Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 10 Jun 1897, p. 3

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To supply theewan i try wih at ants of the inh Spring, and for the war now completain all the Tine the following : All-Wool Carpets, Union Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, Stair Carpets, abitants of P, ot o>. stock of new, seasohable Gate ee surrounding 'Obyweather of the ecming sum e8, with attractive goods at att 1P is Now in full swing. W, Lace Curtains, Art Muslins, Cretonnes, Faney Rugs, e have in stock for those House Furnishings, ™ Curtain Poles, Sheetings, Also a full line of LADIES' BLOUSES i best Blo, i stock we have ever sh ment. ey are going fast, and Also Blouse Setts, Buckles, Beltin Bows and Four-in-hands, ; We.can supply the Ladies withg ustres, well made, with good linings, # . Oar stock of Dress Goods and Trimmi tags, and all Dress Trimmings and Linings is now oo New Summer Underwear. upwards, Ladies' Vests, a complete range, from 5e. New Spri on i "50. pring Shoes. A Fine Dongola Kid Shoe at $1, 61.25 ggart'to New Embroideries, Hosiery, cellent line of Musling in Organdy Swiss Checks, and an i ; ; See our west window choice of any Hat insthe: window for styles. _ Our Grocery Stock is always complete. dian Stilton Cheese, Bananas, Pine Apples, ous 25c. Tea always op hand. Comein and see us. We want your trade Ae ROSS Gloves, Prints, Grass Cloth; with a new line of Ladies' Straw Hats. Your 25c. : . a a Just Received Men s Spring Hats, Fedoras and Hard Felts, newest |' R. J. BRUCE, --HEADQUARTERS FOR-- _LOGAT ITEMS. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS OF MORB OR LESS INTEREST TO ALL. ; Call and see Whitby's new spring . Y stock. Screen Doors » ----AND---- 'Windows, WINDOW BLINDS And Cornice Poles. HOR Mixed Paints. "See Gasoline and Oil Stoves,every one guaranteed. Granite and Tinware of all descriptions." prites Away Down. Clearing Sale MILLINERY In order to reduce my stock I will sell the following for the next thirty days at the lowest possible prices : SHAPES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, AND PLUMES. Be sure and call before purchasing. MISS L. THOMPSON'S, Worth Knowing Sometinve. Fin, goode hall. June 21st. . ' Georgian Bay white fish and troufat Jamieson's weekly. Amateur photographing supplies at Allison's drug store. oe Cash paid for eggs at the market pzice, at Willard & Co's. wo good family skiffs for sale. Apply to J. W. Davis. Pants made to order from first-class goods for $2.50 at Willard & Co's, See our range of English shaker flan- nel from 5c. to10c. Willard & Co. The Toronto bicycle club are expect- ed in Port Perry Saturday evening. Mr. J. W. Meharry has some good pasture for stock. Terms very reason- able. Whitby's new spring goods have arrived and he is giving some excellent values. Messrs. Paxton, Tate & Co., mill wheel manufacturers, Port Berry, have made an assignment, __ _ A large lot of boys' and men's cloth- ing, cheap and good, from $1.50 to $8.50 at Willard & Co's. ; ' ; Tipp's washing machine takes the lead. See them. Manufactured by John Tipp, Poxt Perry. xtend our congratulations to Mr. rozier upon his success in pass- first year examination at Os- £100,000 sterling (British money) to lend at 4, 44 and 5 per cent. on good mortgage security. Apply to D. J. Adams, Port Perry. The semi-annual session of South Ontario district division of the Sons of Temperance meets on Friday, June 25th at Myrtle. The best way for delinquent sub- scribers of THe STANDARD to celebrate the Queen's diamond jubilee is to call at the o and settle their accounts. A Bafgain. Mr. Enbels has instruc- tions to offer at TWO-FIFTHS OF ITS COST a well built frame house with nearly an acre of ground on Queen street, Port Perry, The Whitby and Lindsay Association of Baptist churches, comprising all the Baptist churches in the counties of On- tario and Victoria, will hold their annual meeting in the Port Perry Baptist church on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week, This gather- ing is held for the interchange of thought on christian subjects, the re- viewing of the year's work, discussion of questions relating to the progress of the churches, missions, etc., con- siderable time being given to the Women's Misgion Society. On Tuesday evening the annual sermon will be preached at 8 o'clock by Rev. Mr, Brace and an address on the French Mission at Grande Ligne by Kev. Mr, Hughson, of Lindsay. On a morning some interesting topics will be discuss- ed, and business connected with the Association done. Wednesday after- noon will be given to the Ladies Mis- sion Society. On Wednesday evening a Jatform mission meeting will be held. hursday morning wil] be devoted to business and denominational matters ; Thursday afternoon to interesting 8. S, topics ; and Thursday evening to Young People's work. The programme was IG That our prices are 25 to 40 per cent. arranged witha view to as varied, interesting, and helpful as possible, and while the business discussions will be chiefly interesting to the delegates, the addresses on other topics, particular] cheaper than any other Undertaker in this district. That we have the Best Hearse, and the finest Casket Wagon, and Casket Sleigh in this county. That we donduct funerals with,de- corum. uae we give every ¢ rompt attenti PTTR NT VU tek x S| hose Ofetleeafternoon and evening, will suas joyed by all; and all the mee' nos 4s en to the public. The anfiual meeting of the South Ontario Farmers' Institute was held at Brooklin on Tuesday afternoon, The attandance was small, but representa- tive. The different reports were read n pted, showing a balance of with a membership of 325. Mr. Grierson was elected president . Ormiston vice-president, and Sinclair secretary-treasurer. nembers® were elected Brook: | | . Port berry Ww ams, eITY 5 bya. mith Whitby ; and A. Thomp- C rale.. A committee was for an excursion icultural College, Guelph, about the in July. fi Tt eg) s 3 also agreed to ho g ow ie Window Shades 250, each | keeps good livery horse Tickings, Oil Cloths, Ete, 1. The | are arra sort- | Model Erticulars | 3 in plain and 2°) | 4; Mis ; ing 'OWE y avd mA ex- Lappet Mill, Fancy Fivarec, Lawns, mmense range of Qpot Muslins, all at lowest prices. Fresh Smoked Meats, Gana: Oranges, L2mons, and our fam- ye class--L. Clements, W. Webster, County council meets at Whitby on| fF Ae TIL J J. Davey, Whit- | Jeffr Useful as plete. Drop in and ha e inte: . ; coun- pociey kodak, Ut as interestin : e mild balmy weather of rE : i mer. Our stock is|complere ew Spree st ractive prices, around, ; loo Mrs. Jagy* Bowman |] 5 who | morning io aba eae Press, a anito 1 . join her hug a i peste gies ] cue, aangish jeu Canadiin tweedy ' 0 or s or at Wilke ie for $7, sii gos sit, i Don't forget that Wm amnies conveyances. Prices re; tiable. 45 per cent. Write with stam Povnolds, Shan et, Loronte..- A e 'ario F & Inge"! The Soutkfoy Mo Farméioa t ? Guelph Ey f a mistake _aeht wall paper, did punist: this' season, but see W. H. McCaw's reat stock before you buy. { eKenzie is desiring of leav- 1 shortly she is now pane great inducements in millinery an ibbons, Lin-} @ yoy $00dS, in order to clear them'out. Juig@ Dartnell has given his de- cisio! in the Pickering Local Option appal ease, declaring the clection void. hemunicipality is to pay two-thirds | of tl costs, and the hotel-keepers one- e they will" spend ing. The followin th Lucas, Jas. W. Pp tageenbush, of S. , for the monthof May. ° 2 unre, W, Watson: Third class-- A. Butt, Wideman F. Clements, M. P; F. Lane. Second ; iors--L. Parish, class, par Ls 'par . Sleep, A. ntalking with one of our citizens the other evening who had occasion to do considerable driving last week we were informed@ the crops in this vicinity except perhaps fall Wheat, are looking grand. Low land, on account of so much rain, is backward but it has every indication of producing abundant crops. It is also claimed this ought to be a good year for roots. Fruit prospects are good. He further said prospects upon the whole are better now than they have been for the past ten years. The regular quarterly union meet- ing of the Christian Endeavor Societies of Port Perry and Prince Albert will be held on Friday evening next, June 11th, in the Methodist church, Prince Albert. The meeting will be opened at 7.45 by a song service after which there will be a paper by Mr. RK. Hamilton on the "'Serip- tural basis for the existence of Young People's Secieties," fallowed by an open parliament in which the matter will Be lection will be taken in&aid of the union. All are earnestly and: Cordially invited to be present. 4 = In answer to several inquiries as to who shail vote gn the so t OY law on June 25th we have been informed that only property owners or lease holders who have a twenty years' lease have the privilege of recording their votes, At the present time little, if any discussion on the matter is being heard. A public meeting, which we are informed will be held shortly, will no doubt bring the matter more forcibly tq the pyblic mind. Let eyery property Onier in the municipality go to the polls on June 25th and record hig abo or against the purenaas of the fa ounds asa park. Itis your duty todoso, -- The following is the honor roll for the month of May. Division [Y--Clara Crandell, Edna_ Davis, Maggie Dins- more, Pearl Evans, Maggie Frise, Mabel Hall, Dora McKinley, George Jamieson, James Morrish, Lewis Roberts, Arthur Rogers, Fred. Mc- Kenzie, Jessop Nott, Louis Brooks, David Carnegie. Division Y--Aileen Burnham, Mary McCamus, Bessie Mc- Camus, the! Deshane, Grace Ross, Gertie Brooks, iva Christian, Sadie Ferguson, Carrie Ferguson, Etta Hall, Cora McCaw, Nonnie Paterson, Nettie Raymes, Katie Widden, Willie McGill, Ernest Ferguson, Willie Hicks, Ernest Moore, Roy Pike, Bred, Roberts, Hector Philp, Frank Peayn, The excursion of the season will be the jubilee excursion to Lindsay on Tuesday, June 22nd, under the auspices of the Port Perry Division Sons of Tem- erance. The jubilee celebration at indsay will be the best in the Midland district. The Y. M. C, A. have prepar- ed a grand pregramme af bicycle paces. baseball and football matches, ban: competition and field sports, Over $300 in prizes will be given. Thé. steamer Crandella will leave Port Perry dock at 7 o'clock sharp,Hood's Landing at 8 o'eleck, arriving at Lindsay about 10.30 dnd leaving at 6.45 Sharp, giving excur- sionists seven hours to enjoy the day's sports Tickets--Adults 85c., children under thirteen years 25 cents. The regular meetin of the Port Perry coancil wag held on Mogday evening, all the members heing present. A communication was read from Mr: T. J. Widden, secretary of Old England Lodge, inviting the members of the council to join with them in attending a jubilee service 19 the Methodist church on Sunday, June 26th. On motion of Mr. Bateman the resolution was received and accepted. A _com- municatisn wag also read from J. W. Curts cartes exemption from taxation incurred by electric lighting and side- walk in respect to the following lands :- Lots 278, 262, 203, 204, 205 and 187 Scugog street containing 11 11/60 acres, Mr. Stewart Bruce also claimed exemp- tion from taxation on the same ground as Mr. Curts*9n his property, viz:-- Major street 74, 75, 78, Ontario street Q1, 103, 104, Ontario street C. ugog street, 186i They were both rred to ; apres meeting: Mr. : Foote claimed damages for a sore ad sustained the first week r from a broken plank in the ilk in front of Dr. Mellow's office, h has been the meang of keep- om work since that time. On Mr. Purdy, Messrs. Bateman nd the mover were appointed fea to Wait on Mr. Foote and irther pasttcalars in regard ane report at the pilournet n motion of Mr, Bndiey be paid ° i ion 0 e usual monthly allow- ch was ordered to be C, Sheehey. ade on loantosed oy Leon P/Co., 124 Ctoria We last time you. you? Make no -| four thousand ty thoroughly discussed. There. will be: an abundance of: choice music. A col on all ¢ municipali 0 the | ©: tp tits week in Woy : ss me Andrew McKieht60, 58, Lonis Dinsmore 57, Arthu' 53, Grace Ross 52, Gert Ethel Deshane 48, Arth Eva Christian 26. Paterson 93, Katie Widd p Raymes 8&, Sadie Ferguson 8 Ferguso: 5, Franks Pea Hall 65, Alice Burnham' 64, Emmerson 60; Cora McCaw 58, Norman Murray 53, Alymer Cawker 54, James Broad 42, Bertie- Buntin 36, Fred. Roberts 28, Hector Philp 26. , A By-Law to provide for the img-on the*eredit of the Munici the Village of Port Perr e dollars for thegg ment of a Park and for the raising™™0m four thousand two hundred an Whereas it is expedient to raise by way of a loan the sum of four thousand j two hundred and fifty dollars fom, the purchase and improvement of a Park in the Manone tty. of the Village of Port Perry and whereas it will be re- quisite to raise annually during the term of twenty years by special rate for Payment of the said debt and interest the sum ¢ dollars and séventy-two cents.. And whereas the amount of the whole erty of the said municipal. g to the last Revised Assess- ment Roll is $381,180.00. And whereas the existing debenture debt of the said icipality is $39,000 of which none of-%he principal or inter- est is in arrear, Village of Port Perry enacts lass « 1. 'It shall be lawful for the Reeve of. the said village for the purpose aforesaid to borrow the sum of four thousand two hundred-and fifty dollars and to issue debentures 6% the gaid municipality to the amount of four thousand two hun- dred and fifty dollars in sums of not less than $100.00 each to be repayable by annual instalments during the period of twenty years from the date on which this By-law takes effect and to bear in- terest at arate not exceeding four per cent. per annum payable yearly on the first day of December in each and every year during the currency of the said de- bentures. au 2. The said debentures shall be pay- able at the agency in the Village of Port Perry of thé Western Bank of Canada, 8. It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said municipality and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sign and issue the said debentures hereby author- ized to be issted and-teeéaus and interest coupons t by the Treasurer of ity and'the Cleriaig ity is hereby author to attach the seal of the Timm the said debentures. Ps 4. There shall be raised in each year during the currency of said debentures the sum of $312.72 to discharge the several instalments of principal and in terest accruing due ons as the said instalme sum shall year b Sub-division number one. 'Pen- a mes Becton 5 ; t the Tow all foy Polling Smb- ? coke 5 Toh E Brown uty Réturn fficer. t the hool House for Polling Sub- division number three. E, D. Rogers Deputy Returning-oicer. At which said ples a Pil will be apened ai the hour of i ine #fock in the forenoon and continued: vpen until the hour of five o'clock in the afternoon and no longer : $ The 24th day of June A. D.1897 at the Town Hall in the said Vine at ine of ten ok in the peter. is herehy appointed gs the time and place forthe' aneaent i een ene of the said Village of persons to attend at the Polling Places and at the final summing up of the votes on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or oppelee this By law sera The 26th day of June A. D. 1897 at the said hour and place last named is hereby appointed asthe time and place for the summing up by the Clerk of the said Village of the number of votes givenfor and against the said By-law respectively. : wee. : Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been taken into consideration and which the Village of Port Perry in the event ofthe assent of the electors being ob- tained thereto after ene menth from the first publication thereof in Tum Port Prrry STANDARD newspaper, the date of which said first publi¢ation is the 27th day of Ma a d that at the hour on the d ceg there- in named for taki { of the electors the Pol Therefore the; Corporation of the| The druggists and grocers to dea. "These common dyes are quoted at will be finally passed by the Council of} Mr and | have becn ~ +} during th a ace. < Th the absence of Mr. | away. attending conference, } Miller, Mr. Terry, Mr. Brethwaite and Mr. Pinkham pleased -- everybody 'present. Greenbank orchestra. also' comes in for its due share of the praise. Considering the weather there were a large number present, the proceeds amounting to about $16. ; dollars by the issue of debentureg@antd ( : A, | providing for the repayment thereof. panes fere Mast Sunday. -Tarmers are now busy proper' the lard for turnips. The grain crop looks well at present. : Mr, Geo. Smith has sold his fine herd of-holstein cattleto Mr. J. Beck, of Lindsay. He realized a good price. Mr. Love, of Greenbank, has com- leted his contract of stone work for r. Arthur Miller, of Seagrave. Mr. Loye deseryes credit for his skill in building such a fine wall. It is the best in this section, 'A healthy appetite, with perfect digestion and assimilation,..~=#y,,._be secured by tha.ssoveur Ayer's Pills. hex verse and strengthen the whole ~amentary canal and. remove all obstructions to the natural functions of = aR sex, without any unpleasant effects. ; SONYA, Farmers are complaining of too much wet weather these days. 'Miss Sara McPhail, graduate of Bellevilie hospital is home for the pre- sent. 'The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed here on Sabbath, the 20th inst. * The choir has been re-organized with Mrs. H. McDougall as organist. Judg- ing from their appearance this place will soon be able to boast of a choir second to none outside large towns. Death has remoyed another old resi- dent from this place in the person of Miss Mary McPhail, who passed peacc- fully away at the residence of her bro ther Mr. Lachlan McPhail, on Friday | the 4th inst, _Deceased was in her 83rd year. : "ea At a meeting of the congregation eld on Monday evening of last week it Aa-was deeided to hold an anniversary on he Ist of July as usual. A strong com- mittee was appointed to take charge and carry it to a successful issue., They will spare no pains to make this one of the best ever held here. There will be pecial servicss the Sane previous, I Full particulars later on. Women Deceived. Ae Bescon time*many manu. 0 molested "Teal uy their such low prices that some profit-loving dealers are tempted to buy them. The ofit-loying dealers then take care to s@llthese adulterated dyes ta the in: experienged and careless at the same price as the popular and reliable Dia- mond Dyes are sold for. .This- iniquitous and deceptive work has caused a vast amount of loss and trouble to many in Canada, and wil} continue as long gs women are foolish enough to take anything that is offered | them, If home dyeing work is to be a successful and money-saving work, every woman should see that she gets the Diamond Dyes, as they are the only guaranteed package dyes in the world, MANCHESTER. The merry clang of the hammer on the anvil is again heard. Mr. John Munro Pee a flying visit to his parents last week. Mrs. Goodfellow, of New York visiting with Mrs. Spence, 'Mr. Reeves, the-mail clerk of R., paid us a 'short visit on S¢ Scarcely had the merry musi¢@ double chime of wedding bells™died away when Hymen rings another peal Mr. Wilhnott, our fermer pastor, aceupied the pulpit Sunday morning and preached an eloquent sermon to an attentive and appreciative audience of his old congregation. Road work has begyn here, The yoad machine isin great demand. Mr. Thomas Graham makes an efficient pathmaster and is greatly improving the roads on this beat. Mr. Geo. Holborn, of Queensville,dj spent seme time with his wife and daughter in their visit at M Thompson's, When he returned -| of Little Britain, delivered a versa structive sermon here on Sunday. | | The concer€ held last Friday by the Sons of Temperance was in every way a decided success. The excellent pro-| . ere furnished by Mr. Balfour,| -- rs. Heard, Mr. Holliday, Mr. Geo. UTICA. § .@ is the standing of the 1 for May. First R. Horn 405, G. 1 367, R. Harper sawton 319, ~ Cairns 2 rick 89, O. Tas fourth-=G: t : Fourth--K. ""Lakey 7 ae ee 1095, W. Holliday 697, A: Walker 634. C. Sonley -478, Bentley 419. Senior fourth--S, DeFoe W. Walkér 430, A': 1173. I. Gilroy, teacher. Nice new lot of prints at Sc., 7c., and 10c. a yard, just in, at Willard & Co's. de and adulterated | ofthe Port Perrv High School, " HAVE YOU CATARRH ? But One Sure Remedy--Obtain It for 25 Cents, Blower Included, and be Cured. Catarrh is a disagreeable and _ of- fensive disease. It usually results from a cold and often ends in consumption and death The one effective remedy so far discovered for it is Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. Physicians failed to cure Geo. Belfrey, toll-gate keeper, Holland Landing road. Chase's Catarrh Cure did it. One box cured William Kneeshaw and two boxes James T,. Stoddard, both of West Gwillimbury. Division Court Clerk Joel Rogers, Rob- ert J. Hoover and Geo. Taylor, all of Beeton, voluntarily certify to the effi- eacy of Chase's Catarrh Cure. J. W. Jennison, of Gilford, spent nearly $300 on doctors, but found no permanent relief until he tried a 25-cent box of Chase's, Miss Dwyer, of Alliston, got rid of a cold in the head in 12 hours. Henry R. Nicholis, 176 Rectory street, mee tried a box with excellent ef- ect. Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure fs for sale by any dealer, or by Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Price 25 cents including blower. e Coughs, colds and bronchial troubles readily cured by the latest discovery, Chase's Linseed and Turpentine. 'Pleas- ant and easy to take. 25 cents. | MRS. N..F. PATERSON. HOUSE FOR SALE, Qn Cochrane street. A good house in first dition. Eulongs garden with pany eo all varieties of Fruit. Also driving shed goog stable. Will be sold Semaeiiis: 'ayy FM. YARNOUD, County Council, COUNTY OF ONTARIO. The next meeting of the Council of the Cor- poration of the County of Ontario for the year 1897, willbe held at the Court House in the Town of Whithy, 02 MONDAY, THE 2ist DAY OF JUNE, instant, at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon. All accounts to be laid before the Council must be forwarded to the Clerk, properly certi- fied, at least three days before the meeting of the Council. Dated at Whitby this lst day of June, 1597. JNO. E, FAREWELL, County Clerk, County of Ontario. |Entrance and Publie$ chool ving Examinations. Tho AtMnual High School Entraneéand Public at chk! | Leaving Examinations w be held T PERRY and CANNINGTON een oa ONDAY, TUESDAY AND .- *» WEDNESDAY, 28th, 29th & 30th, > Beginning each day at 8.45 a. m. /OAndidates are required to hand in their books--Drawing, Writing and Book-keeping-- on the morning of the first day. Applications may be sent to JAS. MoBRIEN, ESQ., P. &: §: I.. Prince Albert, or to the i, rm SE Mya Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd, |€ Sole Proprietora, 1 MontREAL. or the price paid. He w te "sure that the pattern is the latest out," the style is not ancient, that the suit is well made and that the fit is faultless. When paying $10, $12.50 or $15 for clothes why not get the very best that the money will purchase, Tf you will come~to.us_we,will show, you latest novelties in the Tailoring line. ~ If order we will guarantee the fit. We allow no Suits to leave our tailoring department that do not perfectly satisfy. And remember that it is not necessary to went to buy in order to inspect our stock. them, whether you need a Suit or not, our goods will interest you. And if you want a Suit we will save you money. GEO. H. WALLIS, THE FASHIONABLE TAILOR. Py made y Coffe in and be shown Clothing makes this offer. Ask AD bbb bb Db hb hh tb the fete tein be jhe bbb ebb dladd POCCCC COSA SSSS SSS ESS EC CCECCCOCCECCCCCCCE LEI VSS For Divers Reasons... The every day suit that'a man wears, tobe comfortable in, to be busy in, the suit that he is seen most in, should be a strong, good-fitting, well made, substan- tial suit, in a style of cut and fabric that is up tothe times. This does not necessa- rily mean an expensive suit. It means one of Shorey's Ready Made Suits, which are guaranteed in every respect by one of their guarantee cardsin the pocket. If it does not turn out as guaranteed bring it back and get your money refunded. No other manufacturer.of Ready-Made for, and see that you get Shorey's make !19 PURE FRESH DRUGS. AT A. J. DAVIS', DRUGGIST. o BULL FOR SERVICE. The undersigned has a thorough-bred Dur- 50 Y E A R S ham Bull for service at Lot 17, Con. 6, Reach. JOHN McCLINTOCK. Pure-bred Berkshires for Sale The undersigned has for sale seven young Berkshires four weeks old, also one Sow, eigh- teen months old. The above stock are all re- gistered, and will be sold at prices to suit the GEO. JACKSON, Scugog. FOR SALE. Thorough-bred Holstein Friesian Bulls Of Choice Breeding for sale cheap. .Three Young Bulls sired by my noted stock Bull BUTTER BOY 2nd. Prices to suit the times. Write for particu- lars or come and see them. R. W. WALKER, Utica P. O., Ont? IN BUSINESS Takes this opportunity of thank- New Edition of " Queen ° Victoria) now reeds ere --thirty-two full page plates added. 8! ii nor eee e acd the Victorian Era hi of the Queen a 4 2 anadian book accepted published. The only C y Her Majesty. Sales enorm knocking the bottom out o: fo make thirty doliars wee) Diamond Jubilee. Particulars free, THE BRAVDLEY-GARRETSON CO., Toronto. ous ; canvassers eee ds. Easy kly fronm~now until a complete stock ofall the la est and best styles with price to suit the times. Undertaking of which I "iat Call and be convinced. Furniture cheaper than ever. Undertaking a specialty. TO LET. iaiof Port Perry. Fine red brick stable and out- three acresofland. Situated High School. Will be icitor. J. W. DAVIS, bb fh hte bh tate te be bln taht tnde J.W. DAVIS ~ ing his many friends and custo- mers for their liberal patronage during the past fifty years, also wishes to inform them that he is stillin business at the same old stand and kindly solicits a continuance of your patronage. I feel certain I can please one and all both in Furniture and Queen Street Emporium E ent, on good AMS, ee |}) WANT THE EARTH ----BUT----_ We Want Your Trade, ae Good Styles, Perfect Qualities and na' of goods, the largestin town. _ e Prices with a selection

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