Joe ©, ya vt wp" 26-- Scugog Citizen -- Tu p Local Wado-Kai club witnesses 'history-making' event in karate $4, 1991 Instructors of the Port Perry Wado-Kai Karate Club auended the annual awards dinner, on April 26, held in Markham, and hosted by the Toronto Wado-Kai ofgani- zation, " The mos exciting presentation of the evening was the ranking of Sensei Dave Manara, president of the Toronto Wado-Kai, to the rank of 7th Dan, a history making event. Members of the public often came across high ranks advertised by oth clubs throughout Canada and the U.S., but traditionally, there are no karate ranks higher than the 8th Dan outside of Japan Plus, it js rare that a rank above 6th Darl 1s given to non-Orientals that wuld be recognized by the Japan Karate-Do Association, the world-wide governing body of karate Mr. Shintani, 8th Dan, head of the Shintapi Karate Federation of North America and the governing organization for Wado-Kai in Canada, praised Sensei Manara for building a karate organization that is true to the spirit of Sensei Otsuka; one of the best known and most admired students of Ginchin Funikoshi, the 'father' of modern karate. Stressing the importance of humility, Sensei Shintani said he wasygaught by Sensei Otsuka to help students "in a way that stressed dignity and sincerity, not just to the spirit of karate, but within ourselves, 100." Sensei "Manara, be said, is "definitely that kirid of person." Sensei-Ray Kennedy, vice pres- ident of Toronto Wado-Kai, and a studgnt of Dave Manara's for more than 19 years, was also ranked to 5th Dan, the first of Sensei Manara's students to reach this level One of many firsts at the awards night was the presentat of the Toronto Wado-Kai Appreciation Awards. The eight recipients were the "people who have worked with me very closely through the years, and helped build the organization," said Sensei Manara. Rob Dods, 3rd Dan and head instructor of the Port Perry Wado-Kai, received an award Rob has been training with Sensei Manara since 1974. Attending the presentation were the instructors ahd directors of the Port Perry Wado-Kai: Michele Vanheiningen, 2nd Dan; Ron Mollon, 1st Dan; and Ron Ruskay, Ist Dan. Also, Nelson Coish, is Dan, who has started a new club in Markham for IBM employees Instructors of the P Perry Wado-Kal Karate Club. attended the #hnual awards dinner In Markham recently. Front from left is Ron Ruskay 1st Dan and Ron Molion 1s{ Dan, directors of Port Perry Wado Kal. Back row from left is Ray Kerinedy 5th Dan, vice president Toronto Wado- "1 appreciate the regognition that has been given," says Sensei was very Quiet "When | moved to Port Perry, Kai; Michele Vanheiningen, 2nd Dan, Port Perry Wado'Kal. Sense! Shintani 8th Dan, president of Shintani Karate Federation of North Americas; Dave Manara 7th Dan, president Toronto Wado- Kal; Rob Dods 3rd Dan, Wad Instructor Port Perry Wado Kal. join in my first year of lagding the cluld) They are very dedicated to Dods. "1 visited the very first Pont Perry karate club back in 1974, when Barry Knowles, then a brown belt, had joined Sensei Manara's organization. Over the years the Port Perry club has had # change of instructors and there were a few years when the activity 4 in 1982, 1 approached Sensei Managa about taking over and rejuvenating club. In 1983 we began today Bhly successful club. "The three instrucighi I have named as Directors ofthe club were among the first Students 0 the club and I'm very proud that their attitude and community com mitment is representative of the type Qf people our clubs ggoduce through our training program." If hd like more information about club, call Ron Mollonat 985-7098 : } Miscellaneous Services WOODEN CRAFTS | Dirham Fonts. Won Om Croanimy SEE Consulting Services Why apkscs ?... Repar and Relish 985-8552 . pocene Scugog CONSULTING - RESEARCH Ie vy | Appliance Repair PROJECT MANAGEMENT - FEASIBILITY REPORTS NT R Y REFRIGERATION Colin L. Kergp Sou NTRY UPHOLSTERY Ne barren ronan | | prone e168) 986-4305 rax (116) 986-5865 Pickup & Delivery' BUY - SELL - TRADE ' | 1-706-328-1156 Froo Estimates Ca Arye . x . a) | rou woemece 986-5312 - : Landscaping and Gardens RON LEE | __ Landscaping and Gardens | ® SEPTIC & HOLDING TREE SERVICE UXBRIDGE FOREST GARDENS LTD TANK PUMPING I oer MO Lo ; s | owe 852.7087 Nestleton Mobile andhasigd gs Sang Ramona) " (416) 3564564 (416) 434-0454 MARKHAM 475-3810 Warren Rohrer Minihoe & Landscapin \ certified landscape A a MINIHOE SERVICE - NM vorchng andecaphg, grec g. bos hke dogg. backfiling, te repairs 1 AR TAp Bx 10, Newt On 308 10 986-5318 WARREN ROHRER (416) Site A Ns 985-4357 er (Call 985-NEWS | | a¥AL0 SCAPING : ; | & GARDEN CENTRE * Recover * Pe To Place Your Landscaping Servis - "Service Directory Ad ° © Walks, Patios, Rownng Wels ~~ |. k 60 VANEDWARD -- -UNIT8- or PERRY. pl | Inthe Scugog Citizen 986-4771 > 5 .