¥ Va - wp" 8 -- Scugog Citizen --- Tuesday, September 24, 1991 lg - N- £5 WITH DOUG UF My wife and | just discovered a great place to eat, Casla Palace. We'd heard nice things about it before from had never had the pleasure of dining.there ourselves. Well, after enjoying William and Nancy's hospitality, | sim- ply had to tell you about the mouthwatering authentic Oriental dishes: the Szechuan Chicken Balls | tried were the best, and | mean thefbest, chicken balls I've ever tasted, with a thin, crisp batter, loads of chicken, and a spicy Szechuan sauce. Incredible! But you wo ly understand how goo: y are until you taste them hind self. Honest, it's worth the trip to Casla Palace, just south of Port Perry on Hwy.12 -- espe- clally since William and Nancy are giving away, ONE FREE DISH (value up to $7). Those of you who have sam- pled authentic Chinese food before will appreciate the extra attention paid to the cooking, with fresh meats and vegetables, carefully spiced and lovingly prepared. it was a real education for 'me and | know I'll be returning to this charming restaurant as often as | can. . Gotta go now, I'm hungry just thinking about it! friends, but until last Friday, | Andy Andrews makes number five candidate for Ward An already busy race for the Ward 1 seat on Scugog ®ouncil got a little more crowded last week as 4 fifth candidate threw his hat into the ring. Andy Andrews, 63, a retired farmer who has lived in the ward for 'the last22 years told the Citizen he's running for office "because I'm tired of all the tax increases.' "If things kecp going they way they are, people like myself on fixed incomes will be taxed right out of this area," he said. Mr. Andrews is one of, the original members of the Scugog chapter of the Taxpayers Coalition (formerly. CAUT) and for the past couple of years he's been -a regular observer. at Township council meetings as the oalition's "local watch-dog." He monitors the meetings to' determine who votes for or against certain issues, especially those related to spending. Mr. Andrews said he opted to run in Ward 1 because "I would not feel comfortable voting for any of the other (declared) candi- dates." As far as he is concerned, taxes are the main Yssuc in the HAPPY 28th BIRTHDAY HARV Love - y; Dad, Brent, Wilig § & Bain" . is'needed in seat. November election. He said a.Jot of people are "tired of being told what they, need when they can't afford it." He said the recre-, ation com-| plex (ice pad,- ban- q ue". hall,etc) is an example of some-| thing that Andy Andrews ---------- Scugog, but the taxpayers just can't afford to "hail 4 Or operate it. ndrews is. a vocal indi- i) who said he's not shy abeut voicing his opinions on issues. "Maybe it's time for the Township to just say 'no' to Durham Region and the school board (tax) increases. "We all seen to have Cadillac tastes, but most of us Have Volkswagen budgets," he stated. He said tax hikes hit seni6rs especially hard because many are on fixed incomes, but warned "it may not be too long before young people are not able to afford to live here, either." +This will be Mr. Andrews' first attempt at clected office. Married with two grown children he has been active in community organization including the Port Perry Orange Lodge of which he is past master. - Stating that he believes strong- ly 'in the policies of the Taxpayers' Coalition, he added that "I'm not opposed to things if (the Township) can afford them." Asked when he first decided to seek office, he said he said he made pb his mind about a month i ith . Andrews in the Ward 1 race, there are now five declared candidates seeking the seat to be vacated by retiring. incumbent Neil Hunter. i The others are Fred Canning; Hank ' Bertrand, Connie Stevenson and Ken Carruthers. The sale never ends at 's Val rt, especially when: it comes fo PURE WATER, now on tap. Help Yoursel to 0: water (| water which has been forced through. it's quality, p tasting water, ideal for FINAL WEEK! drinking, ibe 'coffee, juice, ice cubes, cooking food -- and even for use in appliances. What's more, Ken Dowson (here. with employee Catherine Short) is offering 200 4-litre containers filled with water FREE --FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE! So get yourself over to Dowson's and try, this incredible new water system FREE OF CHARGE! Now you can't beat that, can you? : LIENERT IIE ER Ao ELT CREEL CR LEE Te CR #21 [e] paint & wallcovering savings at Colour Your World. The CEICR=T[e ERSENTT GE WACTON [oT ol AT To RETT-IN ET To TH (CTR ToT EAVES Scugog Memorial Public Library - présents - GOURMET DINNER - & AUCTION featuring special guest - ~~ . DAVE BROADFOOT Immaculate Conception Church Hall THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1991 Cash Bar - 6:30 PM $60.00 per pe "Tickets available at the ay 985- 7686 Proceeds to the Library Book Fund Diet.» 7:30 PM