre of last August.. The orph: the Gregorian or 'Ateeican tto mass on Sundays. and : d of trying to prosely- istrates the spirit of jains in part the by the whole: com- (nbers was one His brother says an eminent 'Ba lish docto: a pote infect houschol sommer-time, especially, disease titudes iglewood, Ont., says: "My months old, had eczema very badly I procured two boxes of the Ointment and when they had' been used Mrs. F. Pearson, In Barnes, O.|° alters, Mrs. (Dr.) Eastwood and as been one 0 i ice in the Master's vi Ree A. F. D. Macgachen for fifteen rs past connected w: ch of the Bank o Sas accountant and five years as ger--is about to remove to the branch of the same institu- ucceeded here by of Regina, N. ith the Lindsa £ Montreal-atan Mr. J. A. Paddon, ge oa Tron Pills cure St. || oses f 5 i For'sale by A. J. Davis, ee Dr. Chambers sees thet |:_.Mt: John Birchall spent his holidays Miss Lizzie Balfour came h * Toronto to spend her holiday. -- Mr, Wm. Tarves of Littl : Mr. Sandy Wilson, iene ce of Columbus, spent -Landon, of Toronto, and siting her gaughter, Mrs. see se Mary and Liza Swin. "The Foot oe © | Swingon. " ee at Mr. T. Pega some magnetic such a distance so 'scurfy, do not comb the-h apt to scratch and irritate the scalp, but After washing the » and apply Dr. joi ene Since our advertisement of Lat large additions in Boots and Shoes, great pleasure in mentioning the arrival of 166 Pairs Of J. D. King & Co's celebratéd' make of Oxford Shoes in Black, Chocolate, Etc., and Button Boots of same: colors, ~ make and quality. oa t., we have mong which we h For Fine Boots and Shoes "Cheapside"' stands A 1. ALWAYS AT THE TO The Largest Stock, Finest Quality and Lowest Prices. _T. C. FORMAN & SO "MARRIAGE LICENSE OFFICE. t Perry, May loth, 1897. -econom s IEW PROCESS" Blue Flame Oil Stor e has demonstrated the *NEW PRO! The past season's experienc In the crucial test of every-day to be all that we claimed for it. proven a.success, doing its work perfectly and»quickly, t is clean and odorless, and has shown itself to be in erfect Coal Oil Stove upon the market. _ 'H. PHILP. & CO. -- Have the exclusive sale, for Port Perry and vicinity of the above mentioned Flame" Oil Stove and the success 'h jealousy.that there are numerous periment when can. Oil Stove. It is the only original "BR which it has met with has created so imitators, but why buy.a Stove which is only an ex) sell you the genuine article at no greater cost ? We placed Eleven of these Stoves with our customers during 1896 and they were all delighted. _ Come to us for references, satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded if the Stoye does not prove to be all we claim for it. 6.41. PHILP & CO. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. | eros ous # advt. bicycle, -- Geo. Me! accom, » ¢ Colic, -- STOCK NOTES, Mr. Jno. McClintock has a thorough- bred Durham bull for service. Auctioneer Geo. Jackson -has some pure-bred berkshire pigs for sale. Read ee Murray & Lanman's Thorough bred Holstein-Friesian bulls of choice breeding for sale cheap. See R. W. W iIker's advt. That grand, im lion Balmoral, the property Millson, Solina, Wilk travel thi through Pontypool, wood, Janetville, and Cartwright. Bal- moral is a beautiful dark brown, 16% hands high, and weighs 1900 Ibs. highly prized by every horseman. MYRTLE. Miss Teacher Parkins is riding a ne rted clydesdale stal- FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MOSF REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. - Bethany, Fleet- Faggart is altering his B Robt. Duff sold twen to a Toronto buyer last Recent visitors here--Miss H. Dow- ney, Mr. and_ Mrs. Miss Briggs, Mr. Smith, and Mr; bu. M Taggart, all of Toronto. - : Men and Women who can work hard talkin, and writing six hours daily, for six days a wee! and will be content with ten dollars weekly, NEW.IDEAS CO., Brantford, Ont: Maistis a true statement and it nails too strong or too emphere °° SOME MEN Cough, Rheumatism, Colds, Neuralgia, Croup, Toothache. SIZES, 25c. and 50c. Diarrhoea, in . Monday. which time op ts in Buy Clothes like they ta! --shut their eyes and Then they expect thing to turn out all right, thing seems good enough" them, as long as it looks well-- until some day the color begins to fade, the buttons fall off, seams |, linings giveout, then y then they, know the dif- Courtof Revision ----FOR THE---- Village of PORT PERRY. " Ee OTICE is hereby given that the First Sitt- geof the Court of Revision for the trial respecting the Assessment Roll y for 1897 will be held At the hour of 8 o'clock in. it)

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