Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, October 1, 1991 -- 5 <a Tower makes bid for Island Scugog Township has mo choice but to encourage resident growth to expand the municipal tax base. That's the opinion of Jim Tower, who will be a candidate for the Ward 3 (Scugog Island) seat on Township council in the November 12 municipal elections. In an interview with the Citizen last week, he said the chance of substantially increasing industrial assessment is poor. "We (Scugog) are just too far away from the mdustnal corridor (along Highway 401). There really is gothing here in Scugog 10 attract a large industry and the satellite industries that would come with it," he said. "The Township would have to provide significant incentives to draw industry and I'm not sure that we can do that," he stated. For these reasons, he went on, Scugog should be working active- ly'to encourage residential growth. "I don't see anything necessari- ly bad with being a bedroom com- munity for the industrial areas to the south," he said But he warned that future resi dential growth must be on full ser vices (sewer and water) and higher (housing) densities will be neces- sary to make it economically feasi ble for development on full ser JVices "We (the Township) either develop this way or gtagnate with the tax base stayipg the same while the cost of (municipal) ser vices go up," he said Tying in with a push for more residential development in the future is the issue of commuter transportation fMr. Tower believes the Township should be lobbying for GO-Bus service to connect with the Whitby GO-station, or rail ser vice via the line that runs through ; Tower, 46, has lived on Scugog Island for the last 17 years. He owns and operates his own business (J and S Services). He had been / a member of * the Scugog Arena Board for f the last three years. This will be his second attempt at election 10, local coun- cil. He ran for the Ward 3 seat in 1988, losing by 52 votes © Allan Goreski, who / is not seeking re-election this { November. He said the in-coming council will have 10 keep a sharp eye on budgets and spending, but at the same time, plan for things that will have 1 be done in the future He said expanded recreation facilities such as a second ice pad, banquet hall and swimming pool im Tower All at Guaranteed Lowest Prices are needed in Scugog at this time, but the Township can't alford the Costs. However, he said on-going planning for these projects is a necessity. And he believes if the decision is ever made to put a sec- ond ice pad with the Arena, the project must include a banquet hall that will generate revenues. The swimming pool, he sug- gested is a longer range project. "We can't have it all at one time. There 1s no question about the demand for ice time. If a"Second pad was ready now, it would be booked solid," he said. Mr. Tower said the decision to seek election this November came after a "certain amount of soul searching." But he added that he has none of the enthusiasm for local affairs / since the elections three yéars ago. Mr. Tower and his wife Norman have four children, ages 16-20. They have resided in Ward 3 for the last 17 years. So far, he and John Abbou (see separate story) are the only candi- dates 10 publicly declare they will be in the hunt for the Ward 3 scat soon to be vacated by Allan Goreski UNITED CARPET. Largest Carpet Selection In Scugog Township and a member of the largest carpet buying group in Canada FAMOUS VERTICALS * VENETIANS PLEATED SHADES HOMESTEAD by Ballard & Carnegie HWY. 7A EAST - PORT PERRY 985-2451 or 985-2157 0% OFF CHRISTMAS CARD ORDERS if placed before October 1st, 1991. Sample Books are available for overnight loan. INSTA-PRINTING (first thousand) 0.00 for each additional 1,000. 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Balance of new car warranty available 1990 DODGE 350 LE - 12 Passenger auto, ps, pb, p. windows, p. locks, air, tilt, cruise, blue/grey. Balance of 7 year/115,000 km. warranty available. Stock # 553 $14,990. 1990 CHRYSLER LeBARON CONVERTIBLE auto, 6 cyl, ps, pb, p. windows, p. top, air, rear defogger. Balance of 7 year / 115,000 km warranty available. Value priced at 1990 DODGE RAM auto, 8 cyl, ps, pb, large mirrors, cap on back, black. Balance of 7 year / 115,000 km warranty available. Value priced at 1989 DODGE DAKOTA SPORT 4X4 auto, 6 cyl, ps, pb, cassette deck, black Balance of 7 year / 115,000 km. warranty available $9,990. 1989 DODGE CARAVAN auto, 6 cyl, ps, pb. Balance of 7 year / 115,000 km warranty available. Value priced at $8,890. 1986 VOYAGER Ps, pb, air, auto, AM/FM radio, rear defogger, roof rack, white walls, silverblack trim $8,995. 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