Scugog Citizen -- Wednesday, October 16, 1991 --5 a Tripp makes a bid for Ward 3 Marilyn Tripp first started think- ing seriously about running for offict three years ago. "This was something I wanted 10 do and decided this is the year to try it," she told the Citizen last week. Mrs. Tripp will be seeking the scat in Ward 3 (Scugog Island) in the municipal elections next month, "As a life-long resident of Scugog Island, I feel I have some- thing to offer and contribute," she stated. And she said she's prepared to keep an open mind on all issues, "weigh the facts before coming to a decision." This will be her first attempt at clected office. For the past 20 years she has worked as a legal clerk and ts currently office manager with the Port Perry law firm of Fowler Davies One of the issues in Ward 3 that 1s of serious concern to a great many residents is the illegal storage of tires in an old barn on Concession 10, East 'We would like to see those ures removed as soon as possible, she stated. "The Township must be watching this situation closely and make surerthey are removed." Some 35,000 tires have been stored in the old barn sinco last winter. The person who rented the property has left the area. The Township, the Ministry of Environment and the property Owners are Urying to sort out the sue Commenting on the recreation facilities for the Township, Mrs Township Tripp said S ¢ believes the long range goal is attain- able. And she would be willing to consider t h e¢ putting aside some money cach year to prepare for the goal, if the bud- gets permit this. As for overall taxauon, she said "sure I'd like to sec my taxes go down." But that's not realisuc without a lowering of municipal standards Mrs. Tripp said re-cycling 1s crucial to reduce the waste going to landfills. And she said more research and education is needed to make re-cycling more effective As for the possibility of a dup being located in this Township, she hopes it would be for Townshly garbage only. But she agrees that + not realistic, either. On development issues, she pledged 10 "keep an open mind and deal with cach proposal on its ments. But she expressed concems that future development will further strain existing schools and recre ation facilives. Several umes dunng the inter view she spoke of her willingness 10 keep an open mind on issucs, lis ten to the Township staff and Marilyn Tripp On Tuesday, November 12th ELECT a a £13 CONCERNS ... Allan H. Bertrand WARD 1 COUNCILLOR SCUGOG TOWNSHIP * Resident of Scugog for over 40 years, Retired Farmer, 45 Years of Age * The ongoing landfill site location search be concluded effectively, efficiently and satisfactorily for Scugog Township * The need for affordable housing * Fiscally responsible for wise and effective use of tax dollars FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 985-3680 Authorized by the CF O lor Allan MH Berend ANIIWNNHIAOD ASN3IS NOWNOO weigh all the facts before reaching a decision, . Mrs. Tripp was born on Scugog Island and auended public school there. She and her husband Norm and their two children (ages 22 and 15) continue to make their home on Stephenson Point Road. She is a life-long member of the Head UCW and the current vice president. Mrs. Tripp is a member of the Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario. With the close of nominations SEE THE EXPERTS. Consult the Parts and Service technical support staff at your GM Dealership. They are qualified to help with all types of service requirements and nobody knows your GM vehicle better. last Friday afternoon, there are four candidates seeking office for Ward 3. Along with Mrs. Tripp, the oth- crs arc James Tower of Pine Point Road; John Abbott of Edgewood Crescent; and Ken Gadsden of Fralick's Beach Road. \. J ANDERSON'S WINTER TUNE-UP SPECIALS 3 CYLINDER ... $36.95. 4 CYLINDER ... $46.95. 6 CYLINDER ... $59.95. |. 8 CYLINDER ... $69.95. * parts extra * NOTE If anti freeze requires changing. an additonal $12 95 labour charge will apply for draining and refilling 10% OFF all PARTS * plus PST 8 GST Complimentary EXTERIOR CAR WASH with every tune-up! Preparing your car for winter helps it start better and more quickly with lower emissions. Improves both your vehicle and the environment! 50 POINT WINTER CHECK "dol LIGHTS DRIVE SHAFT REAR AXLE SUSPENSION ENGINE COOLING SUSPENSION / STEERING EXHAUST SYSTEM BRAKE SYSTEM CONT BRAKES - FRONT BRAKES - REAR GENERAL PERFORMANCE, ENGINE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM MISCELLANEOUS OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! LUBE, OIL, FILTER $26.95 plus PST & GST plus PST and GST * PARTS EXTRA INTERIOR CAR CARE $39.95 plus Lares Most Passenger Cars Ss a 9 - 95 plus Lanes "Interior" Vans (Astro, Lumina, eic,) Complete vacuum § shampoo of upholstery § compel, windows included. DENNIS DERSON 268 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY 985-8401 Direct ory Line 985-9273 Watch for our New Service Expansion ... Coming Soon! SERVICE HOURS - 8 AM to 5 PM - MONDAY thru FRIDAY Prices in effect until November 31, 1991. ov... *Does not apply with any other discou