Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, September 34, 1991-- 35 [da 'Famous Canadian comic to tickle local funnybone Famed Canadian comedian Dave Broadfoot is coming to Port Perry, Thursday, Ogt. 17 when the Scugog Memorial Library hosts its second annual gala fundraising dinner d auction at the Immaculate Conception Church Hall. Broadfoot will be the after-din- ner entertainment at this special evening that features a delicious gourmet dinner complete with wine and door prizes; auctions and raffles for artwork, books, and other items; and the drawing of the winning ticket in the library's buy- a-book raffle. Those of you who remember Charlie Farquharson's performance at last year's dinner will want to get your tickets for this year early. Broadfoot began his comedy career in the 1950s with appear- ances on 'The Big Revue', 'The Ed Sullivan Show" and numerous other radio and television pro. run in the famed 'Spring Thaw' revue. In 1973, Dave began a 15 year role as a star of the legendary 'Royal Canadian Air Farce' where his Member for Kicking Horse Pass and Corporal (later Sergeant) Renfrew of the Mounted helped cam him 13 ACTRA awards and a Juno for comedy writing and per- formance. Broadfoot has performed before Queen Elizabeth, Ronald Reagan, and Canadian Forces around the world. In 1977 he was honoured at RCMP headquarters, when his character, Corporal Renfrew, was personally promot- ed by the commissioner of the force to the rank of sergeant. He is also an officer in the Order of Canada. Tickets for the evening are $60 cach and are available at the library (985-7305) and at Irwin Smith's. Tickets for the buy-a- book; raffle for the Toronto week- end are available at the library for $20 each. Your $20 ticket not only gets you a chance at a weekend for two in Toronto, but also buys the library a new book and gets your name inscribed in the front of it. All proceeds from the evening £0 to purchase books, tapes and videos so that the library's collec- non can conunue 10 grow Oo meet the community's needs. HEALTHSTYLES Dave Broadfoot makes a comedic appearance In Port Perry Oct. 17 when the Scugog Memorial Library hosts its second annual gala. grams. He then enjoyed a 10 year Blue box changes Scugog Township will be mov- ing to blue box pick ups once every two weeks. Township residents who have blue box pick-ups have been able 10 put their recyclables at the curb once a week Council approved the recom mendation to move to the once every two weeks pick-up on Monday. The new policy will come into effect January 1 Scugog will share the cost of blue box pick-up with other municipalities in Durham with Miller Waste Systems of A Proud Voice For Scugog CALL: 985-NEWS Did You Get Home Delivery of yo "SCUGOG CITIZEN"? If you didn't, we want to LCE uBR ITA CALL DOUG OLLIFFE, re. Fionogur agreed the park Water Street - Port Perry 985-3007 pu, Circulation Manager ing Jot should have been built to EUROPEAN STYLE FOOD Large $25, » specifications in the overall site Come in and check out our Everyday Low Prices! 985-NEWS Markham granted a contract to start January 1 and run for five years The annual cost in Scugog will be $47,900 for the 2686 curb-side pick-ups This year, Scugog paid just over $44,000 for blue box pick-up on a once a week basis. While the recommendation got council's approval on Monday, Ward 2 rep Marilyn Pearce said the Township should start moni- toring regular garbage pick-ups very carefully tp make sure that recyclables don't end up in green garbage bags destined for landfill ilo 1 inch pieces 1 cup Vinegar "If people are really commitigd®s 410 4 1/2 Ib. Zucchim 1 cup Water to recycling, those bluebxes 2 medium Onions 21sp. Celery Seed should be filled eyorg (wt weeks," 1 medium Sweet Red Pepper 1 tsp. Ground Nutmeg she said. 21bsp. Salt 1 tsp. Ground Turmeric Both ncillors Pearce and 110 1 172 cups Sugar 1/8 1sp. Pepper ¥¥nne Christie said Scugog might explore the possibility of having regular garbage pick-up once every two weeks as well by Deb McDonald Nutritional Consultant . ~ ~ "PRESERVING the HARVEST" HEALTHSTYLE TIP: CANNING RELISHES Relishes are heat processed to destroy spoilage causing organisms or any molds that may be present on the tp surface High acid fruits and tomatoes can be safely processed in a boiling water bath canner. Fill water bath canner with approximately § inches of water, cover and heat. Fill hot clean canning jars with hot relish, leaving a 1/2 inch headspace. Prepare lids according to manufacturer's dirccuons. Wipe jar rim, adjust lid. Place on race in water bath canner; add boiling water to cover the tops of jars. Retum water to boiling Process 15 0 20 minutes. Start timing when water boils. ** Preparing your own preserves and relishes allows YOU w control the additives or preservatives - which makes a more nutritious, fresher tasting product «ZUCCHINI RELISH Turmeric tints the relish yellow aid gives it a flavour similar 10 com relish. The food Processor saves more dime in prepanng his relsh, but chopping by hand also sutable Place steel blade in work bowl, add 2 cups of the zucchini. Process with onvoll untl coarsely chopped Transler to a large bow Repeat with remaining zucchini, plus onions and pepper, processing 2 cups at a time. Sprinkle sall over vegetables Cover and refrigerate overnight parking lot in front of Immaculate stop work order against the apart- ment building until the parking lot drainage pattern was corrected. After meeting Monday with engineers and David Finnegan of the Catholic Diocese which is building the apartments, council agreed 1 allow the parking lot 10 be drained by two catch basins and curbed along the cast side, if the Township engineer says this will work plan. "It was an oversight that should not have happened." iy said. Extra coples of the Scugog Citizen Rinse in cold water. drain well Transfer vegetables 10 a 4-5 quart kettle. Str in sugar, Whase Grieg Bcugog To a Com romise a TS wa poarch IRVINE'S XL GASBAR, Port Perry othr bo dove mentors akc Ap. rot MARKET, Casearea * Scugog council appears ready ! 10 accept a "comp 10 clear ON COUNTRY STORE, Nestleton up a drainage problem on a new TOMATO-APPLE RELISH v1: CORNER STORE, Scugog Island Conception School in Port Peg Cutinto 1 inch pieces (2 cups) 10"medium Tomaloes, DOWSON'S VALU-MART, Port Perry Members of council were f 3 medium Green Peppers cored & quartered (8 cups) ous two weeks ago when they 3 edium Red Peppers 21/2 cups Sugar IGA, Port Perry found out the drainage for the lot phy! hing hi 342 ws ving PORT STOP Port Perry was not constructed according to S, (formerly Barry's Variety), the site plan that governs construe cored & quartered (10 cups) 1 isp. each Salt & Ground RE/MAX SCUGOG REALTY, Port Perry Now of the 3ctior: Siisees pun. The rok can be #0260 i pint or halk pint Heazer containers ako di Place sie blade in work bowl Add 2 cups of he peppers. Process until chopped. Transler RIDGE NORTH REALTY, Port Perry school. 104 10-quant kettle. Repeat with the remaining peppers, onions, apples, and hen Males, \ J Council threatened to slap a processing 2 cups af a bme. Sir in the sugar, vinegar, salt and allspice. Bring 1 boding, stming occasionally. Reduce heat and bod gently, uncovered about 1 1/4 hours or unt desired consistency, stirring occasionally Fil jars and process as described in the introduction or reaze in freezer containers. Makes 6 pints RECIPE Drop In for All Your | gPECIALS Baking Requirements! ountry Bulk & Delicatessen [PARTY Trays #:00 AM 10 5:30 PM STORE HOURS: Mondey through Thursday \ Friday 9:00 AM 10 8:00 PM; Saturday 9:00 AM 16 5.00 PM 4