Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Standard, 10 Jun 1897, p. 4

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h ~ have been le: ee were few traces , however. MILE =) (@} the husks of vegetables, was no rule a3 to . wearing One day a --. i oe == Hress and the next day: oe syeased his fancy. in these BNegetable Prepa " @ the Englishman. . tren| fil similating the Focd and Reg w.a- Uiments of anise fing the St Cranes and Eowels of 7 yerg were vot of the >clothing, and af- ip a he found his 4 FAC-SI tes Digestion Cheerful- | prea and Rest contains nel | omRosenberg. My heart failed me, and I turned back. If I had begun one letter to him TI have begun a dozen, only to burn or tear them up unfinish- Hevknew it was teens a are, for the capo¥-the little bz bad reputation. More than p thooner was not always in | fish, which swarmed ade, and was even then | be-caught in the hand. n biti ; ; fpick up labor," as it was has bEMeht: home One: as a souvenir of the , ay" ; There is the wheelman, for instance, ~ cigs 3 we ee Soy interested in century at ou ee ee ae ace now there is'no time for fur- ti 4 : Es her delay. I will warn him that if he mak y| wishes to save his life he must leave condition of thé p | Every phase of be represented g oe Th thes ae new: 1 prinitive | -- JWroula not do bis ¢ INKEN CAPTAIN. | tdtOee crafts commeon | me Toe hearer her to a n's intentions was to put in and*an outrigger. The 5 § gs Remedy Ai hierties Wet ae at one of the small islands of the Solo- out, with upper works ; Pe: uf Stomac ao ' he wood, even lighter than Avulsions,Feveris' mon group, induce natives to ship with | hull itself. The. outrig -| him, and, after transporting them to | same whit das ti ent Watry | the Philippine#islinds, turn them over |. the country will ie | to contractors. *All of which, to quote phange experience ini ie atpolite form of the slave in théOutward voyage the ness and LOSS. OF SLEEP. "Fac Simile Signature of second million than the first. lish notability who resoly y, Marry the richest: Oastoria is put tp in one-size bottles only. It His not gold in bulke?Don't allow anyone to sell was sixteen years old, had been} The committes on the feeble-minded | #24 some of earned that it was not the | ™ | FBR hirer to eee cs you anything g-plea or promise that it ime the schooner had been put} ~ | rs : ete 2-0 So ons Oe eel is 'just as good" and "will answer every pur- i , for "the captain teldhim : | El BP ated eB lode aS | sah 2ar- Eco that you get OAS T-ONLA, experience that nd Se Le -- ES De apart nih es 4 Cd He i il. -exaere r Ee Bespicc in = 5 4 Z every e thi a fely-looking, re- | fish and ashes an oe : ihe = WEADpOR, Pforms of active ei eee 3 u e eight séc su aid ne had 'toed under the cireumst woke s " : ms of activereerea-| He halted by one of the win 5 : : 2 ae ? i : M tion. Prof. Sargent says that the idea | stood gazing out of all the pleas i ; Pp | wae usetabin persuading them to sail of carrying athletics to excess is most | features of the landscape he had legipg * . is ne x , mre "Eroneous, and that "a great many {ed to know and love so well. "Tt se yap) mani-| Brown'soon discovered that ae young people do themselves injury by | hard to die so Youre, and witha te é jal get- bad master, a man of violent temper their excessive zeal in th i bout : hi " ido, ; re. \ wetorin. and a hard drinker. The schooner had % z a" jn the practice of about me to make life happy," he sa : you, his: Association h i itted 3 etiWive 6xénéise." cAnoth i i 3 Wrs- Broo. hw enity. on has been in existence | been fitted out at Melbourne, and ha ? x ; other author-|!y mused. "I think I could meet my Bimce sniffed® tried to screw up for twenty-four years. The Presid:nt | in the lock tity of liquors. In nus that, eople whotewerk-+fate*on the battlefield without a* mur-| his nose further than nature had done |is Mr. Al D Z . ' eer epee . Sy ee fer' with bod¥ or brains need /mur--but to be murdered in cold blood ready feSich muck !"" his com- of ane I disuse See ent spite Of gee fact that his 'wife er 2 amusement for their leisure rather than|--to be the mark for some stealthy as-/ 9}. -°, Dimself as he left the room. | feeb) Ca eee cuare School for the | aboard, the captain indulged in drink F * active exertion. sassin! Poor Clara! poor daring! what wh ma e-minded, while the Secretary is| to excess from the time the r P ' Le a +» % P . oeoeee will you do when Iam gone?' He ik a een Summers, Margery Been - Cee the State | started on her voyage, and EEE se os ' sighed deepl h 00k Dy mame, who was dre AritLes" 0) innesota. days out had drunk hi eee we cr ma : ae * ee a a oe Ebi en Sonn te window Tie mies Seca Gatton feo ae bib Boe apron, a short fete bi subjesta that age "madness His wife, ; ag e wee we receivellm. e rae case of anumbe L r " : ; considerab i : mK : oar . wee § ee E os boys of a larger Presently he seated himself at the| wear, gray worsted oe worse for | Will be taken up and a few of the} with him, and one day : iP a Dandies? Balt d Buckles illite Pins. Sido"Comb Sia growth who engaged in a tournamefrt i shoes, and a quilted ings, thick | Speakers that will take part, the fol-| tai harsh Ww uddenly : 5 es Belts and Bucklesy#me Pins, Side Combs, tosee which could stick out his tongue | @2¥¢Port, and drew pen and paper to- mnder Ante od Sun-bonnet, from | lowing might Be soeaes ain had some harsh wom@s: "ihe : Ee oe the inost eTemt , J Photo. Frames, Water. Setts, Toilet Setts, Disk furthest. The one who triumphed in wards him. "No more delays; this very | hair made ite cada ia tangled SIs * The elder cue eat itt ey ae ---- Bie ite, he eave that for whi : . teen een - ae vormares oF : : 4 ,| night the Baron shall be told. But|locks: Her bright hazel din | tn 2 pom gnc ealley: ani Be oT EEE Geen watching so los was a the table. . ee ee to 'such ous eee that | how shall I begin? in what terms| them more of the precicn ee Basie eh Social Problems,' will be-| Brown sprang in, with the assist- Erall ihaaner. a: 2 me, and she Ladies' Silver Watches from $4.50. 3 © was in the hands of the surzeons Shall T wack see eae a half-tamed animal than that of en Ore sicent GilMaty es Hopkins | ance o-- other vot the creW | sailed straight fe fe lagoon and an- Ladies' Gold Watches from $10. for two weeks. {lt was an expensive mused £, ee He sat and] dinary human being. Her features, University, Baltimore, Md., @ "this | wrenehed the knife away and over- |chored B f remembers little of Gents' Nickel Watches from $5 up to $20 and $25 "century run," but perhaps the sense or 2 minute or two, biting the| though by no means uncomely, were | ©°™mittee will be attended by the Pyo- /POWFiea the rum-erazed man. This oc-| what' "followed that day. He was : in Silver aggl.also Gold Filled Cases for ladies and of having broken the record wasan ade. |°@4 Of his pen as he did so. Then he Zespond vents eee and did not | fessors of Social and Political Economy currence turned the captain into am/ért ee a rai tS dee ; gents. : - ~ 1 di i i : ¢ Oo is are ; ae : xa |° . = ' . ; quate reward and a vindication of tha oe a fae a ae sion. For the PM ahs is a wets wee great Universities of the Coh- i steward. The latter ward that they found him standing in ae ne Pace aed full jewel Watch, inlaid with th's blood. E : . geen o write: "My dear Baron, from] grown strong] -built girl, y re Deke : be i i ep@ of the |} the water up to his neck, where he ack for $13. ae agian 'fe sae sto information which has reached me, the ane laughed 'hike teeth flashed aponaee Be Williamson of Euzabeee cee ee ot had rushed out to meet them, and he Alarm Clocks at $l and up. attained by prize fighters is only 47|ScUrsey of which T cannot doubt, Tam Margery's laugh, if laugh i Municipal and County Charities. 'The | When the Solomell Eroup was sighted weeks before hecould speak intelligivly | Pete ee neta eager prices. 5 ley 2 i 7 = a ao : «oe ee ; ; yeara, and they are men of exception- grieved to have to inform you that be called, was perhaps the pee mame yanagement of poor houses, the di8-| the captain, them partly sobered, steer- | fre had hardly framed a sentence dur. Repairing a'specialty, having put in a fne Amer ; 2g eee your life is in great and immediate] lar thing about h : : tribution of out-door relief, the tra ip The i ior islands, out | i his exile, and he had io learn-his can Lathe for the purpose. al physique and constitution. 'A care- ; , ike: wate anne itt, Was Witeh- | problem and kindred questions will ode aaa "> interior sejands, ae ji i ful and learned adviser on this subject a gem age meagh ed A 'ner eee mt oF eee dealt with b such men Ba Prof. Hem.| 06 tie amee coutse of vesiels.- Whes Wie Uae ton ine adventurer to ; es t y *hi & > e ou e © ater 3 = mee thas Pabtea GE parking ander << h_ by the Chiefs of one of those inopportune moments, °C cae poe aezson, of ne Chicago 'University, | they dropped anchor and the steward Sydney, and from there he worked his é : cret Societies of the existence of | awoke b it in the d : omer Folks, Secretary of the Sta ward: he saw a small, un-| passage to Melbourne, from whence he high pressure for a short ti Hi : y ead of night, and | gp t : looked shore g ne, mioré odin Hie icandipligid A geen which you are doubtless aware. Your ae He Ae known whence it emanated ahs or Melaron oan eae oo civilized looking settlement near the found his way home. For Gold Rings, Ete., call at risk to health by working Ke dle Z cae ee of safety lies in immediate SPongest nay the nerves of the * . Machar ot Kingston, Ont., and | water's edge and the natives running : ee ee ight." ., | Mr. Ernest Bicknell, Secretary Board | a) 'Nhe next day the captain A HUNTER'S STORY 5 és M ' eh : y about naked..'lhe ne y D pressure for a longer time. If, Shaks- What shall 1 say next?" asked Gef- she argery was an orphan, and until | of State Charities of Indiana. me crew, Brown among hi 7» DIESFELD'S DIAMOND HALL STORE peare asks, "sweet secreation barr'd ald of himself "Shall I "tell him] bro : 2 ' ught up on a canal barge It 'was | wi i , landed. The captain was} | ¥ ---- : , what doth cae but moody and dull] thatv-- her boast that she could ie a horse ee Clonwecd fare tend the med eee visitor. et learned EXPOSURE BROUGHT ON AN ATTACK » And be convinced you get A-1 value melancholy ?" it will be noticed that the| But at this juncture the door was] OF Steer a barge as well as any man subject treated by the committee will hat' the islanders remem- {9 Le EUMATISM z adjective recreation means the. op-| 0Pened, and Mrs. Brooke came hurried-| between London and the Didlands. be prevention. 'Mrs. (Kate Gannett | {terward that the islanders _ OF RH ATISM. ---- --S-------- posite of violent or excessive, ' ly into the room. "O Gerald, such ter-|But there came a day when the girl | We ls, of Boston, will read a paper on | bered an earlier visit, and in revenge i a "3 cael ea . rible news!" she exclaimed, breathless- | Could no longer either drive or handle } "State Regulation of Marriage," and | for murder tne captain had then com- Nervousness gad Stomach Troubles Follow- ' rt ° oa ly. a : the rudder. Ague got her in its merci- | Dr, Krohn, of Illinois University, will | mitted. they would have killed him. ed -- Sleep at Times Was tmpossible -- tM efi? THESYOUNG "DOCTOR. Gerald turned his lette. face down- he orked [yee barse-man for whom | deal with child study as applied to de- ' ai fearful of th ' alti Restored. a . ward on the blotting-pad: "Terrible | S2@ worked landed her at King's Har- | fective children ;-while Dr. G. T. Gar= 1 : ot so fearful o 2 i aici . Almost every fainily has its old, trust-| news, Clarat" he said Gea tone of nae ots pith instructious to a relative of | son of Syracuse will also take 'part: atives as ' orien oe at SO, | Prom rst, N. S., Sentinel. - : om y ed physician j eye: rence. Has your aunt's| 2S, 4° ee her on to the workhouse.|~ 'Phe committee on the care of the in-} Ventura» ee ie ie The little village of Petitcodiac is 4 : He" says. | SP2niel over-eaten itself and'-- ops rene this could be done Mrs. {sane will be presided over by Dr..H. : oe Pa fit... pegan situated in the south-easterly part of| | * Allof them depend on-awhat he says." "Gerald, don't!" she cried in a pain- | BTooke had found out the sick girl. She | G. Rutter, of Gallipolis, and the. pro- . Mets he eee New Brumswick, on the line of the ee - P " _|Intercolonial Railway. Mr. 'Herbert Gaetan athe Yoemans, who resides there, 'follows , and the natives making | the wpation ofa hunter pe Tig hicago, Rey Percy Alden, of Mags.|Nowne Getonsteations. Brown sig- | Dot. gee Pain of exposure and ur times a week, and sat fiel A bouaece dont Magiand ae d Rey, | Ralled and called, but he was not an- hardane We nore Bepecially when the urnin With her, and | xopb. Ely, 'of Cambridge, will Beni ae et In oh ar pe ed, the snow desehick and deep on the ground the large measure of patronage bestowed on him since commeneirg busine: 4 sacked so ; in our cold winters. A few years ago|in Port Perry, and would beg to state that having, aca large expenditure F ™ . various Ways | social settlements in. lar fren WOW Lays O ht into the girl's chairman of this sectio: a 2 eomans tel corr ndent z : : . ened. mind. netimes it hap- | body, of Harvard Ut brat acl "TIVI GENTLEMAN... ~ i . te. SRE Waioas thoroughly overhauled the entire Mill and introduced the best, most improved hat Mr. Brooke would call for The Prison Reform section w p jyacomplication of diseases, and modern machinery including the hen she was on these expedi-4 .ideq over by Philip C d, they' such r stomach, sick headache ; rhich occasions he would a Ty elph foal Ir im off the}and rheumatism. Mr. Yoemans'..yer- R 0 LL E R Pp R. 4) aa to- . as : : a > : Fo * 7 @in sight. But An 5 x * " is| Wa8 Placed in a decent lodgi i d They are biliows when he, pronounces{ed voice. "Baron von Rosenberg is ie aiatress of. Beechley Toor vail ay them so. 'They have.dyspersia when he eo ee a ae Own Hipuse: eRe ye eenieen: tae she was thoroughly 5 so = s Says the word. They get consumption Garnid 2oue aiowiy from: his Chair. ao eat. health. But not only did 0 ceedings wil! be perdi tea in ave nearly all th eleading authorities on the care of the insane. Miss Jane Addams, of Hull House, IN FULL BLAST , The undersigned takes this Opportunity of returning his sincere thanks {<r at his bidding. They make their wills, | jf drawn upward by some invisible { ; she went to see Margery | ¢ and name their pall-bearers, when he|force. The sudden pallor that blanch- ' ed his face frightened his wife. She says they have got to shuffle off. That sprang forward and laid a hand on his is all very well. j arm. He shook it off almost roughly. Let the old family doctor flourish. He | 'Tell me again what you told me just has earned the right to, and if now and| now," he said in a voice which Clara] jones then he makes a mistake, and admin- scarcely recognized as that of her hus-|4j,e. isters argenic instead of Rochelle salts,4 'fold him again. 'Murdered! Von and outs off a leg or an arm when there osenberg! Impossible !" is no necessity for it, he must not be] .'Dixon brought the news; he has just ; ridden up from King's Harold." for the maniifigiure of flour, is prspartd to do piraie ncve Bi ¥ co respect him} "Gerald sank into hin saat again. His : ad oe did ik 'or goo as done. eyes were fixed on vacancy for a few on - b ani : : D 1 ZUVA was real- oe Young doctors are always coming to] moments he looked as ifd his brain had rathe eo ts: eerste be ferenee Gat cil matitee 7 ing os db abandoned, or, as ( q R I SFI N cr A N D G H O oe PI] N G town. been paralyzed. nyben ce te ing. Willingly, gladly would she have Now, a man cannot help being young. sii Goa Cae SRC eoe iia Ae ue en "-- Tite Aree ee discussed at these meetings. _ It is @ fault Which time will remedy, | this dreadful--dreadful news is true?" | About this time it was that the Baron | ether the gathering promises to if we only wait patiently. ".Qnly too true, Iam afraid, aunt."|von Rosenberg set up his establish- ee Seas and instructive One. aca doctor is worthy of our! "Poor, Baron! Poor dear man! What|ment at Beaulieu. An assistant was | Special railway arrangements are be- young doo a shocking end! I never knew aman| required tm the. laundry Margery | 28 made whereby single fare rates can 1 regard, if he knows enough not to pre- with more charming manner. Cut/| thought she should like the situa ion, | be secured, ai and fs is expected that | white man's face. tend to know too much. Very few are}off in the flower of his age, as one] sa it wag obtained for her. aeare ae stan eit vette of the | sort of awe wise enough to be willing to pass for] My, say." : aticey (areery, what can be the |on su' Blake ie cheran eee: | Was, nes Mite : Swe "Perhaps dear, you would like to see | matter? Why do yow want to see me I sea TEE ake hls irman of the | natives ait a Re just what they are. Dixon and question him," said Clara | so particularly ?" madd Mira Brooke ocal committee, while the secretaries | not &ltoge ner eava@ee, or at least they ™, You are sick, and cyou conclud(%that}to her husband. ig about him--about Muster Gerii," | 2t@_Dr. A. M. Rosebrugh and Mr. J.| were not. nor Tney had been j : ce tei t have a chance to learn.} 'Hé simply nodded. Mrs. Brooke rang | she managed to gasp out, "O mum! A ee can | cannibals, own learned later, 7 Bannister and Neuel Posts, &c., &c, Eyon sg tor the young doctor: [/You" bad better tall your master ail | the Spee em fe SURE tre ata of des Resik to be oe SE TRE a ee "pT {tom Bulloo to tell you. derived from the meeting, the oppor- Expeditious!y and in a manner that cannot fail to give satisfaction to m patrons. The trade supplied with Flour of the Finest Brands. The Planing Factor n full Operation and can supply all kinds of Dressed Lumber, also Lumber Joist. Scantling, Boards, Pickets, Posts, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Moulding ich he does not He, in constant fear ed and made into a spent nearly five years. hat time he did not.see a sail or any other sign of civiliz-'ion or a glected and dependent children - when he w: > to understand them, | sion of the facts are:--"I became very and a brother tribe much larger than | jl] and suffered the most excruciating}. eo) ; theigs, living some distance inland, | pains in myarms, legs and shoulders,' Bill Lumber a Speciality. All kinds of TURNING and Scroll Sawirg do "He comes in haste, with his head well} you know about this frightful trag-| 'The w i i i : = Up. his medicine-case in his pocket, an bay." e "Thellbliae ii" Gaewernk the. irl | tunity to make the acquaintance of so | was¥:ven then fond of the "long pig." | £0 much -So that I could not on short notic oneal looki black satchel in his) 'The man cleared his throat. Gerald | with one of her uncanny lanobs igs | Many distinguished persons is one. that | This ormation was a warning, and| yest .- in, + any position. I fre- e. a, ng n egelaae try stared at him with eyes that seemed. to |'Primby, had never heard anythin should induce a great many Canadians | Bro ever, went a mile from shore quently could not sleep nights, and JA Res CA RNEGIin harg, and a general air of keep-every- see far beyond him--far beyond the | like it before ve a little to, attend, : during the entire stay. He was in a] when I did [ awoke with a_ tired - body-at-a~distanoe, room in which they were. "I had been : ye -constant state of terror, Knowing that | feeling and very much depressed. My id Ta Sea ee He flings off his hat and coat, looks} down to King's Harold, sirj? began Dix- he was hear man-eaters, and wholly |appetite was very poor, and if I ate GREAT BRITAIN d ESTATES me at himself in the glass, rubs his hand] on, "to see Thompson, the farrier, about 'A LEGAL DILEMMA defenseless. He had many opportun- | anything at all,no matter how light Teese through his hair to give himself an in-] the chestnut mare, and was riding back, 7 i » jities of finding out, too, that eS the food as mea dull, heavy ae tellectual look, snips a leaf off your ger-}when just as I got to the Beaulieu Judge--Who owns the mule? praise Ae as fice aoe ow aad feeling im my Stomach, which would) SKETCH OF THE GREAT EXTENT OF Casey--I own wan half ov him an' be followed by vomiting. I suffered HER TERRITORIES, ao. eee eee Me Tits ie ee ee they became accustomed to his pres-|so intensely with pains in my arms y: with . Pringle the baron's man in Fogarty owns the ithur, Yer Ha : : "Wi a i 2 is ate » ner. | ence, hostile demonstrations ceased to | and shoulders that I could scarcely yt what can we do for you to ieaplone. we -- ae ands ces ee ef eek a -- ube pas ia nl? great degree. { raise my" hands to my head. I tried | The Empire Which Circles the Whole World E ; . You pegimy to tell him how you are} the doctor there, and that Mr. Pringle imy_hus' it: nies : CONSIDERED A FREAK. different re' s, but all to no pur- Le oe WhO Other Country of Anctentor Modern | : : and how you were taken, but he sil-| looked very white and scared like, I wos sean. eo can the 'ourt's adjourned. I must| The settlement was composed of mud a ae eaten ue oe Times Equals It, | In Spring Time-get Pure' Blood are = 1 jou : : : 3 5 nition) che law. ee ae rete" | lisms' Pink Pilg? Chad cot bat enen | tt 1 safe to say that never has a by using B-B.B. asa wondrous freak. His white skin emces) you, and gives you tihe impres-}pulls up. "Anything amiss, Mr. Prin- 5 sion. he can diagnose your case} gle?" says I, with a jerk of my thumb} "For murder." - koe witWout knowing anything you can tell} towards the house as the dog-cart pass- For murder!" ejaculated both He feels your pulse, and listens{ed me. But he only stared at me and} ladies. ayour heart, and looks at your tongue,| my poor master, the baron, was found} 'There was a moment's 'breathle sk you if you wear liver-pads, andjon without a word. Then I turns to 'use. Gerald, with one hand on the grandmother died of, andj the lodge-keeper's wife and sees that k of a chair, and one knee eres on the seat, had the impassive air o . Chil- | determined to try them, and procured | Monarch been called upon to reigu : ; Mey Gen ee ee ae et a box, and before the pills were all over arealm of greater extent or wider ee ake nowy = cape sich per- I_ began to improve. This en-| influence than that which acknow- ceansig, healing and purifying es a sr gon i ; ' and felt of t own. The fact that csarnisd { fn need wetoneee Siete andah "3 s roperties as Burdock Blood Bitters. 6 od HERS OG gis eencaami wenaa.mvsns | eee! ferent mens ada | tear atace oa sere | [Ree ae Ki E SE® Ti 'IR LITTLE ONES ment it was promptly confiscated. The and arms were all gone, and I was able The British Isles alone consist of not heals, when applied externally, all ewhat your then 'he tells you what you may ex-|she has her apron over her head, and soll Se pect. 7 is cxyit "Anything serous amiss a ingn whom nothing more can sur- MADE STR NG AND WELL BY second morning after he was aban-| to get a a Pe : rest. aly Bp: far short of a thousand distinct | sores ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, You are in a dangerous, nay, critical] mum?" saysI. "I don't know what you PRE :. pad fone are ce oock KOOTEN Y WICH CONTAINS > | doned he missed his hat, and the next ey Sealie etene ere ihe aL eit | iSlands or islets, excluding isolated pin-| blotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the condition. It is lucky you sent for him | calls serous, young man," says she, "bui 20 Tor ¢ ne 1t seemed as i "WR WS 2A . . | time he saw it it was perched on a fat 1 tes - nacles or rocks. Thei skin clean and pure as a_babe's paid ou did. at ie man has studi-| my oo he ie soa oun auvlon had power to touch THE NSW INGREDIENT. © native woman's head, and the other on ee pr ae tr Suara mite leva aken internally it removes all morbid iarclas.'of disorders more] Murdered in ittle shally in the. 'AM sick Sid alee een * women were squabbling over it. Ba fro : : effet Mist 4 oe 7 : sild always appeals to our love ; eae ough as though I had taken a new] within whi half} (uete OF Waste matter from the system thoroughly than he has. If it be within] garden only half an hour since=sh r. geet are | ig sympathy. It commands the tenderest |, The men at finst were inclined to be lnee of lie Bry old occupation be- within which some € halt} and eae regulates all the aes hostile. They made the sailor under- snk | Millions of males and ly ninet ais . ra came a pleasure to me and I think ale nearly nineteen] of the » Testoring the stomach, stand that ¢ i previous sia ihe oon nothing of tramping eighteen or | and a half million females live, move,| liyer, bowels and blood=to healthy" tain had Re ike them twenty Gree _ i, cS daw pe and have their being. They are fear-|@ iend,- and | Perience an ye fully in debt as anation, to the amount this, for, after Cleatage ea results of » Williams' of something like 680 millions, Bith ani Ni Pills as a safe and sure cure and 3 uit Rr that be wg | Ewould urge all those affiicied with ingome of ninety-one millions. or a long stay, | Theumatism or any other ailment, to| The -British Empire is a po : & j| try Pink Pills as they. create new | creation without parallel in the ae niger: vigor, build up the shattered nervous | history. It is scattered hereg# system and make a new being of you, | #24 everywhere, with an The genuine Pink Pills are sold only in aching ten million boxes, bearing thefull trade m | 400 millionssef inhab "Dr. Williams' Pink Pils for ; 5 et . oem | People." Protect yoursalf. frone hb a 'Britsh! pr aii 8 ae by ataping ae mal bie ; bh : L orth in - not bear the registere : 1 : = nS } : : Zz around the box. ' oe : : ; af yiet Hiouast EBRE ECTION. ' . paae ae . tan _the diversified' ele m sed in this tremendous or- o with .very through the : d of ae is 5 yo eas Stal Es Taligin"? - oan by some blood Ra eM ae ea care and watchfulness of its mother, who begin to feel weak in the knees,| sir, but made, all the dias would gladly sacrifice anything to have her md you remember that company is com-| home." a. arling well. eas ..dmg mext week, and that you have got|, No word spoke x o mothers,who have children suffering to ke 'for. Odd Fellows' sgl looked at him curi apyedisease brought about' by thin, Jou ha' ' y or iiupure blood, Kidney Trouble Searlet Fever, Rheumatism, Eé- | as any other skin rash,-or eity eon 'eebly tell himthat| ing whether hi only influenza; you . = : aye _ = : " "A ste SegSGemmmadiam,"" hgh LS. * : Tried a fin paOMPin which the child is puny, weak and : delicate, and does not thrive weil, one would strongly recommend the use of Ryckman's Kootenay -Cure, not because we say it's oh patton good for these conditions, but because sealing ' 7 <7) 4 Mothers gladly state under oalh howgi patie. = ly ee oon oe a: saved their darlings when everythi ity to the e abe 0 spberg : Macwien a fiailed. ¢ issing the lit-| dead = age rule? was. oe eet One of these ni len er time € 4 am | yy wea: White, who liv : : jton, Ont. She tle scarcely a product of -- ; 'or occupation on the to eat, and nothin; (Brown passed weeks an THE IRISH beach watchi the! Those who are supposed to kn p . The . : b * mace igo. one | to be sufficiently world-travele: : Union Jz st their opinion listened with respect 'phantly over .a co ye = : > m5 1 } Era tae hundred ' : ; 3S = % c ry? On say nt 1 vhi l ought to fe ; E 5 it? ae. t. It if it is not concurred in, sa' he j : 4 : : a in, say, tha ths 2 = te . me ;- | 2, thousand lakes, daqubl idl he per lvideueby> ats child as one could wish for. : 8 S 5 onflicting socia 3 tances like these are well worth the| Wag also bread fruit in aburidance, CA, e 2 last fe Britain alt pacageecint inte Vu ration o| se having S i used b iti R . : oa & a 'h is, |. aaies: sai mats vets Ube 4 te ot th of There is, ndi: s the can aie 'in flavour not unlike a rasp! "Glad? O Gerald : Trish' girl i : 5 : i i e B eee) f trond girlis by far the re d i y / x ; ; 8 i : : ; of rivers, and no *t) - + ; ie Kecnest vit the brightest sosipitatss | sil landals This Mtucendout esata Mecnetsts me (le Continent of Be, tie mak perfect hands of enables the Britisher ie perform a {i e hi ed. i = ; , ay At y i e : a i 4 ' x 3 in about it, sai nimost,| left for the Amarieas gine 3h can ihitate--to navigate -- th multe Semen t lscays the young man is a é it ; z ; : : ; a hope I can. ; for them now is globe and touch a portion of the na-|¢{ diverse rites, and s ' ' nds you to soak your aye p a as | mi i V o ha Kil red) 4 ' c be i|they strive to win and deserve a r tional possessions the whole journey. ent tongues. O ficial pea, . z L é peppermint tea. sunk uit) tation for their Trilbies. Sailing 'from England he makes for |'fhere are over a hunk ' mans j "grapes, ae oe ee Halifax, N. S., dashes across Canada 'guages, as apart fri i in some seasons" a sn p to Vancouver, thence by the Pacific tolin India. Many of the r: | M

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