. > wo Scugog Cigben -- Wednesday, October 16, 1991 = CITJZENS' COMMUNITY CALENDAR -- OCT. 16 TO 26 (1 (1 N\(- (1 APPLE DAY ds, 16Wednesday | (17 Thursday ; 18 Friday 19 Saturday Scout Apple Day. Buy an apple. suppor ! CLUF PHOTO CLUB ART MART the Scouts! : Pine Ridge The Scugog Photography Club Scugog artists are WEAVING Marketing Club meeg: | 1 sans up again tonight at Port Berry among the many at _ Weaving by Susan Hasleu-Scholficld at Scugog Memorial Public ing, W.G. Thompson || High School, Room 162, 7 p.m. For Artmart, Robert || Library, Oct 19 10 Nov. 8. Artists' reception Oct. 19, 1:30 10 4 p.m. Elevator, Bethany. | | info. call Nancy at 985-0868 or | | McLaughlin Gallgry, SHOW & SALE : Also, Junior Farmers' | | vanessa at 985-0212. Civic Centre, Oshawa, Scugog Shores Fibre Artists & friends, Masonic Hall Oct. 19 104 p.m. Zone meeting, GALA DINNER Oct. 18 noon 10 9 p.m., Oct.20 12-4 p.m. Get in free! Featuring weaving & spinning by Marilyn Peterborough OMAF | | scygog Memorial Library gala Oct. 19, 20, noon 10 § "| | Baker, Wendy Bateman, Norene Crozier, Shirley Huichings, Rita McAfee, | | office. dinner and auckién with special p.m. $2 admission Dini Page Kathleen Petrie, Doreen Stainton, and other gembers . SCUGOG uest Dave Broadfoot at the Jazz HANDICRAFT GUILD WOMEN, _ LA £50 ic church hall 6:30 pam. $60 Kinsioen «Jozi Louise Paterson Guild, craft and sile, today at St. Scugog Women din- per person. 985-7686. Festival John's Presbyigrian Church in Port Perry from 10 a.m. to Spm r/workshop a Ss Demonstrations, sale table and refreshmefts. Admission $1. wi 5:30 p.m. " Pineridge olka Council CHRISTMAS BAZAAR © meeting, Kinsmeh Hall, 7:45 p.m Call Lynda Kendry at y, Saint Leo's Christmas Bazaar at St. Leo's School, North St. in Brooklin \Joum 10 3 p.m. Draw for two 10 Las Vegas. Admission $1. 985-7361. + Nn 1 \ ii Walp : - October is "Community Care Awareness Month' - 3 =F 20 Sunday (21Monday ) (22Tuesday ) (23 viedvesiny (24 Thursday (25 EE (26 Saturday ROASTS FREE! ONE PARENT BRIDGE | | scour SUPPER DANCE Radio personali- If your non- | Oshawa Scugog Duplicate MEETING £ John's Masquerade ty Sean Eyre will profit group has an One Parent Family Bridge club meets Ist Pou Perry Anglican Church I. Dinnér 6 p.m. be roasted for 35 | | upcoming event Association meets | | Wednesdays at the | § Group Commiuce || FallSGpper, 5:30 ce 8:30 p.m. years in broadcast- You'd like publi 8 p.m. at Simcoe Prince Albert meeting. Call 985- 804g pm fanci all are Ski Resort, ing & commpnity | | cized, the Citizen's | | Hall Seulement Cenwre, 1 | | for ppv, se Adults y= 23. Tickets service. 1 pm. | [Community 387 Simcoe | { and 7:30 p.m. Fulther | 7 TH 50 yoier 12, per person, $45 Miss Diana Calendar is abso- St. South, Oshawa. information, 985- , # The Crucible, Oct' | #4 reschool > Proceeds 10 Ballroom, pb | luely free Call 986.5707. 3450 after $1 "24, 2926, Nov. 1, 24 . Scugog & District Lansdowne $i, | {call Tne Citizen at « MEETING TURKEY! | 8 pm. Town yr] BINGO Cons 3a Sent Call Peterborough. 985-NEWS. All we Durham REgion Wick 1873. Tickets $1 Dabbgr bingo, 3 Tickews $3. ask is that we get | | Federanon of Church "Turkey Borelians i must go jackpot, TS SALE gCommunity || Agriculture Annual | | Supper, $ & 7 p.m. RUMMAGE. JM Janctviller Christmas Craft 3 Calendar entries by gn Advance Oct. 24 (10 to Sp.m. y Centre. 1} Sale, Port Perr | Friday niogn. Space Community Centre, | | tickets only. Cali 205, | | & 7109 p.m.) & 25 open 6:45 || High School, | limitations apply. 8 p.m. Guest speak- 357-3715. Adults $9, (10 10 1 p.m), Port p.m. Stans 7:30 am. to 4 pg. er Gordon Coukell. a 1,8. ° Perry United =~ e welchme. N-- ea room. 81 'Small is beautiful "Do you figure you understand economic tory? "Me neither. I've always been inclined © leave that 10 He do os Eve tha welhoff people Ione put of the world are entitled 10 hog all the resources, but ¢ the so-called experts---economists. rater are bound 10 share them. He quotes ai alio Bnt wt 2 nev. 'ort as Teck a mk IO ECD Fok "w was a ov mans or ¢ Ic icioun gating SCrsn ckel, ib 1 ca ap on environmental issues io Mirgaret Thatcher, who 0h deveiogcd word i eis Satan Se aa, sud, "the instruments of One anal Dlum contributing problems such as and rusty." - a ue crime, drug addicuon, vandalisi anf] mental break It was interesting © hear hus cc having down, y WIN OUR! rocemly read a book called "Small is uful--A Schumacher believes "our contral ConvCUOns are in Study of Economics as if People Sasored "It way pub disorder." and we must slop letting greed and bavy nk MP lished in 1973 by author EF. Schumachet. Thiodgh rule us. Py also awareness of feels we thust environmental lati ve i BY GUESSING me sob the environmenf | ITS WEIGHT! SEI gi : (who dicd in janet banting The Scugog Citizen invites nM a. everyone to come into our feud ings nd ebuiensvwoghosates tio " 'S Major premise is oo . office at 36 Water Street, nomics as we know it needs a complete overhaul The author believes thy smallness is the key ele Port Perry and fill out Schumacher points out that economics has always been ment of the changes needed. Big companics motivated "a ballot guessi the concerned with money and with by greed, envy and lust for powef find it easy © wreak : ng f never takes into account environmental of human havoc on a grand and gr away from home, weight of our pumpkin. when the "bottom line" is calculated. An wmall-scake are much less likely Yo 4 Each guess will cost $1.00 - 10 be donated lo incredible omission on the pan of traditional eco- the environment whose continued good health i OPERATION SCUGOG - FOOD BANK. nomics has been the complete failure 10 try 10 preserve depend on Contest closes at 5:00 PM on October 25th, 1991 the "capital" that Meher Nature has provided. Insicad. 1 borrowed this powerful book from the Scugog by treating it a8 "income," we have carelessly squan. Memonal Library (via the imer-dibrary loan system) Th person who has guessed the weight dered and recommend i highly. Schumager believed "the Nearest the pumpkin' actual weight will SChumacher offers solutions, but not really helpful things will not be done from the contre, win the pumpkin as their prize. appeal much 10 people who feel they cannot be done by big organizations, but they can The pilimpkin was donated by suming lifesgyle we take for granted in middie Clady be done by the people themselves, N Mr. Mel Tapscott of Seagrave. of Canal. . Our call 10 action. | 4 " SQUARE BOY BOUARE pizzA | CIS YOU ALERT 0% None DT re Toes ia N Apgar oa Tg pizza a suss |! 2 LASAGNA 385 : ¥ 2 MEDIUM i "LARGE 3 ITEM ' aa" PORT PERRY with DEL wg ol : . 986-8448 || Giauc BREAD Qe == : =14° Sei nn 299 | inl Kea a wl P22 Emm --14n= 1 wa here? ~