Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 3 Jun 1897, p. 4

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: 1 ' c 'aused Partial BLD a ee a, ' 3 L a a of Semi-Para As sentence. ra ; ; i ' loc Pe asia "They would arked Miss | from the Woodstock, NS. --Never ! Pe ea Mrs. BE. P. R Riley Bro ask 1NB., says:--L . " for ae an, . st | still be im 5 my mind at the las' fiom had it not beem for Dr. ' i Wis married at the a: will ring in a few Pie ad wre fifty-one yea tat met | Se aoc so d n i nT bee always emjoyedeg: 4 unquestioning obed : a jinutes." important letter to write oe ce ny trace ee "Tamm sOBY th } I dress." About a month later the ilk out as they hav "I saw through the Brooke had returned, and as here is-limited--me volcl. vancing a few steps and his hand to Gerald, - = i on ami, si 2 'eee I am one of the oe in the world whom you thought to Then 06° "No oath can bi polding out |, murderer." dded; "It is| "One of the chie any: mon amis Dut Ss en aunt and I will leave Peid tacked me which has simice ma' i a ? I amso afraid | t Ree Ey consulted dif t | suré-seekers scattered, \ ds | pecifically into: here?" » ye- | being the case, there ne Dees 1 not be 1008 went." life muiserable. I rest saw nothing unusual ' ; tei in iitrogeam "You are indeed, eg itor's Rages Broa ¢ N chine | rides on rheumatism,soon- be ae trouble. One' § the poor dist: d x an 7¥ an : Fcail-proteia. 4 % ' hooki his V fought at Cressy, -to : ; ot hin ed Mid&| the nature | is, of bie from one group to another fran ¥ what Bees sponte! Gerald as he & 11 reat show | of = common assassifiay Never | er than damp clothes" remarsed yoo; | was a species of paralysis, other asking for tidigs. of a lost obild. No- he stuff that muscle and] proffered hand, but with p peen long | "Pardon. Might ion | Primby _sententiously, eT nd tucked |symptoms c® fits. I a ddenly body knew anything of the missing nd nerve-stuff and blsodis Dig pene ee cordiality.--"Havé ou before you express you down a leaf of her novel, 2 very well when I aera a ag boy, and when in her desparation she is fae te youn | nd Rest Contains n = jand #" ' in such emphatic terms, to the volume under her arm. a) sensation of partial bane approached the gentleman on the : exactly wha | fi) Ressal S naiper Wing - I am a bird of passage-} what would be the Nee ; eve (To Be Continued.} everything before me baie Cu@Mne- |HBtse he also shook his head. )| animal needs to make his frame grow Won: nor . 7% * Ea go, and obey the orden pelose| melons Pe hil I have the ao ey, eg mond alter % pone ough he knew nothing of her) and build up his young tissues. Now T NARCOTIC. s : CO Q , z " e in ; " \ = That is all. misfortune to be the 'bearer #--Mrs. boy, he 4 not so sure that ae oot to produce this milk in abundance the eo ne Pet radice belt: se ewe must be fed foods that have in them through the "pridle, bent over the| the elements of milk. They must be hound, putting both hands caressingly | foods that are somewhat rich in protein. Tound the dog's head. Then he oe Of course, there is fat in milk, and the oC ne pomene Co. { animal system burns a good deal of car- ward the dog, talking to him the while. | bon, so we don't want a food free from e hound sniffed and whined mourn-| the starchy principles that are made of re given me. ine Why wife, Mts. Brooke. But YO" | Brooke is" wery youn already.--Clara, Mon- | widow.' = 5 E 6B E % g to be left a ef COWARDS AT THE BIG FIRE ten mi mutes this sensation ] ---- 0 , have seen her OK ky 1" © ; un ies 'otteded cd dieur Karoveky is a gentleman Wah®| Pirdon. But thatas WEBe i |FRENZIED MEN STRUCK also my" hearing: Acquaintance I had the honor Of WAS | jeans. Any affiliated membs POW RIGHT AND LEFT. : He a wine the time I was liVINE| Toy be so ill-advised ag HT abe a" carry out the deerees of abroad. : ders himself liable £0 the extreme S the pleasure | ren "May we hope to have 3 7 'ou, Gera x ; to penalty; and so surely aS yi 'so sure- Plied Canes with Frantic Vigor Upon Paris Aristocracy Who WIil be Excluded from Drawing Rooms in Future -- They ee eer : ee fully, as if unwilling to leave his mas-| ..-hon yet, for milk production, you do of Monsieur Karov ma her most grac- Cas few short weeks, should y 2 tue Heads aud Bodies of Women in ira ee a 2 = ae dinner ?" asked ve t the same time persist in your refusal, will your W Baer ay. Si Bes eee ee ious manner, whule 4 nds. ae . : Reme tipa- or bay, and began sniffing about the | starchy food or fat-forming foods than A rfect dy for Cons Sa. . , \ if you were fattening the mother. tice. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, ) For a minute or two he followed the This baleeBat the lange esa of corn' in See Sontulsions Fevetinh- ett jo. poe eo a3 se the diet. Corn will not make milk sat- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Fac Simile Signature of e left a widow.' f is ee sible any longer to ignore "phic FZ 'rible--mcst horrible! is imposs 3 3 this is hone and unquestioning, | the shameful facts regarding the cow ( invita- €@ hoping in her heart eens invi tion would not be afepted. Merci, madame," responded the Rus-| the utter abnegation of your individu: | ardly brutality of the ren who saved "Merci, ? 2 3 ity to the will of your superiors, is eae chin sian, for such he was. "DP should be de ality am will of, your, superior tp a eee light ' ion pagand mselves lighted, f the occas rul : : i Every {| admitted of | te '1 and I have the honor to be-| men at the Paris Bazaar fire. buf, as I said before, MY time' 18 Meee 7 Dut all this you knew, or ought | an who escaped has the same story its , Os ; , an amazing pace, ran in a straight line | isfactorily, no matter in what amounts | »|aecross the sunds, crossed the parade, | jt be fed. I have tried it by keeping ¢ Jand baying as he went, turned down | owes on full diet of corn. with clover 2 Lied, 3 by the known, long ago.' Paris press, which kept a side street. ; hay, too, but the lambs did nov generally Cat flict, limited. I mubt leave London py | Oe carried to the verge of to tell, and si aris p ihe tiuerable That waa an extiting -- eheoeeemne nave "y aid not expect them to thrive, - NEW YORK. Osstorla is put up in one-size bottles only. It ight-mail. I am due in Paris at ten murder is obedience no, longer--at be- | silent for a week while the ti a field the streets of 2 populous water-| } was fattening their mothers for sale. eT is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anycne to sell nig . éanorrow."" comes a crime. However you ary eat truth was in private circula Bind Pes a ing-place, and the game a lost child. | Now there are any number of combina- Ato months:o a 'you anything' els6 on the: plea. or promise that it : y ° oe esent, then, I must asK | it, assassination remains assassinatt now compelled to deal with the subje = : dim | Phe loud voice of the dog could be} tions of foods that will be good for the | 5h) DosEs =3 5 CENTS is "just as good" and 'will answer every pur- s ; FOr ewe aio Heald Charts j still." nize no such | openly. bow close ib me, would), seem ould |eard in: the distance, guiding those | ewe, but we will consider what is ensi-| A -- pose.' 4a-See that you get C-A-S-T-0-B-L-A, you to excuse me, the door| "Pardon. . ee tulus, the Magistrate who ba®| on far away. These symuptioms wou | Who followed. ; Jest and cheapest to you. Mix up Sana : Karoysky hastened to open ent | teria in our v lary. Be cson M. Bertulus, s that he|jast for about ipriy minutes, © The mother's feet were swift, but|jowing mixture, by weight: 100 oC ¢ for her, and bowed low as she swep (| "Karovsky, hal you been called upon | | vestigated the tragedy, say wvivors;| woul hale'? violent paim over the | .n¢ could not keep up with the dog- cornmeal, 100 Ibs. wheat bran, 25 lbs. oil- | et a adn it For if there | examined scores of women su eyes, which would: epniinue foriwel¥e | On he went till he had run his prey | meal; shovel it over until well mixed, 1 = 3 ul J * i ; : . 5 in the ithstanding all ; stopped and. fawn- i little of it. Each "phat man is the bearer of ill > be one man in the world, Brooke, paom his sole object being Oe ne bears: oe ere. an Fapells were . Son itn tad oa ae eee eet ee thak yon gre pnd Gerald knows it, Wis i att AR ge po ioe aa, econ, cause of the eo ova? would ie more frequently, andiat last I) joved to find so friendly a playmate. | them until they have all that they 'will P ght as she te that man 1s : ment, however, e wi 9 out of the room. é : if ife' spoken thou s ; mes have twoatticks @/ When the mother came up, hunter and | eat I would make a self-feeder, e.. er maa berg |% " break out in abuse of the men. who we ae ees troubled wit) bron") hunted were the best of friends, "So | | were you, and let them run toit all the + -- two together. 'ell-built | "Von Rosenberg! the ees i h or brutality im- day. which added to my misery. I) much so that neitheg was willing to | time; they like to eat little and often;| = M. Karovsky wa». tall, well- ee "Pardon. Did Poe oo. © | left them in the lurch 0 Cee aa Wr or knit, or do any work Cart woth the ott they will not eat too much while suck- man, to all appearance pe ae as nage Pelore a or 'twee Gerald 'could | peded their flight. t and ansto- hat required! close attemition: to it. All The gentleman) ore than once | ing their lambs after once, accustomed ad \ c ; their a ne black bait aT ol 'cu tulle | eT "Tt is but half an hour| The names of prominon d in pri-|this trouble had never leftime for} to summon t) fore he uld | io it. It is true that Shee ye rapiarly W FE BE G black hair was parted care Dass sof x use ; nsulted ve ild. As for the in in flesh sometimes when fed this -e | Since I parted from him, he eerie cratic cowards ore ee more than | years, and) as the res be! a L - one Cy ee see ae away while calm af Woke ee eile 'kee the middle; hi@?black eyes were at a ed to say at ae os: tees vate os Bod in the highest cir- seals pra Mae me wor insiead oe flee remained, and after the hound | yp the food for a few weeks or less, after TO ANNOUNCE piercing and brilliant, he a a bh i igmmereees IED were being suf- he 'of Paria who will never agein be of better. Then 1 was advised to MY] had disappeared he was still heard to| the lambsaresold and sell the mothers, e : , a longish nose, M strous 3 ing rooms. . Williams' Pink Jails. Lyas using} murmur, 'I would like that dear dog-| too. Now the lambs will be get ing what ol i sci ost PO teat Pihon Fe en cw: Fy Denty ae as fie third box before Pound . be gie for my own." «| milk ee en oe oe ae tel , é ' mobile an E ath. | ~ Venom : 4 itself : it, but then there wags mil their thers : ; ; a Figen ae ontieettc MMS ae E iitule mhile. I AUTHENTIC EXAMPLES: arms cnaaee: By the time 2 twe eating themselves. I know of no better He wore neitfm@r beard nor , That we have just received a Fine Aditiond to our Stock, Ladies' Bélts and Buckles, Fine Pins, Side Combs, Photo; Prames, Water Setts, Toilet Setts, Bisk Figures ; ao fine pieces in Glass and Silverware ior sthe table, : : i ixture : eo t matters not.' c dy sbown her = , felt as well af T \did in food for them than this same mix a. cion had the faint yel- | remember ie is not a Rus-|4 Well-known ox at these marks? ne days. Every symptom °f Cl mop yew ENGLISH BATTLE SHIPS| that I have advised for the ewes. Let 'Cd peer ey ry. He was not © ta : aaa ex-diplomatist. | to her at a "They were made by toute that had so long made my ie : = them have all that they will eat ae i f antique ivory. n; he 1s = ;|she exclaims. me . ' d.» For. elh- : ana they and their mothers wi low an a handsome; but there was | What can such a man as he ee os the stick of @ man me miseranle ee ee LE (Alls stililow (ue Malestic dna Canepan CImsey Mmm Co ie a bets ae bund: ae striking and out of the com- to ineua so ee cae, when at- | aside in a eae got away, ieee eat pi I maa a in' wy fee' fn Emcteer: onoaiitee stad 1 tg tieehey concall some "Listen. é The wife 0 v wer ° i F oa. . . : . . +t in his appearance. so that people ched to the Embassy at St. Peters- > a anda nO oceeded at such life. Then one morning I felt asliat In discussing ihe foun new battle et it, but not get on it with their dirty mon in PE ta thanks toa lI vho pr i G y ; the >and determi-| ~*~ : a Ae ittle feet. A lamb is more dainty about Ladies' Si se A dale ong 50, who were introduced to him casually burg, eertain esorets ee a rate, forcing bis way re he | attack of we Old rom? ate Pils |ships to be laid downgby®the British | pig Lost eee ee SP Lath aga stom Ck enigma Se noe, ih ne | word Sof honor tat, no. ase peters en so The lady 'kept be- ea * eo a box and tonk:an 0&%+| Admiralty this year, the Pall Mall] lambs do their best they must be al- Gents' Nick W yes 1 Sup to $2and $25 is not without its; wor . ' es from $! fim. An enigma should be made of the information so reached the d effected an exit. erat pill and have never since hadil@azette observes that the Majestic | lowed ( at their table, in a seyarate 80 Gold Filled Cases for ladies and ae : . 3 7 cine yi that whenever ' le, and Kar ' h that he was! Von | hind him an beyond the f the trouble. To say ith : aes: inilar | Pen from the ewes, so th 5 Ce a the| i or bein one whether pte pres traitor, and revealed | | pot the Hammes at the dont: A man ry iliiame' " Pink Pills have do class and the Canopus gliss are si they feel hungry there will be nothing ovsky ha ea reac! i g in Silver and a gents. 3 ae ere 3 A fine Silver Cased, full jewel Watch, inlaid with ; . i t, each carrying four 46-| {o prevent their eatingin peace. There , Jj ' : ; thi ose in power. In the ; in no danger, for me is pu it mild, |in armanient, eat : oO pre F ; Gold on back for $13. be was so in reality or not. He Beha k certain ouse in which | passed, and, see iy on the chest wong tron urge 4 use on il /ton wire guns,arth twelve 6-inch, but | ought to be plea tee Alarm Clocks fe, and up. ab inguist, as so many of his coun-| Ce inting press was at work |struck her 50 verely tbat she | a! ay be ill. Pink Pills were 2)]11. Canopus has fewer 12-pounders, and | Wich they can lie and sleep. oe, om j 5 . a born paeU ee @ the chief Euirop- | # poche: pri = iis police. 'Two of | and op pine Sa PP orcak benbfiti to a niece of mir, aa = aul ouster is also | ° other you nua ee ghey enous tie s All kinds of Clocks at greatly reduced prices. trymen are, an spok was § x hot down. while at- | is in bed serious. "i yat she was : : z oe tt. Her moth? jother guns . She fe.tly happy--no fear, no disturbance, no = ' ee: t equal flu-| the inmates were shot ¢ ---- declares three | Miss Effie J. verett. ean languages with almos eaten by dc : [ ; : lighte: than the Mme) °o fe eeeeieey, no dog rummade , Repairing a specialty, having put in a fine Amer eriey apd equal purity of accent. tends "prisoners, ramong thea being knocked down and. embers. ar ue ae ea ue a at 15,000, and, neoniethorn aa hunger unsatistied, no can Lathe for the purpose. : "Fortune has been kind to you, ™Y | three women and a boy of sear EAS Postmpeorte yd to a well-known fin- household devploped upon her. gna drawing two feet less, is able to pass Pe came a er 2e ok a8 friend, in finding for you so charming | _my brother. Srp --- neard of | ancier, whe 'had he reat her hands, | she grew up ep PC aa ree oat through the Suez Canal, whieh is an (, grows [ think that lambs that are to a wife," he said, as he lounged across | died A fe rent 'vere condemned to the | raised hgeering ube might clutch him, tired: sue a cake ane important advantage. But the Majes-|spend their lives on the farm rather j She ane the room with his hands in his pockets, eines. On the road, my brother and A Ra ber, and her shoulder will al- Giang lady teacher ee tic ig much more neayily armored. She thee coming on ory ae ee For Gold Rings, Etc., call at - ; ' pa pa ee xind oe (ioe retdfal hardships thewchig ae aay bea anid to her cousin. ink Pills mi Beat success, urg:d}is not as fast, her speed, under natural) one pasties ont Wot ther oneeoutlined Brooke. "Bu : . am i i ite 17 ld not feed nearly so j : : " : ; * the rest arezrver mines, ft her to the care of a ~The result was thit|draught, being put at not qui aboye. I would no 2 Kay 7" re Sou have. something to away. their. lives thes mrane Really Monsieur, we a res oo ee enjoying the bet € knots, and under forced draughts as| strong; would like the ewe to do her -»>--_ DIESFELD $ DIAMOND HALL STORE "Karovsky, e ' , J Fi ee ae z itth imly. p=<00 now know the reason 3 ff on such occasions with is afine rcbust young lads : 2 under natura!| best in milk-giving, but the lamb had : : ees on a Dey. con. | ieee haeBaron Otto a ee es S et ean with a eee eae hea. no traces oft her former il aa Cone steams 18 1-4| better have but little corn, if any. And be convinced you get A-1 value : - t a motive. But |-- a. ay ne ven-} A young lady who is now dy 5 S. ee ee 3 ; ts. ' : : eee : oe - are ue ieatad " eve," be eee nas may | standing sears eo bie ee er: ene oe oe Es Ger when tho Majestic made FEEDING COWS ON PASTURE. --F- ee Bitick: ex : ee : : staff o : i 01 - 4 ho Was without her 5; Karovsky a Se Se Tick oho There was silence for a few moments, ay Stale ie ane eh 100 persons were i ae ead up the blood, al Rae ee She is Betis Earry Very soon, now, warm weather will T ae Birla A Bent E ne eae psy be a6 air aeere 'man, to make ge i foot strengthen ee nerves, Vad from 1,850 gaa tons against the | come, and, the soil being well filled with Be fe" ; ; "gt ane ; ' oo eNO BIDS SSAEON = truck her a blow di from, the system. A¥o F f «oe Canopus, and with 1,850 ; 3 in the pasture will 2 WieseOoggerd of ill-omen that has} sky, that mine sbali not ae ee ick and Se eh b 2,250_ Of skees aves 2 ieoieipinee, the exess inthe P mesg sfexay.ingo Paradise with © | fo\strike the blow." esse womna | Lend With his WAIKINE siditest! chat | Dearing ine RAWAM ca be ARION citrse clower, Laer' anton anavigey HARE Up Sind take rapid growth. When 7 J ige sae =ipo2 ther worlde' ueorr} aot he worth having. * mah hetors a wae clinging to ae ender paraly- | liams' Pink Pills for Wale Bele. 41 oal ammunition, and stores aboard, | it gets up so as to provide a good bite, | | A 7 i s ate tae : apres, the: zon Ao Dishonor' is the motto. of our house = fe ponies Bakes _---- chaafeamed not quite 17 knots with] the farmer will turn out his cows. He| | i tie a minutemwigmwent back and resumed Dishonor shall never come to it through saving themselves." CHOOSING A WIFE. j ich Tee Ge tera will think, says Hoard's Dairyman, be- & a SR fone Gore Roc ore tere come and | 'Gerald rose and walked to the win-|,.@, Eould, the banker, whose wife] 'That venerable old law maker, Iy- | Mariel ts faster; buttthe latter cannoti C2use the cows can get grass enough to 2 gone: Se ook" 7 aan in an | dow. His face was pale, his Brun were We za jnted, says that two men, whose | curgus, had coals let ideas abojt |Bleam as far on their coal capacity, | 'fill themselves," and because the flow IN EULL BLAST self by some of the most solemn oaths | {Ul of trouble; what he had said had poe alt er ab seal gee and| marriage. 0. his Jaws providd |' he Canopus wi.h all her ccal oa board,| of milk increases, there is no need of possible fora man to take that Sacrea | Legn._!@*king neither in dignity nor One ofthe ladies of the Bazaar Com-|:rat, Women should np have a ma |displaces 14.400 tons, and is faster than 4 cg athos. : Cause to which I also have the honox" vrhe Russian's cold glance followed mittee says that a gentleman whose I a ! r 2 5 ie +z . 2 . . . . . . riage portion, and hisireason for tlk |the French ships jusb named. 'The great feeding hay or grain any more. he| The undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks fcr of-being -affdietad " was that a woman slould be chosg | Weakness of the Canopus is held to be| truth is that this fresh and succulent| the large measure of patronage bestowed on him since commeneing business a 7 him, not without ad ti " _ | name is being held up to public admir- | for it onl d thit "the law ws |in her defence so that she h me-= timulat hi ti fmilk]in P P d ld b h havi a i ~"Do you th I have forgotten! At lis tart miration. 'En t F merit only, an at e law w I 4b she has some-j} grass stimulates the production of milk}in Port Perry, and wou eg to state that having, aca large expenditure < LLM é h he backbone," ation was seen slashing right and left nt y time$ been called a b ie 3 that time I an impetuous and en-| under his breath. it me espe with his stick at ladies who stcod in pode to Etersat fou meenen tao ae 4 af 0 beyond what the nutriment it cc ajpins| thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, most improved thittestic ro a] being chosen for their riches or neglec: |Ser_rather than a battle ship; and on]... Re ae ; : she as 4 ee : = ledge of. the Sort we eh of Us" allow such a man to become one | 13, WaY- ed for their poverty." the? whole the Pall Mall Gazette pre- will warrant. it is juicy and watery and modern machinery including the ; t Then he looked at his watch, |, Lt should be added, that according |~ 'Phere Id cust hich lor |fers the Majestic to the Canopus as the | 2nd lacks substance to such a degree 4 ee on ee and started to find it was so late. {| to all accounts, only about thirty men prevailed in "Englandé Mat the bp standard type of battle stays, and ra that this large production of milk will ea of Liberty and Unicel can stay no longer--I must go," he | Present at the fire perished. Six were | should go to church with only one gat |commends it for the four new ships. | rapidly reduce the strength, vitality C EB S S ' hood: Ps said oe ra omember my last a the latter were burned] ment on. 'The intention in this act w. | and carcess of the cow, so that she can- fa¢t of your becoming one of. Bane © took up his hat Le ee = ° x t i fA x and moved slowly towards the wiednt The cana of the fire is explained by hat the husband should not be lia If not long continue this extra flow of Us is the best of all proofs that tha i ¢ x a for any debts she might have contr: LikE SERPENTS IN THE BYES. milk, unless she has some more _ sub- for th uf: i Cause of Liberty at that time was dear So for the last time I sol-|the man in charge of the kinenato-|ed before marri ee he \recei Si s stantial food to go with this fresh grass, srneetererre of Moos & prepared'tg. do Er open noe a ee Lie on Sic igh tc h re lamp ee her as his Wi st naked. In oe ae oe om dip rem ae ae Nee ee a Be farmer G | J ae 2 at my door!" erald | not sifficiently charg e@ was abou rae 5 4 ; ens usually imagine ti ey are 3 i 7 i =. R S I N ( x N I ) as a boy I joined the| sank into a chair, let his Bie tock Llocnounin ether He lt aimecas Wane tain parts of untry there is surrounded by snakes. A possible ex- makes a great mistake when he abrupt I A CHO PPIN G tween bin we he buried his face be- | what he was doing, and the vapors of scone ee eee oes not stand still. One "T have nothin WwS"Inore to-day than oné; marked the R ss . : ly drops off his hay and grain feed as as g d Z : oe or the pane ee nee soon as the cows eee fe grass in the| xpeditiously and in a manner that .cannot: fail to give satisfaction to my Timents re- i i 1 ' i spring. He would probably see very lit- atrons. Thetr cently made at the Bellevue Mospital] fete a oe Bee net cre Very Jit P: s e trade supplied' with Flour of the Finest Brands. inom ae ar eh eee he given for awhile, whether he fed grain : thabnosope, and'in @yory case boas and hay with the grass or not, and for : aS | that reason may have come to the con- 2 pou = ee blood-vessels in| clusion that when they did feed grain j he ; lanin Factor om oe vee ae were congest-| on early pasture, it was thrown away, ; MP | black and are projected 'into tnehela | Sho {pey, Feseived, no benefit from it |. 4 ly all kinds of D bits : a would remacy over lér ae ns u e one who does so feed will find|1in full operation and can su a inds Ss 4 an her gaze travelled f hi if a fire under like conditions had oc- nasa py i of vision, where their movements re-| that his cows will, keep up their Joist Seantlin Board Picket Post Shi - ioc 8 Mant eee a som per curred in the workmen's districts] The Coroadas of Brazil have no mir-|Semble the squirming and twisting of | strength and condition. much better g) S, ckéts, Posts, ingles, Doors, Sas oulding Reese on ths owed there would have been far fewer | riage formality. The suitor to the brile | 8e7ents. than those not fed, an rin the} Bannister and ] I Posts, &c., &c,. | é, pronounced in low os : : presents the parents with fruit or gape = a7 «aaa groom bringing a certain amount, money with him to church, and at t words, "' with all my goods I thee the ether caught fire, and the entire ng more ie gay," re- ae, oe ta flames, which, ussian. He stepped|spread to angings forming the " i parson hi ow this--that the | parcpeh the Window, his hat in 'his | bazaar decorations. . ant' head ore tic' peeemer Gk Cause) whieh when I joined it, I b and, and then turned. Most of the rescues, including many bride-maid to hold for the bride. Hones a pire aio, ott |aee. Brooker ata oll cP'aNtsane [agri able acer ogeeh. |. Im, Seden therein Fal all ideas; 80 all-embracing in its | the room, paused suddenly as ee ares Be Se mer classes who hap-|a bride can place her right foot at es Fe iat Oat, team os pe e scene before her. "Geralat' | foneg bane Meigen ia tig ee altar ter advance of ay Zideetoe imes : e ight i Ree of ao ee aimed in a frightened voice, lors through shambles she blood of those whe ictims to its blind and | fi 5. Ons ofwevenge." ( summer and fall an the next ide 4 e a t and promise to prov winter will be giving a much better flow] ... ane . a "Pardon P But can it be possible that 8 Bore on roa roe See a a ee ee fe the bee and p) P of milk, so that when he comes to foot Bill Lumber a Speciality. All kind=Sp/ -TURNIN and awin I am listening to one who, only eight Beret. wae sone PAPER OF THE OXFORD BIBLE. 'Among the Gat, 4 of Bengal the ison | up his account at the end of the year, on shott notice. ~ . short' yeas ago, was saturated with : -- women do all the ing. She woos every | he will fimd thaf for every dollar'a|- AY philanthropic ideas which seemed ex- pena mough to include the whole Only Three Persons Who Know the Secret his cows had while JAMES CA RNEBGIE: and wins the man, fi ert mar- Wrappes | worth of riage, and invites e hen the on fresh j she bas received back at --one whose great longing |: v. OL Te Making. feast is over the s carry the bride least two Ts ee . ry man should be free and The paper making of Oxford Bibles|to the river and her a ducking. a specially important and interest- | The man pretends ide, but is soon yes, you are the sam nd the world have tontriv u, as they spoil so m hose days you were pi rich. Then you had 3 * kvere a wan me and gone since | js It haa been our practice for years to FEAR OF LIGHTNING. © | i .| feed to all cows giving milk a small pe Woops r e@ ex + . 3 . BS aoe - k - pe 7 Sle ing part of the work. : At Wolvercote, found ue ang is = ve ath ave --- pert cn brain diseases, hol in- | @72in ration all summep, The advisabil-| Statistics Show Fewer Fatalitiesarom it | I é res 3 : ity of feeding grain on pasture, after Than F Ott 'auses : 1 owards the end} 2 mile or two out of Oxford, the uni-| up a prolonged howling, declaring they | 8°™2'4 is not attended wit the grass has come to have plenty of ce Mey Sax Pee a bh a heavy show- | versity has a Jarge mill for the supply | will not part with their beloved son. | trous consequences as Is comm y sup-| Substance in it, may, with some show é > 3 i ES t since then { of E are sacrificed, and | posed. It is not as dangerous as the| 0f Teason be questioned, but not so in| A curren' news item gives the re-| ; 2 its own requirements, says Cham- | Phen a cock and d the : re i : o Nay, 1 noe Blac. ber's Journal. A good deal of the pa- SS ate : ae Brooke--a > at morn-, per they turn out here is made of old le gered old, pace their | ship's sails, the material of which, it, are . wife. solicitude of the sufferer. He suggests| the spring. At that time it is folly| sults of an investigation carried out by | : Australians the | thuf'the brains of literary mei ho | not to feed. We have experimented to} py, ¢_. 1 all. P. i teat a wife simply | ara the most frequent vice Meemmcauire some extent to try to determine what G. Steniey Ball, President of Clark f * tees he.tri _* woman whom | t k of the heart, which takes a rain food was best to feed on pasture. University, on the things that most ex- be : : : h ' d carries her to |, @ fracti @ have tried wheat bran, but many | cites feat in people, says the New York me it, ow sitting. after battling with storms in all quar- | p< ead ' his wife ec cy aiid port adage te ae cows do not seem to care for it much, ie whom jeasy-chair | ters of the world, comes here for the ceremon- | h est in twenty-four. Some brains,| When the grass is plenty, and some , 6 former | Purpose of weing made into paper, | ious g some peaee in almost every language under | the 8 glad | heaven and bound up into volumes to | mus enew | be again scattered far ana wide inta | fort eyes | 211 the uttermost ends of the earth. 6 Times. Of the 298 classes of objects of 1» ' ' t i a fear to which-1,707 persons confessed ig aa oe . will refuse to eat it. They seem to é Be ' ; of a Gene Tet ea crave something more _concentrated.| thunder and lightning lead all the rest. is E Y! Corn and oats they liked much better altheugh in certain localities, as, for re than bran, and clear corn meal better yet; but, best of all, gluten feed. Now, Ml Wrong me, My love | #! meee Ardent as ever it' : prolong a instance, those subject to cyclones, etc., B here| This Wolverco rf ; is ues '7 a what we think is the very best feed for | 'he fear of the latter predominates. It ould eo mood Ore ; Hr " fn ce ne Das honts h PAY ee ee on pase, i. five pounds of corn may be accepted as probably true, that i r 5 . 2 : 1 un wee meal and gluten feed--half and half-- 1 i . 'was evidently | 7 =0r™ bles and H RHEUMATISM. | dail; peach cow giving a fair flow thundes fon Const ae Foch bee \ Coucus, CoLps, ss te boty yeara Besidésithis, they should have nounced source of fear, with the ma- here nit k jority of people due, no doubt, to the | HOARSENESS, ASTHMA, ae died z Q Z : 3 , e, - rto : ' € ilk, ie g always impressive, and not infrequently | | 1 note died aw Soham that ce BRONCHITIS, AND ALL}. fact for this fear, so far as fatal results THROAT AND LUNCS are concerned? We_ believe there is compels to give up their occupation, no@@but, on the contrary, that many RICE 25c.0r5 FoR $1,00 F horough ' ee te lover few up a splendid position that it took other causes which barely have a place OR SALE BY ALL DRUGCISTS ~ stroni a j \ : he dislikes "a: perhaps years to attain? -- ; become gray lookin F 'fib Dr. Hall's list are infinitely more en- ong "C : 2 as Warren, of 134 Strachan St., | ored from the trees E , States under oath that he had ta h ee in the snees of the "on account | " i Sperm. the buildings twice, once in two years so little | 8 Sufficient to keep thé buildings look- : the lo ks| W: 3 nicely | the four years 1290-9. e--only |. imby awoke. : ta pity you did | ," she said. % ively a t hich i hb overpowering nature of the phenomen- a dee Hehe ace pine, to Barley with Rheun on. But is there any justification in DISEASES OF THE - tie te ind ofthe eres another side of the qi re days ef agony and suffering. ie | How-many people are there whom Rheu- } the distinction as Red-wash looks just £ not k : ee ea ter, as il does not show all the spots, spring is fi 5 : and it is just as durable. After doing : than in city. The cause of this di 7 mit city dwellers is not far 1 immunity t to seek. It is doubtless due to the it. for jpredominance of metal ane the rots . * grow ter pipes in uses, and \.<° as senythinigete the = k of overhead OF ..ALL KINDS. yr acstroke of | greater in the coun-

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