wp" 24 --"Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, October 1, 7991 an NOW AVAILABLE at DOWSON'S Pure Water with Revense Osmosis! The only energy that reverse osmosis employs i is the existing pragsure in municipal water lines to force water through the ly fine sem by the central element in the purification system. This purification method 'acts on four families of elements found in water: dime mefals, mi al and chemicals, thus eliminating almost all the impurities. The remaining trace el are absolutely harmless. The Hi g produgt i is llent in quality, pleasant in taste, ideal for drinking, making coffee, juice, ice cubes, for cooking food, for use in appliances such as humidifiers ¢ and for every other purpose requiring pure water. INTRODUCTORY OFFER - GOOD UNTIL OCTOBER 19th, 1991 SUPER SAVER DOG FOOD - 16g. ... 9.99 County Fair ote | LL PURPOSE FLOUR DOG FOOD sig. ..... 8.99] a. 7. 99 7 Save Sic. 4d" save 30c.i%9/ save3oci owes or all purpose s & LANCIA selected varieties & 8:00AM 10 9:00 PM FIVE ROSES OLD MILL ea li "FLOUR Sy 0ATS POLICE TRAFFIC 2.5 kg. pkg. with coupon DIRECTOR ON DUTY {2 99 i. Fri. 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM: Sat. 10:00AM to 4:00PM Limit one coupon jody putshase Coupon valid until Sat. 3 TH . at valu-mart only. Sing Prices In effect until 5 pp ELA ov dll il LE a 9 Limi one coupon Coupe valet un Sat, or 1991 at valu-mart only. NG7198 esessussssnsnhan + Saturday, October 5th, 1991. [ALEX AR) Besaunnnennn LLL ENR thle Reb bot Rook he LL ERNE J ote al bt aa gt cl Bh LAER RARER RR] Wo reserve the right save 2.00; } Pr : ¢ selected flavours; | & Mineral Water Plain Bravo SAUCE PERRIER ' Yaaro with coupon without | ° coupon .99 . 10.99 2% +09 Limit one coupon per family fai purchase. Coupon valid until Sat., Oct. 5, 1991 save 30c.: i 4 5 regular or fine ! : A Fy | Black Diamond Sg. vie, 2 69 coupon 299 purchase. Coupon valk until Sat. 0d. 5, 1991 Lit one coupon per at vali-man only. NGT203 8 a afyakimartonl, © NGTI99 2.4 rer Sauadasananannnawnunl bE IR RR Pasnsusnnsnsssnssnssal fumssunsssnnsnesnsnwal [EEE ERE (ELE KELL R] Jrimann mlb ad lr J - n mEsnmssanse LAR ER AR J SmamessanaEEs Hy save 1.00 + + selected varieties s . : i Bart Simpson drinks of » : " BLLEN'S " Peanut Butter - Fruit Juices KRAFT 9x3x250 mipk <a» WNCOUPON 500. cont, 5.99 BEN BL ~Limit one coupon purchase. Limit one coupon potiamily purchase, os Srl Coupon valid until Sat., Oct. 5, 1991. yp ip) Nate Hvala ly haz ai vaumait only. . NGMS5 TEs sssssssmasws Essense mmssssussse Woe La ANVS B® dE UN: - Baten Jas Sian EE