- 985-NEWS CITIZEN CLASSINED Deadline: Monday Noon Fax: 985-1410 - OKTOBERFEST October 5th, 1991 at Blackstock Arena. Dinner included, served from 6 to 11 pm. Dance 8 pm to 1-am: Tickels,$10ggadvance, $12. at the door. Call 986-5165 or 986-5112 (01) CAESAREA HALL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR November 9th, 10 AM to 3 PM. For table rentals call Anne at 986-4751 or Sharon 986-4612. Have your picture taken with Santa $2.50. (EOW- S24) ALL CANDIDATES MEETING for all Scpgog. Township and school board - 1991 319 COCHRANE STREET September 28th from am to 2:00 pm. Living room furniture, rugs, prints, exercise bike and more. Rain date September 29. . YARD SALE Saturday, September 28th 113 Ottawa St. - 9 AM to 2 PM. Many items including bedroom suite, coffee table, organ, large quantity of ladiés size 16 clothing, odds and ends. "GIANT STREET SALE Boundary Rd., Burketon (follow the signs), Sunday, September 29th from 9:00 to 8:00: Coming Event] Yard Sales] Births |p Greetings |p For Sale I 3 For Sale CONGRATULATIONS To Leslie and Mike on the September 15th arrival of their precious baby girl, Caitlin, 6 Ibs 15 oz. anks to Dr. G. * Mercer and staff-at Community Memorial. *- From Gramma & Crancpa | Duncart FEWER Kim and Sean are thrilled to 'annou the arrival of Paige Hayley Diane=6n September 3rd, 1991 at Oshawa General, weighing 6 Ib. 7 oz. A baby sister-for Aaron. Proud grand- are William Fewer of Prince Albert and Bert" and Brenda of Como, B.C. Municipal Elections. Wed., October 23rd, 7:00 p.m. at the Port Petry High School. Everyone A , original artwork, toys, books, children's clothes, crafts, bake goods, Car, snowmobile, Truck Camper, etc. Hosted by Taxpayers' Coalition Scugog (formerly Citizens Against () Ynjustfied Taxes) ANNUAL TURKEY SUPPER at Seagrave United Church on SATURDAY, SEPT. 28th 8:00 AM to 12 Noon at 41 Riverview Drive, Port Perry: Ping pong table, heavy-duty van rack, stroller, toys. & misc. household items. Rain date - Sunday 29th. PELLETIER Mike and Dianne welcome the arrival of Darrell Jason, 8 1b. 10 0z., September 11th, Proud - grandparents 1991. are Maurice and Carole Pelletier, Lester and Audrey Baylis; great grandparents Donna Pelletier, Doug ih Arie Laver. , Tickets Now On Sale for Caesarea Firefighters' Association FIREMEN'S . BALL Nestleton Community Centre SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5th Doors open at 8:30 PM Refreshments * Buffet Tickets at the door or contact your favourite Caesarea Firefighter, or call Doug 986-0149 after 6 PM. Ls " > is now offering group tours of our farm and exotic animals. Hayrides, picnic tables. Call (705) 357-2725. (015) . FREE Bab omper- If you see SHARON BARTON this week, wish her a Happy 39th Birthday - again! . SAND, GRAVEL, LIMESTONE Call Gary Carter after 6 PM 988.8568 (029) "Happy 16th Birthday AMANDA September 24, 191 Love from - Dad, Mom, Kym, Robynn, Dusty & Shawna FIREWOOD - All hardwood, cut and split 167, also firewood (TF) logs. Call 985-3361 TRUCK CAPS, box inate; running boards. Sales and © installation. Van & Truck World Call 579-6868 >. (TR FALL BUILDING SPECIALS 20'x24-$2800.; 24'x24'-$3100 ; 28'%x36"-$4500.; 32'x36'-$4900.; 36'x48'-$7000.; 40'x60'-$8700. 60'x120'-$32,400 Call 985-7930 (TF) SEASONED FIREWOOD $60. per face card, 12°. $10 extra for delivery. 985-7745 PERENNIALS FOR SALE Fall sale - reg. $2. Now $1.50 Now is the best time for planting Call 986-0509, BNF Perennial Nursbry, 1/4 mile n. of Nestleton Country Store" (S24) 12° ALUMINUM BOAT, 55 # Johnson outboard jplus H.D trailer - $1100.; 70 used 10" cement blocks - $70.; '79 Monte Carlo - $200.; Portable ica.hut - $200.; Truck cap, full size - $50.; 16" Bicycle - $10., Tricycle =$5. 00.,Phone 986-4984. ROASTING CHICKENS - 7 to 9 Ibs., fresh, oven-ready - $1 Ib. Red Potatoes .10c. Ib. Call Stan Feasby 985-3546. SOLID MAPLE BEDROOM set, 6 drawar dresser & hutch, desk and chair and bed with Searse dic boxspring & mattress. Call (705) 357-2194 (015) EXERCISE EQUIPMENT - bicycle, \ rowing machine, whlking machine, men's & ladies' bicycles, X-country equipment. Very reasonable. Call 986-0101 TUB, TOILE], 'SINK coloured. Five toot, VIKING 18.0 cu.ft. refrigerator & easy-clean stove, Moffat por- For more call 985-0474 after daughfer "Tina" who passed away September 25th, 1981. 'The love you gave, Will alway' be, Avery warm, Memory to me. Forever treasured In my heart. Keeps us, Never apart. Cherished forever - Moni & Dad 'at Malwood - Maple Farms, Nestleton. All proceeds to be donated fo the "Food Bank" Operation Scugog. - One flawless reasn to leam ~~ Open House & Registration for about skin care from Mary. Kay - UXBRIDGE BOYS' CHOIR YOUR COMPLEXION Monday, September 30th, 1991 Mary Kay has a personalized, proven-effective program spe- cially designed to meet your skin's individual needs. All basic skin care p are non- from 4:00 to 5:30 PM at Uxbridge Music Hall. Boys 7 years to voice éhange. For info call Donna van Veghel 985-7040 comedogenic & clinically: tested for skin irritancy and allergy. Call today for a free consultation and complimentary facial - Mara Bergmanis, Beauty Consultant, Uxbridge (416) 649-1666, after 6:00 RM (S24) SCUGOG RAPE a CRISIS CENTRE 24 hr, Crisis Line 1 579-8006 .. Collect 1 Necessary Verde oc 985-8850 MOVING SOON? Scugog Moving & Storage Inc. Local and Long PORT PERRY, ONT. CANNINGTON, ONT. OVER 25 YEARS MOVING EXPERIENCE Piano and Office Moving Palletized Heated Warehouse *Free Wardrobe Service' SENIOR CITIZENS - 5% DISCOUNT Distance Moving Office: (416) 985-3761 Warehouse: (416) 985-4360 (705) 432-2237 "STAFFORD MONUMENTS offers top. quality cemetery monuments and flat markers at reasonable prices. Our Bowmanville store at 143 King St. East has an indoor' show- room. We serve all faiths and home appointments are avail- able. Free flower containers are available for the asking. Days call 1-416-623-8150. After hours call Oshawa 579-1116. Referen are available as well as a\written guarantee on all memorials. (TF) McDERMOTT - PANABAKER CHAPEL 'November 6th. More details to + HAPPY 35th follow . ANNIVERSARY mee Group . In Memory | Bill & Dorothy Robb 'NELLIE'S PLACE" To a Nestleton Community Centre - a urs ree ptember 29th, 1991 table dishwasher. night of dining, d ang. Lrie------ . NoTT dialoging, C October 26th, 1991 SUNDANCE MEADOWS - * In loving' memory of our dear TABLE & CHAIRS, record player with records, tapes, radio and speakers, 45 litre shop vac, "new", Coleman cooler "new", pocket watch, adder, tape recorder, shopping cart. Phone 985-8384. LAWN & GARDEN Tractors seasdn clearance prices on new Deutz-Allis 8, 12 & 20 hp (one of each) left in stock. Also Birthday Cake in Common! '| Love from - + Cathy & Doug a +. Office : Fouipment y TYPEWRITERS, Fax Machines, Ribbons, Service and Supply for all types of machines. Jenkins EMMERSON INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, ONT. (416) 985-7306 LoL 1B9 728-7591 or 985.9783. (TF) SPORTS CARDS Will buy, seil, trade - Baseball, Hockey, Football and Basketball Cards. Call Andrew 985-8806 after 4 pm. (524808) $125.00. 985-7684 evenings rebuilt 1983 KDX80 with engine, new back tire and back brakes, clothes included. $600 985-7225 DEUTZ-ALUIS 1250 Cultivator and SM 60 disc-mower ¢onditioner at bargain prices. Demonstrations available with the new ACCO"Allis Tractors Call Trewin Farm Equipment; Blackstock 986-4283 TOP SOIL - large quantities. Call she fe 985-7013 on APPLE BUTTER - this yqar's crop - $3.50 Ib. Call 985-7893. on Love from - 12, 14 & 16 hp Trade-ins for Cathy, Doug, sale. Trewin Farm Equipment Bill, Kim, Liz & Don Deutz-Allis Sales &. Service, and Donny Blackstock 986-4283. BIRTHDAY WISHES ) to the Birtiuday Twins WORD ADS: (must be prepa HAZEL HOOPER & First 15 Words MARY WALLIS Dt Adtech Two beautiful ladies with a Each addttiona tember 22nd "AUCTION SALES: "CLASSIFIED RATES | WOT coos isro mosis 2nd insertion Discount (no copy changes) . - $1.00 First INSETION .cccummusmsmsusmsmesimmasssois 5c. per line. 'Additional Insertions of same ad... . 45c. per line Classified Advertising Deadline: = Advertising Dead Advertising Copy Changes ater : iis bi bas 'understanding thal should a mistake Glizon is fiable only ford ug i « $5.00." 20¢ Questions? call the Scugog a . 985-NEWS or Fax 985-1410