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Port Perry Standard, 10 Jun 1897, p. 1

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The Lovt Levy Standard' DA. CHAPMAN, 3%. M ik ates 1s) IBLISHED-- ; ; : é EVERY a a MORNING] 6 armony, Ete, STRUG a E. hi AT TH OFFicr, : NING (Guecessor to iiss Helona Mocre, a.Y,¢, a.) .| REV.'DR, Ta~fAGE D Acie. wil Teacher of Piano, H : Pupil of Edward Fis r FOR Fay iN THE SURE TREET ronr PERRY. |J. H. Anger, Mane Malka a ep > x ron to Conservatory of ghiadilate ey add wtticulars apply to this office or Fess 845 Wellesiey Bee Toronto. -- RATES ADVERTISING. Ten lines and under--4 insertions......$ 4 ig ten lines, Ist insertion per line.. 10 ach subsequent insertion Professional and business Cards, six | and uder $5 per annum. = i wa when he is : jis a stark 9 1 a tal l ' oss As far a ' a a "preached on Sunday. den the plar : c : he iu f I Ba x : are a " t Acts xxvii, 44; "And some | writ fe a econ ag ge re : : pading. -- at { : : yi] ; 5 pieces of the ship." hands be thrown to on broken PE : " Never Off Goodwin Sands or the Sher- | dead? . Do asivou plea rin 3 Het {not a very alarming Jon DRBARTR NES Za ie to take her class | Ti Or Cape Hatteras was aship in oeees ton tora Ss" nd wave | Pass by fallingy ir hice te eee )\ | proper éxtinguishing 3 1 Because of our increased facilities Peuipl :rictees aoe roe ae wose predicament than, in the Medi- | andseternity offere d ilbithe : i ; na ee a i ; te at hand. But 'more 'tri : cts, Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bili the music loviog citi. | teanean hurricane, was the g¥ain | ly' take thent ar A 1 ot See 2 : = : : lead to conflagrations befor a : : oe Bison orms, Circulars, Check Book:, | Ori re vieinity. Rocins at! ship, on Which 276 passengers were ee euch er chan V ; : : q of which, A ie i hang resulted = e. oe Sine be et Ball va Noe' See nelt howe! ie driven on the coast of Malta, five miles | ¢y,) oe a wad rae Bw) {im calamities even greater than the -- wy KC, t > 1 y ; : . : yore passage, 4 , : s ecuted more promptly, a color; can Le'ex | taught oa most reasonable tevine . ns | from the metropolis of that island, call- | tian centuries been interpreted another | bit! '| present nd at lower prices a Sue. ee 18m ; ; a4 waz, thei i * E. BROAD ae igpest stowe of ae =e é z z a : tian at any other establishment in the County | 4p =],) 7) Se _ | Oi te Vecchia. After a two weeks' | WAY." You'gay, "I'do notilike Prince- | ings ring us in! : Diana sailed) from Espegjally does it recall a catastro- : ze y h ' testi. whe R tirely | tn, theology, or New Haven ecology ; % a > ©.xp 2a 'Oo some phi NEWTON: BROS., NEW BARBER SHOP « GF captain, and cre; had be- fon, PLOHEE heology." Ido : 1 See ge es = 3 5 : e o. ese gre Eo. H. Newron, = S: M. NewTron s. 4 4 be (a : 3 e, but : eater : ea aoe to Inform the public gensrully that he has of ot ee fieve | Clpist plunged for@ui Business for a new Barber Shop in the Meharry Blook,nex € 2 . . : A Bs \ : +s ¥e ¢ Standard Office, where he is repared® to cut fach of 4 5 SeFUDS jPeeavould rather i Saas SSS See . _ , b 5 Sn SE ra Shave on the shortes mGaatht notice. Ludien e I i BAC a oe a her th DR. S. J. MELLOW --[iicztrer titi cuttoa' spotty. ya Wats, conte a. . eo Je Sa Se , . ; " v : (SUCCESSOR To DR. MCDOWRLL) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. ; ney, but that ; ; : ee y ere me 0: pation» 'to the gates of hell, than | Those things used eF ( S e Me E ; P a € no more perplex but them.for (ia ding on the I Be, ns i mess, Siek headache, and Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Perry altar, ' a kitten playing with | P muslin and drapery, fleoded with ¢¥ 4 : . i . Say to myself, "If I love Christ and e Aba: ; ; i" x . | se . "7 Office hours--8 te soley aw pean ideas them all pene live a good, honest, useful life, I am [ia d, a y discussing : ul L mayer. troubles. They are ery variety of Season 4 et. é Evenings. 'Telephones in office and house, zations, first asking for | elected to be saved, and if Ido not love }fem@me kind of oarlocks a nted Judy Sugar-coated, and so perfectly (Twenty thousand silver lafps werd) 4% open night and day, oyer the lines south com Then he i d all poe ane live a bad life I will be q ought to set in thew Bea aoe y 3 er Gat they cause with. in full blaze, and the acolytts were? uv n:cted with the residence of Dr. G. L. Rob- em they would nee , and all the theological semin- the Watchers Spore ag : P y ae busy lighting the 2,000 tapegg on the * an : x soned, loatee dae es of the universe cannot make it | thr@ steamers stowded wath' pa ; 5 Ut the annoyancesexperienced inci | *f suddentecry of* 7 : : : they wong eerom losing th@ikany different." I floundered a long |eRs going to pieces in theOffing. "An the] principal altar, when"a suddén'tcry ® DR#D. ARCHER = 35 eee | their bh 1ey would not lose so much « While in the sea of sin and doubt, end old tar, the muscles of his #68 "work- | son. ae is the use of so many of the | "Fire!" was raised : -- . . 7 a : 'alr as you could cut off with it was as rough as the Mediterranean ing Wwith nervous excitement, cries out:| The 'Winnipeg Crtyseouncts fe fie Or the mare eee oeE One 'of; the. naked. lights nadleough M., ® Seto Vite Univers atm . Siri TSE A ican fevrcentth, at, wen ty | gar 2° net tue fa, Gee | raat, 0 La nae enn eae ee tnaue ot adftcaat tute of hs e o Toronté University; Member of the eedvofit, whether it were gray with |t 8rain overboard, but I saw : ; ere i Virgin, and the flames, shooting up- College of Physicians an@Surgeons, @pt.: Li- age or ene em Bere, Ww: Out 'with her into the surf!) the hogpital to be known : Sas 2 as mercy for a sinner, and that With youth. "There | Plank I took, ; shall not a hair fall f, 1 e head of and I have been warming Pills. When other pills won't | wards, communicated with thousands g myself b i i any, " eae 5 y. the bright fire on the shore teex? the ic- Pal, my lads; pull for the wreck! Ha, |} toria wing. : "s af j help you, Ayer's is of yards of blue and white gauze, ar- % hal; Now we have them. Lift them in tham Town- i andlay them down on thesbottom of ae the oe Catharine hospital ranged in imitation of clouds, and While I am talki; to another man} the boat. Jack, you try to bring them masteginar fran a gunshot wound in- THE PILL T ee c : : about his soul te tells me, "Ido not} to. Put these flannels around their] ficted by his fatherin a quarrel. 'The HAT WILL. thickly spangled with silver stars, by become a Christian because I do not | hands and feet, and [ will pull for the father has been arrested. \ m@ns of which the ceiling was decor- ei a wc there is any hell at all." Ah, | Shore. God help me! 'here! Landed! Mr WA: Mere. A). cigeraduate.of |. OO | ated : 4 hea i when the ship*strikes it beligis ou? Do all the people ofall the a zal When there Bee one it ou Queen's University, and a well-known| The King of Siam, who is now in vo % ee See So eccdve So heavily. At daybreak | als ant eee. morale, , of good mor- | Sling in the waves of sin and sorr gure around Kingston, Ont., dropped |Rome, is on his way to England to at-' €athering did not stir. er Snes centiate of the Royal Edinburgh; Licentiat Physicians, Edinburgh;! of Physicians and Sur. j Resident Pupil of the Dublin, for women. q OFFICE AND RESIDENCE--3 doors west of Willard Block ; OFFICE HOURS 9 to II a.m. ege of Surgeons, Je Royal College of rber ofthe Faculty -- is, Glasgow; late Price 50 cents per Box, or 6 for $2.50. At fundo Hospital, | Druggists, or Mailed on Receipt of Price by ' 'tT. MILBURN a 'Toronto, oye | £4780, so tha: =f Wil not strike ; suet u "th. z 2 dom . yretchedness, let all else er Be es ; : «he Be ta wild rush for the one door. Numbers x 5 p.m., and evenings, Cook's Cotton Root Compound resauae toa ws Seinen exigency pepby heaven T Dod Deine me ae ion for time and_s: ne Sr the et. Parte wee in that city. es Ck. tHe embly thas escaped, but over 2,000 perished. Sim- F Ss the only safe, i © for it. And so-thi 4 vi ination. 4 - ; . ' ; i 2 oon ¥. BS asi ics at DR. E. L. PROCTER, | BR montsly medicine Saswhies | C2 the cables, took inthe tee mada | uldnight in'a Rageme destination, At opportunity or whose life| the Amersain' Rattan 'Company's tats | nines orn ee os |_ THE RING THEATRE, VIENNA ¥ . : a s '0. Z ; . L 2 er an mpany's fac- i wy i w - : e * (SUCCESSOR TO DR. CLEMENS.) 5 ladies can depend in the | they had on those old boats and hoisted tires. ley me oe moet They "a@mere wreck, and ae have only a| tory in Toronto, was fatally Senticd and inetd navy" Se ee ee : in 1881, when 700 souls perished, and at BED.C.M. of Trinity College University, Toron hour and time of need, i mainsail 'so that they might come | burglar dies in five Digutee eae the smal piece left. You started in youth | choked on Sunday morning, by allow- Japan has ore ed a battleship of! the Nice Opera House in the sama "Eto: with Honor Gertindmeee ©" Is prepared in two degrees | With such force as to be driven high wer Of the house lives a weekeafter.| With all sails set, and everything pro-| ing in mistake some cold water to ruz iavon thousand na bardenito:be Pile 'year, when 150 were lost, threw away Fellow of Trinity Medical College, 'Toronto, : me Of strength. upon the beach by some fortunate bil- roe the burglar be at the gate of hea-{™ised a grand voyage, but you have|on' hot ashes. , \ on the Clyde. She will be a duplicate , 8Cores of lives that cooIness and pres- ee bel oie ememerere Sot | zat dolla menainaty, cases | low. 'There she goes, tumbling towards | comes inf Winr'te® qthe bouse owner | sailed in the wong direction or lave! On Friday night the Grand Trunk | of the British ship Jupiter Se tee See ae Bae eet eg ick: ee dhencdin Sa a aio | by far the best dollar medicine known | the rocks, now prow foremost, now UY'the debauchee and the | foundered on a rock. You have only @| railway department of the Y.M.C.A. of un either case the fire was the re vee s libertine go ri ht in pana ts fragment of time left. Then come in Ss : dt is likely that the Spanish Cabinet! gyit of accidents. trifling in themselves. Opposite Lown Hall, : re y for er eens per box, stern foremost, now rolling over to the | 9f heaven? en eed ane on that one plank. "Some on broken pe penis a oe re erisia will be Se by pe os | Of smaller conflagrations brought about PORT PERBY. stronger--sold by druggists. Oust Starboard, now over to the larboard; | enon the banks of the river of life | Pieces of the ship. ted 'up by the G.T.R. General Manager | °7¢! Weyler, from Cuba and Senor Cas-| by what were for a time inexplicable a ; ith the child You admit you area all broken up, # ' tillo remaining in office. neans insurance has its own records. Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. | 2°W 2 Wave dashes clear over the deck; | der if Charles Guiteau and John Wilkes | one decade 'of Rous life gone by, one Heys:was present: : ren he massacred. I won- ¢ : ; : 1 . 5 $ It is the prevalent opinion in Con-| Some years ago a set of buildings in No. 1, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of | "M4 it seemsasif the old craft has gone | Booth are up there shooting at a mark, | decades, three decades, four decades, a re een = om wife of Man-' siantinople that Germany is playing a' course of erection at Iefington, Eng- price and two 3-cent stamps. forever. But up she comesagain. Paul's 1 Be Age now controvert it, although [| half century, perhaps three-quarters of eee ayant eos Stee aa acide bold game in order to force Russia - nd. were one night ieee be oe Q ' : st . | + Com: . ; ie . I n , Tho Cook Company, arms around amast hecries: "All '5 neawan tt that for such-a miserable a ee fe oe tek fe the Montreal Park and Island Railway openly declare either for or agains loped in flames, and but for e . g I have ni irati Windsor, Ootarlo, | Well. God has given me all those that | Bible does not say, er Belisve hapa mien Turkey. timely assistance of the fire brigade, é sail with me." ¢ 2 Sok' in PorUBabry and everywhere in Ohneds | With ema: Ma rash went the prow|and be saved." Because all are saved, ig ondcrone Mey ened. FOless diecour, fatlon for $50,000 damages for in-| 6 Chimese-Belgium railway con-, they would quickly have been burnt ' K ste -ava 7 Under its, to the ground. ' that it broke off the | according t + ; ay St pe The j in the c f Mrs. Fisher | tact was signed May 30. U oe ; ll efforts at inves- by al) »onsibl 5 Y ig to your theory ,@ey ed, ou? I admit that it isa jury in the case o rs. Fisher e 5 For a long time all efforts a as A MURRA Vy. --------o sae re went the timbers till the | to keep ou' from loving Pacer ring Pe thine igen all of our lives that|of St. Catharines, who was found ey ee ited tn 1908, ligation teceal fruitless, :and the'con- ° . 9 the we Hes from side to side of | Christ. Do you refuse to come ashore | are worth anything to sin and the de- | drowned in a cistern a week ago, re- The esis public were excluded from' fession of the party mcst intimately siteee thches ae rts amidships, and because all the others, according to your | Vil, and then at last make God a pre-| turned a verdict this afternoon of found the great spring parade on the Temple- |concerned alone prevented the affair DEE NTS, goes, and inka (eee the vessel |theory, are going to get ashore. You{sent of a first rate corpse, But the past| drowned. The husband was discharg-|hof Gn Tuesday, and in consequence the! remaining a mystery to the present Rooms Over Wright's Shoo Store nee precipitated Some of ca ine ale Bas eae ee cheat about ae cocuee regres ae peer. that seen eee : gs Emperor was Moated on his way tothe aay dec tHe Habiegliie thas, a burales | br i ' » about astronomy, about the} Old ship you neyer will. Ha you is ee honours to be i : 'Under the aSS1 e PORT PERRY leatnere fo ert pr ashore and had") atmosphere, from that witich others aa only one more year left, one more} recommended by the Premier is .not oe cquittal ofan Tausch, the , 10Us attempt was"being made on the All branches of Dentistry, including above the waves, and by ths en ont a oe you are not, therefore, hin- month, one a day, ae eee yet od: but it is, said the list faciuar chick of the Renta ease politi. | premises, the, unfprtuliaees pan enh dive Work tomar casfally both arm ae t f rom action. come in on that. Perhaps if you get| will include Lieutenant-Governor Kirk- C y discharged a-gun, 'and \the'waddin, pea apd Bridge plore. cumposs ully wat 4 Soe orye7 Ss and propulsion of both egy jonegause your theory ot lights differ- to heaven God may let you go out on i Hoe hfe Hast tne int 1S breib a ereuE lS tothe defeat, lope reir sates tefl bck, fea Gh the zee A ~ x + bocauso-- ;: te r 7 2 . . MY, J. Hs ff vi i x sa ae sald was eee te gold, silyer, alum- : ot ee are rated were | is. different you do nome eae ee of deathbed oe seen | bated at Montreal, aaa disposes : ssi KY Gave contrschunolieel building, with the fesult above indicat- i fa F aS. wounde , : 5 <e 1 On r ae .% i niillings of gold "alee or cement. BALIOUSNESS the nar voLE shook: was past eat ee peri is di the hands thrown up in deploration eeate ouenent $2 perce received an order to provision the Brit-, 4 big fire ih London puzzled the sak & - Eeiiteny skies ope ets CONSTIPATION rhe, And others had been weuktubd | pot, refuse Us acknowledge Sern Ua 'ebog meatal Paeaitn | bequests 9 public institutions, melua- |" flee of forty menrofwar {o be con wage, tnen, Zor a ong Hime, "Hunt aa," gag : a acta Fs 3 . . * 2 entrated a é . e y ' Prices to Suit the times. Vi ene vat nese. Star. Why should the fact t Ne Pes eas ee oe a img $100,000 to McGill University. : Gre s ? ible oricio@elmantil Gup aether. : i will become of them ? "T: and fine social position and great op- |. ; aoe : The town of Ballyhooly, twelve miles plausible origin' in it, until | : te IGGS, DENTIST, SICK HEADACHE that piece of a rudder," says Daditee ton yee Iroet oetee oe you | portunity, but through wrorlatitiens 'all The London City Council passed a, Sn Balisbury, Matabeleland, is sur-, observed the "curious habits of the z 'i R S, DEI ' one. Take that fragment of a spar," |know:? If you have not a whole ship} as gone to waste; salve these few r= ae Sroveens i. a nded by armed natives, and much' rats who thronged the cellars an eo §.E.Cor. Kine anp Yonce Srs., Toronto says Paul to another. "Take that image | fastened in the theological drydotks to| maining hours. 1 now accept Christ, | to ee ee sched ear @{ an uprising in that part of basement. : , ae ; LIVER TROUBLE of Castor and Pollux." "Take that | brimz you to wharfage, you have atshabhenter heaven th is mérey,)] West. The p Bi the vi British Africa is felt. | He saw one of the rodents deliberate- & : beat plates AND -ALE plank from the lifeboat." "Take any- ne Sas Bo: FOU Methat when have en-| vote on it, and if Wt is carried the MYp-} 7 : ibe esa 'iy gnaw a lucifer snatch, the animal * 1s atill prepared to make the best p ; ' ' e any-| least a plant. "Some on brokentep . on icipalities will become united on Deesw.c|--4 Tequiem mass was celebrated on ly, i , f % Celluloid for §8 and $10. thing and head for the beach." What | of the ship." ought joinetitloeribe Friday in the Catholic church in Ath-| being greatly astonished when it burst & ins filling "tae roof crowning by ) 3 fee ngs for ee iny ae breskexas Oh,| "But I don't beliey. pber 20 moe Sia A an | ens forthe repese of the souls of foreign | ae Tr & tyeGiaeati Raacfie- Be 'a i ; merciless waters, how they gdeep | Them go to your Premier Green ; : Olunteers killed during the war with| Subsequent investigation prov. é first-class operators. I am also making a HE SHOULD NOT HAVE TOD. over the heads of men, women antMchil- | «4 a ins expressed his convic! "J onda doubt {HM tha va tek ieee ae & specialty of 'Crown and Bridge ae. "~~ -- |' Jdren! Hold on there! Almost ashore, | {God ana jan must p ° net. the Wim ies & Duluth Rail i Aaa PariSoh, the former chiat offtacked a pile of matches me latest American system adopted. Special | story of the Nan Who Built Up His Fortune Keep up your~ courage, Remember | theremometer never eets : r Ss id made to pay{and that ¢ ? fe ee ausch, os a ce eee 'AND. SO KINDLED) A FI yf Wee eins a Ne SET ene te voding wave on the beachuiigedtn the | one | Set a : ee ee ns con of Malad for neatly two weoke:| | Ten tance im cn "Midf$nds have in th ive me a . ° fee . ceding wave on the beach leaves in the "But I do not beliey ; 6: aot : |ver 1 I t é 3 Tw lt be Soe ede di saneins ion. "I feel iat my whole life, my for-| Sanda whole family. 'There erawls up |Consta withousit and eettl ch are | construction. La _ | charged with prejury, high treason, and! been set alight by the spontaneous t tune, my ily pride, everything that | out of the surf the centurion. 0 There | terafterward. "But there are r : ele 'ry Hamilton, a fifteen-year-olg forgery, was acquitte on iday. combustion of greasy rags, while the D INION B ANK I ee worth having, have been built | nother plank comes in es life | inconsistent Christians." T c ; Re . Darr S Gamilton of Guelpie The fore eM, continues: tn Soa pure action i ee a ey Raper OM * | up on false pretenses." he. speaker was | Pioce of the shattered vessel, with ite | 20%, bow them by « Goad eeaakal aa fat py a9 Peaenton Gre ray with» parch@MBt | pers of Mandao, tle Spanish Ambes-| hotse > i a _--=-9 .. the foremost man in the community freightsal of an ine me se A ieve in the Old Testament," Patron Mation"4 baer ve evne "tHe : eo See a be eter, to wee sae rn ema & io in phe meet oe 4 : i i vi i - | must by this time al saved. €S, | come i AP 5 sae sti ar AR a a ie place of the Duke of Tetuna, the| End of London was well alig Capital Paid Up, $1,500,000 and he was talking with one of his old panst y eee t ce ale eee proshow tee New ae set We, " ly this is a destructive age.|of 4 Jad named Peter Christie, Wh tnibton- phe Possiak. Wiatrs. the firemen arrived. hey "ian : : est friends. had been overseeing the rest, the old} oy Matthew or Imke. Refusing tocome | /He Meals of our fathers are not ours,}went throuzh the ice. : The Czar and Czarina, attended a re-| with their work as usual, but the wat- Surplus be $1,600,000 "You know how my road to pros- | missiona: y, who wrings the waterfrom | +) Christ, whom you admit to be the |and-we may thank our stars if any of| At a mee fhe Hamilton, Ont.s| juiem mass on Sunday at the Imperial| er from the pipes percolated' through ' aoe perity opened. My parents were gone | bis re eard and cries out, "hank |g, viour of the lost, because you:cannot our 6Wn ideals are allowed to remain | branch of the Kings Daughters on) (atch of Peterhof, in memory of the| into an adjoining building, where a them dfather | God, all are here!" +. . yy | admit other things, you are like'a man ' : . Monday, it was decided to sever con-| terrible panic in Moscow a year ago,| quantity ot unslaked lime was stored. Ny OY before I knew n. My gran °r | Gather around a fire and call the roll. out there in that Medit@eancan tem.|{0T 22¥ length of time on their lofty | nection with the International 'Associa- when several thousand persons were| The action of the water "on! the lime 3 UXBRIDGE AGE : died when: J wera eey eRe o _ P. on bose and when the padle pest and tossed in the Mea; "¥eakers, ; Pedestals. The modern investigator is Sal ae aedquanee are PS aaa crushed to death. '> | caused a flare-up, by er of whieb ry 1 i 'MENT. a family that lost no opportunity to | of sticks beg 'Sane sending | refusing to come ashore to can.}at work, and no figure, however heroic | York city, and a new organizationcall- dja Michalis, as chief of the Cretan| 4. @reat factory was entirely Consum- ae : ce os ee show how much of a burden I was. oe Te a : me Te : eis men? He pieces of the b snip. I] or noble, is sarred in his eyes. He has sane Ca eee os Gatironts. tha iamned 8 proclamation} ed. 'RJAs in putting out one confla- hear him say: "I won't on any gration the firemen kindled another. One day a croup of boys were going chill, and the wet clothes begin to dry, of these broken planks until I know stripped William Tell of the romanive i sfhe convict, Gahan, who forged calling upon the Cretans to elect a Gen- One of = the most mysteri6t ce Interest allowed at highest current. rate Notes Coll . : | ; . ge 2 . $Sei me their ordinary 2 7 down the street, a stone was thrown, | and warmth begins to come into all |' i hat has glorified him for centuries; | ) heck | T2l Assembly to resume ever known in England was the bur ARS ELL it med on the pavement, went | the shiverin & gers Tepilin pirset |e what part of the ship they belong. thait Blorifie >}Hon. R. R. pepe l's name op ae : everyday relations, and to respect the ek Se ng a eae W. E. Cc W ; = 4 2 : parean purser | When Ican get the windlass in the triven hard to transform the | for, $150 recently, was sentence by - operty of the Mussulmans. ng 1 . J et oO h g he hae etri : y .| lives and prope: x a GENT | through a plate glass window, the pro-| of the vessel go around and see if any | *7 ht place and the sails set; and tha eras Judge Chaveau in *the Quebee Police : De cper ly: Ore It was not until a host of absurd ex ae ee ae = tee other bors eee = Shite re ae eaissitic. Me aie ae where it belongs; and that robust William Shakespeare, of Strat- Court toten years inpenitentiary. Ga-| _ The Spanish Premier, Senor Canovas planations had been suggested «that confessed to being the guilty party, }] one o e crowd that were plunge f : * * . sane -Avon, into a shadowy myster- eased j-|adel Castillo, has tendered tothe Queen| {}. yeal cause was discovered in the my arm was gripped as if in a vise, and | into the sea. How it relieves our anx- | floor timber right, and these rope et a re _ han nas rece a pruuy| Regent the resignation of the Cabinet inflammation of a compound of Derbys when asked why I had not lied I said}iety as we read: "Some on broken | t#ngled, I will - ashore. I am an|ious eidolon of Lord Bacon ; atentiary, where he was ne owing to tha difficulty the Ministers ex-| hire wad and oil, employed by the randad thad taught me not to, and| pieces of the ship. And so it came old sailor and I know. all about ships} whitewashed many an apparent scoun- for vitriol throwing. s 'erience in carrying on the Government artist is painting the scenery. ic OF CANADA Sith tears on my cheeks I was tak-|to pass that they escaped all safe to Sa et ee i ron FT aa = ot rae on a a tk 1) wGRIBAT BRITAIN, ( ; i {im peeeot ae pr snont ary. oe But the strangest incident of all has Fr = insi re tall Iw ffer- cess? Br Gs ate he : a ent saint, and now mes Lorw 7 nese Tepaea srib- .uused by the refusal of the Liberals tat {In 1889 a cer- rt Cc a Be ek ke ok ates is os A rere on previous occasions looked ora ae drifting by cee itl and, with an assurance born of the con- oe so lot a ps A iS take at in the deliberrtions of 1 7 ge ateas' occu its PORT PERRY AGH NCY piittle later in the conversation Iwas | at-the other passengerslicdfifine myself = (pest fos ee rea i uk ee nee oe es oe ae og one ee ; F ibericin' ae Bid Hhithe Cortes. 'The resigystiuu was ac-| lain meuranse | papes' Knives, these ae tr neta en a ae Sen ere xno structed. Better do as I am doing. I thost Soret hergee of Christendom | and ny have protest inst} ceP t=. a pais . being made a oh pee eae oe = GENERAI. Banking Businesstransacted | +) 20" To plied with books. His wife | There is something about them that ex. | now nothing about Sr aed tive, and [Dever existed, and that consequently | British goods entering Oa ne er A jal attention ¢ {id to Collections 2 ee her side, kissed me and | cites in me an interest.. I am not so | °ef before Icame on rd this, and] a1) the homage paid to him through so | lower tariff. yan ae C2OWNING A QUEEN camphor | ' atthe dkvas comme pees caaable at: ll points in Canada crew. nak & ce good boy I had been pe Mnterested in those that could | cannot swim a stroke, butTam going | many.centuries has been utterly wast-| qt is reported that the Dublin alder- <a : ae idetongienstore, and a clerk in - ae ----. ; and what a noble man I would make." | swim. They got ashore asl expected. ashore on this shivered timber. ote PB Nahe > ' on . | men at their meeting will cievt | Coronation Ceremonies of Holland's Young a London office, leaving his paper-knife ' SAVINGS' BANK DEPARTMENT. | "I've hearll the story a hundred| A mile of Meeerse not o very great un- mend. hig" ship. goes ee enna ee BE ie nik gover warn eget ton Jom foe Queen, near a desk lamp and. going out, re- € i 3 - 6 times." dertaking for a strong swimmer, or " = Des é 0 er, (Lor yor ublin. : bei lted in the office being. burn ee * eposits received at highest Curtefit™ rates | "So have I, almost every day. For | even two miles.are not. But I cannot oe So - J o Dieae. ap << ee of overshoes, a watch, or a paper col- eanony the jubilee proposals'the re-| Elaborate Se, he e being ey a Thus the inenteaes ence J Fat hterest calculated and credited to tach de-) yean; my old patron would tell it, af-| stop thinking of those on broken pieces | MY brother, let y om while | #2: naming of Great Britain has been sug-| made already for the grand ceremony brought the payment of damages ong \ smashed ; 0 ' pe iris is oe a logy go to the bott The lar hero is St. Patrick, and , i f Withel- : i ; i- Hy. Y ter saying that 'this is my new boy,' | of the ship. The great gospel ship tem of theolog, ° , the popular ested. The two names offered as sub-| of the coronation of Queen ilhe 1 by their own gift. pontot L Manager." |' this . a clerk,' 'this is my man- | the finest of the cows and can car. you come in on the s BP ho ee gentleman who professes Sates are Wiselamd and Enwiscolia.| ina of ihe Netherlands, which is to themselves by : WM. MoGIL "~ fager,' 'this is my -- and ie more Desrenects than 7 craft ever ic ee ie a dibios ee '4 v tee to us an a oe oes Bian Gusen's Gite tram viele ae. ks eS ee ed > re kk ' this i -in- Ss i t , an ou co 0 0 a -- Bre le - mmer, 2 ieee : : , = z i A SOR aWENTY Serene Tm | sls mote hate now sored tie iam eee you could wreck the tled as Garibaldi, th © "Nfen the way guished graduate of Oxford University, ee Tasha tinibe piatlanatioeanian! lority and her assumption of ebOeins Te eS a reesei -|the time she heard the story. It]|throne of God Almighty. I wish all | go iS gardens made. WV on. 3 nqw pau jority on ancie mut eee £m see ae md irish history. me : - 1 teeter ners " : as war | and a Site im Dhaanis pasiy far Enver according to alady correspondents 7 i ij i rd her." , t ia and roke out. } an v : 5 j 7 : friends, credit, sound busi-| the people would come aboard her. 1{ between Austria and Sardin' Engtish*ai ' FE. D U N N SS : esp avi ee de, confidence and { could not -- a smooth voyage, for | he was living at Caprera, a zeae rouge : ng to Mr. Plummer, St. Pat . >| age 1th a monunos e x - the late Primce Consort. « ' < ed that the function will take place at must have several qualifications. wax my children prouder, | ofttimes it will be tempestuous or a}and uncultured island home. Mr. Stead makes a very bitte "erdam rather than at The Hague, |. tance, he must b& ct ee ' Mr. Chamberlai Woh the-Jatter is the national cap- ws! E lihy etite. 4 Pan i i forth with his sword to achieve the tack upon : wtigh the latte Blessed with a healthy appetite, / pier an@ .cter. It will bear fruit | chopped sea, but I could promise safe | went fo L f holding, as he asserts, infor ho a : ] ' ag e : ; in ek it is the family | arrival for all who took passage on that | liberation of Naples and d gave eam tthe publication of Bede's | the "shown i Enqui A yyal palace at Ams erdam good digestion and even temper. : Peni -anticipator: . < c ed New Church there, o-- = geo Great Eastern, so called by me because | 9.000,000 people free gove ent under : ati f oe ;. cue sts een = the" iy ricer em nanuel. Gar boo Le ees ee aaa ot a epaites commoedation than oe a ite "He eos a to. . z in? ae Gast: & Uadge. of His. .au- O.years, ds occur : : 3 : : Wa lad Oa T aul tell someone. I nev- thoriey. : turned, and when he No y the translator graumed. | tet saife kind at The Sus win call sHoeRe ber: ' , threw that stone. I never broke | multitude do not take re-|found that his 0 |" patricius" was a proper. namo, I ug! ; $Bifpyal palace at Am- ae te sap re vd - ; SI t wi tears were not for |g . Their theology is broken | Emmanuel as a sur in the original manuscript the in We Re eae. Joy, tat vie r ; Q 'but Were wrung from me ieces, their life is broken in pieces, | Trimmed shrubbery letter is a small '"'p." and he ae A ee eee | Kind an Tonal Ps grass TH Lffie grip on my arm. os Topsy, their Idly and spiritual pros- | of thorny thickets, g Fi lated it accordingly. According o him | Nati : > held | ture the'! ee | Thrifty, broad-teinded, gg}f-coifroll- 7 wai a state of moral exaltation and oken in pieces, and yet I|barrenness, and Latin words mean, " Whose name | 4¢ kad ona found Sfimore ik | . a rg i ged a wrong I never did. I i y ares€oing to reach the shin- | Which he once liy tricius" or Patrick. . q 000 piles, is 300 fee + th, 250 fpoteds = ; . yy cou caiaiiel sh '01 termin- | ing shore, and'I am_encouraged by the |@ pictured mansion. lummer, however, shows that otherwise known as th ( . a a E a Ss . ooo re or ac | S ; gh a ight her has | experience of those People who are spok- i "patricius" is an adjective, Begging Lettgr : s ife the bes He len of in the F ¢ Some on broken ii. |and simply, means that the gentleman were Ber = : q facaldeonfide ' i i. is to 1 referred to was DOPIY sty of that time. | attempted, to horsewhip _ Mine enough 8S) in 'her. errmon en- " fank in the soc : ; | chere, M.P., the editor, in London -- Berta ; "Y id of soiling his hands. C ' further ; he points out that ' ee aes : a Not afraid of soiling ) religion' elere cur 'beart,fr be name of the patrician gentiewian | Mr. Chepites 5 or cay ' Thoughtful of his wife's comfort be- ) only ve jgomethite. to rny : icism into ; atius. : ; the Canadian Government was fully} The cere ; fore his own, and willing to excuse her Bc terttin "ia. valu: =a satisfied of the competency of the firm| visitors to, Bolla ae little mistakes in housekeeping. _ apical aystenty but where in 8 1 of Petersen, Tait and Co. to carry out) world, for mpcern tin One who would find pleasure in be- ay ogical system, but where in their engagements for the fast Atla: onations are comparaftively rare, being | ing home of evenings, and 'would net : ? mB iS Cal ae the ; r service. : ' , Bar kook: the spir-| be, grumpy and miserable when J ve ftiaeminig ; ogi : : sid bt of keefaing = ied. ee r believe AmmAaminiga:), : started | ; u ' bige:'Pat: UNITED STATES. oo m paling to study not onl bis own | \ he age, and = : v the mediaeval era.;Thus Emp benefit, but the interests of his coun- et 3 ndithodlthalt by saved : deneith- d t 1 rt is Shalt by saved. B 0 ae Slive. = < aa iam never has been crownednt d the advancemen -his race. y be orthod go, tovhell ; a =: : Bile rumbert of Italy, Hor. yet ieee. in hue ent and rg; Ki hopeful ' « Satisti step 0 ore : ng of in e Just ; : ae ~{|peror Frederick of. ee ©] Not one who expects his wife Xe Victor Emmanuel and the pre-| him in idleness. ~ Hing! Gropee are @llin the same| Qne who has.

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