i eo os (26 Ca (7 Friday A (28 Saturday FIDDLE CLUB SQUARE AUCTION BOTTLE DRIVE PRINCE ALBERT Port Perry Od Time DANCING Columbus United 1st Canwright scouting, Blackstock Chesarea, | } ANNIVERSARY Fiddle C Jam |* Modern square rch Good Times Nestleton. ? 4 /] Prince Albeft United €hurch Session & Dance. 7:30 || dancing at the Plus b 'Talent Auction', ART SHOW 125th anniversary. Free pancake p.m. at Port Perry Wf level, 8 p.m. at||7pm.at the Columb "Published Pictures', children's book art b breakfast, 9 a.m; 2 p.m, anniyer- Legion, 985-7557. || Blackstock'Old Town | | Recreation Hall on || Brenda Clark at Scugog Memorial Public Li | sary service; 4:30 p.m. salad buffet SKATING -| Hall . For info, call | | Simcoe St. N. Artists reception today, 1:30 10 4 p.m, . supper, $8; 7 to 9 p.m. musical Blackstock Figure 986-5378 or 263-2022. BINGO | PET WALK . program. Call 985-3143, Hy 2 " 2 \ Tony at 935-0032.) A L \_ vy - Skating Club registra- | MEETING Janetville Kinsmen Pet Walkathon. Call, Larry, 985-7705. WICK ANNIVERSARY tion, 6 to 8 p.m. at Lake Scugog | | Community Centre, BIG APPLE FESTIVAL « Wick Presbyterian. Church Blackstock Arena. 986- | | Historical Society | | Doors open 6:45 p.m. Downtown Port Perry, many activities. i 142nd nniversary. 11 a.m. Guest 0913. meeting, guest speaker. MINI-BAZAAR FALLHARVESTDAYS ~~ ¥ [F| speaker, music, lunch. All wel- BRIDGECLUB® | },7:30 p.m., Borelia & EUCHRE Saturday & Sunday at Scugog Shores Museum, 1 | | €OMme. 1p.m., 7:30 p.m., ||" Community Eenire (7A Hospital Auxiliary || 10 5 p.m. Crafts, exhibits; sales, d LOB BALL TOURNAMENT Prince Albert off Carnegie). hdsts at the Latcham KARAOKE Wr Perry Youth Lob Ball Community Centre. Centre, 12 t0°4 p.m. Win'a free trip to Hawaii, karaoke dance, | | "Tournament, 9 am. 1 ¥ Ue a Euchis Safty 1 po Janetville Community Centre, $5 per person. \ 30 ' unch to be served. ® ' : 0 ) Lu 1. ) \ Bue. Call Roxanne, 324-8298, . 9% 7 x p> ?! ' - : > - z= T N p= : . ~ 30 Monday | 1 Tuesday R 2 Wednesdy 3 Thursday ) 5 Saturday : . be A b FT x orenHousE |. * COFFEE HOUR MEETING FIRST AID 4 ' MARKET "s ) pen house and4 * Ladies' Coffee Taxpayers' Kinsmen First Aid ¢ Jt registration for | |"Hour, 9:30 a.m. at Coalition of Scugo Course. Call Tony at Se ious 3 Try Foingrbunds. every Uabridge Boys | | Port Perry Baptist (formerly Citizens 98540032. * eh BALL ~ goin R330 a Chiprch. Guest speak- | 4 Abuips Unjustified Nestleton Community Centre, 8:30 p.m. idge Mus er Ollie Wilson. axes). meeting Refreshments, buffet, live band. $10 cache / ART yours bo voit Music, refreshments, pm. at Nestleton "YARD SALE . change. For info., call |, * babysitting. All mmunity Centre, i od Donna van Veghel, ladies invited. to finalize plans for in. 466 Sopp St Cpu uh Soke 985-7040. REFLECTIONS all-candidates meet- | | § OR OBERFEST. Ladies swdy & ng. § * At the Blackstock arena, 6 p.m. to I'am, | craft, 9:30 10 11:30 | JIRIDGE CLUB : | tickets $10 advance. 986-5165 or 986-5112, $12 3 | am. Babysitting, | | 1pmg7:30 pm, | "| at the door, Dinner and dfince included. Co ] Emmanuelf |Prnce Albert (* + | Genuine authentic meal. Music by D.S. oh "| Pentecostal Church; | | Community Centre. \ Park Band. |e i ' 1680 Reach Rd. [ | - FIRSTAID . j A 3 v (985-4441), i Kinsmen. Call . T ry rr rrr ry Try : Nancy and William invite you to ' k : CASIAPALAGE |! rnin new i $: H «. Toy our Special A H "SZECHUAN & MANDARIN CUISINE J+ Wasi Reduction Week (Sept. 29 10 Oct. 6) is ne E rth's neat projec with 'EcoTeams' of friends ' . M almost here. Anyone who supposes thas we're all or coworkers who learfi together how to restore : -- One Free Dish H doing as much as we can to reduce garbage output 'environmental balance' at home. Call June or Lee +] 7775 Baldwin St. North (Value up to $7.00y No minimum order. Js should go for a walk on garbage day. What a at 852-4786 for details. | keep hoping local busi: } HWY. 12 - BROOKLIN 1 COUPON PER TABLE H depressing sight! But even those of us who are nesses will ake an active ¥ole in reducing waste. HN Oftor expires October 31, 1991 + | already recycling and composting can probably Marjoric Lamb's excellent book, '2 Minu y . 655-8911 Bring in this coupon + | "still learn another trick or two. for a Greener Planet' (availjble at the library) £ Bs" : . Here is a summary of the week's eve describes how her Lar as a result of being rhb ddd inidubdobdui Scugog Memorial Library and thé municipal Ived with her book, sWiiched from disposable office on Perry St. will each host a display and dishes to reusables and began reusing all pgand - 4 Free Roll Film with Processing have hand-outs on a variety of topics. Oh Tuesday, envelopes. I have a fecling that fer Tocal gffites 0 -. = ~~ upon presentation of this ads Oct. 1 at 7:15 p.m., there will b¢ an information really get <& This Month's Draw - Large Photo Albu session at the *going on fine Balle 4 < e ¥aofo Aibum library on . paper recy- EIQIOGRAPHY PASSPORTS While-u- Wai veryifing the environment {} | cling. banding O85-1415 ONE HOUR PHOTO FINISHING | | wash 22 1X woghine: to Located at "Same Day Service Know: About . janet banting capperative , Perry Street, Port Parry at No Extra Charge" Composting' . i system might between the CUSTOM FRAMING - ALBUMS OnWednesday, . - work, ee # Royal Bank & LCBO. CAMERAS - PHOTO ACCESSORIES Oct. 2, in conjunction with the*Recycling Council cach" office of Ontario's 'Zero Garbage Day', let's all do our produces a rel- uy best to create no garbage at all. atively small volume of paper waste. Give me 4 . People who don't have a clue how to accom- call if you'd like a copy of 'The Office Guide to Paper Routes Available plish this can make ule of the week's activities 10 Waste Reduction and Recycling'. A groug or office "learn! On Wednesday evening at 7:15, a su + #rying to move away from the styrofoam cup habit ROUTE #207 - Queen Street, Ottawa Street Ket 'toyr™ af the IGA will provide people with ups may want to contact Country Style's head office at Silver Street & MacDonald Street (59 paper on how to shop with waste reduction in mind. 416-764-7066. They are selling thermal travel Jy freel & Maclionalg olr¢ > Pape Still looking for a worthwhile project' for the mugs and donating 10 cents for tach one purchased ROUTE #208 - Caleb Street, Crandel Stree week? Here are a few suggestions. If you don't to an environmental project. Another way we can Simcoe Street, Clark & Elgin (74 papers - have a yard but would still like to reduce your. all help out, next week or any time, is by chigeing 10c. per Papel colle Pid 5 garbage, either look into worm composting (the 10 buy ucty made from recycled matéfials ry P por D No Collections required municipal office will have a hand-out on this) or I'd ppy 10 hear from you (call 985-3225) if ontact oug Olliffe at the + become a 'chum-poster' by savifig up your kitchen you have a question about Waste Reduction Week, SCUGOG CITIZEN 985-NEWS scraps in a pail and donating them (0 a friend who a great reduction/reuse tip you'd like to pass along, composts. Or learn about Global Action Plan for or want to tell me about your plans for the week. SQUARE BOY. PIZZA & SUBS 588 844 80 WATER ST, PORT PERRY Pind 0 st bo the "Yellow Pogest * SQUARE gre GIVES YOU ALMOST*30% MORE PIZZA TH) = ROUND «= WHY PAY MORE FOR LESS? py SODARE | HOS SL MORE Piz oro .y 2s 2 MEDIUM \2 LARG Ko) : ii SLICE + 12 SLICE 116 SLICE ' DELUXE PIZZAS DELUXE PIZZAS 0 } DELUXE a6 : 1} imam 11 Sm rel Ve : NAAN on Plus lanes * 1 and Anchovies on request. nd Anchovies on request. Plus ee 3 : FREE OREM 4 * FREE DELIVERY we 11 Hg oaveny (1 PEE EE . ey