Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 3 Jun 1897, p. 3

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4 ; ; 1 3 RI Te ies ~ Y * All:Wool Carpets, Unitn Carpets," | Tapestry Oarpets; :: © Stair Carpets, acute: Bad? oe Iso full line of L AT ae stock we haye é¥ ets Wing. /Werhave in stock. for 'those who} ee Wr a +§, Lace Curtains, "~ Arf Muslins, _ Cretonnes, Fancy er show: use Furnishings. IS: ~ . € wpeeelye PezveBe * Pane Window Shades 25c. each L ' D les 3 -in White and Colored. The h and atknowledged to be a fine assort- ment. @Pbey are going fast, ¥nd are well worth every lady's inspection. Also Blouse Setts, Buckles, Bows and Four-in-hands.. We can supply thé L lustres, well made, with g i nd cheap. @lting, Pims, and a fine line of Ladies' Ties in s'with Ready-made Skirts in plain and fancy inings, a Oar stock of Dress Goods and Trimmings, Silks, Laces, Ribbons, Lin- ings, and all Dress Trimmings and Linings is now complete. New Summer Underwear. Ladies' Vests, a complete range, from 5c. upwards. New Spring Sigpes. A Fine Dongola Kid Shoe at $1, $1.25 and 1.50, New Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, Prints, Grass Cloths, and an ex- cellent line of Muslns in Organdy, Lappet Mill, Fancy Figured, Lawns, Swiss Checks, and an immense range of Spot Muslins, all at lowest prices. See our west window with a new line of Ladies' Straw Hats. choice of any Hat in the window for 25c. Your Just Received--Men's Spring Hats, Fedoras and Hard Felts, newest styles. Our Grocery Stock is always complete. Fresh Smoked Meats, Cana- dian Stilton Cheese, Bananas, Pine Apples, Oranges, Lemons, and our fam- ous 25c. Tea always op hand. Come in and see us. We want your trade. e A. ®OSS & SONS. R. J. BRUCE. _--HEADQUARTERS FOR-- Screen Doors ----AND-- Windows, WINDOW BLINDS And Cornice Poles. HOR Mixed Paints. ees Gasoline and Oil Stoves, one guaranteed. Granite and Tinware of all descriptions. Prices Away Down. LOCAL ITEMS. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS OF MORE OR LESS INTEREST TO ALL, Call and s stock. i County council meets at Whitby on every Clearing Sale =or= MILLINERY if KKK. b order to reduce my stoc the following Sh FLO SHAPES, RIBBONS, Knowing "Sometime. KR That our prices are 25 to 40 per cent. cheaper than any other Undertaker in this district. ; That we have the Best Hearse, and the finest Casket Wagon, and Casket - Sleigh in this county. That we conduct funerals That we take more pains 4 i ae pain for the next thirty days at the lowest possible prices & a F _ ' ye Ft k I will WERS, i pa able. : Mr. and Mrs. E. Broad spent Sunday | Messrs. J. M. and Monday with friends at Richmond | commissioners. Hill. Whitby's new spring goods #h oe and he is giving some excellent | J. Johnston and P. M. Martyn, commis- values. in; at Willard & Co's, Tipp's washing machine takes the lead. John Tipp, Port Perry. Fe ing this evening and is expected to speak June 21st. ,~ Mars. Van Camp, of Berli of Mrs. Yarnold. ; Georgian mieson's" ateur photogra jlison's drugstore. - Town council and court. of revision on Monday evening next. SZ ee Whitby' new spring ,is the guest y white fish and trout at Achy. phing supplies at Mr. E. Major, of Toronto, was in Cash paid price, at Willard & Co's: town on Saturday, «© for* 6ggs at Spee Two good family skiffs for sale. Pants made Apply to J. W. Davis: to order from. first-class goods for $2.50 at Willard & Co's. -h See our range of English shaker flan- el from 5c. to 10c. Mr. J. W. Meharry has some good} tions on the roads and bridges of the sture for stock. Terms very reason- | township of Reach for 1897 : Willard & Co. ave Mr. E. H. Purdy was in Bracebridge A large lot this week attending the True Blue con- | d vention. of boys' and men's cloth- Bees and good, from $1.50 to $8.50 See t hem. Manufactured by The Sons of Temperance will have Telephone A Bargain. Mri £20; t of the employees have been in town fixing wires and otherwise im- | ingewat ditch:and gravelling, $30. Wm proving the Company's property. £100,000 sterling (British money) to qi lend at 4, 44 and 5 per cent. on good mortgage security. Adams, Port Perry. . The best. wa. scribers of THE the Queen's diamond jubilee is to call at the office and settle their accounts. ae.Rey. ©. J. Cameron, B.A., a former stotof the Baptist church here, will} Port Perry, $75. Messrs. Lambe and present at the weekly prayer meet-| Allan Good, commissioners. Apply to D. J. for delinquent sub- TANDARD to celebrate Mr. Evbels has instruc- tions to offer at TWO-FIFTHS OF ITS COST a well built frame house with nearly an aot ground on Queen street, Port erTy, ' Currie, grand vice-presi- Patrons of Industry of io, has been appointed immigra- nt for thé ominion govern- Ument at St; Paul, Minn. '| take cha' | mery. with de- ith our Ps 'Under- be attained, tar Port Perry Uxbridge at Port Pert ; A little advice to those who pract the habit of throwing paper on street seems in order just now, would not appear to be a very great offence, and yet there is a chance.of in- ble damage resulting therefrom, calcula row escape CD wees oe eee ont by tened a * bein own abou! the wind, is sevoea instances nar- 0 Be our appl C) ame tonehouse left on Monday to rge of the new Beaverton crea- Tnder his capable management we have no doubt but that success will | commissioners. < : i a town-line, 9th con., provid- e io District of the C. L. A. Perry last week. C. KE. Uxbridge and R. indsay and ted. The ; Uxbridge ; Juls ort Perry; Auly 29, xbridge; August 12, Perry. Z It see horses beconie frigh- from accidents. Besides it does not add tothe appearance or clean- liness of Queen street to. see it strewn with bits of papers or sweepings. - The following is the address present- ed to Miss Bruce by her Methodist. friends on the occasion of her marriage on May 27th, 1897. Dear | In thus addressing you we f Miss |our long and favorable acquainta permits us to ah On your removya from our midst we canno ass withou a tlon of your aracter. Th ways found ie tl é | bell, supported by her cousin Miss Edith suits, made to order, at Willard & Co's. -- Mrs. E. Mundy an Osha were gue h over Sunday. t forget thaty amit eps good livery dorses" and sty ponveyances. Prices*teasonable. per cent. loans made on farms. Write with stamp enclosed or call on Reynolds, Shanks & Co., 124 Victoria street, Toronto. ey The South Ontario Farmers' Institute are arranging for an excursion td'the Model Farm, Guelph, the first week in July. Particulars later. Made a mistake the last time you bought wall paper, did you? Make no mistake this season, but see W. H. McCaw's great stock before you buy. _ As Miss McKenzie is desiring of leav- ing town shortly she is. now offering great inducements in millinery and fancy goods, in order to clear them out. Miss Moore, of Brooklin,. a- former music teacher here, was. married on Tuesday to Dr. Howard, formerly of the Hampton neighborhood. Her many. friends here wish her every happiness. What are we in Port Perry :going to do' to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee? Almost every other town is making arrangements to hold some sort of a celebration on June 22nd. Lindsay is fo have a grand celebration to be held under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association. Now, let's get down to business and have some sort of doings here, and at the same time ed our loyalty to our Queen and our own. . A very pleasant event took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Bruce on Thursday, May 27th, at half- past two in the afternoon, it being the marriage of their only daughter Minnie Vuto Rey. C. R. Sing, S.T.L., B.D., of Innisfail, N.W.T., by the Rev. D. N. McCamus. The bride entered the drawing room to the strains of the wed- ding march played by Miss A. Brown. The bridal party stood under a floral Mason, of .Peterboro. The groom was supported by the bride's brother, Mr. Rupert Bruce. The bride looked charm- ing in a cream brocaded silk trimmed with real lace. The bridesmaid was gowned in a cream silk trimmed with Ce passementric and real lace. The ride and bridesmaid each wore a gold broach, set with oe the gilt of the groom. After the ceremony a recep- tion was held'and a were given to the bride an wards the company sat down to an ela- borate dejeuner which all did ample justice to. The many beautiful and costly presents showed the high esteem in which the bride was held. The bri- groom. After- |b Port Perry, at. ty de's paren L ' D! oN. McCar f Mr. and Mrs. Stews Se 3 > DEATHS: » sa abeth® Pees) 2 ing on the credit of the Municipal '| four thousand two hundrefl four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars by the issue of debentures and providing for the repayment thercof. Whereas it is expedient to raise by way of a loan the sum of four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars for the purchase and improvement of a Park m the Municipality of the Village of Port Perry 4nd whereas it will be re- quisite to raise annually during the term of twenty years by special rate for payment of the said debt and interest the sum of three hundred and twelve dollars and seventy-two cents.. And whereas the amount ofthe whole rateable property, of pee. said municipal- ity according to the last Revised Assess- eel is asiit. ex! : nd whereas. #] xisting debenture debt of the said Enmiticipality is $39,000 of which none of the principal or inter- est is in arrear. ' Therefore the Corporation of the Village of Port Perry enacts as follows : 1. It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said village for the purpose aforesaid to borrow the sum of four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars and to issue debentures of the said municipality to the amount of four thousand two hun- dred and fifty dollars in sums of not less than $100.00 each tobe repayable by annual instalments durmg the period of twenty years from the date on which this By-law takes efféct and to bear in- terest at a rate not exe@eding four per cent. per annum: payable yearly on the first day of December in each and every year during the currency of the said dé- bentures. we wy 2, 'The said debentures shall be pay- ableat the agency in the Village of Port Perry of the Western Bank. of Canada. -- 8, It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said municipality and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sign and issue the said debentures hereby author- ized to be issued and to cause the same and interest coupons thereto to be signed by the Treasurer of .the said municipal- ity and the Clerk of the said manicipal- ity i a ea: and instructed attae € seal of the municipali the said debon tie ae as 4, There shall be raised in each year dal party left on the six o'clock train from Myrtle to visit.friends in the weg before starting for their future home. LIST OF APPROPRIATIONS. The following is the list of appropria- 10th con., ee lots 17 and 18, $25. eal and Albert Akhurst, Nonquon road, south of Port Perry, $75. essrs. T. Lambe, E. J. Wheeler, Se con., west of Brock r own hill, $25. MessrssMW, oad, to il nd Jacob Taylor, commissioners. Side road between lots 18 and 19, 9th, 10th and 11th cons., $50. Messrs. J. M. Real, M. O'Neil and A. Gordon, Jr., commissioners. 10th concession, opposite lots 14 and 15, $20._ Messrs. J. M. Real, T. E. Cragg and E. Beare, commissioners. 10th con., west of Brock Road, $25. a an excursion to Lindsay on Jubilee day. | Messrs. Camplin and Peckard, commis-}] Big day at Lindsay. See posters. sioners. : 4t*.con. opposite lots 7 and 8, clean- Stephens, R. W. Walker and Geo. Bro- erick, commissioners, 2nd concession, opposite lots 18, 19 and 20, $40. Messrs. Lambe, Frankish and Robertson, commissioners. 14th con., through big marsh and Brock road, 13th and 14th cons., $150. Messrs. Camplin, McDonald, A. Doug- las, and Wm. McDonald, commission- erg. Gravel road, between Manchester and 2nd con., east of Centre road, includ- ing sink-hole, $100. Messrs. Lambe, Stephen, Cook and Thos. Graham, com- missioners. . : Prince. Albert road_ division, $25. Messrs. Lamb and M. Weir, commiss- ioners. 2 ~ *: % 7th concession, east Messrs, Lamb, WwW commissioners. Simcoe street, 11 Messrs Jas. Munro and" ants a like sum, $25. ed Uxbri if behalf of Reach, com- Mr. Camplin o missioner. : Brock town line, op lots 22 and 23, provided Brock grants a like amount, $20. Messrs. McDonald and T. D. Clarkson, commissioners, _ : Greenbank road division, $30. Messrs. J. M. Real and J. McKitrick, commis- sioners. - = John Beare's road division, railing, Sr., commissioners. Side roa between C. Rennie's road division, $28. Mesars. McDonald and C, Rennie, commission- ers. : Messrs. J. M. Real, J. Beare Dobson, commissioners | come due respectively and such annual ee Pome | tai as road, $20 | J. Raines, $15. Messrs. J. M. Real and J. Beare, lots 18 and 19, Centre road, 8th and 9th cons., bat ntyre, commis- during the curren¢y of said debentures the sum of $812.72 to discharge the h Several instalments of principal and in- terest aceruing due on said debontn res as the said instalments and interest be- sum shall be raised and levied in each year by a special rate sufficient therefor on all the rateable property in the municipality. This By-law shall take effect on the twenty-eighth day of June A. D. 1897. 'The votes of the electors of the said Village of Port. Perry shall be taken on Dee on the 25th day of June A. D : At the Market Buildin, for Polling ond Pan. | D., of Innisfail, N. nnie Victoria, only Uxbridge township, on atson, beloved | ohn "Orchard, in "her | A By-Law to provide for the borrow. eof |y '| the Village of Port Perry the suitor "and fifty dollars for the purchase and improve- ment of a Park in the said municipality |- | and for the raising of the said sum of Pi cat aod » TORPEDOES, ROMAN CANDLES, > LANTERNS, -FIRE-CRACKERS, SEES FLuUAGS. SEES W.H.McCAW, ~Book-seller and Stationer, | Bowmanville attendii afternoon children fave us an ob was all that co address Uxbridge, on 'the acids" easily and tho Best after dinne oo ScuG Mrs. Ellford has' -- in Enniskille so he Sons of: Temperance Monday evening was aut Pee Rev. E. Farnsw Mr. A, Sweet oe AY man is in Braceb: dg attending the L Blues cor voston 4 a "= e aoe EPSOM. © es ur Sabbath school anniversary < Sunday and Monday was a devided Success, an ex-superintendent said one of the best statins f the ached! eee im the: histors "of by Rey. Arthur Browning, were practical, spiritual of Toronto, and appro- exceptionally well rendered. mass meeting of the school on 8: The abbath _was largely attended the Singing and Mr, Browning ject lesson on the "fiye Monday entertainment could be desired. The by Eee: Nichols, B. A., of ags,.'> The sick list for a few d Minnie Ward should wish, Mr. John Allin out "visiting . their versaty on the 20th tit t 'Chas. Lamb ha: divePand ari Mr. W, rth--H. Baird, A. ulter. Senior thi ith, C. Baker, a. nior third ith, A. 7 De Wilson, J. mb, nith is not has taken ; 'he bride ie Mice A . J. Parkins of thi 'er father's residen she dusk of evening devan. more atlodious -till- the rsty crowd "were rmen, that grave, Sub dive number one: tuck vu onrrsiay, - She At the Town Hall for aE ee - division number two. John H..Bro Deputy Returning-officer. + the School House for Polling Sub- division numberi@hree. E. D. Rogers Deputy Returning: officer. At which said places a Poll will be opened at the hour of nine o'elock in the continued: open until the o'clock in the afternoon and ? o longe { oe "2 The 24th: day of June A.D. 1897 at avi \ot the said Village of p 'at the Polling Places and summing up of the votes on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing this By law respectively. The 26th day of June A. D. 1897 at the said hour and place last named is for the summing up by the Clerk of the said Village of the number of votes given for and against the said By-law respectively. g ; re hereby appointed as the time and place |. oriant and delicate lerformed we call rgeon. "When w' way we e safest, stronzest prove that Diamond Wery package is ce, winning idustry the ire confidence of all. though of 6th concessions, | eal, Wim. Stephens tica, $26. Messrs Broderick, com- | has made his] and relatives . we rica. Mr. Prank Sonley has We are Sorry to write that Mi 1s not improving as and daug' Aacqaintances one day last Our Sabbath school hold their anni-|10c. a yard, just in, at Willard & Co's ae #e looking forward to a successful i MANCHESTER. _ Mr. P. Holt, of Burket ai y- ¢ visit to the Eoronone a Mrs. Geo. Holborn and dau hter Queensville, as@visiti Pre ee ad Mic Thompson's *t MP Boyes is now driving a fine gray. at Bo mtock is I ¢ house which will b iti Uh handsome buildings, pee Lhe following is the hono lor division of Uanoh ote: ole ool for the month of May. rth--K. Worden, P. Boyes. Christie, N. Ewers, . Lamb, W. Barrett, E. nkerton, F. "Martin, R. Barrett, E. The smiling face of our genial black- among us now, but death $ not removed him. ttner to share his joys and sorrows e day Cr edmesday) r ihe day all was gay and noisy trongest bank. When we have home yeing work todo it is wisdom to use the world--the dyes that give the randest and most satisfactory results. Tf you are unfortunate enough to be alked into buying the low grade dyes-- e imitations that are sold for the sixe of large profits--your goods will Grtainly be ruined and your money rown away. = ee that your dea gives you the amond.Dyes when you ask for them. | PORT PERRY and CANNINGTON ON pu are fully protected against loss. SEAGRAVE. y | former popular ny, occupied the pulpit here Sun- evening. 'He and wile are. visiting this vicinity, bi rs. MacLean, wife of the late Alex. | ° been on th ays. N we @ old week. and 21st of June. 2 traded his black building a ublic foe unior Boyes, E. Parkin, A. Rees, P. d--J. Fitchett; 1. Gipson, C. Beare: D lin: Fitchett, H. Dob- He has taken eserved holiday. | av nnie, daughter of s village. On the Miss Zella -J. Wilton at in in ce appreciated and the selec ee ey choice and oing credit to the parents i of the neighborhood. as lan who instructed them, . ng 8S) Save us a good gs "life and labor. thter were | Spoke on " enthusiasm," friends and | Were all that could be expected. remedy, for the treatment of nervous membranes of Yrespiratory organs, the unpleasant taste of the turpentine and ey, and more of it is sold in Canada than Linseed and Turpentinees's Syrup of affection of the throat," writes My, Dewson,of the Standard Bank,now dager Thomas remedy as simple, cheap and exceedingly goal has hitherto been my habit to consult a physiciat. was heartily tions by the well rendered well as those Monday even- of. Prince Albert; i. pape address on f Yr. Brownin - d 'Hold the Fort" -in Tidings The _ proceeds Mr. Weatherill, Nice new lot of prints at 5¢., 7¢., and Linseed and Turpentine is not only a popular but the best known to medical science compounded this valuable syrup so as to take away R. CHASE seed. It was the Doctor's last and greatest ether cough medicines combined. A Banker's Experience 3335 HEREAFTER HE INTENDS TO ses Big QWN FAMILY DOCTOR "T tried a bottle of Dry, a troublesome enue,Toronto. "It proved effective. T'felbourne the The sermons on Sabbath |." priate, the singing by church choit was | and sure the s order goods ays keep a full stock db. 5) RC Sein Sie e Ets, Tags, Envelo Be Cade Ete Note Heads, Bill Heads, _Eivetyone, when buying a to buy the very best and prettiest patterned « 'bought for the price paid. made and that the fit is faultl paying $10, $12.50 or $15 We get the very best that the If you will come to us we will cc sh latest novelties in the Tailoring i TF vole Suits to leave our tailorin t g department th: do not perfectly satisfy... And fencer had it is not necessary to want to buy i . inspect our stock. y in order to them, Suit we will save you money. & is a good ine a. sure to pleane. = . wkages. *-25c., 400, 50c., and 60c. ROM ALL LEADING GROCERS. _ a4 MEOING So ice i " +e THAT'S OUR BUSINESS.."° | ; Veui * ee rinting' executed eithér ! \*, in plain or co reasonable oredinks. Prices 'THE STANDARD, "= re ; "Port Perry. Spring Suit waits most stylishly made Suit that can be He wants to> be that the pattern is the latest -out, that tyle is not ancient, that the Suit: is well When for clothes why not money will purchase. . i you... we will guarantée the fit. noy We al es Come in and be shown, need a Suit or not, our . you. And if you want a -whether you will interest * GHO. H. WALLIS, |: THE FASHIONABLE TAMIOR( | & 1 " a troubles of this nature. Hereafter, however, I \ tend to be my own family doctor," here. During bright. When came on a serenade than strietly sufferings appeased, all Truly surgical operation img the very best money to put | o¢ deposit it in the safest and | JUNS, instant, at the hour of Two o'clock in i the afternoon. : ; All accounts to be laid before the Council must be forwarded to the Clerk, properly certi- fied, at least three days before the meeting of : a i Years of test work and experience | iy Lent: whitby this Ist day of June, 1607. and fastest dyes. Dyes are the best warranted, so that Seagrave on Satur- combined with age eath. Funeral took ' On Cochrane street. A good house in first of thé'\ class condition. Splendid orien with nearly sedat good stable. erseded gayCupid. _ fe fellow, has | {50° *table ~--aeane THAT YOU ¢§ THE BEST. When it isnecessary to have an im- County Council, The next meeting of the Council of the Cor- poration of the County of Ontario for the year 1897, will be held at the Court House in the Town co The Annual High School Entrance and Public pastes Mr. JUNE 28th, 29th & 30th, been for some time | of the Port Perry High School. HOUSE FOR SALE. varieties of Fruit. Also driving shed and Will be sold reasonably. Apply COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Whitby, on MONDAY, THE 2ist DAY OF e Counci! JNO. E. FAREWELL, | County Clerk, County of Ontario. ntrance and Public School Leaving Examinations. School Leaving Examinations will be held at MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, Beginning each day at 845 a.m. Candidates are required to hand in their ookg--Drawing, Writing and Book-keeping-- n the morning of the first day. Applications may be sent to JAS. McBRIEN: QP P. Sery Prince Albert, or to the Principal F. M. YARNOLD, Chairman. "er religious services MiecLeod, of Sonya. 3 the deceased has d resident of this er integrity and t retiring nature she ighbor and one long | She leaves behind s and fourdaughters nd to these we join y in extending our Temperance en int Seagrave on llowin. Back+Ache, Face-Ache, Sciatic Pains, Neuralgic Pains, Pain in the Side, ete: Promptly Relieved and Cured by The "D. & L." Menthol Plaster ur D, & L. Menthol Plaster for severe pain in tho back and lumbago, I unhesitatingly rt edy :in fact, they.act. 2a PS ete Blabatbtow Price 25c. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTD. Proprietors, MonTREAL, 5 Having used yo wre ith Rigby Waterproof Golf Capes Th "nate the most comfortable and convenient out- not geegarment a Lady can wear. If you can- to write to "our town suggest to your dealer 6 4 ie DEO fess FRESH DRUGS > eR (4 AT A. J, DAVIS', DRUGGIST. oe Pe The undersigne ham Bull for serv The undersigne times, Of Choice Bree Young Bulls sire BUT Prices to st: lars or come, AGEM ed--thirt BULL FOR SERVICE. i a has & ¢horough-bred Dur- Pure-bred Berk: Berkshires four weeks 0: teen months old. The ab gistered, and will be sold ice at Lot 17, Con. 6, Reach. d has fi Takes this opportunit ei ing his many friends am mers tor their liberal pat during the past fifty y, wishes to inform th is still in business @ Id stand and kin continuance of your me certain I oe 1 d

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