18 ~ Scugog Citizen -- Tuesday, October 8, 1991 Belated congratulations to the Mariposa Hawks, who are the 1991 champs in Scugog Mens Slo Pitch. They won the honours In a final toumament a couple of weeks ago. In photo, above, from left: Keith Weishuhn, Doug Dempsey, Grant Jackson, Karl Szewerda, Kent Gllllam, Fred Nagle and Don Hawks are tops! Adams. There were a few guys absent when the photo was taken, including Wayne Addison, Hans Buscher, Ken Blakely, Warren Hall, Terry Smith, Roebotham, Bud Wiley, Bill Jansen and Rob Kearns. Again, congrats and sorry about the delay In getting this photo Into print! Corrections to Jim Tower story An article in the October 1 issue of the Scugog Citizen on Ward 3 candidate Jim Tower contained editing errors, ) The article shoyld have read Services) and a sentence ates his own business (J and A His wife's name is Norma, should have read Mr. Tower that Mr. Tower owns and oper- "has lost none of his enthusi- asm for local affairs since the elections three years ago." The Citizen regrets the in the article errors and we extend apolo- Norma. gies to Jim and his wife ~ For the . Young "at Heart By Joe Mahoney 2 ) THIS CoucH : |S ASOLD . AS MY AND ABOUT / AS SAGGY! MOTHER \ » ks LA L Ne Miscellaneous Services SERVICE DIRECTORY Consulting Services WOODEN CRAFTS pian Sepas. Rein Croan: Miscellaneous Why Replace ?... Repair and Refinish 085.8552 985-8912 Scugég : ~ Appliance Repair [ COUNTRY UPHOLSTERY ., FEFRIGERATION DONNA ANDERSON °* Free New & Used Appliances for Sale hh Pickup & Delivery BUY - SELL - TRADE 1-705-328-1156 Free Estimates Call Aysime - oH touwanoerence 986-5312 RON LEE Nestleton SEPTIC & HOLDING TANK PUMPING Mobile (416) 986-4564 (416) 434-0454 PORT PERRY 985-7518 MARKHAM 475-3810 - Y) ) ARTA UPHOLSTERY 985-4357 * Recover ly * " Destore * 60 VANEDWARD DRIVE - UNIT 8 - PORT PERRY agrNISHIy 985-8732 Ze SR ; «CONSULTING - RESEARCH PROJECT MANAGEMENT - FEASIBILITY REPORTS Colin L. Kemp Phone (416) 986-4305 Fax (416) 986-5865 Landscaping and Gardens TREE SERVICE UXBRIDGE FOREST GARDENS LTD. DAVID WATTS, B.Sc. (Agr.) *Tree Pruning or Removal * Bucket Truck & Brush Chipper * Stump Removal * Fully Insured 5 852-7087 Warren Rohrer Minihoe & Landscaping certified landscape designer MINIHOE SERVICE - LE - trenching, landscaping, grading, post hole digging, backfilling, tile repairs HAULAGE SERVICE - sand, gravel, limestone, etc. "ancl Memon is GB6.5318 Box' 109, Nestleton, Ont. LOB 1L0 WARREN ROHRER AT; \ ANALDA LANDSCAPING] Call gBs-NEWS | | ANE Loe Landscaping Service Service Directory Ad alks, Patios, Poaning Walls In the Scugog Citizen 986-4771