. } bd 3 " y wp" 10 -- Scugog Citizen --_ Tuesday, September 24. 1991 \ = | : : Both gyms at Port Perry High School were used of wacky events were going on simultaneously, to 'welcome' the shiner niners. In both, all kinds including limbo dancing. | Port Perry High School celebrated 'Welcome Week', last week, to honour and welcome the grade nines. If 'pyramid power' helps:the Initiation process, then so be it! | L - ' Grade nines weren't the only ones having 8ne. more fun Friday , the tall end of PPHS Welcome These girls are all seniors, and they were having . Week, than anyane. "ALCAN A. | man ALCAN" | DOORs & WiNnows | charged I, A 48-year old Oshawa man CASH & CARRY has"been arrested and charged PPHS teacher Ted Jensen impressed his students with his ban- with second degree murder in the danna, while Grade 13 student Chris Wokral was more impressive : on all products for those death of his wife. With his military style jacket and cap. 5 DO-IT-YOURSELFERS Regional Police said Monday A 4 morning that Robert Munroe of ® 000000060000 00 ¢ pe * STEEL 542 Oxford St. Oshawa is ° ° - * UI charged with the death of his 45- N 7+ ALUMINUM year old wife Joanne, of the same ° HOMEOWNERS DO YOU QUALIFY FOR ° address. p * SIDING & SOFFIT No other details were released, $5000 ASSISTANCE FOR HOME REPAIRS? ry * 5" SEAMLESS . but Police said an investigation is @® Il'you are a low income homeowner, you may be eligible for Up [} . continuing by Detectives P ® to $5000 (which may not have to be repaid) to assist you in [o EAVESTROUGH Carrol and C. Mercier repairing your home or make it accessible 10 a disabled person We stpply and install all our products, at your request! [ a v @| Funds are made asgiable through ® For Free Estimate contact - ROB ALLEN or MIKE ALLEN ° CANADA MORTGAGE AND HOUSING ° Allen's CORPORATION Si di ® We aig now processing applications for the 1991 budget allocation. If ® ha 2d 1 ing you require financial assistance in Tepairing your home, please contact Products Licenced LLBO @| our ofico to apply or the ® Limited Port Perry's Favourite ® RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (RRAP) | oy Family Restaurant s SALES & INSTALLATION y 0 DOORS - WINDOWS - TROUGH - ADDITIONS - SOLARIUMS" fe] Senior Citizens Discount - 10% id COLETTE GRANT ENTERPRISES LINDSAY PORT PERRY (416) 985-3333 RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED ANYTIME [ [] ,(705) 328-1402 (705) 878-2023 OSHAWA (416) 434-0047 a 1 -800-563-7207 Reach Industrial Park - Regional Road 8 158 Water St, Port Perry ® ® 1/4 Mile East of No. 12. 2 lL 85-411 | eoeeeeeeeeee00